Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × United Kingdom
10 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Chambers D.Grove S.Ghemawat G.DeFouw C.Garrett V.Litvinov A.Fikes W.C.Hsieh Q.V.Le M.Ranzato R.Monga M.Devin G.Corrado K.Chen A.Y.Ng F.Chang D.A.Wallach M.Burrows T.Chandra R.Gruber J.M.Anderson L.M.Berc M.R.Henzinger S.Leung R.L.Sites M.T.Vandevoorde C.A.Waldspurger W.E.Weihl J.C.Corbett M.Epstein C.Frost J.J.Furman A.Gubarev C.Heiser P.Hochschild S.Kanthak E.Kogan H.Li A.Lloyd S.Melnik D.Mwaura D.Nagle S.Quinlan R.Rao L.Rolig Y.Saito M.Szymaniak C.Taylor R.Wang D.Woodford
Talks about:
orient (5) object (5) languag (4) use (3) distribut (2) special (2) select (2) profil (2) optim (2) inlin (2)
Person: Jeffrey Dean
DBLP: Dean:Jeffrey
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ICML-2012-LeRMDCCDN #learning #scalability #using
- Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning (QVL, MR, RM, MD, GC, KC, JD, AYN), p. 69.
- OSDI-2012-CorbettDEFFFGGHHHKKLLMMNQRRSSTWW #database #named
- Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database (JCC, JD, ME, AF, CF, JJF, SG, AG, CH, PH, WCH, SK, EK, HL, AL, SM, DM, DN, SQ, RR, LR, YS, MS, CT, RW, DW), pp. 261–264.
- OSDI-2006-ChangDGHWBCFG #distributed #named
- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (FC, JD, SG, WCH, DAW, MB, TC, AF, RG), pp. 205–218.
- OSDI-2004-DeanG #clustering #named #pipes and filters #scalability
- MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters (JD, SG), pp. 137–150.
- OOPSLA-1997-GroveDDC #graph #object-oriented
- Call Graph Construction in Object-Oriented Languages (DG, GD, JD, CC), pp. 108–124.
- SOSP-1997-AndersonBDGHLSVWW #profiling #question
- Continuous Profiling: Where Have All the Cycles Gone? (JAMA, LMB, JD, SG, MRH, STL, RLS, MTV, CAW, WEW), pp. 1–14.
- OOPSLA-1996-DeanDGLC #compilation #named #object-oriented #optimisation
- Vortex: An Optimizing Compiler for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, GD, DG, VL, CC), pp. 83–100.
- ECOOP-1995-DeanGC #analysis #object-oriented #optimisation #source code #using
- Optimization of Object-Oriented Programs Using Static Class Hierarchy Analysis (JD, DG, CC), pp. 77–101.
- ICSE-1995-ChambersDG #dependence #framework
- A Framework for Selective Recompilation in the Presence of Complex Intermodule Dependencies (CC, JD, DG), pp. 221–230.
- OOPSLA-1995-GroveDGC #predict
- Profile-Guided Receiver Class Prediction (DG, JD, CG, CC), pp. 108–123.
- PLDI-1995-DeanCG #object-oriented
- Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 93–102.
- LFP-1994-DeanC #towards #using
- Towards Better Inlining Decisions Using Inlining Trials (JD, CC), pp. 273–282.
- PEPM-1994-DeanCG #identification #object-oriented
- Identifying Profitable Specialization in Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 85–96.