Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × Brazil
Collaborated with:
J.A.C.Guerrero M.d.G.C.Pimentel A.A.Macedo A.A.Macedo A.Barreiro J.Parapar D.C.Lobato M.Q.Barbosa C.A.C.Teixeira C.A.Izeki R.P.d.M.Fortes K.N.Truong A.K.Sankarankutty P.Azevedo-Marques L.Wichert-Ana
Talks about:
document (3) support (2) servic (2) semant (2) round (2) medic (2) grand (2) link (2) ethnograph (1) middlewar (1)
Person: Renato Bulcão Neto
DBLP: Neto:Renato_Bulc=atilde=o
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SAC-2010-NetoGBPM #automation #documentation #fault #image #semantics
- An automatic linking service of document images reducing the effects of OCR errors with latent semantics (RBN, JACG, AB, JP, AAM), pp. 13–17.
- DocEng-2008-Bulcao-NetoGM #prototype
- A prototype documenter system for medical grand rounds (RBN, JACG, AAM), pp. 104–105.
- SAC-2008-LobatoBNTP #middleware #semantics
- Exploiting semantic information on a message exchanging middleware (DCL, MQB, RBN, CACT, MdGCP), pp. 514–515.
- SAC-2008-NetoSMAWG #experience #ubiquitous
- Supporting ethnographic studies of ubiquitous computing in the medical grand round experience (RBN, AKS, AAM, PAM, LWA, JACG), pp. 1642–1646.
- DocEng-2002-NetoIPFT #authoring #documentation #web
- An open linking service supporting the authoring of web documents (RBN, CAI, MdGCP, RPdMF, KNT), pp. 66–73.