Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
K.Wang M.Li B.Xiao C.Wang R.Dai M.Glinz S.Berner S.Joos J.Ryser N.Schett
Talks about:
chines (2) recognit (1) knowledg (1) document (1) approach (1) softwar (1) segment (1) keyword (1) english (1) cluster (1)
Person: Yong Xia
DBLP: Xia:Yong
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICDAR-2011-XiaWL #clustering #keyword #knowledge-based #using
- Chinese Keyword Spotting Using Knowledge-Based Clustering (YX, KW, ML), pp. 789–793.
- ICDAR-2007-XiaXWD #documentation #recognition #segmentation
- Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Mixed Chinese/English Document (YX, BX, CHW, RD), pp. 704–708.
- CAiSE-2001-GlinzBJRSX #approach #modelling #object-oriented
- The ADORA Approach to Object-Oriented Modeling of Software (MG, SB, SJ, JR, NS, YX), pp. 76–92.