Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
communic (3) system (3) techniqu (1) synthesi (1) protocol (1) interfac (1) hardwar (1) control (1) specif (1) extens (1)
Person: Robert Siegmund
DBLP: Siegmund:Robert
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-2002-SiegmundM #communication #declarative #hardware #novel #protocol #specification #synthesis
- A novel synthesis technique for communication controller hardware from declarative data communication protocol specifications (RS, DM), pp. 602–607.
- DATE-2001-SiegmundM #communication #design #interface #modelling #multi #named
- SystemCSV — an extension of SystemC for mixed multi-level communication modeling and interface-based system design (RS, DM), pp. 26–33.