Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Fenn M.A.Murphy L.Stout D.Xu P.Ruth J.Rhee R.Kennell
Talks about:
virtual (3) cluster (2) organ (2) infrastructur (1) distribut (1) workload (1) network (1) kestrel (1) environ (1) autonom (1)
Person: Sebastien Goasguen
DBLP: Goasguen:Sebastien
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HPDC-2010-StoutFMG #clustering #network #scalability #using
- Scaling virtual organization clusters over a wide area network using the Kestrel workload management system (LS, MF, MAM, SG), pp. 692–698.
- PDP-2009-MurphyFG #clustering
- Virtual Organization Clusters (MAM, MF, SG), pp. 401–408.
- HPDC-2006-XuRRKG #adaptation #distributed #framework #multi
- Autonomic Adaptation of Virtual Distributed Environments in a Multi-Domain Infrastructure (DX, PR, JR, RK, SG), pp. 317–320.