Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Glinz S.Berner M.Arnold J.Ryser N.Schett Y.Xia
Talks about:
object (3) model (3) orient (2) stereotyp (1) hierarch (1) approach (1) softwar (1) languag (1) concept (1) classif (1)
Person: Stefan Joos
DBLP: Joos:Stefan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CAiSE-2001-GlinzBJRSX #approach #modelling #object-oriented
- The ADORA Approach to Object-Oriented Modeling of Software (MG, SB, SJ, JR, NS, YX), pp. 76–92.
- UML-1999-BernerGJ #classification #modelling #object-oriented
- A Classification of Stereotypes for Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (SB, MG, SJ), pp. 249–264.
- ASE-1998-BernerJGA #concept #modelling #visualisation
- A Visualization Concept for Hierarchical Object Models (SB, SJ, MG, MA), p. 225–?.