246 papers:
DAC-2015-ChangHLW #analysis #encoding #functional #named- TA-FTA: transition-aware functional timing analysis with a four-valued encoding (JCCC, RHMH, LYZL, CHPW), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SeyedzadehMJM #encoding #memory management #named #pseudo #reduction- PRES: pseudo-random encoding scheme to increase the bit flip reduction in the memory (SMS, RM, AKJ, RGM), p. 6.
DATE-2015-SuHL #encoding #named #recognition #scalability- SubHunter: a high-performance and scalable sub-circuit recognition method with Prüfer-encoding (HYS, CHH, YLL), pp. 1583–1586.
SIGMOD-2015-LiCP #encoding- A Padded Encoding Scheme to Accelerate Scans by Leveraging Skew (YL, CC, JMP), pp. 1509–1524.
STOC-2015-BitanskyGLPT #encoding #random- Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications (NB, SG, HL, RP, ST), pp. 439–448.
CIAA-2015-Giaquinta #automaton #nondeterminism- Run-Length Encoded Nondeterministic KMP and Suffix Automata (EG), pp. 102–113.
ICALP-v1-2015-AgrawalIKP #complexity #encoding #perspective #random #statistics- Statistical Randomized Encodings: A Complexity Theoretic View (SA, YI, DK, APC), pp. 1–13.
ICALP-v1-2015-GawrychowskiN #encoding- Optimal Encodings for Range Top- k k , Selection, and Min-Max (PG, PKN), pp. 593–604.
SAC-2015-Jung0B #analysis #embedded #encoding #identification #power management- Identification of embedded control units by state encoding and power consumption analysis (EJ, CM, LB), pp. 1957–1959.
SAC-2015-PedrosaT #approach #encoding #visual notation #word- Compact and discriminative approach for encoding spatial-relationship of visual words (GVP, AJMT), pp. 92–95.
CADE-2015-SatoW #dependence #encoding- Encoding Dependency Pair Techniques and Control Strategies for Maximal Completion (HS, SW), pp. 152–162.
ICLP-J-2015-CabalarDV #encoding #equilibrium #logic- An infinitary encoding of temporal equilibrium logic (PC, MD, CV), pp. 666–680.
ICLP-J-2015-GagglMRWW #encoding #programming- Improved answer-set programming encodings for abstract argumentation (SAG, NM, AR, JPW, SW), pp. 434–448.
LICS-2015-EndrullisGH #encoding- Regularity Preserving but Not Reflecting Encodings (JE, CG, DH), pp. 535–546.
RTA-2015-CirsteaLM #encoding #programmable #term rewriting- A faithful encoding of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems (HC, SL, PEM), pp. 74–88.
SAT-2015-PhilippS #constraints #encoding #library #named #pseudo- PBLib — A Library for Encoding Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (TP, PS), pp. 9–16.
DATE-2014-DoanJP #flexibility #implementation #multi #scalability #using- Flexible and scalable implementation of H.264/AVC encoder for multiple resolutions using ASIPs (HCD, HJ, SP), pp. 1–6.
VLDB-2014-LeeABCDHI0LLMMPQRSSSZ- Joins on Encoded and Partitioned Data (JGL, GKA, RB, NC, OD, FH, SI, MSK, SL, GML, KM, KM, IP, LQ, VR, VKS, RS, KS, LZ), pp. 1355–1366.
VLDB-2014-LiagourisMBT #effectiveness #encoding #rdf- An Effective Encoding Scheme for Spatial RDF Data (JL, NM, PB, MT), pp. 1271–1282.
VLDB-2014-WangOYZZ #effectiveness #multi #retrieval- Effective Multi-Modal Retrieval based on Stacked Auto-Encoders (WW, BCO, XY, DZ, YZ), pp. 649–660.
LATA-2014-DasST #encoding #graph #morphism- Succinct Encodings of Graph Isomorphism (BD, PS, JT), pp. 285–296.
IFL-2014-KoopmanPJ #data type #encoding #functional #harmful #implementation- Church Encoding of Data Types Considered Harmful for Implementations: Functional Pearl (PWMK, RP, JMJ), p. 4.
CHI-2014-SetlurM #automation #encoding #generative #semantics #visualisation- Automatic generation of semantic icon encodings for visualizations (VS, JDM), pp. 541–550.
ICML-c2-2014-ChenWSB- Marginalized Denoising Auto-encoders for Nonlinear Representations (MC, KQW, FS, YB), pp. 1476–1484.
ICML-c2-2014-LinDH0 #classification #encoding #multi- Multi-label Classification via Feature-aware Implicit Label Space Encoding (ZL, GD, MH, JW), pp. 325–333.
ICPR-2014-DornaikaBSR #classification #encoding #graph #locality- Locality Constrained Encoding Graph Construction and Application to Outdoor Object Classification (FD, AB, HS, YR), pp. 2483–2488.
ICPR-2014-GauzereBV #encoding #graph #kernel- Graph Kernel Encoding Substituents’ Relative Positioning (BG, LB, DV), pp. 637–642.
ICPR-2014-LuoJ #encoding #image #learning #retrieval #semantics- Learning Semantic Binary Codes by Encoding Attributes for Image Retrieval (JL, ZJ), pp. 279–284.
ICPR-2014-PengWQP #encoding #evaluation #learning #recognition #taxonomy- A Joint Evaluation of Dictionary Learning and Feature Encoding for Action Recognition (XP, LW, YQ, QP), pp. 2607–2612.
