Travelled to:
1 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Manzoni G.Vizzari A.Bonomi F.D.Paoli P.Mereghetti
Talks about:
system (3) base (3) support (2) design (2) psycholog (1) intellig (1) softwar (1) retriev (1) develop (1) ambient (1)
Person: Stefania Bandini
DBLP: Bandini:Stefania
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2009-BandiniBV #design #self #simulation
- Simulation supporting the design of self-organizing ambient intelligent systems (SB, AB, GV), pp. 2082–2086.
- SAC-2003-BandiniMV #game studies #multi #profiling #testing
- A Multi-Agent System for Remote Psychological Profiling with Role Playing Games Based Tests (SB, SM, GV), pp. 33–37.
- SEKE-2002-BandiniPMM #development
- A support system to COTS-based software development for business services (SB, FDP, SM, PM), pp. 307–314.
- SAC-2001-BandiniM #design #fuzzy #reasoning #retrieval
- Application of fuzzy indexing and retrieval in case based reasoning for design (SB, SM), pp. 462–466.