Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × India
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Japan
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Regev A.Naumenko D.C.Gause I.Rychkova O.Preiss G.Genilloud A.B.Saxena L.Lê O.Hayard P.Balabko ∅ P.Julia A.Bindal J.D.D.l.Cruz A.Golnam S.Kyriakopoulou A.Kotsalainen L.Matthey A.Giannattasio O.Perroud
Talks about:
model (9) system (8) busi (6) requir (5) architectur (4) enterpris (4) seam (4) role (4) conceptu (3) composit (3)
Person: Alain Wegmann
DBLP: Wegmann:Alain
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-SaxenaBW #composition #learning
- A Cognitive Reference based Model for Learning Compositional Hierarchies with Whole-composite Tags (ABS, AB, AW), pp. 119–127.
- RE-2013-GolnamRWK #case study #integration #scalability
- The integration of an RE method and AHP: A pilot study in a large Swiss bank (AG, GR, AW, SK), pp. 308–313.
- KEOD-2010-SaxenaW #design #ontology
- Panhaa Systemic Design of Regulation Enabling Ontology (ABS, AW), pp. 70–83.
- RE-2009-RegevHGW #modelling #perspective #requirements
- Modeling Service-Level Requirements: A Constancy Perspective (GR, OH, DCG, AW), pp. 231–236.
- REFSQ-2009-RegevHGW #quality #towards
- Toward a Service Management Quality Model (GR, OH, DCG, AW), pp. 16–21.
- EDOC-2008-WegmannKMRG #architecture #concept #enterprise #framework
- Augmenting the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework with a Systemic Conceptualization (AW, AK, LM, GR, AG), pp. 3–13.
- RE-2008-RegevGW #approach #education #learning #requirements
- Requirements Engineering Education in the 21st Century, An Experiential Learning Approach (GR, DCG, AW), pp. 85–94.
- EDOC-2007-RychkovaRLW
- From Business to IT with SEAM: The J2EE Pet Store Example (IR, GR, LSL, AW), pp. 495–502.
- EDOC-2007-WegmannRRLJ #architecture #enterprise
- Business and IT Alignment with SEAM for Enterprise Architecture (AW, GR, IR, LSL, PJ), pp. 111–121.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-RychkovaW #automation #refinement #specification #towards #visual notation
- Refinement Propagation — Towards Automated Construction of Visual Specifications (IR, AW), pp. 196–204.
- RE-2007-WegmannJRPR #requirements
- Early Requirements and Business-IT Alignment with SEAM for Business (AW, PJ, GR, OP, IR), pp. 111–114.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CruzLW #contract #specification #visual notation
- Visual Contracts — A Way to Reason about States and Cardinalities in IT System Specifications (JDDlC, LSL, AW), pp. 298–303.
- RE-2006-RegevGW #problem
- Creativity and the Age-Old Resistance to Change Problem in RE (GR, DCG, AW), pp. 284–291.
- RE-2005-RegevW #requirements
- Where do Goals Come from: the Underlying Principles of Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GR, AW), pp. 353–362.
- RE-2004-RegevW #approach #requirements
- Defining Early IT System Requirements with Regulation Principles: The Lightswitch Approach (GR, AW), pp. 144–153.
- EDOC-2003-WegmannP #architecture #enterprise
- MDA in Enterprise Architecture? The Living System Theory to the Rescue... (AW, OP), pp. 2–13.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-BalabkoW #concept #modelling #synthesis
- A Synthesis of Business Role Models: Conceptual Tool for Business Innovations (PB, AW), pp. 211–220.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-NaumenkoW #modelling
- Two Approaches in System Modeling and Their Illustrations with MDA and RM-ODP (AN, AW), pp. 398–402.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-Wegmann #architecture #enterprise #on the
- On the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology (Seam) (AW), pp. 483–490.
- UML-2002-NaumenkoW #metamodelling #modelling
- A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language (AN, AW), pp. 2–17.
- CBSE-2001-PreissW #composition #problem #towards
- Towards a Composition Model Problem based on IEC61850 (OP, AW), p. 18.
- EDOC-2001-WegmannN #concept #modelling #ontology #using
- Conceptual Modeling of Complex Systems Using an RM-ODP Based Ontology (AW, AN), pp. 200–211.
- EDOC-2000-GenilloudW #concept #modelling
- A Foundation for the Concept of Role in Object Modelling (GG, AW), pp. 76–85.
- UML-2000-WegmannG #case study #diagrams
- The Roles of “Roles” in Use Case Diagrams (AW, GG), pp. 210–224.