Collaborated with:
D.Rafiei B.Bhattacharjee L.Lim T.Malkemus G.A.Mihaila K.A.Ross S.Lau C.McCarthur Z.Tóth
Talks about:
effici (2) trajectori (1) compress (1) similar (1) search (1) histor (1) archiv (1) index (1) data (1) luw (1)
Person: Reza Sherkat
DBLP: Sherkat:Reza
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- VLDB-2009-BhattacharjeeLMMRLMTS #performance
- Efficient Index Compression in DB2 LUW (BB, LL, TM, GAM, KAR, SL, CM, ZT, RS), pp. 1462–1473.
- VLDB-2008-SherkatR #on the
- On efficiently searching trajectories and archival data for historical similarities (RS, DR), pp. 896–908.