Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × Spain
Collaborated with:
M.C.Fairhurst ∅ J.M.Potter C.Rabasse K.Sirlantzis S.Hoque S.Chindaro N.Donnelly P.Tranouez S.Nicolas V.Dovgalecs A.Burnett L.Heutte Y.Liang
Talks about:
classifi (3) construct (2) analysi (2) drawn (2) hand (2) data (2) base (2) evolutionari (1) visuospati (1) experiment (1)
Person: Richard M. Guest
DBLP: Guest:Richard_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DocEng-2012-TranouezNDBHLGF #documentation #named #physics
- DocExplore: overcoming cultural and physical barriers to access ancient documents (PT, SN, VD, AB, LH, YL, RMG, MCF), pp. 205–208.
- ICDAR-2009-Guest #matlab #named #online #tool support
- PENTOOLS — A MATLAB Toolkit for On-line Pen-Based Data Experimentation (RMG), pp. 1221–1225.
- ICDAR-2007-RabasseGF #synthesis
- A Method for the Synthesis of Dynamic Biometric Signature Data (CR, RMG, MCF), pp. 168–172.
- ICDAR-2003-GuestCFP #analysis #automation #classification #geometry #sequence #using
- Automatic Classification of Hand Drawn Geometric Shapes using Constructional Sequence Analysis (RMG, SC, MCF, JMP), pp. 990–994.
- ICPR-v2-2002-SirlantzisFG #algorithm #classification #multi
- An Evolutionary Algorithm for Classifier and Combination Rule Selection in Multiple Classifier Systems (KS, MCF, RMG), pp. 771–774.
- ICPR-v3-2002-GuestF #analysis #approach #clustering #image
- A Clustering Approach to Corner Point Analysis in Hand Drawn Images (RMG, MCF), pp. 940–943.
- ICPR-v3-2002-HoqueFG #classification #learning #performance
- The Effect of the Inhibition-Compensation Learning Scheme on n-tuple Based Classifier Performance (SH, MCF, RMG), pp. 452–455.
- ICPR-v4-2000-GuestFPD #aspect-oriented
- Analyzing Constructional Aspects of Figure Completion for the Diagnosis of Visuospatial Neglect (RMG, MCF, JMP, ND), pp. 4316–4319.