ICPR-2014-RavalTJ #classification #encoding #evaluation #fault #performance #using- Efficient Evaluation of SVM Classifiers Using Error Space Encoding (NR, RVT, CVJ), pp. 4411–4416.
ICPR-2014-WangT #classification- Label-Denoising Auto-encoder for Classification with Inaccurate Supervision Information (DW, XT), pp. 3648–3653.
KR-2014-GebserJR #encoding- ASP Encodings of Acyclicity Properties (MG, TJ, JR).
PPDP-2014-Tarau #encoding- Bijective Collection Encodings and Boolean Operations with Hereditarily Binary Natural Numbers (PT), pp. 31–42.
CGO-2014-LiWWHX #adaptation #encoding- Dynamic and Adaptive Calling Context Encoding (JL, ZW, CW, WCH, DX), p. 120.
CGO-2014-ZengR0AJ0 #encoding #named #precise #scalability- DeltaPath: Precise and Scalable Calling Context Encoding (QZ, JR, HZ, NA, GJ, PL), p. 109.
LCTES-2014-HenryAMM #encoding #execution #how #modulo theories #optimisation #semantics #worst-case- How to compute worst-case execution time by optimization modulo theory and a clever encoding of program semantics (JH, MA, DM, CM), pp. 43–52.
IJCAR-2014-Zhang #encoding #verification- QBF Encoding of Temporal Properties and QBF-Based Verification (WZ), pp. 224–239.
RTA-TLCA-2014-FuS #encoding- Self Types for Dependently Typed λ Encodings (PF, AS), pp. 224–239.
DAC-2013-TuJ #feedback #synthesis- Synthesis of feedback decoders for initialized encoders (KHT, JHRJ), p. 6.
DATE-2013-KhanBBSH #video- An H.264 Quad-FullHD low-latency intra video encoder (MUKK, JMB, LB, MS, JH), pp. 115–120.
DATE-2013-KhanSGH #collaboration #complexity #reduction- Hardware-software collaborative complexity reduction scheme for the emerging HEVC intra encoder (MUKK, MS, MG, JH), pp. 125–128.
DATE-2013-SchneiderP #adaptation #embedded- An extremely compact JPEG encoder for adaptive embedded systems (JS, SP), pp. 1063–1064.
TACAS-2013-BlanchetteBPS #encoding #polymorphism- Encoding Monomorphic and Polymorphic Types (JCB, SB, AP, NS), pp. 493–507.
ECIR-2013-ZhangZBC #categorisation #distance #encoding #visual notation- Encoding Local Binary Descriptors by Bag-of-Features with Hamming Distance for Visual Object Categorization (YZ, CZ, SB, LC), pp. 630–641.
LOPSTR-2013-Saeedloei #encoding #logic #π-calculus- A Logical Encoding of Timed π-Calculus (NS), pp. 164–182.
HPDC-2013-LakshminarasimhanBPZJVPS #encoding #query #scalability- Scalable in situ scientific data encoding for analytical query processing (SL, DABI, SVP, XZ, JJ, VV, MEP, NFS), pp. 1–12.
SAT-2013-IserST #modelling #satisfiability- Minimizing Models for Tseitin-Encoded SAT Instances (MI, CS, MT), pp. 224–232.
VMCAI-2013-DAntoniV #static analysis #string- Static Analysis of String Encoders and Decoders (LD, MV), pp. 209–228.
DATE-2012-WilleDOO #automation #design #power management #synthesis #using- Automatic design of low-power encoders using reversible circuit synthesis (RW, RD, CO, AGO), pp. 1036–1041.
DocEng-2012-WongSL #documentation #multi- Full-text search on multi-byte encoded documents (RKW, FS, NL), pp. 227–236.
FoSSaCS-2012-PetersN #encoding #question- Is It a “Good” Encoding of Mixed Choice? (KP, UN), pp. 210–224.
PLDI-2012-GodefroidT #automation #encoding #synthesis- Automated synthesis of symbolic instruction encodings from I/O samples (PG, AT), pp. 441–452.
CIKM-2012-DongFSZY #framework #mining- A general framework to encode heterogeneous information sources for contextual pattern mining (WD, WF, LS, CZ, XY), pp. 65–74.
CIKM-2012-SymondsBST #encoding #semantics- A tensor encoding model for semantic processing (MS, PDB, LS, IT), pp. 2267–2270.
CIKM-2012-XuCWS #representation- From sBoW to dCoT marginalized encoders for text representation (ZEX, MC, KQW, FS), pp. 1879–1884.
ICML-2012-RifaiDVB #generative #process- A Generative Process for Contractive Auto-Encoders (SR, YD, PV, YB), p. 235.
ICPR-2012-BespalovQBS #classification #image #scalability #using- Large-scale image classification using supervised spatial encoder (DB, YQ, BB, AS), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-2012-LiW #encoding #matrix #recognition #using- Iris recognition using ordinal encoding of Log-Euclidean covariance matrices (PL, GW), pp. 2420–2423.
ICPR-2012-WuHWT #classification #encoding #image- Group encoding of local features in image classification (ZW, YH, LW, TT), pp. 1505–1508.
KDIR-2012-AugelloGPV #algebra #encoding #geometry- Geometric Encoding of Sentences based on Clifford Algebra (AA, MG, GP, GV), pp. 457–462.
HPCA-2012-SanchezK #encoding #flexibility #named #scalability #set- SCD: A scalable coherence directory with flexible sharer set encoding (DS, CK), pp. 129–140.
