Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.d.B.Saccol N.Edelweiss C.A.Heuser C.Zaniolo G.D.Bianco M.M.Moro A.Torres M.S.Pimenta R.P.Noll R.L.F.Cordeiro C.S.d.Santos D.d.V.Feijo C.N.Fuzitaki Á.F.Moreira
Talks about:
xml (5) version (3) model (3) approach (2) languag (2) system (2) integr (2) queri (2) manag (2) peer (2)
Person: Renata de Matos Galante
DBLP: Galante:Renata_de_Matos
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- SAC-2011-BiancoGH #approach #manycore #parallel #performance
- A fast approach for parallel deduplication on multicore processors (GDB, RdMG, CAH), pp. 1027–1032.
- SEKE-2009-MoroSG #ontology #xml
- TRIple Content-based OnTology (TRICOt) for XML Dissemination (MMM, DdBS, RdMG), pp. 564–568.
- SEKE-2009-TorresGP #java #modelling #persistent
- MD-JPA Profile: A Model Driven Language for Java Persistence (AT, RdMG, MSP), pp. 727–732.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-SaccolNEG #approach #ontology #semantics
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Semantic Interoperability in P2P Systems (DdBS, RPN, NE, RdMG), pp. 310–316.
- SEKE-2008-SaccolEG #metadata #peer-to-peer #query #xml
- A Metadata Model for Managing and Querying XML Resources in Peer-to-peer Systems (DdBS, NE, RdMG), pp. 525–530.
- DocEng-2007-SaccolEGZ #detection #xml
- XML version detection (DdBS, NE, RdMG, CZ), pp. 79–88.
- SEKE-2007-CordeiroGES #classification #constraints #database #design #version control
- A Deep Classification of Temporal Versioned Integrity Constraints for Designing Database Applications (RLFC, RdMG, NE, CSdS), pp. 416–421.
- SEKE-2007-FeijoFMGH #concept #modelling #named #query #xml
- CXPath: a Query Language for Conceptual Models of Integrated XML Data (DdVF, CNF, ÁFM, RdMG, CAH), p. 592–?.
- SEKE-2007-SaccolEGZ #xml
- Managing XML Versions and Replicas in a P2P Context (DdBS, NE, RdMG, CZ), p. 680–?.