Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Italy
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Lank B.Lafreniere E.D.Mynatt A.Fourney R.Mann A.Bunt M.Kay L.Mamykina R.Stedman C.Szentgyorgyi K.Nakakoji Y.Yamamoto P.Dubois D.T.Cormack B.V.Vugt B.Slack T.Park A.D.Miller C.Grevet Y.Medynskiy P.Davidson
Talks about:
applic (3) use (3) interfac (2) document (2) practic (2) element (2) comment (2) examin (2) usabl (2) sourc (2)
Person: Michael A. Terry
DBLP: Terry:Michael_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- CHI-2014-BuntDLTC #named #online
- TaggedComments: promoting and integrating user comments in online application tutorials (AB, PD, BL, MAT, DTC), pp. 4037–4046.
- CHI-2012-FourneyLMT #documentation #exclamation #interface #online #quote
- “Then click ok!”: extracting references to interface elements in online documentation (AF, BL, RM, MAT), pp. 35–38.
- CHI-2011-FourneyMT #analysis #interactive #query #usability
- Characterizing the usability of interactive applications through query log analysis (AF, RM, MAT), pp. 1817–1826.
- CHI-2011-MamykinaMGMTMD #collaboration
- Examining the impact of collaborative tagging on sensemaking in nutrition management (LM, ADM, CG, YM, MAT, EDM, PD), pp. 657–666.
- CHI-2010-LankST #documentation #fault #injection #using
- Estimating residual error rate in recognized handwritten documents using artificial error injection (EL, RS, MAT), pp. 1–4.
- CHI-2010-TerryKL #community #open source #usability
- Perceptions and practices of usability in the free/open source software (FoSS) community (MAT, MK, BL), pp. 999–1008.
- CHI-2009-BuntTL #research
- Friend or foe?: examining CAS use in mathematics research (AB, MAT, EL), pp. 229–238.
- CHI-2008-SzentgyorgyiTL #game studies #social #using
- Renegade gaming: practices surrounding social use of the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system (CS, MAT, EL), pp. 1463–1472.
- CHI-2008-TerryKVSP #named #open source
- Ingimp: introducing instrumentation to an end-user open source application (MAT, MK, BVV, BS, TP), pp. 607–616.
- CHI-2004-TerryMNY #development
- Variation in element and action: supporting simultaneous development of alternative solutions (MAT, EDM, KN, YY), pp. 711–718.
- CHI-2001-MamykinaMT #interface
- Time Aura: interfaces for pacing (LM, EDM, MAT), pp. 144–151.