Staffan Björk, Annika Waern, Mathias Fuchs
Proceedings of the Ninth DiGRA International Conference: Diversity of Play
DiGRA-2015, 2015.
Contents (38 items)
- DiGRA-2015-AbendB #editing #game studies
- Editors of Play: The Scripts and Practices of Co-creativity in Minecraft and LittleBigPlanet (PA, BB).
- DiGRA-2015-Allison #game studies #video
- Whose mind is the signal? Focalization in video game narratives (FA).
- DiGRA-2015-BalelaM #game studies #representation #video
- Analysing Cultural Heritage and its Representation in Video Games (MSB, DM).
- DiGRA-2015-BartonSQMKK #bias #design #game studies #reduction #using
- The Use of Theory in Designing a Serious Game for the Reduction of Cognitive Biases (MB, CS, MMQ, CKM, KSK, JK).
- DiGRA-2015-Baxter-Webb #game studies #platform
- The role of gaming platforms in young males' trajectories of technical expertise (JBW).
- DiGRA-2015-Bienia
- Costume Agency in German Larp (RB).
- DiGRA-2015-BrownM #game studies #video
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf and the Diversity of Horror in Video Games (AB, BM).
- DiGRA-2015-CarterBWM
- EVE is Real (MC, KB, NW, OM).
- DiGRA-2015-Champion #game studies
- Roleplaying and Rituals For Cultural Heritage-Orientated Games (EC).
- DiGRA-2015-Cole #design #elicitation #how
- The Tragedy of Betrayal: How the Design of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Elicits Emotion (TC).
- DiGRA-2015-Egliston #game studies
- Playing Across Media: Exploring Transtextuality in Competitive Games and eSports (BE).
- DiGRA-2015-ElmezenyW #game studies #how
- How gaming achieves popularity: The case of The Smash Brothers (AE, JW).
- DiGRA-2015-Friman #concept #game studies #gender #research
- The Concept and Research of Gendered Game Culture (UF).
- DiGRA-2015-Guevara-Villalobos #independence #problem
- Independent gamework and identity: Problems and subjective nuances (OGV).
- DiGRA-2015-Hammar #game studies #recognition
- Ethical Recognition of Marginalized Groups in Digital Games Culture (ELH).
- DiGRA-2015-HarrerS #design #game studies #process
- Inviting Grief into Games: The Game Design Process as Personal Dialogue (SH, HSF).
- DiGRA-2015-HeintzL #comparison #education #game studies #towards
- Game Elements-Attributes Model: a First Step towards a Structured Comparison of Educational Games (SH, ELCL).
- DiGRA-2015-Hoblitz #experience #game studies #question
- Gaming Experience as a Prerequisite for the Adoption of Digital Games in the Classroom? (AH).
- DiGRA-2015-JamesF
- Defining the Global Ludo Polychotomy (BJ, BF).
- DiGRA-2015-JayemanneNA #game studies
- Postdigital Play and the Aesthetics of Recruitment (DJ, BN, TA).
- DiGRA-2015-KaufmanFS #behaviour #design #embedded #game studies
- Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An “Embedded Design” Model (GFK, MF, MS).
- DiGRA-2015-Keogh #game studies
- Hackers and Cyborgs: Binary Domain and Two Formative Videogame Technicities (BK).
- DiGRA-2015-LankesW #game studies #visualisation
- Taking a Look at the Player's Gaze: The Effects of Gaze Visualizations on the Perceived Presence in Games (ML, SW0).
- DiGRA-2015-Lessard #game studies
- Early Computer Game Genre Preferences (1980-1984) (JL).
- DiGRA-2015-LucatH #game studies
- Ideological Narratives of Play in Tropico 4 and Crusader Kings II (BL, MH).
- DiGRA-2015-MarczakSH #comprehension #experience #matrix #similarity #using
- Understanding Player Experience Through the Use of Similarity Matrix (RM, GS, PH).
- DiGRA-2015-PaavilainenKKA #case study #experience #game studies #network #social
- Exploring Playful Experiences in Social Network Games (JP, EK, HK, KA).
- DiGRA-2015-Prax #design #game studies
- Co-Creative Game Design in MMORPGs (PP).
- DiGRA-2015-RogersonGS
- Digitising Boardgames: Issues and Tensions (MJR, MRG, WS).
- DiGRA-2015-RughinisTR #game studies #representation
- Time to Reminisce and Die: Representing Old Age in Art Games (CR, ET, RR).
- DiGRA-2015-SeidmanFK #design #game studies #lessons learnt #problem #prototype
- Failed Games: Lessons Learned from Promising but Problematic Game Prototypes in Designing for Diversity (MS, MF, GFK).
- DiGRA-2015-ShibuyaTS #analysis #game studies #mobile #social
- Systematic Analysis of In-Game Purchases and Social Features of Mobile Social Games in Japan (AS, MT, AS).
- DiGRA-2015-Stieler-HuntJ #game studies
- A Model for Exploring the Usefulness of Games for Classrooms (CSH, CMJ).
- DiGRA-2015-StraatW #game studies #heuristic
- Applying the Two-Factor-Theory to the PLAY Heuristics (BS, HW).
- DiGRA-2015-Toh #evolution
- The Limits of the Evolution of Female Characters in the Bioshock Franchise (WT).
- DiGRA-2015-WaernB #game studies #tablet
- Affective and Bodily Involvement in Children's Tablet Play (AW, GB).
- DiGRA-2015-Warpefelt #using #visual notation
- Cues and insinuations: Indicating affordances of non-player character using visual indicators (HW).
- DiGRA-2015-Winn #how
- The Well-Played MOBA: How DotA 2 and League of Legends use Dramatic Dynamics (CW).