Stem trajectori$ (all stems)
195 papers:
CASE-2015-ArdakaniORJ #generative #predict #realtime #using- Real-time trajectory generation using model predictive control (MMGA, BO, AR, RJ), pp. 942–948.
CASE-2015-GleesonBBCL #automation #code generation #optimisation- Optimizing robot trajectories for automatic robot code generation (DG, SB, RB, JSC, BL), pp. 495–500.
CASE-2015-JiYA #automation #mobile #network #re-engineering- Automatic calibration and trajectory reconstruction of mobile robot in camera sensor network (YJ, AY, HA), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2015-LinYCLL #constraints #scheduling- A master-axis-based feedrate scheduling with jerk constraints for five-axis tool center point trajectory (MTL, NTY, WTC, CYL, YML), pp. 111–116.
HT-2015-BeckerSLHHS #named #visualisation- VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories (MB, PS, FL, AH, DH, MS), pp. 319–320.
SIGMOD-2015-WangZZS #in memory #named- SharkDB: An In-Memory Storage System for Massive Trajectory Data (HW, KZ, XZ, SWS), pp. 1099–1104.
VLDB-2015-HeCMPS #named #synthesis #using- DPT: Differentially Private Trajectory Synthesis Using Hierarchical Reference Systems (XH, GC, AM, CMP, DS), pp. 1154–1165.
SANER-2015-JiangPWXZ- Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory by Grouping and Aggregating relevant code changes (QJ, XP, HW, ZX, WZ), pp. 361–370.
CHI-2015-DuCZL- Trajectory Bundling for Animated Transitions (FD, NC, JZ, YRL), pp. 289–298.
CHI-2015-HillmanW #approach #social #social media- Situated Social Media Use: A Methodological Approach to Locating Social Media Practices and Trajectories (TH, AW), pp. 4057–4060.
HCI-UC-2015-FrauCT #mobile #predict #probability #prototype #visualisation- Graphic Visualization of Probabilistic Traffic/Trajectory Predictions in Mobile Applications. A First Prototype and Evaluations for General Aviation Purposes (GF, FDC, DT), pp. 154–164.
KDD-2015-KimHY #mining #named #topic- TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining (YK, JH, CY), pp. 587–596.
RecSys-2015-Guardia-Sebaoun #modelling #performance #recommendation- Latent Trajectory Modeling: A Light and Efficient Way to Introduce Time in Recommender Systems (ÉGS, VG, PG), pp. 281–284.
SEKE-2015-AlencarARRB #rule-based- A Rule-based Method for Discovering Trajectory Profiles (LAdA, LOA, CR, AR, VB), pp. 244–249.
SAC-2015-IglesiaJGP #parallel- Parallel trajectory synchronization for aircraft conflicts resolution (EdlI, GBJ, CG, MP), pp. 1339–1341.
CAV-2015-ChakrabortyKSGH #evaluation- Word-Level Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (SC, ZK, CJHS, RG, TH, DC, RM), pp. 128–143.
CASE-2014-ChangYLC #behaviour #mining #towards #video- Toward mining anomalous behavior from big moving trajectories in surveillance video (CWC, MHY, CCL, KTC), pp. 1121–1126.
CASE-2014-LuoHA #online #predict- Online trajectory tracking based on model predictive control for Service Robot (RCL, KCH, RA), pp. 1238–1243.
CASE-2014-ParkLH #generative #performance #using- Trajectory generation method using Bézier spiral curves for high-speed on-road autonomous vehicles (BP, YCL, WYH), pp. 927–932.
SIGMOD-2014-Xie #distance #named #similarity- EDS: a segment-based distance measure for sub-trajectory similarity search (MX), pp. 1609–1610.
VLDB-2014-SongSZZ #framework #named #network #novel- PRESS: A Novel Framework of Trajectory Compression in Road Networks (RS, WS, BZ, YZ), pp. 661–672.
VLDB-2014-SuZZHZ #named- STMaker — A System to Make Sense of Trajectory Data (HS, KZ, KZ, JH, XZ), pp. 1701–1704.
VLDB-2014-ZhangHSLP #fine-grained #mining #named #semantics- Splitter: Mining Fine-Grained Sequential Patterns in Semantic Trajectories (CZ, JH, LS, JL, TFLP), pp. 769–780.
