Travelled to:
1 × Canada
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Liskov K.Fisher S.Ghemawat A.Adya M.Day U.Maheshwari A.C.Myers L.Shrira P.Johnson M.Williams M.Daly Y.Mandelbaum D.Walker M.F.Fernández X.Zheng F.Chang J.Dean W.C.Hsieh D.A.Wallach M.Burrows T.Chandra A.Fikes M.Castro
Talks about:
system (3) data (3) process (2) effici (2) pad (2) hoc (2) end (2) ad (2) polymorph (1) distribut (1)
Person: Robert Gruber
DBLP: Gruber:Robert
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- OSDI-2006-ChangDGHWBCFG #distributed #named
- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (FC, JD, SG, WCH, DAW, MB, TC, AF, RG), pp. 205–218.
- SIGMOD-2006-DalyMWFFGZ #ad hoc #named
- PADS: an end-to-end system for processing ad hoc data (MD, YM, DW, MFF, KF, RG, XZ), pp. 727–729.
- PLDI-2005-FisherG #ad hoc #domain-specific language #named
- PADS: a domain-specific language for processing ad hoc data (KF, RG), pp. 295–304.
- SIGMOD-1996-LiskovACDGGMMS #performance #persistent
- Safe and Efficient Sharing of Persistent Objects in Thor (BL, AA, MC, MD, SG, RG, UM, ACM, LS), pp. 318–329.
- OOPSLA-1995-DayGLM #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #type system
- Subtypes vs. Where Clauses: Constraining Parametric Polymorphism (MD, RG, BL, ACM), pp. 156–168.
- SIGMOD-1995-AdyaGLM #concurrent #performance #using
- Efficient Optimistic Concurrency Control Using Loosely Synchronized Clocks (AA, RG, BL, UM), pp. 23–34.
- SOSP-1991-LiskovGGJSW #file system #replication
- Replication in the Harp File System (BL, SG, RG, PJ, LS, MW), pp. 226–238.