IJCAR-2012-BaaderBM #encoding #ontology #satisfiability #strict #unification- SAT Encoding of Unification in ℰℒℋ_R⁺ w.r.t. Cycle-Restricted Ontologies (FB, SB, BM), pp. 30–44.
SAT-2012-Ben-HaimIMM #constraints #encoding- Perfect Hashing and CNF Encodings of Cardinality Constraints (YBH, AI, OM, AM), pp. 397–409.
SAT-2012-TanjoTB #csp #encoding #named #order #satisfiability #using- Azucar: A SAT-Based CSP Solver Using Compact Order Encoding — (Tool Presentation) (TT, NT, MB), pp. 456–462.
SMT-2012-KovasznaiFB #complexity #logic #on the- On the Complexity of Fixed-Size Bit-Vector Logics with Binary Encoded Bit-Width (GK, AF, AB), pp. 44–56.
DAC-2011-JavaidSPH #adaptation #case study #multi #pipes and filters #power management #video- Low-power adaptive pipelined MPSoCs for multimedia: an H.264 video encoder case study (HJ, MS, SP, JH), pp. 1032–1037.
TACAS-2011-CodishFFS #constraints #encoding #pseudo- Optimal Base Encodings for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints (MC, YF, CF, PSK), pp. 189–204.
DLT-2011-BattaglinoFFR #encoding #regular expression- Encoding Centered Polyominoes by Means of a Regular Language (DB, JMF, AF, SR), pp. 464–465.
FM-2011-RozierV #approach #encoding #ltl #multi #satisfiability- A Multi-encoding Approach for LTL Symbolic Satisfiability Checking (KYR, MYV), pp. 417–431.
CIKM-2011-Ando #encoding #relational #using- Latent feature encoding using dyadic and relational data (SA), pp. 2201–2204.
CIKM-2011-FontouraGJV #encoding- Efficiently encoding term co-occurrences in inverted indexes (MF, MG, VJ, SV), pp. 307–316.
ICML-2011-CoatesN #encoding- The Importance of Encoding Versus Training with Sparse Coding and Vector Quantization (AC, AYN), pp. 921–928.
ICML-2011-RifaiVMGB #feature model- Contractive Auto-Encoders: Explicit Invariance During Feature Extraction (SR, PV, XM, XG, YB), pp. 833–840.
KEOD-2011-LepperT #2d #authoring #documentation #maintenance #named #prototype #robust #xml- D2d — A Robust Front-end for Prototyping, Authoring and Maintaining XML Encoded Documents by Domain Experts (ML, BTyW), pp. 449–456.
ISSTA-2011-XiaoZ #analysis #encoding #geometry #java #performance #points-to- Geometric encoding: forging the high performance context sensitive points-to analysis for Java (XX, CZ), pp. 188–198.
SAT-2011-PetkeJ #csp #encoding #order #satisfiability- The Order Encoding: From Tractable CSP to Tractable SAT (JP, PJ), pp. 371–372.
SAT-2011-TanjoTB #csp #encoding #finite #performance- A Compact and Efficient SAT-Encoding of Finite Domain CSP (TT, NT, MB), pp. 375–376.
TAP-2011-SoekenWD #data type #encoding #modelling #ocl #satisfiability #uml #verification- Encoding OCL Data Types for SAT-Based Verification of UML/OCL Models (MS, RW, RD), pp. 152–170.
DATE-2010-LopezSPLC #hardware #image- Exploration of hardware sharing for image encoders (SL, RS, PGP, WL, PYKC), pp. 1737–1742.
DATE-2010-ShafiqueBH #adaptation #energy #estimation #named #predict #runtime #video- enBudget: A Run-Time Adaptive Predictive Energy-Budgeting scheme for energy-aware Motion Estimation in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video encoder (MS, LB, JH), pp. 1725–1730.
DATE-2010-ShafiqueMH #adaptation #complexity #reduction #using #video- An HVS-based Adaptive Computational Complexity Reduction Scheme for H.264/AVC video encoder using Prognostic Early Mode Exclusion (MS, BM, JH), pp. 1713–1718.
TACAS-2010-LeinoR #design #encoding #logic #polymorphism #verification- A Polymorphic Intermediate Verification Language: Design and Logical Encoding (KRML, PR), pp. 312–327.
ICGT-2010-Monreale #automaton #calculus #encoding #lts #process #semantics #visual notation- LTS Semantics for Process Calculi from Their Graphical Encodings (GVM), pp. 403–406.
CIKM-2010-SilvestriV #encoding #integer #named #performance #programming- VSEncoding: efficient coding and fast decoding of integer lists via dynamic programming (FS, RV), pp. 1219–1228.
ICPR-2010-FoureyB #combinator #encoding #performance- Efficient Encoding of n-D Combinatorial Pyramids (SF, LB), pp. 1036–1039.
ICPR-2010-KapotasS #sequence- Rate Control of H.264 Encoded Sequences by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain (SKK, ANS), pp. 2382–2385.
ICPR-2010-Marin-JimenezBM #encoding #modelling- RBM-based Silhouette Encoding for Human Action Modelling (MJMJ, NPdlB, MÁM), pp. 979–982.
ICPR-2010-WangL #encoding- Encoding Actions via Quantized Vocabulary of Averaged Silhouettes (LW, CL), pp. 3657–3660.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-CameronN #encoding #java- Encoding Ownership Types in Java (NRC, JN), pp. 271–290.
