Travelled to:
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.G.M.Petrakis C.Tryfonopoulos D.Kontominas G.Weikum M.Koubarakis T.Koutris
Talks about:
inform (3) distribut (2) retriev (2) librari (2) digit (2) self (2) architectur (1) overlay (1) organis (1) network (1)
Person: Paraskevi Raftopoulou
DBLP: Raftopoulou:Paraskevi
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECIR-2013-KontominasRTP #distributed #named #semantics #social
- DS4: A Distributed Social and Semantic Search System (DK, PR, CT, EGMP), pp. 832–836.
- ECDL-2008-RaftopoulouPTW #information retrieval #library #self
- Information Retrieval and Filtering over Self-organising Digital Libraries (PR, EGMP, CT, GW), pp. 320–333.
- ECIR-2008-RaftopoulouP #clustering #information retrieval #named #network #self
- iCluster: A Self-organizing Overlay Network for P2P Information Retrieval (PR, EGMP), pp. 65–76.
- ECDL-2002-KoubarakisKTR #architecture #distributed #library #modelling
- Information Alert in Distributed Digital Libraries: The Models, Languages, and Architecture of DIAS (MK, TK, CT, PR), pp. 527–542.