Collaborated with:
E.V.Krishnamurthy ∅
Talks about:
program (2) comput (2) heterogen (1) workflow (1) transact (1) paradigm (1) softwar (1) network (1) concurr (1) object (1)
Person: Venu K. Murthy
DBLP: Murthy:Venu_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SAC-1998-Murthy #mobile #paradigm #transaction #workflow
- Transactional workflow paradigm: its application to mobile computing (VKM), pp. 424–432.
- SAC-1998-MurthyK #modelling #network #programming #tool support
- Integrated network computing models, programming modes and software tools (VKM, EVK), pp. 551–557.
- SAC-1997-MurthyK #concurrent #programming
- Heterogeneous programming with concurrent objects (VKM, EVK), pp. 454–463.