Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Cinque S.L.Tanimoto A.Malizia ∅ F.D.Rosa F.Lecca R.Cucchiara G.Pignalberi A.J.Dix R.Mancini P.Bottoni F.Astorga-Paliza F.Corzani S.Martinz R.Romagnoli P.T.A.Nguyen L.Guan
Talks about:
segment (3) imag (3) retriev (2) paramet (2) rang (2) use (2) resegment (1) histogram (1) algorithm (1) transpar (1)
Person: Stefano Levialdi
DBLP: Levialdi:Stefano
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ECDL-2007-MaliziaBLA #approach #library
- A Cooperative-Relational Approach to Digital Libraries (AM, PB, SL, FAP), pp. 75–86.
- SOFTVIS-2006-TanimotoL #interface #source code
- A transparent interface to state-space search programs (SLT, SL), pp. 151–152.
- DRR-2003-CinqueLMR #theorem
- Fermat theorem and elliptic color histogram features (LC, SL, AM, FDR), pp. 234–240.
- ICPR-v1-2002-CinqueCLCP #parametricity #segmentation
- Improvement in Range Segmentation Parameters Tuning (LC, FC, SL, RC, GP), pp. 176–179.
- ICPR-v4-2002-CinqueRLLT #image #query #retrieval #using
- Image Retrieval Using Resegmentation Driven by Query Rectangles (LC, FDR, FL, SL, SLT), pp. 142–145.
- ICPR-v1-2000-CinqueLPCM #algorithm #parametricity #search-based #segmentation
- Optimal Range Segmentation Parameters through Genetic Algorithms (LC, SL, GP, RC, SM), pp. 1474–1477.
- AGTIVE-1999-Levialdi #question #visual notation
- Visual Languages: Where Do We Stand? (SL), pp. 145–164.
- ICPR-1998-CinqueLLT #image #retrieval #using
- Retrieval of images using rich region descriptions (LC, FL, SL, SLT), pp. 899–901.
- ICPR-1998-CinqueRLNG #3d #biology #image #self
- Self-organizing map for segmenting 3D biological images (LC, RR, SL, PTAN, LG), pp. 471–473.
- CHI-1997-DixML #communication
- Communication, Action and History (AJD, RM, SL), pp. 542–543.