40 papers:
STOC-2015-SchulmanS #algorithm #analysis #matrix- Analysis of a Classical Matrix Preconditioning Algorithm (LJS, AS), pp. 831–840.
SAS-2014-BrotherstonG #abduction #safety #termination- Cyclic Abduction of Inductively Defined Safety and Termination Preconditions (JB, NG), pp. 68–84.
FM-2014-SchebenS #calculus #composition #performance #self- Efficient Self-composition for Weakest Precondition Calculi (CS, PHS), pp. 579–594.
GT-VMT-2014-DeckwerthV #constraints #generative #graph transformation #higher-order- Generating Preconditions from Graph Constraints by Higher Order Graph Transformation (FD, GV).
ICGT-2014-DeckwerthV #constraints #generative #graph- Attribute Handling for Generating Preconditions from Graph Constraints (FD, GV), pp. 81–96.
AMT-2014-RichaBPBR #algebra #graph transformation #model transformation #testing #towards #using- Towards Testing Model Transformation Chains Using Precondition Construction in Algebraic Graph Transformation (ER, EB, LP, MB, JFR), pp. 34–43.
FSE-2014-Nguyen0NR #api #corpus #mining #scalability- Mining preconditions of APIs in large-scale code corpus (HAN, RD, TNN, HR), pp. 166–177.
VMCAI-2014-LopesM #compilation #optimisation #synthesis- Weakest Precondition Synthesis for Compiler Optimizations (NPL, JM), pp. 203–221.
DATE-2013-DaloukasMETS #approach #network #parallel #performance #power management- A parallel fast transform-based preconditioning approach for electrical-thermal co-simulation of power delivery networks (KD, AM, NEE, PT, GIS), pp. 1689–1694.
ESOP-2013-SeghirK- Counterexample-Guided Precondition Inference (MNS, DK), pp. 451–471.
VMCAI-2013-CousotCFL #automation- Automatic Inference of Necessary Preconditions (PC, RC, MF, FL), pp. 128–148.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ErdensCLA #composition- Discoverying Cloud Services by Preconditions and Effects for Compositions (LE, DBC, DL, PA), pp. 264–270.
ASE-2011-OverbeyJ #analysis #difference #lightweight #refactoring #reuse #tool support- Differential precondition checking: A lightweight, reusable analysis for refactoring tools (JLO, REJ), pp. 303–312.
VMCAI-2011-CousotCL #contract- Precondition Inference from Intermittent Assertions and Application to Contracts on Collections (PC, RC, FL), pp. 150–168.
DAC-2010-FengZ #analysis #grid #parallel #power management #robust- Parallel multigrid preconditioning on graphics processing units (GPUs) for robust power grid analysis (ZF, ZZ), pp. 661–666.
ICST-2010-WeiGMO- Satisfying Test Preconditions through Guided Object Selection (YW, SG, BM, MO), pp. 303–312.
PLDI-2009-ChandraFS #approach #named- Snugglebug: a powerful approach to weakest preconditions (SC, SJF, MS), pp. 363–374.
SAC-2009-HecklM #composition #process- Operational control of service processes: modularization as precondition (DH, JM), pp. 239–244.
SAC-2009-VomelTM #quantum- Bulk based preconditioning for quantum dot computations (CV, ST, OM), pp. 961–965.
CAiSE-2008-CostalGQT #concept #contract- Drawing Preconditions of Operation Contracts from Conceptual Schemas (DC, CG, AQ, ET), pp. 266–280.
ICML-2008-YaoL #difference #learning- Preconditioned temporal difference learning (HY, ZQL), pp. 1208–1215.
ISSTA-2008-SankaranarayananCIG #learning- Dynamic inference of likely data preconditions over predicates by tree learning (SS, SC, FI, AG), pp. 295–306.
VMCAI-2008-Moy #composition- Sufficient Preconditions for Modular Assertion Checking (YM), pp. 188–202.
DAC-2007-DongL #performance #simulation #using- Accelerating Harmonic Balance Simulation Using Efficient Parallelizable Hierarchical Preconditioning (WD, PL), pp. 436–439.
ICSM-2007-BrandBS #analysis #debugging #detection- Evidence-Based Analysis and Inferring Preconditions for Bug Detection (DB, MB, VCS), pp. 44–53.
SAS-2007-CalcagnoDOY #analysis- Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis That Discovers Preconditions (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 402–418.
ICGT-2006-HabelPR #source code- Weakest Preconditions for High-Level Programs (AH, KHP, AR), pp. 445–460.
DATE-2005-LiS #performance #simulation- An Efficiently Preconditioned GMRES Method for Fast Parasitic-Sensitive Deep-Submicron VLSI Circuit Simulation (ZL, CJRS), pp. 752–757.
PASTE-2005-BarnettL #source code- Weakest-precondition of unstructured programs (MB, KRML), pp. 82–87.
ICML-2005-IlghamiMNA #approximate #learning- Learning approximate preconditions for methods in hierarchical plans (OI, HMA, DSN, DWA), pp. 337–344.
FASE-2004-HeG #automation #debugging #using- Automated Debugging Using Path-Based Weakest Preconditions (HH, NG), pp. 267–280.
KR-2004-Gabaldon #algorithm- Precondition Control and the Progression Algorithm (AG), pp. 634–643.
DAC-2001-ChenC #analysis #grid #performance #power management #scalability- Efficient Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis Based on Preconditioned Krylov-Subspace Iterative Methods (THC, CCPC), pp. 559–562.
FM-v2-1999-CavalcantiN #object-oriented #refinement #semantics- A Weakest Precondition Semantics for an Object-Oriented Language of Refinement (AC, DAN), pp. 1439–1459.
FME-1996-ComuzziH #slicing #using- Program Slicing Using Weakest Preconditions (JJC, JMH), pp. 557–575.
ICLP-1995-ChiuL #constraints #linear #theorem proving #using- Interval Linear Constraint Solving Using the Preconditioned Interval Gauss-Seidel Method (CKC, JHML), pp. 17–31.
PPoPP-1993-YeungA #experience- Experience with Fine-Grain Synchronization in MIMD Machines for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (DY, AA), pp. 187–197.
CAV-1991-VemuriS #design #verification- Temporal Precondition Verification of Design Transformations (RV, AS), pp. 125–135.
CADE-1982-Smith #synthesis- Derived Preconditions and Their Use in Program Synthesis (DRS), pp. 172–193.
STOC-1976-LiptonS #evaluation- Evaluation of Polynomials with Super-Preconditioning (RJL, LJS), pp. 174–180.