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Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Portugal
2 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Palsberg D.Spiewak J.Vitek A.Alnusair G.Yan S.Jha C.Andreae Y.Coady C.Gibbs J.Noble K.Chatterjee D.Ma R.Majumdar T.A.Henzinger David Koeplinger Matthew Feldman Raghu Prabhakar Yaqi Zhang S.Hadjis Ruben Fiszel Luigi Nardi Ardavan Pedram C.Kozyrakis K.Olukotun
Talks about:
type (4) effici (3) languag (2) scala (2) match (2) java (2) featherweight (1) lightweight (1) interrupt (1) recognit (1)

Person: Tian Zhao

DBLP DBLP: Zhao:Tian

Contributed to:

SAC 20132013
SLE 20092009
ECOOP 20062006
OOPSLA 20032003
SAS 20032003
FoSSaCS 20022002
LICS 20022002
LICS 20002000
PLDI 20182018

Wrote 9 papers:

SAC-2013-AlnusairZY #automation #design #recognition #semantics #using
Automatic recognition of design motifs using semantic conditions (AA, TZ, GY), pp. 1062–1067.
SLE-2009-SpiewakZ #database #named #query #scala
ScalaQL: Language-Integrated Database Queries for Scala (DS, TZ), pp. 154–163.
ECOOP-2006-AndreaeCGNVZ #aspect-oriented #java #realtime
Scoped Types and Aspects for Real-Time Java (CA, YC, CG, JN, JV, TZ), pp. 124–147.
OOPSLA-2003-ZhaoPV #java #lightweight
Lightweight confinement for featherweight Java (TZ, JP, JV), pp. 135–148.
SAS-2003-ChatterjeeMMZHP #analysis #source code #stack
Stack Size Analysis for Interrupt-Driven Programs (KC, DM, RM, TZ, TAH, JP), pp. 109–126.
FoSSaCS-2002-JhaPZ #performance
Efficient Type Matching (SJ, JP, TZ), pp. 187–204.
LICS-2002-PalsbergZ #performance #type inference #type system
Efficient Type Inference for Record Concatenation and Subtyping (JP, TZ), pp. 125–136.
LICS-2000-PalsbergZ #flexibility #performance #recursion
Efficient and Flexible Matching of Recursive Types (JP, TZ), pp. 388–398.
PLDI-2018-KoeplingerFPZHF #compilation #named
Spatial: a language and compiler for application accelerators (DK, MF, RP, YZ, SH, RF, TZ, LN, AP, CK, KO), pp. 296–311.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.