Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
2 × Canada
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Pande M.J.Serrano T.Zhang J.Choi C.Lau S.Kim H.W.Cain
Talks about:
processor (5) context (3) regist (3) effici (3) optim (3) embed (3) alloc (3) call (3) differenti (2) network (2)
Person: Xiaotong Zhuang
DBLP: Zhuang:Xiaotong
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CGO-2009-SerranoZ #approximate
- Building Approximate Calling Context from Partial Call Traces (MJS, XZ), pp. 221–230.
- ISMM-2009-SerranoZ #garbage collection #optimisation #using
- Placement optimization using data context collected during garbage collection (MJS, XZ), pp. 69–78.
- CGO-2008-ZhuangKSC #analysis #difference #framework #named #performance #virtual machine
- Perfdiff: a framework for performance difference analysis in a virtual machine environment (XZ, SK, MJS, JDC), pp. 4–13.
- CGO-2006-ZhangZP #compilation #optimisation #security
- Compiler Optimizations to Reduce Security Overhead (TZ, XZ, SP), pp. 346–357.
- LCTES-2006-ZhuangP #analysis #compilation #concurrent #effectiveness #network #thread
- Effective thread management on network processors with compiler analysis (XZ, SP), pp. 72–82.
- PLDI-2006-ZhuangSCC #adaptation #performance #profiling
- Accurate, efficient, and adaptive calling context profiling (XZ, MJS, HWC, JDC), pp. 263–271.
- CGO-2005-ZhangZP
- Building Intrusion-Tolerant Secure Software (TZ, XZ, SP), pp. 255–266.
- PLDI-2005-ZhuangP #difference
- Differential register allocation (XZ, SP), pp. 168–179.
- ASPLOS-2004-ZhuangZP #framework #information management #named
- HIDE: an infrastructure for efficiently protecting information leakage on the address bus (XZ, TZ, SP), pp. 72–84.
- LCTES-2004-ZhuangP #embedded #power management
- Power-efficient prefetching via bit-differential offset assignment on embedded processors (XZ, SP), pp. 67–77.
- LCTES-2004-ZhuangZP #embedded
- Hardware-managed register allocation for embedded processors (XZ, TZ, SP), pp. 192–201.
- PLDI-2004-ZhuangP #network #parallel #thread
- Balancing register allocation across threads for a multithreaded network processor (XZ, SP), pp. 289–300.
- LCTES-2003-ZhuangLP #embedded #optimisation
- Storage assignment optimizations through variable coalescence for embedded processors (XZ, CL, SP), pp. 220–231.