Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Wegmann G.Regev I.Rychkova L.Lê O.Perroud
Talks about:
busi (3) align (2) seam (2) architectur (1) enterpris (1) requir (1) earli (1)
Person: Philippe Julia
DBLP: Julia:Philippe
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- EDOC-2007-WegmannRRLJ #architecture #enterprise
- Business and IT Alignment with SEAM for Enterprise Architecture (AW, GR, IR, LSL, PJ), pp. 111–121.
- RE-2007-WegmannJRPR #requirements
- Early Requirements and Business-IT Alignment with SEAM for Business (AW, PJ, GR, OP, IR), pp. 111–114.