Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
É.Mémin F.Heitz C.Avenel T.Corpetti C.Kervrann J.Laferté F.Dekeyser P.Bouthemy É.Payot O.Miksik V.Vineet M.Lidegaard R.Prasaath M.Nießner S.Golodetz S.L.Hicks S.Izadi P.H.S.Torr
Talks about:
model (3) estim (3) motion (2) track (2) optic (2) imag (2) flow (2) multiresolut (1) unsupervis (1) paintbrush (1)
Person: Patrick Pérez
DBLP: P=eacute=rez:Patrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2015-MiksikVLPNGHPIT #3d #interactive #recognition #scalability #semantics
- The Semantic Paintbrush: Interactive 3D Mapping and Recognition in Large Outdoor Spaces (OM, VV, ML, RP, MN, SG, SLH, PP, SI, PHST), pp. 3317–3326.
- ICPR-2010-AvenelMP #probability #set
- Stochastic Filtering of Level Sets for Curve Tracking (CA, ÉM, PP), pp. 3553–3556.
- ICPR-v3-2000-CorpettiMP
- Estimating Fluid Optical Flow (TC, ÉM, PP), pp. 7045–7048.
- ICPR-v3-2000-DekeyserBPP #2d #image #parametricity #sequence
- Super-Resolution from Noisy Image Sequences Exploiting a 2D Parametric Motion Model (FD, PB, PP, ÉP), pp. 3354–3357.
- ICPR-1996-KervrannHP #estimation #modelling #statistics
- Statistical model-based estimation and tracking of non-rigid motion (CK, FH, PP), pp. 244–248.
- ICPR-1996-LaferteHP #algorithm #classification #image #multi
- A multiresolution EM algorithm for unsupervised image classification (JML, FH, PP), pp. 849–853.
- ICPR-1996-MeminP #robust
- Robust discontinuity-preserving model for estimating optical flow (ÉM, PP), pp. 920–924.