Travelled to:
1 × Finland
2 × China
2 × Germany
3 × Canada
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
A.Pozdnoukhov A.Vinciarelli S.Marcel J.Paiement D.Eck D.Grangier R.Collobert H.Bunke Y.Grandvalet D.Barber K.Messer J.Kittler M.Sadeghi M.Hamouz A.Kostin F.Cardinaux C.Sanderson J.Czyz L.Vandendorpe C.McCool S.Lowther S.Sridharan V.Chandran R.P.Palacios E.Vidal L.Bai L.Shen Y.Wang Y.Chiang H.Liu Y.Hung A.Heinrichs M.K.Müller A.Tewes C.v.d.Malsburg R.P.Würtz Z.Wang F.Xue Y.Ma Q.Yang C.Fang X.Ding S.Lucey R.Goss H.Schneiderman N.Poh Y.Rodriguez
Talks about:
recognit (4) kernel (3) invari (3) model (3) transform (2) manifold (2) pattern (2) offlin (2) method (2) cursiv (2)
Person: Samy Bengio
DBLP: Bengio:Samy
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- ICML-2008-PaiementGBE #distance
- A distance model for rhythms (JFP, YG, SB, DE), pp. 736–743.
- ICPR-v3-2006-PozdnoukhovB #graph #invariant #kernel #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods (AP, SB), pp. 1228–1231.
- ICPR-v4-2006-PozdnoukhovB06a #graph #invariant #kernel #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods (AP, SB), p. 956.
- CIKM-2005-GrangierB #documentation #similarity
- Inferring document similarity from hyperlinks (DG, SB), pp. 359–360.
- ICML-2005-PaiementEBB #embedded #visual notation
- A graphical model for chord progressions embedded in a psychoacoustic space (JFP, DE, SB, DB), pp. 641–648.
- ICML-2004-CollobertB
- Links between perceptrons, MLPs and SVMs (RC, SB).
- ICPR-v3-2004-PozdnoukhovB #classification #image #invariant #kernel
- Tangent Vector Kernels for Invariant Image Classification with SVMs (AP, SB), pp. 486–489.
- Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database (KM, JK, MS, MH, AK, FC, SM, SB, CS, JC, LV, CM, SL, SS, VC, RPP, EV, LB, LS, YW, YHC, HCL, YPH, AH, MKM, AT, CvdM, RPW, ZW, FX, YM, QY, CF, XD, SL, RG, HS, NP, YR), pp. 523–532.
- ICDAR-2003-VinciarelliBB #recognition #scalability
- Offline Recognition of Large Vocabulary Cursive Handwritten Text (AV, SB, HB), p. 1101–?.
- ICPR-v2-2002-MarcelB #using #verification
- Improving Face Verification Using Skin Color Information (SM, SB), pp. 378–381.
- ICPR-v3-2002-VinciarelliB #markov #modelling #recognition #using #word
- Offline Cursive Word Recognition using Continuous Density Hidden Markov Models Trained with PCA or ICA Features (AV, SB), pp. 81–84.