VLDB-2015-LongWJ14 #fault- Trajectory Simplification: On Minimizing the Direction-based Error (CL, RCWW, HVJ), pp. 49–60.
CIKM-2014-WangZXZZS #in memory #named- SharkDB: An In-Memory Column-Oriented Trajectory Storage (HW, KZ, JX, BZ, XZ, SWS), pp. 1409–1418.
ICML-c2-2014-LevineK #learning #network #optimisation #policy- Learning Complex Neural Network Policies with Trajectory Optimization (SL, VK), pp. 829–837.
ICPR-2014-De-la-TorreGRSG #recognition #self- Self-Updating with Facial Trajectories for Video-to-Video Face Recognition (MDlT, EG, PVWR, RS, DOG), pp. 1669–1674.
ICPR-2014-GoldhammerDBGS #network- Pedestrian’s Trajectory Forecast in Public Traffic with Artificial Neural Networks (MG, KD, UB, AG, BS), pp. 4110–4115.
ICPR-2014-HuLYLL #database #evaluation #mining #multi- Multi-camera Trajectory Mining: Database and Evaluation (YH, SL, DY, ZL, SZL), pp. 4684–4689.
ICPR-2014-LiHYGPJ #classification #re-engineering- Locality-Constrained Sparse Reconstruction for Trajectory Classification (CL, ZH, QY, SG, LP, JJ), pp. 2602–2606.
ICPR-2014-LinH #analysis #using- Crossroad Traffic Surveillance Using Superpixel Tracking and Vehicle Trajectory Analysis (DTL, CHH), pp. 2251–2256.
ICPR-2014-ZouYCDJ #clustering #correlation #topic #video- A Belief Based Correlated Topic Model for Trajectory Clustering in Crowded Video Scenes (JZ, QY, YC, DSD, JJ), pp. 2543–2548.
KDD-2014-WangZX #estimation #using- Travel time estimation of a path using sparse trajectories (YW, YZ, YX), pp. 25–34.
KDD-2014-XuLGBB #mining #modelling #similarity- Modeling professional similarity by mining professional career trajectories (YX, ZL, AG, AB, AB), pp. 1945–1954.
KDD-2014-YuCRW #detection- Detecting moving object outliers in massive-scale trajectory streams (YY, LC, EAR, QW), pp. 422–431.
CASE-2013-IsmailH #3d #anti #higher-order #using- Trajectory tracking and anti-sway control of three-dimensional offshore boom cranes using second-order sliding modes (RMTRI, QPH), pp. 996–1001.
CASE-2013-JiangSCBG #synthesis- Moving trajectories and controller synthesis for an assistive device for arm rehabilitation (LJ, RS, MHMC, LEB, GG), pp. 268–273.
CASE-2013-WilsonM #design #estimation #parametricity- Optimal trajectory design for well-conditioned parameter estimation (ADW, TDM), pp. 13–19.
DATE-2013-JongheDDG #modelling #recursion- Extracting analytical nonlinear models from analog circuits by recursive vector fitting of transfer function trajectories (DdJ, DD, TD, GGEG), pp. 1448–1453.
SIGMOD-2013-LuoT0N- Finding time period-based most frequent path in big trajectory data (WL, HT, LC, LMN), pp. 713–724.
SIGMOD-2013-SuZWHZ #analysis #similarity- Calibrating trajectory data for similarity-based analysis (HS, KZ, HW, JH, XZ), pp. 833–844.
VLDB-2013-LongWGJ- Direction-Preserving Trajectory Simplification (CL, RCWW, HVJ), pp. 949–960.
VLDB-2013-XueZZXYTJZ #named #predict #privacy- DesTeller: A System for Destination Prediction Based on Trajectories with Privacy Protection (AYX, RZ, YZ, XX, JY, YT), pp. 1198–1201.
VLDB-2014-NiedermayerZERM0K13 #nearest neighbour #nondeterminism #probability #query- Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Queries on Uncertain Moving Object Trajectories (JN, AZ, TE, MR, NM, LC, HPK), pp. 205–216.
