Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
J.Bent N.LeRoy A.Roy J.Stanley A.C.Arpaci-Dusseau R.H.Arpaci-Dusseau M.Livny L.Galanis S.Buranawatanachoke R.Colle B.Dageville K.Dias J.Klein S.Papadomanolakis L.L.Tan Y.Wang G.Wood Z.Amsden N.Bronson G.C.III P.Chakka P.Dimov H.Ding J.Ferris A.Giardullo J.Hoon S.Kulkarni N.Lawrence M.Marchukov D.Petrov L.Puzar
Talks about:
facebook (1) applianc (1) perform (1) flexibl (1) databas (1) storag (1) social (1) replay (1) oracl (1) manag (1)
Person: Venkateshwaran Venkataramani
DBLP: Venkataramani:Venkateshwaran
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGMOD-2012-VenkataramaniABCCDDFGHKLMPP #facebook #graph #how #named #social
- TAO: how facebook serves the social graph (VV, ZA, NB, GCI, PC, PD, HD, JF, AG, JH, SK, NL, MM, DP, LP), pp. 791–792.
- SIGMOD-2008-GalanisBCDDKPTVWW #database
- Oracle database replay (LG, SB, RC, BD, KD, JK, SP, LLT, VV, YW, GW), pp. 1159–1170.
- HPDC-2002-BentVLRSAAL #flexibility #grid #performance
- Flexibility, Manageability, and Performance in a Grid Storage Appliance (JB, VV, NL, AR, JS, ACAD, RHAD, ML), pp. 3–12.