Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Republic of China
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Brazil
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.M.B.Paiva A.P.Freire D.Lucrédio T.J.Bittar A.T.Neto W.M.Watanabe R.J.Geraldo J.Whittle E.S.d.Almeida V.C.Garcia S.R.d.L.Meira R.G.Rossi S.O.Rezende K.Felizardo M.A.S.Turine S.M.Aluísio L.Specia T.A.S.Pardo E.G.Maziero R.B.Neto C.A.Izeki M.d.G.C.Pimentel K.N.Truong A.Álvaro F.A.Durão E.C.R.Santos
Talks about:
web (5) engin (4) softwar (3) design (3) brazilian (2) rational (2) multimod (2) interfac (2) develop (2) search (2)
Person: Renata Pontin de Mattos Fortes
DBLP: Fortes:Renata_Pontin_de_Mattos
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- SAC-2014-WatanabeGF #consistency #navigation
- Keyboard navigation mechanisms in tab widgets: an investigation on ARIA’s conformance (WMW, RJG, RPdMF), pp. 721–726.
- SEKE-2010-NetoFRR #design #evaluation #interface #multimodal #named #reuse #usability
- MMWA-ae: boosting knowledge from Multimodal Interface Design, Reuse and Usability Evaluation (ATN, RPdMF, RGR, SOR), pp. 355–360.
- SAC-2009-NetoBFF #case study #interface #multimodal #usability #web
- Developing and evaluating web multimodal interfaces — a case study with usability principles (ATN, TJB, RPdMF, KF), pp. 116–120.
- DocEng-2008-AluisioSPMF #automation #towards
- Towards Brazilian Portuguese automatic text simplification systems (SMA, LS, TASP, EGM, RPdMF), pp. 240–248.
- MoDELS-2008-LucredioFW #named
- MOOGLE: A Model Search Engine (DL, RPdMF, JW), pp. 296–310.
- SAC-2008-FreireBF #approach #metric #monitoring #web
- An approach based on metrics for monitoring web accessibility in Brazilian municipalities web sites (APF, TJB, RPdMF), pp. 2421–2425.
- SEKE-2008-AlmeidaAGLFM #domain model #process
- A Systematic Process for Domain Engineering (ESdA, AÁ, VCG, DL, RPdMF, SRdLM), pp. 655–660.
- ITiCSE-2007-FreireFPT #education #using #web
- Using screen readers to reinforce web accessibility education (APF, RPdMF, DMBP, MAST), pp. 82–86.
- CBSE-2006-GarciaLDSAFM #architecture #component #specification
- From Specification to Experimentation: A Software Component Search Engine Architecture (VCG, DL, FAD, ECRS, ESdA, RPdMF, SRdLM), pp. 82–97.
- SEKE-2006-PaivaFF #design #development #representation #requirements
- Design Rationale in Academic Software Development: Requirements for a Representation Model (DMBP, APF, RPdMF), pp. 469–472.
- SEKE-2005-PaivaF #case study #design #re-engineering
- Design Rationale in Software Engineering: A Case Study (DMBP, RPdMF), pp. 342–347.
- DocEng-2002-NetoIPFT #authoring #documentation #web
- An open linking service supporting the authoring of web documents (RBN, CAI, MdGCP, RPdMF, KNT), pp. 66–73.