Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.d.S.B.Neto S.K.Goldenstein M.C.C.Baranauskas F.L.Koch A.d.R.Rocha
Talks about:
smartwatch (1) recognit (1) wearabl (1) revisit (1) practic (1) heurist (1) visual (1) system (1) impair (1) built (1)
Person: Vanessa Regina Margareth Lima Maike
DBLP: Maike:Vanessa_Regina_Margareth_Lima
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HCI-IT-2015-MaikeNGB #heuristic
- Heuristics for NUI Revisited and Put into Practice (VRMLM, LdSBN, SKG, MCCB), pp. 317–328.
- ICEIS-v3-2015-NetoMKBRG #recognition #smarttech #visual notation
- A Wearable Face Recognition System Built into a Smartwatch and the Visually Impaired User (LdSBN, VRMLM, FLK, MCCB, AdRR, SKG), pp. 5–12.