ICSE-2010-SumnerZWZ #encoding #precise- Precise calling context encoding (WNS, YZ, DW, XZ), pp. 525–534.
SPLC-2010-Nakajima #automation #diagrams #encoding #feature model- Non-clausal Encoding of Feature Diagram for Automated Diagnosis (SN), pp. 420–424.
SAT-2010-MillerKLB #bound #design #encoding #model checking- Encoding Techniques, Craig Interpolants and Bounded Model Checking for Incomplete Designs (CM, SK, MDTL, BB), pp. 194–208.
TAP-2010-GoldbergM #encoding #generative #proving #testing- Generating High-Quality Tests for Boolean Circuits by Treating Tests as Proof Encoding (EG, PM), pp. 101–116.
DAC-2009-GlassLTBC #analysis #architecture #design #encoding #hybrid #network- Designing heterogeneous ECU networks via compact architecture encoding and hybrid timing analysis (MG, ML, JT, UDB, SC), pp. 43–46.
DATE-2009-HeH #algorithm #encoding #performance #verification- An efficient path-oriented bitvector encoding width computation algorithm for bit-precise verification (NH, MSH), pp. 1602–1607.
DATE-2009-ZridaJAA #implementation #parallel #video- High level H.264/AVC video encoder parallelization for multiprocessor implementation (HKZ, AJ, ACA, MA), pp. 940–945.
ICDAR-2009-SharmaLM- Shape Encoded Post Processing of Gurmukhi OCR (DVS, GSL, SM), pp. 788–792.
FM-2009-PradellaMP #bound #encoding #metric #model checking- A Metric Encoding for Bounded Model Checking (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 741–756.
IFM-2009-SalaunB #algebra #encoding #process #using- Realizability of Choreographies Using Process Algebra Encodings (GS, TB), pp. 167–182.
ECIR-2009-EsuliS09a #classification #encoding- Encoding Ordinal Features into Binary Features for Text Classification (AE, FS), pp. 771–775.
PPDP-2009-CodishGS #declarative #encoding #satisfiability- A declarative encoding of telecommunications feature subscription in SAT (MC, SG, PJS), pp. 255–266.
CADE-2009-SebastianiV #analysis #axiom #encoding #lightweight #logic- Axiom Pinpointing in Lightweight Description Logics via Horn-SAT Encoding and Conflict Analysis (RS, MV), pp. 84–99.
ICLP-2009-Zhou #constraints #encoding- Encoding Table Constraints in CLP(FD) Based on Pair-Wise AC (NFZ), pp. 402–416.
SAT-2009-ArgelichCLM #encoding #satisfiability- Sequential Encodings from Max-CSP into Partial Max-SAT (JA, AC, IL, FM), pp. 161–166.
SAT-2009-BailleuxBR #constraints #encoding #pseudo- New Encodings of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (OB, YB, OR), pp. 181–194.
SAT-2009-SamerV #encoding #satisfiability- Encoding Treewidth into SAT (MS, HV), pp. 45–50.
DAC-2008-BaertGB #automation #case study #memory management- An automatic scratch pad memory management tool and MPEG-4 encoder case study (RB, EdG, EB), pp. 201–204.
DAC-2008-LinLLKWTCC- A 242mW, 10mm21080p H.264/AVC high profile encoder chip (YKL, DWL, CCL, TYK, SJW, WCT, WCC, TSC), pp. 78–83.
DATE-2008-BonnyH #embedded #encoding- Instruction Re-encoding Facilitating Dense Embedded Code (TB, JH), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2008-VelevG #comparison #encoding #problem #satisfiability- Comparison of Boolean Satisfiability Encodings on FPGA Detailed Routing Problems (MNV, PG), pp. 1268–1273.
ESOP-2008-PoswolskyS #dependent type #encoding #higher-order #programming- Practical Programming with Higher-Order Encodings and Dependent Types (AP, CS), pp. 93–107.
ICALP-A-2008-AlonH #encoding- Optimal Monotone Encodings (NA, RH), pp. 258–270.
SOFTVIS-2008-SavidisPZ #3d #agile #design #encoding #semantics #visual notation- Rapid visual design with semantics encoding through 3d CRC cards (AS, PP, GZ), pp. 193–196.
ECIR-2008-FishbeinE #classification #encoding- Integrating Structure and Meaning: A New Method for Encoding Structure for Text Classification (JMF, CE), pp. 514–521.
POPL-2008-AlaviGG #encoding- Extensible encoding of type hierarchies (HSA, SG, RG), pp. 349–358.
FSE-2008-YuWGB #composition #encoding #performance #summary #using #verification #web #web service- Modular verification of web services using efficient symbolic encoding and summarization (FY, CW, AG, TB), pp. 192–202.
SMT-2007-BongioKLLM08 #encoding #first-order #proving #smt- Encoding First Order Proofs in SMT (JB, CK, HL, CL, REM), pp. 71–84.
RTA-2008-ArrighiD #algebra #confluence #encoding #higher-order #λ-calculus- Linear-algebraic λ-calculus: higher-order, encodings, and confluence (PA, GD), pp. 17–31.
RTA-2008-Ueda #encoding #graph grammar #λ-calculus- Encoding the Pure λ Calculus into Hierarchical Graph Rewriting (KU), pp. 392–408.
ASE-2007-MateescuPS #adaptation #algebra #behaviour #component #composition #encoding #process- Behavioral adaptation of component compositions based on process algebra encodings (RM, PP, GS), pp. 385–388.
