Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.F.Brailsford ∅ J.A.Ollis M.R.B.Hardy A.J.Pinkney A.J.Macdonald B.W.Kernighan J.Hughes C.E.Adams J.W.Lumley
Talks about:
document (7) compon (5) cog (5) pdf (4) use (3) scrapbook (2) variabl (2) reusabl (2) graphic (2) object (2)
Person: Steven R. Bagley
DBLP: Bagley:Steven_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- DocEng-2014-BagleyH #tutorial
- DOCENG 2014: PDF tutorial (SRB, MRBH), pp. 213–214.
- DocEng-2014-HughesBBA #documentation #generative #summary
- Generating summary documents for a variable-quality PDF document collection (JH, DFB, SRB, CEA), pp. 49–52.
- DocEng-2013-BagleyBK #forensics
- Revisiting a summer vacation: digital restoration and typesetter forensics (SRB, DFB, BWK), pp. 3–12.
- DocEng-2013-PinkneyBB #readability
- No need to justify your choice: pre-compiling line breaks to improve eBook readability (AJP, SRB, DFB), pp. 237–240.
- DocEng-2011-PinkneyBB #component #documentation
- Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components (AJP, SRB, DFB), pp. 163–166.
- DocEng-2010-Bagley #compilation #lessons learnt
- Lessons from the dragon: compiling PDF to machine code (SRB), pp. 65–68.
- DocEng-2010-OllisBB #documentation #using
- Optimized reprocessing of documents using stored processor state (JAO, DFB, SRB), pp. 135–138.
- DocEng-2008-OllisBB #component #documentation #workflow
- Tracking sub-page components in document workflows (JAO, SRB, DFB), pp. 86–89.
- DocEng-2007-BagleyBO #component #documentation #reuse
- Extracting reusable document components for variable data printing (SRB, DFB, JAO), pp. 44–52.
- DocEng-2007-MacdonaldBBL #documentation #evaluation
- Speculative document evaluation (AJM, DFB, SRB, JWL), pp. 56–58.
- DocEng-2006-Bagley
- COG Extractor (SRB), p. 31.
- DocEng-2005-BagleyB
- The COG Scrapbook (SRB, DFB), p. 31.
- DocEng-2005-BagleyB05a
- The COG scrapbook (SRB, DFB), pp. 233–234.
- DocEng-2005-MacdonaldBB #component #encapsulation #using
- Encapsulating and manipulating component object graphics (COGs) using SVG (AJM, DFB, SRB), pp. 61–63.
- DocEng-2004-BagleyB #composition #using
- Page composition using PPML as a link-editing script (SRB, DFB), pp. 134–136.
- DocEng-2003-BagleyBH #component #reuse #sequence
- Creating reusable well-structured PDF as a sequence of component object graphic (COG) elements (SRB, DFB, MRBH), pp. 58–67.