Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Spain
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ H.Herbelin M.Abadi L.Cardelli C.Faggian R.D.Cosmo G.Ghelli R.Bellucci G.Cousineau M.Mauny M.P.Fiore G.Munch-Maccagnoni J.Lévy
Talks about:
combinatori (2) polymorph (2) parametr (2) abstract (2) categor (2) system (2) formal (2) comput (2) model (2) logic (2)
Person: Pierre-Louis Curien
DBLP: Curien:Pierre=Louis
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- CSL-2008-Curien #diagrams #string
- The Joy of String Diagrams (PLC), pp. 15–22.
- CSL-2005-CurienF
- L-Nets, Strategies and Proof-Nets (PLC, CF), pp. 167–183.
- ICFP-2000-CurienH
- The duality of computation (PLC, HH), pp. 233–243.
- FLOPS-1998-CurienH
- Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees (PLC, HH), pp. 20–39.
- TLCA-1995-BellucciAC #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism
- A Model for Formal Parametric Polymorphism: A PER Interpretation for System R (RB, MA, PLC), pp. 32–46.
- POPL-1993-AbadiCC #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism
- Formal Parametric Polymorphism (MA, LC, PLC), pp. 157–170.
- LICS-1992-Curien #algorithm #data type
- Observable Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures (PLC), pp. 432–443.
- ICALP-1991-CurienC #reduction #λ-calculus
- A Concluent Reduction for the λ-Calculus with Surjective Pairing and Terminal Object (PLC, RDC), pp. 291–302.
- RTA-1991-CurienG #confluence #normalisation #on the
- On Confluence for Weakly Normalizing Systems (PLC, GG), pp. 215–225.
- POPL-1990-AbadiCCL
- Explicit Substitutions (MA, LC, PLC, JJL), pp. 31–46.
- FPCA-1985-CousineauCM85 #automaton #category theory
- The Categorical Abstract Machine (GC, PLC, MM), pp. 50–64.
- ICALP-1985-Curien #category theory #combinator #logic
- Categorical Combinatory Logic (PLC), pp. 130–139.
- CAAP-1985-Curien #combinator #logic
- Typed Categorial Combinatory Logic (PLC), pp. 157–172.
- POPL-2016-CurienFM #calculus #formal method #modelling
- A theory of effects and resources: adjunction models and polarised calculi (PLC, MPF, GMM), pp. 44–56.