DAC-2007-MorganT #encoding #energy #reduction- ASIP Instruction Encoding for Energy and Area Reduction (PM, RT), pp. 797–800.
DATE-2007-KhanA #architecture #configuration management #implementation #pipes and filters #programmable #realtime- Pipelined implementation of a real time programmable encoder for low density parity check code on a reconfigurable instruction cell architecture (ZK, TA), pp. 349–354.
DATE-2007-PapadonikolakisPK #implementation #performance- Efficient high-performance ASIC implementation of JPEG-LS encoder (MEP, VP, AK), pp. 159–164.
ICDAR-2007-MS #encoding #online #recognition- A Feature based on Encoding the Relative Position of a Point in the Character for Online Handwritten Character Recognition (DM, MKS), pp. 1014–1017.
VLDB-2007-LitwinMRS #algebra #performance #string #using- Fast nGram-Based String Search Over Data Encoded Using Algebraic Signatures (WL, RM, PR, TJES), pp. 207–218.
SEFM-2007-GrandyBSR #encoding #named #protocol #security- ASN1-light: A Verified Message Encoding for Security Protocols (HG, RB, KS, WR), pp. 195–204.
CIKM-2007-TrotmanS- Sigma encoded inverted files (AT, VS), pp. 983–986.
SAC-2007-PereraGB #low level #using #visualisation- Preattentive processing: using low-level vision psychology to encode information in visualisations (NP, AG, KB), pp. 1090–1091.
SMT-J-2006-GanaiTG07 #difference #encoding #integration #lazy evaluation #logic #named- SDSAT: Tight Integration of Small Domain Encoding and Lazy Approaches in Solving Difference Logic (MKG, MT, AG), pp. 91–114.
CADE-2007-DeshaneHJLLM #encoding #first-order #proving #satisfiability- Encoding First Order Proofs in SAT (TD, WH, PJ, HL, CL, REM), pp. 476–491.
CADE-2007-PerezV #bound #effectiveness #encoding #logic #ltl #model checking- Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking in Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), pp. 346–361.
SAT-2007-AudemardS #encoding- Circuit Based Encoding of CNF Formula (GA, LS), pp. 16–21.
SAT-2007-HertelHU #encoding #formal method #satisfiability- Formalizing Dangerous SAT Encodings (AH, PH, AU), pp. 159–172.
SAT-2007-PerezV #effectiveness #encoding #logic #problem- Encodings of Problems in Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), p. 3.
DAC-2006-BrahmbhattZWQ #adaptation #algorithm #encoding #hybrid #power management #using- Low-power bus encoding using an adaptive hybrid algorithm (ARB, JZ, QW, QQ), pp. 987–990.
DAC-2006-CarmonaC #encoding #scalability- State encoding of large asynchronous controllers (JC, JC), pp. 939–944.
DATE-2006-LaMeresK #encoding #induction- Bus stuttering: an encoding technique to reduce inductive noise in off-chip data transmission (BJL, SPK), pp. 522–527.
VLDB-2006-ApaydinCFT #approximate #encoding #query- Approximate Encoding for Direct Access and Query Processing over Compressed Bitmaps (TA, GC, HF, AST), pp. 846–857.
TACAS-2006-GanaiTG #encoding #integration #lazy evaluation #logic #named- SDSAT: Tight Integration of Small Domain Encoding and Lazy Approaches in a Separation Logic Solver (MKG, MT, AG), pp. 135–150.
ICGT-2006-BonchiGK #bisimulation #encoding #process #visual notation- Process Bisimulation Via a Graphical Encoding (FB, FG, BK), pp. 168–183.
ICPR-v2-2006-MakkapatiM #encoding #using- Contour Encoding Based on Extraction of Key Points Using Wavelet Transform (VM, PRM), pp. 1177–1180.
ASPLOS-2006-BondM #detection #encoding #memory management #named #online- Bell: bit-encoding online memory leak detection (MDB, KSM), pp. 61–72.
SAT-2006-ChaviraD #analysis #component #encoding- Encoding CNFs to Empower Component Analysis (MC, AD), pp. 61–74.
SAT-2006-SebastianiV #case study #encoding #logic #satisfiability- Encoding the Satisfiability of Modal and Description Logics into SAT: The Case Study of K(m)/ALC (RS, MV), pp. 130–135.
DAC-2005-SaneeiAN #encoding #power management #reduction- Sign bit reduction encoding for low power applications (MS, AAK, ZN), pp. 214–217.
DATE-2005-LaMeresK #encoding #induction- Encoding-Based Minimization of Inductive Cross-Talk for Off-Chip Data Transmission (BJL, SPK), pp. 1318–1323.
ICDAR-2005-MozaffariFZ #encoding #recognition #representation #using- Character Representation and Recognition Using Quadtree-based Fractal Encoding Scheme (SM, KF, MZ), pp. 819–823.
VLDB-2005-LuLCC #encoding #pattern matching #performance #xml- From Region Encoding To Extended Dewey: On Efficient Processing of XML Twig Pattern Matching (JL, TWL, CYC, TC), pp. 193–204.
ICALP-2005-BaldamusPV #encoding #π-calculus- A Fully Abstract Encoding of the π-Calculus with Data Terms (MB, JP, BV), pp. 1202–1213.
IFL-2005-Mackie #encoding #interactive #λ-calculus- Encoding Strategies in the λ Calculus with Interaction Nets (IM), pp. 19–36.
