Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Ballani G.O'Shea E.Thereska S.Angel A.I.T.Rowstron T.Talpey R.Black T.Zhu M.Chetty R.Banks R.H.R.Harper T.Regan A.Sellen C.Gkantsidis P.B.Key
Talks about:
end (2) architectur (1) bandwidth (1) datacent (1) virtual (1) softwar (1) perform (1) consequ (1) storag (1) reveal (1)
Person: Thomas Karagiannis
DBLP: Karagiannis:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- OSDI-2014-AngelBKOT #performance
- End-to-end Performance Isolation Through Virtual Datacenters (SA, HB, TK, GO, ET), pp. 233–248.
- SOSP-2013-ThereskaBOKRTBZ #architecture #named
- IOFlow: a software-defined storage architecture (ET, HB, GO, TK, AITR, TT, RB, TZ), pp. 182–196.
- CHI-2010-ChettyBHRSGKK
- Who’s hogging the bandwidth: the consequences of revealing the invisible in the home (MC, RB, RHRH, TR, AS, CG, TK, PBK), pp. 659–668.