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Collaborated with:
P.Madhusudan P.Garg U.Mathur M.V.0001 A.Astorga Shiyu Wang T.X.0001
Talks about:
learn (2) precondit (1) alchemist (1) synthesi (1) function (1) fragment (1) generat (1) second (1) modulo (1) applic (1)
Person: Shambwaditya Saha
DBLP: Saha:Shambwaditya
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CAV-2015-Saha0M #learning #named
- Alchemist: Learning Guarded Affine Functions (SS, PG, PM), pp. 440–446.
- CSL-2018-MadhusudanMS0 #decidability #higher-order #logic #synthesis
- A Decidable Fragment of Second Order Logic With Applications to Synthesis (PM, UM, SS, MV0), p. 19.
- PLDI-2019-AstorgaMSWX #generative #learning
- Learning stateful preconditions modulo a test generator (AA, PM, SS, SW, TX0), pp. 775–787.