Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.Vidal D.Keysers K.Messer J.Kittler M.Sadeghi M.Hamouz A.Kostin F.Cardinaux S.Marcel S.Bengio C.Sanderson J.Czyz L.Vandendorpe C.McCool S.Lowther S.Sridharan V.Chandran L.Bai L.Shen Y.Wang Y.Chiang H.Liu Y.Hung A.Heinrichs M.K.Müller A.Tewes C.v.d.Malsburg R.P.Würtz Z.Wang F.Xue Y.Ma Q.Yang C.Fang X.Ding S.Lucey R.Goss H.Schneiderman N.Poh Y.Rodriguez
Talks about:
algorithm (1) prototyp (1) approach (1) tangent (1) distanc (1) databas (1) authent (1) weight (1) evalu (1) banca (1)
Person: Roberto Paredes Palacios
DBLP: Palacios:Roberto_Paredes
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database (KM, JK, MS, MH, AK, FC, SM, SB, CS, JC, LV, CM, SL, SS, VC, RPP, EV, LB, LS, YW, YHC, HCL, YPH, AH, MKM, AT, CvdM, RPW, ZW, FX, YM, QY, CF, XD, SL, RG, HS, NP, YR), pp. 523–532.
- ICPR-v4-2002-PalaciosVK #algorithm #distance #evaluation #using
- An Evaluation of the WPE Algorithm Using Tangent Distance (RPP, EV, DK), pp. 48–51.
- ICPR-v2-2000-PalaciosR #approach #editing #prototype
- Weighting Prototypes. A New Editing Approach (RPP, EV), pp. 2025–2028.