CHI-2013-FoshBRKB- see me, feel me, touch me, hear me: trajectories and interpretation in a sculpture garden (LF, SB, SR, BK, PB), pp. 149–158.
CHI-2013-FouseWJH #social- Reifying social movement trajectories (AF, NW, CJ, JDH), pp. 2945–2948.
CHI-2013-SantosaCBS #editing #visual notation- Direct space-time trajectory control for visual media editing (SS, FC, RB, KS), pp. 1149–1158.
HCI-IMT-2013-OeST #undo- Undo/Redo by Trajectory (TO, BS, JT), pp. 712–721.
ICEIS-v1-2013-BarbosaCRM #estimation #network- Average Speed Estimation for Road Networks based on GPS Raw Trajectories (IB, MAC, CR, JAFdM), pp. 490–497.
KDD-2013-ChiangLPY- Inferring distant-time location in low-sampling-rate trajectories (MFC, YHL, WCP, PSY), pp. 1454–1457.
KDD-2013-TangYGHLP #cyber-physical #mining- Mining lines in the sand: on trajectory discovery from untrustworthy data in cyber-physical system (LAT, XY, QG, JH, AL, TFLP), pp. 410–418.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GengUA #algorithm #mining- Trajectory Pattern Mining in Practice — Algorithms for Mining Flock Patterns from Trajectories (XG, TU, HA), pp. 143–151.
SEKE-2013-SilvaD #approach #semantics- A context-aware approach on semantic trajectories (S) (CS, MARD), pp. 435–440.
CASE-2012-HansenOMO #approach #energy #generative #industrial- Enhanced approach for energy-efficient trajectory generation of industrial robots (CH, JÖ, DM, TO), pp. 1–7.
CASE-2012-IsmailDH #higher-order #using- Observer-based trajectory tracking for a class of underactuated Lagrangian systems using higher-order sliding modes (RMTRI, TDN, QPH), pp. 1204–1209.
CASE-2012-KharboutlyMGC #2d- 2D open loop trajectory control of a micro-object in a dielectrophoresis-based device (MK, AM, MG, NC), pp. 950–955.
CHI-2012-AminiBKTK #mobile- Trajectory-aware mobile search (SA, AJBB, JK, JT, AKK), pp. 2561–2564.
CIKM-2012-LvCC #semantics- Discovering personally semantic places from GPS trajectories (ML, LC, GC), pp. 1552–1556.
ICPR-2012-AtmosukartoGA #kernel #recognition #representation- Trajectory-based Fisher kernel representation for action recognition in videos (IA, BG, NA), pp. 3333–3336.
ICPR-2012-BeyanF- A filtering mechanism for normal fish trajectories (CB, RBF), pp. 2286–2289.
ICPR-2012-ChenXF #approximate #using- Compression of GPS trajectories using optimized approximation (MC, MX, PF), pp. 3180–3183.
ICPR-2012-LiuL #analysis #detection #learning #multi- Unsupervised multi-target trajectory detection, learning and analysis in complicated environments (HL, JL), pp. 3716–3720.
ICPR-2012-NarayanR #segmentation #using- Motion segmentation using curve fitting on Lagrangian particle trajectories (SN, KRR), pp. 3692–3695.
ICPR-2012-ShenMZ #analysis #graph #learning #online- Unsupervised online learning trajectory analysis based on weighted directed graph (YS, ZM, JZ), pp. 1306–1309.
ICPR-2012-TakahashiI #predict- Predicting battery life from usage trajectory patterns (TT, TI), pp. 2946–2949.
ICPR-2012-UlmB #clustering #online #robust- Robust online trajectory clustering without computing trajectory distances (MU, NB), pp. 2270–2273.
ICPR-2012-ZhangYCLZ #clustering #segmentation #video- Video object segmentation by clustering region trajectories (GZ, ZY, DC, YL, NZ), pp. 2598–2601.
ICPR-2012-ZhuVL #re-engineering- Camera-less articulated trajectory reconstruction (YZ, JV, SL), pp. 841–844.
KDD-2012-WeiZP #nondeterminism- Constructing popular routes from uncertain trajectories (LYW, YZ, WCP), pp. 195–203.
CASE-2011-BoemPFP #clustering #distance #multi #using- Multi-feature trajectory clustering using Earth Mover’s Distance (FB, FAP, GF, TP), pp. 310–315.