ICEIS-v1-2005-RisheBCVGSW #encoding #semantics- Object ID Distribution and Encoding in the Semantic Binary Engine (NR, AB, MC, DV, SG, SS, OW), pp. 279–284.
CIKM-2005-LiL05a #encoding #named #novel #xml- QED: a novel quaternary encoding to completely avoid re-labeling in XML updates (CL, TWL), pp. 501–508.
ECIR-2005-KakadeR #encoding #xml- Encoding XML in Vector Spaces (VK, PR), pp. 96–111.
MLDM-2005-DuKAB #algorithm #clustering #encoding #multi #search-based- Alternative Clustering by Utilizing Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Linked-List Based Chromosome Encoding (JD, EEK, RA, KB), pp. 346–355.
COCV-J-2005-GalPF05a #encoding- Structural Encoding of Static Single Assignment Form (AG, CWP, MF), pp. 85–102.
TLCA-2005-SchurmannPS #calculus #encoding #functional #higher-order #programming- The [triangle]-Calculus. Functional Programming with Higher-Order Encodings (CS, AP, JS), pp. 339–353.
DAC-2004-DeogunRSB #encoding #reduction- Leakage-and crosstalk-aware bus encoding for total power reduction (HD, RRR, DS, DB), pp. 779–782.
DAC-2004-YoussefYSPJ #case study #debugging #design #interface #video- Debugging HW/SW interface for MPSoC: video encoder system design case study (MWY, SY, AS, YP, AAJ), pp. 908–913.
DATE-v1-2004-WongT #configuration management #encoding #power management- Re-Configurable Bus Encoding Scheme for Reducing Power Consumption of the Cross Coupling Capacitance for Deep Sub-Micron Instruction Bus (SKW, CYT), pp. 130–135.
CIAA-2004-GiraudL #automaton #encoding #finite #linear- Linear Encoding Scheme for Weighted Finite Automata (MG, DL), pp. 146–155.
ICALP-2004-Rytter #algorithm #encoding #string- Grammar Compression, LZ-Encodings, and String Algorithms with Implicit Input (WR), pp. 15–27.
CIKM-2004-ChenMDP #named #xml- EXPedite: a system for encoded XML processing (YC, GAM, SBD, SP), pp. 108–117.
ICPR-v2-2004-YinFD #framework #unification- A Unification Framework for Tree and Block Wavelet Encoders (XWY, MF, ACD), pp. 795–798.
SAC-PL-J-2004-FagorziZ #case study #encoding #multi- A Case-Study in Encoding Configuration Languages: Multiple Class Loaders (SF, EZ), pp. 31–54.
SAT-2004-Velev #encoding #performance #satisfiability- Encoding Global Unobservability for Efficient Translation to SAT (MNV), pp. 197–204.
DAC-2003-Al-YamaniM #automaton #encoding- Seed encoding with LFSRs and cellular automata (AAAY, EJM), pp. 560–565.
DAC-2003-NohlGBALSM #architecture #encoding #modelling #synthesis #using- Instruction encoding synthesis for architecture exploration using hierarchical processor models (AN, VG, GB, AH, RL, OS, HM), pp. 262–267.
DATE-2003-ChengP #encoding #interface #power management #visual notation- Chromatic Encoding: A Low Power Encoding Technique for Digital Visual Interface (WCC, MP), pp. 10694–10699.
DATE-2003-LvHLW #encoding- Enhancing Signal Integrity through a Low-Overhead Encoding Scheme on Address Buses (TL, JH, HL, WW), pp. 10542–10549.
DATE-2003-WedlerSK #encoding #induction #using- Using RTL Statespace Information and State Encoding for Induction Based Property Checking (MW, DS, WK), pp. 11156–11157.
DocEng-2003-Bulterman #interactive #multi #using- Using SMIL to encode interactive, peer-level multimedia annotations (DCAB), pp. 32–41.
DocEng-2003-ZhuN #encoding- Information encoding into and decoding from dot texture for active forms (BZ, MN), pp. 105–114.
SIGMOD-2003-DeHaanTCO #encoding #sql #using #xquery- A Comprehensive XQuery to SQL Translation using Dynamic Interval Encoding (DD, DT, MPC, MTÖ), pp. 623–634.
ESOP-2003-DanvyL #encoding- Tagging, Encoding, and Jones Optimality (OD, PEML), pp. 335–347.
STOC-2003-GuruswamiI #linear- Linear time encodable and list decodable codes (VG, PI), pp. 126–135.
ICFP-2003-WashburnW #encoding #higher-order #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #syntax- Boxes go bananas: encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism (GW, SW), pp. 249–262.
UML-2003-YangX #architecture #case study #encoding #experience #uml- Encoding Informal Architectural Descriptions with UML: An Experience Report (YY, JX), pp. 138–142.
SAT-2003-Prestwich #problem- Local Search on SAT-encoded Colouring Problems (SDP), pp. 105–119.
TLCA-2003-Joly #encoding #problem- Encoding of the Halting Problem into the Monster Type & Applications (TJ), pp. 153–166.
VMCAI-2003-YangRS #encoding #logic #mobile #model checking #process #using #π-calculus- A Logical Encoding of the pi-Calculus: Model Checking Mobile Processes Using Tabled Resolution (PY, CRR, SAS), pp. 116–131.
DATE-2002-AghaghiriPF #encoding #multi #power management- EZ Encoding: A Class of Irredundant Low Power Codes for Data Address and Multiplexed Address Buses (YA, MP, FF), p. 1102.
