Collaborated with:
H.Cui F.Lv J.Lu F.Li L.L.0002 Y.Liu L.Huang M.Wu J.Xue C.Wang T.Cao John Zigman Haris Volos 0001 O.Mutlu Guoqing Harry Xu
Talks about:
memori (2) cloud (2) ppopencl (1) panthera (1) process (1) portabl (1) perform (1) concurr (1) thread (1) kernel (1)
Person: Xiaobing Feng 0002
DBLP: 0002:Xiaobing_Feng
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2018-LuLL0 #concurrent #debugging #in the cloud #named
- CloudRaid: hunting concurrency bugs in the cloud via log-mining (JL, FL, LL0, XF0), pp. 3–14.
- CC-2019-LiuHWCL0X #compilation #concurrent #kernel #named #thread
- PPOpenCL: a performance-portable OpenCL compiler with host and kernel thread code fusion (YL, LH, MW, HC, FL, XF0, JX), pp. 2–16.
- PLDI-2019-WangCCZVML0X #big data #hybrid #memory management #named
- Panthera: holistic memory management for big data processing over hybrid memories (CW, HC, TC, JZ, HV0, OM, FL, XF0, GHX), pp. 347–362.