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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
3 × Canada
3 × Spain
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
A.H.Toselli V.Romero A.Juan R.A.Mollineda R.P.Palacios L.A.Leiva F.J.Ferri M.Pastor F.Casacuberta R.Paredes J.Amengual J.C.Pérez-Cortes N.Serrano J.Sánchez J.Puigcerver D.Martín-Albo D.Keysers A.Sanchís V.M.Jiménez A.Juan P.Aibar L.Rodríguez V.Alabau O.R.Terrades G.Mühlberger B.Gatos P.Schofield K.Depuydt R.M.Davis J.d.Does K.Messer J.Kittler M.Sadeghi M.Hamouz A.Kostin F.Cardinaux S.Marcel S.Bengio C.Sanderson J.Czyz L.Vandendorpe C.McCool S.Lowther S.Sridharan V.Chandran L.Bai L.Shen Y.Wang Y.Chiang H.Liu Y.Hung A.Heinrichs M.K.Müller A.Tewes C.v.d.Malsburg R.P.Würtz Z.Wang F.Xue Y.Ma Q.Yang C.Fang X.Ding S.Lucey R.Goss H.Schneiderman N.Poh Y.Rodriguez
Talks about:
handwritten (10) text (10) transcript (6) use (6) recognit (5) prototyp (5) imag (5) base (5) interact (4) approach (4)

Person: Enrique Vidal

DBLP DBLP: Vidal:Enrique

Contributed to:

ICPR 20142014
DocEng 20132013
ICDAR 20132013
ICDAR 20112011
DocEng 20102010
HT 20102010
ICPR 20102010
ECDL 20092009
ICDAR 20092009
ICDAR 20072007
ICDAR 20052005
ICPR v1 20042004
ICPR v3 20042004
ICPR v4 20042004
ICPR v3 20022002
ICPR v4 20022002
ICPR v2 20002000
ICPR v3 20002000
ICPR 19981998

Wrote 27 papers:

ICPR-2014-PuigcerverTV #keyword #query
Word-Graph-Based Handwriting Keyword Spotting of Out-of-Vocabulary Queries (JP, AHT, EV), pp. 2035–2040.
DocEng-2013-SanchezMGSDDVD #named #recognition
tranScriptorium: a european project on handwritten text recognition (JAS, GM, BG, PS, KD, RMD, EV, JdD), pp. 227–228.
ICDAR-2013-Martin-AlboRV #feedback #interactive #online #using
Interactive Off-Line Handwritten Text Transcription Using On-Line Handwritten Text as Feedback (DMA, VR, EV), pp. 1280–1284.
ICDAR-2013-ToselliV #approach #documentation #performance #word
Fast HMM-Filler Approach for Key Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents (AHT, EV), pp. 501–505.
ICDAR-2011-RomeroSSV #recognition
Handwritten Text Recognition for Marriage Register Books (VR, JAS, NS, EV), pp. 533–537.
DocEng-2010-TerradesTSRVJ #analysis #documentation #interactive #layout
Interactive layout analysis and transcription systems for historic handwritten documents (ORT, AHT, NS, VR, EV, AJ), pp. 219–222.
HT-2010-LeivaV #approach #clustering #documentation #interactive #web
Assessing users’ interactions for clustering web documents: a pragmatic approach (LAL, EV), pp. 277–278.
ICPR-2010-PastorTCV #corpus
A Bi-modal Handwritten Text Corpus: Baseline Results (MP, AHT, FC, EV), pp. 1933–1936.
ICPR-2010-RomeroTV #analysis #corpus #image
Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images: Results on the GERMANA Corpus and Analysis of Improvements Needed for Practical Use (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 2017–2020.
ECDL-2009-RomeroLATV #image #interactive #multimodal
A Web-Based Demo to Interactive Multimodal Transcription of Historic Text Images (VR, LAL, VA, AHT, EV), pp. 459–460.
ICDAR-2009-RomeroTV #feedback #image #using
Using Mouse Feedback in Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images (VR, AHT, EV), pp. 96–100.
ICDAR-2007-ToselliRRV #image
Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images (AHT, VR, LR, EV), pp. 944–948.
ICDAR-2005-PastorTV #normalisation #online #recognition
Writing Speed Normalization for On-Line Handwritten Text Recognition (MP, AHT, EV), pp. 1131–1135.
ICPR-v1-2004-ToselliJV #classification #recognition
Spontaneous Handwriting Recognition and Classification (AHT, AJ, EV), pp. 433–436.
ICPR-v3-2004-JuanV #image #modelling
Bernoulli Mixture Models for Binary Images (AJ, EV), pp. 367–370.
ICPR-v3-2004-ParedesV #fault #learning #nearest neighbour #prototype #reduction
Learning Prototypes and Distances (LPD). A Prototype Reduction Technique based on Nearest Neighbor Error Minimization (RP, EV), pp. 442–445.
Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database (KM, JK, MS, MH, AK, FC, SM, SB, CS, JC, LV, CM, SL, SS, VC, RPP, EV, LB, LS, YW, YHC, HCL, YPH, AH, MKM, AT, CvdM, RPW, ZW, FX, YM, QY, CF, XD, SL, RG, HS, NP, YR), pp. 523–532.
ICPR-v3-2002-FerriMV #adaptation #comparison #prototype
An Experimental Comparison between Consistency-Based and Adaptive Prototype Replacement Schemes (FJF, RAM, EV), pp. 41–44.
ICPR-v4-2002-MollinedaVC #approach #approximate #string
A Windowed Weighted Approach for Approximate Cyclic String Matching (RAM, EV, FC), pp. 188–191.
ICPR-v4-2002-PalaciosVK #algorithm #distance #evaluation #using
An Evaluation of the WPE Algorithm Using Tangent Distance (RPP, EV, DK), pp. 48–51.
ICPR-v2-2000-AmengualV #estimation #on the #parametricity
On the Estimation of Error-Correcting Parameters (JCA, EV), pp. 2883–2886.
ICPR-v2-2000-JuanV #classification #edit distance #normalisation #on the #performance #string #using
On the Use of Normalized Edit Distances and an Efficient k-NN Search Technique (k-AESA) for Fast and Accurate String Classification (AJ, EV), pp. 2676–2679.
ICPR-v2-2000-MollinedaFV #classification #clustering #prototype
A Cluster-Based Merging Strategy for Nearest Prototype Classifiers (RAM, FJF, EV), pp. 2755–2758.
ICPR-v2-2000-PalaciosR #approach #editing #prototype
Weighting Prototypes. A New Editing Approach (RPP, EV), pp. 2025–2028.
ICPR-v3-2000-SanchisVJ #performance #recognition #speech #using #verification #word
Efficient Use of the Grammar Scale Factor to Classify Incorrect Words in Speech Recognition Verification (AS, EV, VMJ), pp. 3278–3281.
ICPR-1998-JuanVA #algorithm #approximate #nearest neighbour #performance
Fast k-nearest-neighbours searching through extended versions of the approximating and eliminating search algorithm (AESA) (AJ, EV, PA), pp. 828–830.
ICPR-1998-Perez-CortesV #heuristic
The extended general spacefilling curves heuristic (JCPC, EV), pp. 515–517.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.