Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ K.P.Birman R.v.Renesse T.v.Eicken A.Basu V.Buch D.Dumitriu M.Pantiz K.Chipawolski J.Pettis G.DeCandia D.Hastorun M.Jampani G.Kakulapati A.Lakshman A.Pilchin S.Sivasubramanian P.Vosshall
Talks about:
comput (3) distribut (2) reliabl (2) amazon (2) avail (2) high (2) misconcept (1) technolog (1) enterpris (1) platform (1)
Person: Werner Vogels
DBLP: Vogels:Werner
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SOSP-2007-DeCandiaHJKLPSVV #named
- Dynamo: amazon’s highly available key-value store (GD, DH, MJ, GK, AL, AP, SS, PV, WV), pp. 205–220.
- VLDB-2007-Vogels #data access #framework #platform
- Data Access Patterns in The Technology Platform (WV), p. 1.
- ICSE-2004-BirmanRV #behaviour #web #web service
- Adding High Availability and Autonomic Behavior to Web Services (KPB, RvR, WV), pp. 17–26.
- HPDC-1999-VogelsRB #concept #distributed #reliability
- Six Misconceptions about Reliable Distributed Computing (WV, RvR, KPB), pp. 213–215.
- SOSP-1999-Vogels #file system
- File system usage in Windows NT 4.0 (WV), pp. 93–109.
- EDOC-1998-VogelsDPCP #enterprise #reliability #tool support
- Quintet, tools for reliable enterprise computing (WV, DD, MP, KC, JP), pp. 274–280.
- SOSP-1995-EickenBBV #distributed #interface #named #network #parallel
- U-Net: A User-Level Network Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing (TvE, AB, VB, WV), pp. 40–53.