DATE-2002-BertozziBM #encoding #fault #power management- Low Power Error Resilient Encoding for On-Chip Data Buses (DB, LB, GDM), pp. 102–109.
DATE-2002-FerrettiB #encoding #pipes and filters #using- Single-Track Asynchronous Pipeline Templates Using 1-of-N Encoding (MF, PAB), pp. 1008–1015.
DATE-2002-LvWHL #adaptation #encoding #taxonomy- An Adaptive Dictionary Encoding Scheme for SOC Data Buses (TL, WW, JH, HL), pp. 1059–1064.
DATE-2002-MartinezAQSK #encoding #implementation #power management- An Encoding Technique for Low Power CMOS Implementations of Controllers (MM, MJA, JMQ, HS, MK), p. 1083.
DATE-2002-OrtizKG #estimation #power management- Estimation of Power Consumption in Encoded Data Buses (AGO, LDK, MG), p. 1103.
DATE-2002-RedaO #encoding #testing- Reducing Test Application Time Through Test Data Mutation Encoding (SR, AO), pp. 387–393.
PASTE-2002-BrownDEHJVW #encoding #framework #named #performance- STEP: a framework for the efficient encoding of general trace data (RB, KD, DE, LJH, JJ, CV, QW), pp. 27–34.
ECIR-2002-RajapakseD #adaptation #concept #encoding #information retrieval #representation #using- Concept Based Adaptive IR Model Using FCA-BAM Combination for Concept Representation and Encoding (RKR, MJD), pp. 150–168.
ECOOP-2002-Filman #encoding- Polychotomic Encoding: A Better Quasi-Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies (REF), pp. 545–561.
SAC-2002-JulstromR #algorithm #robust #set- Initialization is robust in evolutionary algorithms that encode spanning trees as sets of edges (BAJ, GRR), pp. 547–552.
SAT-2002-GentP #encoding #problem #satisfiability- SAT encodings of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (IG, PP), p. 19.
VMCAI-2002-CimattiPRS #encoding #ltl #model checking #satisfiability- Improving the Encoding of LTL Model Checking into SAT (AC, MP, MR, RS), pp. 196–207.
ICDAR-2001-CesariniLMS #classification #documentation #encoding- Encoding of Modified X-Y Trees for Document Classification (FC, ML, SM, GS), pp. 1131–1136.
ICDAR-2001-KimLSN #analysis #encoding #performance- Analysis of Postal Address Fields for Efficient Encoding of Korean Mail Pieces (GK, SL, MS, YSN), pp. 675–679.
ESOP-2001-Weirich #analysis #encoding- Encoding Intensional Type Analysis (SW), pp. 92–106.
CIAA-2001-HolzerK #encoding #image #order #using- Improving Raster Image Run-Length Encoding Using Data Order (MH, MK), pp. 161–176.
ECOOP-2001-RaynaudT #encoding #performance #testing- A Quasi Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies. Application to Efficient Type Inclusion Tests (OR, ET), pp. 165–180.
OOPSLA-2001-ZibinG #encoding #performance #testing #type system- Efficient Subtyping Tests with PQ-Encoding (YZ, JYG), pp. 96–107.
SAC-2001-Julstrom #encoding- Encoding rectilinear Steiner trees as lists of edges (BAJ), pp. 356–360.
ICSE-2001-ReissR #encoding- Encoding Program Executions (SPR, MR), pp. 221–230.
CSL-2001-Schurmann #encoding #higher-order #recursion- Recursion for Higher-Order Encodings (CS), pp. 585–599.
DAC-2000-ChangKC #encoding #memory management #power management- Bus encoding for low-power high-performance memory systems (NC, KK, JC), pp. 800–805.
DAC-2000-MacchiaruloM- Wave-steering one-hot encoded FSMs (LM, MMS), pp. 357–360.
ICPR-v3-2000-RomeroRT #performance- Fast Skeletonization of Spatially Encoded Objects (FR, LR, FT), pp. 3514–3517.
ICPR-v3-2000-ZemcikVFKT #encoding #image #multi- Multispectral Image Color Encoding (PZ, JV, MF, HK, PJT), pp. 3609–3612.
ICPR-v4-2000-SvalbeST #encoding- Discrete Angle Watermark Encoding and Recovery (IDS, RGvS, AZT), pp. 4246–4249.
OOPSLA-2000-Glew #encoding #performance- An efficient class and object encoding (NG), pp. 311–324.
DATE-1999-FornaciariSS #embedded #encoding- Influence of Caching and Encoding on Power Dissipation of System-Level Buses for Embedded Systems (WF, DS, CS), pp. 762–763.
DATE-1999-IkedaKNSYMNO #architecture #scalability #video- An MPEG-2 Video Encoder LSI with Scalability for HDTV based on Three-layer Cooperative Architecture (MI, TK, KN, KS, TY, TM, JN, TO), p. 44–?.
DATE-1999-MartinezAQH #algorithm #encoding #using- An Algorithm for Face-Constrained Encoding of Symbols Using Minimum Code Length (MM, MJA, JMQ, JLH), pp. 521–525.
DATE-1999-NoethK #encoding #power management- Spanning Tree-based State Encoding for Low Power Dissipation (WN, RK), pp. 168–174.
DATE-1999-OchiaiINEO #embedded #framework #performance #video- High-speed Software-based Platform for Embedded Software of a Single-chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder LSI with HDTV Scalabilit (KO, HI, JN, ME, TO), pp. 303–308.
