Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
R.Fablet V.Samson G.Piriou J.Yao G.Lefaix É.Marchand E.Veneau R.Ronfard A.Crétual F.Chaumette C.Hennebert V.Rebuffel F.Dekeyser P.Pérez É.Payot
Talks about:
motion (8) base (5) video (4) imag (3) sequenc (2) segment (2) cluster (2) object (2) detect (2) track (2)
Person: Patrick Bouthemy
DBLP: Bouthemy:Patrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICPR-v4-2004-PiriouBY #detection #image #modelling #probability
- Learned Probabilistic Image Motion Models for Event Detection in Videos (GP, PB, JFY), pp. 207–210.
- ICPR-v4-2004-SamsonB #clustering #learning #parallel #robust #video
- Learning Classes for Video Interpretation with a Robust Parallel Clustering Method (VS, PB), pp. 569–572.
- ICPR-v4-2002-LefaixMB #detection
- Motion-Based Obstacle Detection and Tracking for Car Driving Assistance (GL, ÉM, PB), pp. 74–77.
- ICPR-v3-2000-DekeyserBPP #2d #image #parametricity #sequence
- Super-Resolution from Noisy Image Sequences Exploiting a 2D Parametric Motion Model (FD, PB, PP, ÉP), pp. 3354–3357.
- ICPR-v4-2000-FabletB #statistics #using
- Statistical Motion-Based Object Indexing Using Optic Flow Field (RF, PB), pp. 4287–4290.
- ICPR-v4-2000-VeneauRB #clustering #segmentation #sequence #video
- From Video Shot Clustering to Sequence Segmentation (EV, RR, PB), pp. 4254–4257.
- ICPR-1998-BouthemyF #metric #video
- Motion characterization from temporal cooccurrences of local motion-based measures for video indexing (PB, RF), pp. 905–908.
- ICPR-1998-CretualCB #2d #image #visual notation
- Complex object tracking by visual servoing based on 2D image motion (AC, FC, PB), pp. 1251–1254.
- ICPR-1996-HennebertRB #2d #approach #segmentation
- A hierarchical approach for scene segmentation based on 2D motion (CH, VR, PB), pp. 218–222.