Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × France
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ P.Giannini M.Gaboardi P.Coppola L.Roversi L.Paolini M.Dezani-Ciancaglini M.Pagani A.Piperno A.Bucciarelli D.Kesner G.Guerrieri J.Marion E.Pimentel U.D.Lago A.Pravato M.Coppo
Talks about:
type (7) calculus (6) logic (4) intersect (3) valu (3) call (3) elementari (2) extension (2) character (2) semant (2)
Person: Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
DBLP: Rocca:Simona_Ronchi_Della
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- TLCA-2015-BucciarelliKR #calculus
- Observability for Pair Pattern Calculi (AB, DK, SRDR), pp. 123–137.
- TLCA-2015-GuerrieriPR #call-by #standard #λ-calculus
- Standardization of a Call-By-Value λ-Calculus (GG, LP, SRDR), pp. 211–225.
- FoSSaCS-2010-PaganiR #λ-calculus
- Solvability in Resource λ-Calculus (MP, SRDR), pp. 358–373.
- CSL-2009-Dezani-CiancagliniGR #quantifier
- Intersection, Universally Quantified, and Reference Types (MDC, PG, SRDR), pp. 209–224.
- POPL-2008-GaboardiMR #logic
- A logical account of pspace (MG, JYM, SRDR), pp. 121–131.
- CSL-2007-GaboardiR #calculus
- A Soft Type Assignment System for λ -Calculus (MG, SRDR), pp. 253–267.
- FoSSaCS-2006-PaoliniPR #normalisation
- An Operational Characterization of Strong Normalization (LP, EP, SRDR), pp. 367–381.
- TLCA-2005-CoppolaLR #call-by #logic #λ-calculus
- Elementary Affine Logic and the Call-by-Value λ Calculus (PC, UDL, SRDR), pp. 131–145.
- TLCA-2003-CoppolaR #logic #type system
- Principal Typing in Elementary Affine Logic (PC, SRDR), pp. 90–104.
- CSL-2001-RoccaR #logic
- Intersection Logic (SRDR, LR), pp. 414–428.
- PPDP-2000-Rocca #semantics
- Operational semantics and extensionality (SRDR), pp. 24–31.
- TLCA-1995-PravatoRR #call-by #category theory #semantics #λ-calculus
- Categorical semantics of the call-by-value λ-calculus (AP, SRDR, LR), pp. 381–396.
- LICS-1994-PipernoR #type inference
- Type Inference and Extensionality (AP, SRDR), pp. 196–205.
- LICS-1988-GianniniR #polymorphism
- Characterization of typings in polymorphic type discipline (PG, SRDR), pp. 61–70.
- ICALP-1978-CoppoDR #finite #set #λ-calculus
- (Semi)-separability of Finite Sets of Terms in Scott’s D∞-Models of the λ-Calculus (MC, MDC, SRDR), pp. 142–164.
- CAAP-1987-Rocca #unification
- An Unification Semi-Algorithm for Intersection Type Schemes (SRDR), pp. 37–51.