CASE-2011-HaoD #incremental #optimisation #using- Optimization of tool trajectory for Incremental Sheet Forming using closed loop control (WH, SD), pp. 779–784.
CASE-2011-WigstromL #energy #optimisation #scheduling- Energy optimization of trajectories for high level scheduling (OW, BL), pp. 654–659.
CHI-2011-QuinnCRD #cost analysis #multi #on the- On the costs of multiple trajectory pointing methods (PQ, AC, KJR, JD), pp. 859–862.
HIMI-v2-2011-NguyenBRHVSB #how #multi- How Data Comm Methods and Multi-dimensional Traffic Displays Influence Pilot Workload under Trajectory Based Operations (JHN, LPB, RCR, MH, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 507–515.
ICEIS-v1-2011-BakshevSMVC #semantics #visualisation- Trajectory Semantic Visualization (SB, LS, JAFdM, CAV, MAC), pp. 326–332.
CIKM-2011-PelekisGVKT #privacy #query- Privacy-aware querying over sensitive trajectory data (NP, AGD, MV, DK, YT), pp. 895–904.
KDD-2011-SimonLJV #comprehension #image #using- Understanding atrophy trajectories in alzheimer’s disease using association rules on MRI images (GJS, PWL, CRJJ, PV), pp. 369–376.
MLDM-2011-ChenER #mining #parametricity #using- Mining Spatial Trajectories Using Non-parametric Density Functions (CSC, CFE, NJR), pp. 496–510.
SAC-2011-LiuCC #network #query- Voronoi-based range query for trajectory data in spatial networks (SL, LC, GC), pp. 1022–1026.
CASE-2010-Julius #design #hybrid- Trajectory-based controller design for hybrid systems with affine continuous dynamics (AAJ), pp. 1007–1012.
SIGMOD-2010-ChenSZZX #performance- Searching trajectories by locations: an efficiency study (ZC, HTS, XZ, YZ, XX), pp. 255–266.
CIKM-2010-GeXZOYL #detection #evolution #named- Top-Eye: top-k evolving trajectory outlier detection (YG, HX, ZHZ, HTO, JY, KCL), pp. 1733–1736.
ICPR-2010-AungSN #3d #precise- Traj Align: A Method for Precise Matching of 3-D Trajectories (ZA, KS, WSN), pp. 3818–3821.
ICPR-2010-CalderaraPC #people #similarity #statistics #using- Alignment-Based Similarity of People Trajectories Using Semi-directional Statistics (SC, AP, RC), pp. 4275–4278.
ICPR-2010-LiuLH #learning #multi #representation #using- Semi-supervised Trajectory Learning Using a Multi-Scale Key Point Based Trajectory Representation (YL, XL, WH), pp. 3525–3528.
ICPR-2010-RicciTZ #kernel #learning- Learning Pedestrian Trajectories with Kernels (ER, FT, GZ), pp. 149–152.
ICPR-2010-ZhangXL #detection #video- Extracting Key Sub-trajectory Features for Supervised Tactic Detection in Sports Video (YZ, CX, HL), pp. 125–128.
SAC-2010-MahrsiPHR- Spatiotemporal sampling for trajectory streams (MKEM, CP, GH, FR), pp. 1627–1628.
CASE-2009-JohnsonM #animation #automation #optimisation #synthesis #using- Automated trajectory synthesis from animation data using trajectory optimization (ERJ, TDM), pp. 274–279.
CHI-2009-BenfordGKR #case study #design #experience #interactive #user interface- From interaction to trajectories: designing coherent journeys through user experiences (SB, GG, BK, TR), pp. 709–718.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-AlbusacCLVL #analysis #detection- Intelligent Surveillance for Trajectory Analysis — Detecting Anomalous Situations in Monitored Environments (JA, JJCS, LJL, DV, LMLL), pp. 102–107.
ICEIS-J-2009-BogdanovychBS #3d- Recognizing Customers’ Mood in 3D Shopping Malls Based on the Trajectories of Their Avatars (AB, MB, SJS), pp. 745–757.
CIKM-2009-MohammedFD #analysis- Walking in the crowd: anonymizing trajectory data for pattern analysis (NM, BCMF, MD), pp. 1441–1444.
