Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
L.Mamykina E.D.Mynatt D.Greenblatt A.D.Miller C.Grevet Y.Medynskiy M.A.Terry
Talks about:
manag (2) sensemak (1) scaffold (1) investig (1) collabor (1) reflect (1) social (1) nutrit (1) impact (1) examin (1)
Person: Patricia Davidson
DBLP: Davidson:Patricia
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2011-MamykinaMGMTMD #collaboration
- Examining the impact of collaborative tagging on sensemaking in nutrition management (LM, ADM, CG, YM, MAT, EDM, PD), pp. 657–666.
- CHI-2008-MamykinaMDG #named #social
- MAHI: investigation of social scaffolding for reflective thinking in diabetes management (LM, EDM, PD, DG), pp. 477–486.