ICDAR-1999-MisraAC #image #memory management #performance- A Memory Efficient Method for Fast Transposing Run-length Encoded Images (VM, JFA, AKC), pp. 161–164.
SIGMOD-1999-ChanI #encoding #performance #query- An Efficient Bitmap Encoding Scheme for Selection Queries (CYC, YEI), pp. 215–226.
WIA-1999-Eramian #image- Computing Entropy Maps of Finite-Automaton-Encoded Binary Images (MGE), pp. 81–90.
WIA-1999-JurgensenS #automaton #encoding #finite #geometry- Finite Automata Encoding Geometric Figures (HJ, LS), pp. 101–108.
CIKM-1999-BommelB #encoding #incremental #inheritance #multi- Incremental Encoding of Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies (MFvB, TJB), pp. 507–513.
ICLP-1999-Penn #encoding #prolog- An Optimized Prolog Encoding of Typed Feature Structures (GP), pp. 124–138.
DAC-1998-JiangJH #composition #encoding #synthesis- Compatible Class Encoding in Hyper-Function Decomposition for FPGA Synthesis (JHRJ, JYJ, JDH), pp. 712–717.
DATE-1998-BeniniMSMS #encoding #optimisation- Address Bus Encoding Techniques for System-Level Power Optimization (LB, GDM, DS, EM, CS), pp. 861–866.
DATE-1998-Coudert #encoding #paradigm- A New Paradigm for Dichotomy-based Constrained Encoding (OC), pp. 830–834.
DATE-1998-PastorC #analysis #encoding #performance #petri net- Efficient Encoding Schemes for Symbolic Analysis of Petri Nets (EP, JC), pp. 790–795.
ICALP-1998-ChuangGHKL #canonical #encoding #graph #multi #order- Compact Encodings of Planar Graphs via Canonical Orderings and Multiple Parentheses (RCNC, AG, XH, MYK, HIL), pp. 118–129.
ICALP-1998-PlandowskiR #encoding #equation #word- Application of Lempel-Ziv Encodings to the Solution of Words Equations (WP, WR), pp. 731–742.
ICFP-1998-Yang #encoding- Encoding Types in ML-Like Languages (ZY), pp. 289–300.
KR-1998-BaiolettiMM #constraints #encoding #partial order- Encoding Planning Constraints into Partial Order Planners (MB, SM, AM), pp. 608–616.
EDTC-1997-SurtiCT #automaton #design #encoding #power management #using- Low power FSM design using Huffman-style encoding (PS, LFC, AT), pp. 521–525.
ECOOP-1997-KrallVH #encoding- Near Optimal Hierarchical Encoding of Types (AK, JV, RNH), pp. 128–145.
DAC-1996-CortadellaKKLY #encoding #synthesis #tool support- Methodology and Tools for State Encoding in Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis (JC, MK, AK, LL, AY), pp. 63–66.
ESOP-1996-Bechet #encoding #partial evaluation #using- Removing Value Encoding Using Alternative Values in Partial Evaluation of Strongly-Typed Languages (DB), pp. 77–91.
KR-1996-KautzMS #encoding #logic- Encoding Plans in Propositional Logic (HAK, DAM, BS), pp. 374–384.
STOC-1995-Spielman #linear- Linear-time encodable and decodable error-correcting codes (DAS), pp. 388–397.
SAC-1995-AbualiWS #encoding #graph #representation- Determinant factorization and cycle basis: encoding schemes for the representation of spanning trees on incomplete graphs (FNA, RLW, DAS), pp. 305–312.
ILPS-1995-BarklundDCL #encoding #logic programming #semantics- Semantical Properties of Encodings in Logic Programming (JB, PD, SC, GAL), pp. 288–302.
DAC-1994-MurgaiBS #composition #encoding #functional #using- Optimum Functional Decomposition Using Encoding (RM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 408–414.
FME-1993-Martin #encoding #logic- Encoding W: A Logic for Z in 2OBJ (AM), pp. 462–481.
DAC-1991-CiesielskiSD #approach #automaton #encoding- A Unified Approach to Input-Output Encoding for FSM State Assignment (MJC, JJS, MD), pp. 176–181.
DAC-1991-SaldanhaVBS #constraints #encoding #framework- A Framework for Satisfying Input and Output Encoding Constraints (AS, TV, RKB, ALSV), pp. 170–175.
KDD-1991-Frawley #induction #statistics #using- Using Functions to Encode Domain and Contextual Knowledge in Statistical Induction (WJF), pp. 261–276.
KDD-1991-Pednault #encoding #induction- Minimal-Length Encoding and Inductive Inference (EPDP), pp. 71–92.
CADE-1990-FeltyM #encoding #logic programming #programming language #λ-calculus- Encoding a Dependent-Type Lambda-Calculus in a Logic Programming Language (APF, DM), pp. 221–235.
HT-1987-Landow #hypermedia- Relationally Encoded Links and the Rhetoric of Hypertext (GPL), pp. 331–343.
ICALP-1984-Welzl #encoding #formal method #graph #graph grammar- Encoding Graphs by Derivations and Implications for the Theory of Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 503–513.
SLP-1984-WiseP84 #prolog #word- Indexing Prolog Clauses via Superimposed Code Words and Filed Encoded Words (MJW, DMWP), pp. 203–210.
VLDB-1977-Lincoln #database #encoding- Encoding, Decoding and Storing Melodies for a Data Base of Renaissance Polyphony: A Progress Report (HBL), pp. 277–282.