ICML-2009-JetchevT #learning #predict- Trajectory prediction: learning to map situations to robot trajectories (NJ, MT), pp. 449–456.
ICML-2009-Toussaint #approximate #optimisation #using- Robot trajectory optimization using approximate inference (MT), pp. 1049–1056.
ICML-2009-ZangZMI- Discovering options from example trajectories (PZ, PZ, DM, CLIJ), pp. 1217–1224.
KDD-2009-BuCFL #monitoring #performance- Efficient anomaly monitoring over moving object trajectory streams (YB, LC, AWCF, DL), pp. 159–168.
KDD-2009-MonrealePTG #mining #named #predict- WhereNext: a location predictor on trajectory pattern mining (AM, FP, RT, FG), pp. 637–646.
KDIR-2009-KharratZPF #evolution- Characterizing the Traffic Density and Its Evolution through Moving Object Trajectories (AK, KZ, ISP, SF), pp. 319–322.
SEKE-2009-AlvaresOHB #data mining #framework #mining #preprocessor- A Framework for Trajectory Data Preprocessing for Data Mining (LOA, GO, CAH, VB), pp. 698–702.
SAC-2009-KangKL #metric #similarity- Similarity measures for trajectory of moving objects in cellular space (HYK, JSK, KJL), pp. 1325–1330.
SAC-2009-LeonardiORRS- Frequent spatio-temporal patterns in trajectory data warehouses (LL, SO, AR, AR, CS), pp. 1433–1440.
SAC-2009-TanakaKTN #navigation #predict #using- A destination prediction method using driving contexts and trajectory for car navigation systems (KT, YK, TT, SN), pp. 190–195.
CASE-2008-DuanZPWYA- Analyzing human skill through control trajectories and motion capture data (FD, YZ, NP, KW, HY, TA), pp. 454–459.
DAC-2008-ChenXY #abstraction #automation #evaluation #optimisation #refinement- Optimizing automatic abstraction refinement for generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation (YC, FX, JY), pp. 143–148.
SIGMOD-2008-PelekisFGT #named- HERMES: aggregative LBS via a trajectory DB engine (NP, EF, NG, YT), pp. 1255–1258.
VLDB-2008-JeungYZJS #database- Discovery of convoys in trajectory databases (HJ, MLY, XZ, CSJ, HTS), pp. 1068–1080.
VLDB-2008-LeeHLG #classification #clustering #named #using- TraClass: trajectory classification using hierarchical region-based and trajectory-based clustering (JGL, JH, XL, HG), pp. 1081–1094.
VLDB-2008-SherkatR #on the- On efficiently searching trajectories and archival data for historical similarities (RS, DR), pp. 896–908.
CIAA-2008-Salomaa- Language Decompositions, Primality, and Trajectory-Based Operations (KS), pp. 17–22.
CHI-2008-BenfordG #interactive- Temporal trajectories in shared interactive narratives (SB, GG), pp. 73–82.
ICML-2008-KolterCNGD #learning #programming- Space-indexed dynamic programming: learning to follow trajectories (JZK, AC, AYN, YG, CD), pp. 488–495.
ICPR-2008-ElmezainAAM #gesture #markov #modelling #recognition- A Hidden Markov Model-based continuous gesture recognition system for hand motion trajectory (ME, AAH, JA, BM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JeanBA #invariant #normalisation #recognition- Trajectories normalization for viewpoint invariant gait recognition (FJ, RB, ABA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KasuyaKKO #estimation #robust #using- Robust trajectory estimation of soccer players by using two cameras (NK, IK, YK, YO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PiciarelliMF #detection- Anomalous trajectory patterns detection (CP, CM, GLF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PopSM #incremental #sequence #video- Incremental trajectory aggregation in video sequences (IP, MS, SM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RiemenschneiderDB #online #recognition- Online object recognition by MSER trajectories (HR, MD, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLX #video- Collaborate ball and player trajectory extraction in broadcast soccer video (YZ, HL, CX), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-PalmaBKA #approach #clustering- A clustering-based approach for discovering interesting places in trajectories (ATP, VB, BK, LOA), pp. 863–868.
