Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Gelgon F.Picarougne O.Parisot B.Otjacques
Talks about:
paramet (2) variat (2) mixtur (2) bay (2) probabilist (1) algorithm (1) techniqu (1) spectral (1) parametr (1) gaussian (1)
Person: Pierrick Bruneau
DBLP: Bruneau:Pierrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICPR-2014-BruneauPO #algorithm #automation #clustering #heuristic
- A Heuristic for the Automatic Parametrization of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm (PB, OP, BO), pp. 1313–1318.
- ICPR-2010-BruneauGP #parametricity #probability
- Aggregation of Probabilistic PCA Mixtures with a Variational-Bayes Technique Over Parameters (PB, MG, FP), pp. 702–705.
- ICPR-2008-BruneauGP #approach #modelling #reduction
- Parameter-based reduction of Gaussian mixture models with a variational-Bayes approach (PB, MG, FP), pp. 1–4.