Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
3 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ N.Seyff D.Wüest S.Fricker S.Berner S.Joos S.Meier R.Wieringa R.Stoiber C.Seybold N.Merlo-Schett T.Reinhard P.Ghazi I.Todoran E.B.Charrada A.Koziolek C.Jeanneret B.Baudry K.Ryan N.A.M.Maiden M.Jehle M.Arnold C.Cramer J.Ryser N.Schett Y.Xia J.Ludewig H.Huser G.Matheis H.Matheis M.F.Schmidt
Talks about:
model (12) requir (10) base (4) lightweight (3) approach (3) softwar (3) graphic (3) sketch (3) object (3) flexisketch (2)
♂ Person: Martin Glinz
DBLP: Glinz:Martin
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-WuestSG #collaboration #on the fly #sketching
- FLEXISKETCH TEAM: Collaborative Sketching and Notation Creation on the Fly (DW, NS, MG), pp. 685–688.
- REFSQ-2015-GhaziSG #approach #named #requirements #visualisation
- FlexiView: A Magnet-Based Approach for Visualizing Requirements Artifacts (PG, NS, MG), pp. 262–269.
- ASE-2013-WuestSG #automation #generative #metamodelling #sketching
- Semi-automatic generation of metamodels from model sketches (DW, NS, MG), pp. 664–669.
- RE-2013-GlinzW #requirements
- RE@21 spotlight: Most influential papers from the requirements engineering conference (MG, RW), pp. 368–370.
- RE-2013-TodoranSG #case study #elicitation #how #requirements
- How cloud providers elicit consumer requirements: An exploratory study of nineteen companies (IT, NS, MG), pp. 105–114.
- RE-2012-CharradaKG #identification #requirements #source code
- Identifying outdated requirements based on source code changes (EBC, AK, MG), pp. 61–70.
- RE-2012-WuestSG #flexibility #lightweight #modelling #requirements #sketching
- Flexible, lightweight requirements modeling with Flexisketch (DW, NS, MG), pp. 323–324.
- ICSE-2011-JeanneretGB
- Estimating footprints of model operations (CJ, MG, BB), pp. 601–610.
- REFSQ-2011-WuestG #flexibility #modelling #requirements #sketching
- Flexible Sketch-Based Requirements Modeling (DW, MG), pp. 100–105.
- RE-2010-FrickerG #analysis #case study #comparison #requirements
- Comparison of Requirements Hand-off, Analysis, and Negotiation: Case Study (SF, MG), pp. 167–176.
- RE-2010-Glinz #lightweight #modelling #requirements
- Very Lightweight Requirements Modeling (MG), pp. 385–386.
- RE-2010-RyanMG
- If You Want Innovative RE, Never Ask the Users; A Formal Debate (KR, NAMM, MG), p. 388.
- RE-2010-StoiberFJG #product line #refactoring #requirements #specification #weaving
- Feature Unweaving: Refactoring Software Requirements Specifications into Software Product Lines (RS, SF, MJ, MG), pp. 403–404.
- ICSE-2008-ReinhardMSCG #modelling #navigation #tool support #visual notation
- Tool support for the navigation in graphical models (TR, SM, RS, CC, MG), pp. 823–826.
- RE-2007-Glinz #non-functional #on the #requirements
- On Non-Functional Requirements (MG), pp. 21–26.
- ASE-2006-ReinhardSMGM #diagrams
- Human-Friendly Line Routing for Hierarchical Diagrams (TR, CS, SM, MG, NMS), pp. 273–276.
- ICSE-2003-SeyboldGMM #adaptation #effectiveness #layout #modelling #visual notation
- An Effective Layout Adaptation Technique for a Graphical Modeling Tool (CS, MG, SM, NMS), pp. 826–827.
- CAiSE-2001-GlinzBJRSX #approach #modelling #object-oriented
- The ADORA Approach to Object-Oriented Modeling of Software (MG, SB, SJ, JR, NS, YX), pp. 76–92.
- ICRE-2000-Glinz #approach #consistency #lightweight #modelling
- A Lightweight Approach to Consistency of Scenarios and Class Models (MG), p. 49–?.
- UML-1999-BernerGJ #classification #modelling #object-oriented
- A Classification of Stereotypes for Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (SB, MG, SJ), pp. 249–264.
- ASE-1998-BernerJGA #concept #modelling #visualisation
- A Visualization Concept for Hierarchical Object Models (SB, SJ, MG, MA), p. 225–?.
- ESEC-1995-Glinz #formal method
- An Integrated Formal Model of Scenarios Based on Statecharts (MG), pp. 254–271.
- ICRE-1993-Glinz #german #object-oriented #prototype
- Hierarchische Verhaltensbeschreibung in objekt-orientierten Systemmodellen — eine Grundlage für modellbasiertes Prototyping (MG), pp. 175–192.
- RE-1991-Glinz #german #problem
- Probleme und Schwachstellen der Strukturierten Analyse (MG), pp. 14–39.
- ICSE-1985-LudewigGHMMS #design #interface #named #specification #visual notation
- SPADES — A Specification and Design System and Its Graphical Interface (JL, MG, HH, GM, HM, MFS), pp. 83–91.