SAC-2008-Papadopoulos #analysis #retrieval #semantics- Trajectory retrieval with latent semantic analysis (ANP), pp. 1089–1094.
CASE-2007-RuppelLZS #adaptation #generative- Modal Trajectory Generation for Adaptive Secondary Mirrors in Astronomical Adaptive Optics (TR, MLH, DZ, OS), pp. 430–435.
CASE-2007-ZuHT #coordination #generative #integer #linear #programming #using- Trajectory Generation in Relative Velocity Coordinates Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming with IHDR Guidance (DZ, JH, DT), pp. 1125–1130.
ICDAR-2007-MaSLW #approach #modelling #online #recognition- A MSD-HMM Approach to Pen Trajectory Modeling for Online Handwriting Recognition (LM, FKS, PL, YJW), pp. 128–132.
SIGMOD-2007-LeeHW #clustering #framework- Trajectory clustering: a partition-and-group framework (JGL, JH, KYW), pp. 593–604.
CHI-2007-FraserMSS #coordination #distributed #matter #visualisation- Seconds matter: improving distributed coordination bytracking and visualizing display trajectories (MF, MRM, MS, PS), pp. 1303–1312.
CHI-2007-StrachanWM #monte carlo #navigation- Show me the way to Monte Carlo: density-based trajectory navigation (SS, JW, RMS), pp. 1245–1248.
HIMI-MTT-2007-FuchigamiOTO #case study #comparative #interface #process- A Comparative Study of Brain Activities Engaged in Interface Operations by Means of NIRS Trajectory Map (MF, AO, HT, MO), pp. 830–839.
HIMI-MTT-2007-TamuraOC #interface #process- NIRS Trajectories in Oxy-Deoxy Hb Plane and the Trajectory Map to Understand Brain Activities Related to Human Interface (HT, MO, MC), pp. 994–1003.
KDD-2007-GiannottiNPP #mining- Trajectory pattern mining (FG, MN, FP, DP), pp. 330–339.
MLDM-2007-Morzy #mining #predict- Mining Frequent Trajectories of Moving Objects for Location Prediction (MM), pp. 667–680.
SIGIR-2007-HeCL #detection- Analyzing feature trajectories for event detection (QH, KC, EPL), pp. 207–214.
SAC-2007-AnderssonGLW- Reporting leadership patterns among trajectories (MA, JG, PL, TW), pp. 3–7.
SIGMOD-2006-DingTS #maintenance #named #query- OMCAT: optimal maintenance of continuous queries’ answers for trajectories (HD, GT, PS), pp. 748–750.
DLT-2006-Domaratzki #using- Characterizing DNA Bond Shapes Using Trajectories (MD), pp. 180–191.
SFM-2006-ClaessenR #evaluation- An Introduction to Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (KC, JWR), pp. 56–77.
ICML-2006-RossOZ- Combining discriminative features to infer complex trajectories (DAR, SO, RSZ), pp. 761–768.
ICPR-v1-2006-DjiouaOP #interactive #recognition #verification- An interactive trajectory synthesizer to study outlier patterns in handwriting recognition and signature verification (MD, CO, RP), pp. 1124–1127.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiHH #clustering- A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Vehicle Motion Trajectory Clustering (XL, WH, WH), pp. 591–594.
ICPR-v2-2006-HakeemVSC- Estimating Geospatial Trajectory of a Moving Camera (AH, RV, MS, RC), pp. 82–87.
ICPR-v2-2006-LuCSF- Camera Calibration from Two Shadow Trajectories (FL, XC, YS, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v2-2006-QiaoY06a #bidirectional #image #multi #using- Recover Writing Trajectory from Multiple Stroked Image Using Bidirectional Dynamic Search (YQ, MY), pp. 970–973.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangHT #clustering #comparison #metric #similarity- Comparison of Similarity Measures for Trajectory Clustering in Outdoor Surveillance Scenes (ZZ, KH, TT), pp. 1135–1138.
KDD-2006-AnagnostopoulosVHKY #segmentation- Global distance-based segmentation of trajectories (AA, MV, MH, EJK, PSY), pp. 34–43.
CAV-2006-RoordaC #abstraction #evaluation #refinement #satisfiability- SAT-Based Assistance in Abstraction Refinement for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (JWR, KC), pp. 175–189.
