Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
2 × United Kingdom
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Perego S.Orlando F.M.Nardini R.Venturini D.Puppin H.Vahabi R.Baraglia R.Blanco C.Lucchese ∅ N.Tonellotto F.Bonchi C.Castillo D.Donato A.Gionis V.Murdock S.Jonassen B.B.Cambazoglu D.Laforenza C.I.Muntean M.Pennacchiotti G.Capannini M.Lalmas J.Lehmann G.Shaked G.Tolomei M.Grbovic N.Djuric V.Radosavljevic N.Bhamidipati D.Ceccarelli O.Frieder M.Serranó R.A.Baeza-Yates F.Junqueira V.Plachouras D.Broccolo C.Macdonald I.Ounis F.Cacheda V.Carneiro D.Fernández V.Formoso
Talks about:
queri (8) search (7) document (5) web (5) recommend (4) identifi (4) effici (4) assign (3) engin (3) explain (2)
Person: Fabrizio Silvestri
DBLP: Silvestri:Fabrizio
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 26 papers:
- KDD-2015-LalmasLSST #experience
- Promoting Positive Post-Click Experience for In-Stream Yahoo Gemini Users (ML, JL, GS, FS, GT), pp. 1929–1938.
- SIGIR-2015-GrbovicDRSB #query
- Context- and Content-aware Embeddings for Query Rewriting in Sponsored Search (MG, ND, VR, FS, NB), pp. 383–392.
- CIKM-2013-BaragliaMNS #learning #named #predict
- LearNext: learning to predict tourists movements (RB, CIM, FMN, FS), pp. 751–756.
- CIKM-2013-BroccoloMOOPST #distributed
- Load-sensitive selective pruning for distributed search (DB, CM, SO, IO, RP, FS, NT), pp. 379–388.
- CIKM-2012-BlancoCLPS #exclamation #recommendation #why
- You should read this! let me explain you why: explaining news recommendations to users (RB, DC, CL, RP, FS), pp. 1995–1999.
- CIKM-2012-BonchiFNSV #interactive
- Interactive and context-aware tag spell check and correction (FB, OF, FMN, FS, HV), pp. 1869–1873.
- CIKM-2012-PennacchiottiSVV #twitter
- Making your interests follow you on twitter (MP, FS, HV, RV), pp. 165–174.
- ECIR-2012-LucchesePSVV #how #random
- How Random Walks Can Help Tourism (CL, RP, FS, HV, RV), pp. 195–206.
- SIGIR-2012-BonchiPSVV #performance #query #recommendation
- Efficient query recommendations in the long tail via center-piece subgraphs (FB, RP, FS, HV, RV), pp. 345–354.
- SIGIR-2012-JonassenCS #query
- Prefetching query results and its impact on search engines (SJ, BBC, FS), pp. 631–640.
- ECIR-2011-PeregoST #documentation #identifier #representation
- Representing Document Lengths with Identifiers (RP, FS, NT), pp. 665–669.
- VLDB-2011-CapanniniNPS #performance #web
- Efficient Diversification of Web Search Results (GC, FMN, RP, FS), pp. 451–459.
- CIKM-2010-SilvestriV #encoding #integer #named #performance #programming
- VSEncoding: efficient coding and fast decoding of integer lists via dynamic programming (FS, RV), pp. 1219–1228.
- CIKM-2009-BaragliaCDNPS #graph #query
- Aging effects on query flow graphs for query suggestion (RB, CC, DD, FMN, RP, FS), pp. 1947–1950.
- ECIR-2009-OrlandoS #mining #query
- Mining Query Logs (SO, FS), pp. 814–817.
- RecSys-2009-BaragliaCCFFPS #approach #query #recommendation
- Search shortcuts: a new approach to the recommendation of queries (RB, FC, VC, DF, VF, RP, FS), pp. 77–84.
- ECIR-2008-BlancoS #information retrieval #performance
- Efficiency Issues in Information Retrieval Workshop (RB, FS), p. 711.
- HPDC-2008-LaforenzaNS #collaboration #ranking #workflow
- Collaborative ranking of grid-enabled workflow service providers (DL, FMN, FS), pp. 227–228.
- ECIR-2007-Silvestri #documentation #identifier #problem #sorting
- Sorting Out the Document Identifier Assignment Problem (FS), pp. 101–112.
- SIGIR-2007-Baeza-YatesGJMPS
- The impact of caching on search engines (RABY, AG, FJ, VM, VP, FS), pp. 183–190.
- SIGIR-2007-CastilloDGMS #detection #using #web
- Know your neighbors: web spam detection using the web topology (CC, DD, AG, VM, FS), pp. 423–430.
- CIKM-2006-PuppinS #documentation
- The query-vector document model (DP, FS), pp. 880–881.
- SAC-2006-BaragliaLOSS #privacy #recommendation #web
- A privacy preserving web recommender system (RB, CL, SO, MS, FS), pp. 559–563.
- SAC-2006-PuppinS #java #network #social
- The social network of Java classes (DP, FS), pp. 1409–1413.
- SAC-2004-SilvestriPO #documentation #identifier #web
- Assigning document identifiers to enhance compressibility of Web Search Engines indexes (FS, RP, SO), pp. 600–605.
- SIGIR-2004-SilvestriOP #clustering #documentation #identifier
- Assigning identifiers to documents to enhance the clustering property of fulltext indexes (FS, SO, RP), pp. 305–312.