Collaborated with:
G.M.Lohman I.Pandis V.Raman R.Sidle G.K.Attaluri N.Chainani S.Lightstone D.Sharpe L.Zhang D.Kalmuk V.KulandaiSamy J.Leenstra S.Liu T.Malkemus R.Müller B.Schiefer A.J.Storm J.Lee O.Draese F.Ho S.Idreos M.Kim K.Morfonios K.Murthy L.Qiao V.K.Samy K.Stolze
Talks about:
join (2) acceler (1) partit (1) memori (1) effici (1) column (1) store (1) encod (1) than (1) much (1)
Person: Ronald Barber
DBLP: Barber:Ronald
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- VLDB-2015-BarberLPRSACLS14
- Memory-Efficient Hash Joins (RB, GML, IP, VR, RS, GKA, NC, SL, DS), pp. 353–364.
- Joins on Encoded and Partitioned Data (JGL, GKA, RB, NC, OD, FH, SI, MSK, SL, GML, KM, KM, IP, LQ, VR, VKS, RS, KS, LZ), pp. 1355–1366.
- DB2 with BLU Acceleration: So Much More than Just a Column Store (VR, GKA, RB, NC, DK, VK, JL, SL, SL, GML, TM, RM, IP, BS, DS, RS, AJS, LZ), pp. 1080–1091.