CAV-2006-TzorefG #automation #detection #evaluation #refinement- Automatic Refinement and Vacuity Detection for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (RT, OG), pp. 190–204.
DAC-2005-TiwaryR #megamodelling #on-demand #scalability- Scalable trajectory methods for on-demand analog macromodel extraction (SKT, RAR), pp. 403–408.
DATE-2005-SavioliCCF #approach #fault- Fault-Trajectory Approach for Fault Diagnosis on Analog Circuits (CES, CCC, JVC, ACdMF), pp. 174–175.
ICDAR-2005-NelPH #markov #modelling #multi #using- Estimating the Pen Trajectories of Multi-Path Static Scripts Using Hidden Markov Models (EMN, JAdP, BMH), pp. 41–47.
SIGMOD-2005-ChenOO #performance #robust #similarity- Robust and Fast Similarity Search for Moving Object Trajectories (LC, MTÖ, VO), pp. 491–502.
VLDB-2005-RaseticSEN #performance- A Trajectory Splitting Model for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Indexing (SR, JS, JE, MAN), pp. 934–945.
CIAA-J-2004-KariKS05- Operations on trajectories with applications to coding and bioinformatics (LK, SK, PS), pp. 531–546.
DAC-2004-LongSLH #optimisation #pipes and filters- Floorplanning optimization with trajectory piecewise-linear model for pipelined interconnects (CL, LJS, WL, LH), pp. 640–645.
SIGMOD-2004-NgC- Indexing Spatio-Temporal Trajectories with Chebyshev Polynomials (YC, RTN), pp. 599–610.
SIGMOD-2004-PatelCC #named #performance #predict- STRIPES: An Efficient Index for Predicted Trajectories (JMP, YC, VPC), pp. 637–646.
SAS-2004-Preda #evaluation #refinement- Completeness Refinement in Abstract Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MDP), pp. 38–52.
CIAA-2004-KariKS- Substitutions, Trajectories and Noisy Channels (LK, SK, PS), pp. 202–212.
DLT-2004-Domaratzki #semantics- Semantic Shuffle on and Deletion Along Trajectories (MD), pp. 163–174.
CHI-2004-FussellKSS #multi- Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories (SRF, SBK, LDS, PS), pp. 191–198.
ICPR-v2-2004-BuzanSK #clustering #video- Extraction and Clustering of Motion Trajectories in Video (DB, SS, GK), pp. 521–524.
ICPR-v3-2004-ShanWQT #gesture #recognition #using- Gesture Recognition Using Temporal Template Based Trajectories (CS, YW, XQ, TT), pp. 954–957.
ICPR-v4-2004-Hild #3d #estimation #image #recognition #sequence- Estimation of 3D Motion Trajectory and Velocity from Monocular Image Sequences in the Context of Human Gait Recognition (MH), pp. 231–235.
ICPR-v4-2004-MinK #multi #process #recognition- Activity Recognition Based on Multiple Motion Trajectories (JM, RK), pp. 199–202.
KDD-2004-VlachosGD #distance #invariant #metric- Rotation invariant distance measures for trajectories (MV, DG, GD), pp. 707–712.
DAC-2003-VasilyevRW #algorithm #generative #modelling- A TBR-based trajectory piecewise-linear algorithm for generating accurate low-order models for nonlinear analog circuits and MEMS (DV, MR, JW), pp. 490–495.
ICDAR-2003-BezineAD- Handwriting Trajectory Movements Controlled by a Bêta-Elliptic Model (HB, AMA, ND), pp. 1228–1232.
ICDAR-2003-MuramatsuM #online #verification- An HMM On-line Signature Verifier Incorporating Signature Trajectories (DM, TM), pp. 438–442.
PODS-2003-AggarwalA #nearest neighbour #on the- On nearest neighbor indexing of nonlinear trajectories (CCA, DA), pp. 252–259.
ICEIS-2002-TrajcevskiWCLZR #nondeterminism- Managing Uncertain Trajectories of Moving Objects with Domino (GT, OW, HC, HL, FZ, NR), pp. 218–225.
