Collaborated with:
Nick Webber ∅ Marcus Carter Kelly Bergstrom
Talks about:
onlin (2) eve (2) ethnograph (1) multiplay (1) imperium (1) categori (1) virtual (1) protect (1) organis (1) histori (1)
Person: Oskar Milik
DBLP: Milik:Oskar
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- FDG-2013-Milik #analysis #category theory #multi #online #social
- Protecting face in virtual life: An ethnographic analysis of identity categories and informal systems of social control in massively multiplayer online worlds (OM), pp. 477–478.
- DiGRA-2015-CarterBWM
- EVE is Real (MC, KB, NW, OM).
- DiGRA-FDG-2016-WebberM #online
- Selling the Imperium: Changing Organisational Culture and History in EVE Online (NW, OM).