Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Norway
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Johnson V.Shkapenyuk L.L.Peterson C.D.Cranor S.Muthukrishnan D.Srivastava S.M.Muthukrishnan Y.Gao G.Cormode F.Korn L.Golab R.Greer J.Seidel J.Yates
Talks about:
gigascop (3) network (3) stream (3) monitor (2) applic (2) data (2) heartbeat (1) interfac (1) perform (1) databas (1)
Person: Oliver Spatscheck
DBLP: Spatscheck:Oliver
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- VLDB-2010-SrivastavaGGJSSSY #data analysis #realtime
- Enabling Real Time Data Analysis (DS, LG, RG, TJ, JS, VS, OS, JY), pp. 1–2.
- SIGMOD-2008-JohnsonMSS #clustering #data type #monitoring #network
- Query-aware partitioning for monitoring massive network data streams (TJ, SMM, VS, OS), pp. 1135–1146.
- VLDB-2005-JohnsonMSS
- A Heartbeat Mechanism and Its Application in Gigascope (TJ, SM, VS, OS), pp. 1079–1088.
- SIGMOD-2004-JohnsonCKMSS #streaming
- Holistic UDAFs at streaming speeds (GC, TJ, FK, SM, OS, DS), pp. 35–46.
- SIGMOD-2003-CranorJSS #database #named #network
- Gigascope: A Stream Database for Network Applications (CDC, TJ, OS, VS), pp. 647–651.
- SIGMOD-2002-CranorGJSS #interface #monitoring #named #network #performance #sql
- Gigascope: high performance network monitoring with an SQL interface (CDC, YG, TJ, VS, OS), p. 623.
- OSDI-1999-SpatscheckP
- Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks in Scout (OS, LLP), pp. 59–72.