CIKM-2002-ZhuSI #database #query- Trajectory queries and octagons in moving object databases (HZ, JS, OHI), pp. 413–421.
ICPR-v1-2002-MannJE #programming #segmentation #using- Trajectory Segmentation Using Dynamic Programming (RM, ADJ, TFEM), pp. 331–334.
ICPR-v3-2002-Al-OhaliCS02a #estimation #performance #word- Efficient Estimation of Pen Trajectory from Off-Line Handwritten Words (YAO, MC, CYS), pp. 323–326.
ICPR-v4-2002-Ichimura #estimation #image #monte carlo #probability #sequence #using- Stochastic Filtering for Motion Trajectory in Image Sequences Using a Monte Carlo Filter with Estimation of Hyper-Parameters (NI), pp. 68–73.
VLDB-2000-PfoserJT #novel #query- Novel Approaches in Query Processing for Moving Object Trajectories (DP, CSJ, YT), pp. 395–406.
WLC-2000-Mateescu- Routes and Trajectories (AM), pp. 323–338.
ICPR-v4-2000-MurakamiW #automation- An Automatic Extraction and Display Method of Walking Person’s Trajectories (SiM, AW), pp. 4611–4614.
ICPR-v4-2000-OhishiKM #online #using #verification- On-Line Signature Verification Using Pen-Position, Pen-Pressure and Pen-Inclination Trajectories (TO, YK, TM), pp. 4547–4550.
DLT-1999-Martin-VideM- Contextual grammars with trajectories (CMV, AM), pp. 362–374.
CHI-1999-AccotZ #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of Input Devices in Trajectory-Based Tasks: An Application of the Steering Law (JA, SZ), pp. 466–472.
KDD-1999-GaffneyS #clustering #modelling- Trajectory Clustering with Mixtures of Regression Models (SG, PS), pp. 63–72.
CAV-1999-Chou #evaluation- The Mathematical Foundation fo Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (CTC), pp. 196–207.
DAC-1998-AagaardJS #evaluation #industrial #proving #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Trajectory Evaluation in an Industrial Environment (MA, RBJ, CJHS), pp. 538–541.
DAC-1998-WangAK #array #automation #evaluation #generative #using #verification- Automatic Generation of Assertions for Formal Verification of PowerPC Microprocessor Arrays Using Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (LCW, MSA, NK), pp. 534–537.
ICML-1998-Saul #automation #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation of Continuous Trajectories with Invariance to Nonlinear Warpings of Time (LKS), pp. 506–514.
ICPR-1998-OtsukaHSF #feature model- Feature extraction of temporal texture based on spatiotemporal motion trajectory (KO, TH, SS, MF), pp. 1047–1051.
DAC-1997-PandeyRBA #evaluation #using #verification- Formal Verification of Content Addressable Memories Using Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MP, RR, REB, MSA), pp. 167–172.
DLT-1997-MateescuM #infinity- Infinite trajectories (AM, GDM), pp. 489–505.
CHI-1997-AccotZ #human-computer #modelling- Beyond Fitts’ Law: Models for Trajectory-Based HCI Tasks (JA, SZ), pp. 295–302.
CAV-1997-PandeyB #evaluation #symmetry #verification- Exploiting Symmetry When Verifying Transitor-Level Circuits by Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MP, REB), pp. 244–255.
DAC-1996-PandeyRBB #array #evaluation #using #verification- Formal Verification of PowerPC Arrays Using Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MP, RR, DLB, REB), pp. 649–654.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SaonBG #modelling #probability #recognition #word- Stochastic trajectory modeling for recognition of unconstrained handwritten words (GS, AB, YG), pp. 508–511.
CAV-1994-HazelhurstS #evaluation- Composing Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation Results (SH, CJHS), pp. 273–285.
SAC-1993-ThangiahN #adaptation #using- Dynamic Trajectory Routing Using an Adaptive Search Method (SRT, KEN), pp. 131–138.
DAC-1991-BryantBS #evaluation #hardware #verification- Formal Hardware Verification by Symbolic Ternary Trajectory Evaluation (REB, DLB, CJHS), pp. 397–402.
DAC-1969-BoehmLMR #analysis #interactive- Interactive trajectory analysis: the graphic rocket system (BWB, VRL, RLM, JER), pp. 205–232.