Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
H.Giese A.Seibel R.Hebig L.Lambers B.Becker S.Hildebrandt T.Vogel S.Wätzoldt
Talks about:
transform (2) model (2) composit (1) languag (1) context (1) runtim (1) execut (1) graph (1) dedic (1) black (1)
Person: Stefan Neumann
DBLP: Neumann:Stefan
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SFM-2012-GieseLBHNVW #adaptation #graph transformation #modelling #runtime
- Graph Transformations for MDE, Adaptation, and Models at Runtime (HG, LL, BB, SH, SN, TV, SW), pp. 137–191.
- SLE-2011-SeibelHNG #black box #composition #execution #model transformation
- A Dedicated Language for Context Composition and Execution of True Black-Box Model Transformations (AS, RH, SN, HG), pp. 19–39.