3509 papers:
- CBSE-2015-KitPMBK #communication #component #optimisation
- Employing Domain Knowledge for Optimizing Component Communication (MK, FP, VM, TB, OK), pp. 59–64.
- QoSA-2015-DurisicST #architecture #identification #set #standard
- Identifying Optimal Sets of Standardized Architectural Features: A Method and its Automotive Application (DD, MS, MT), pp. 103–112.
- CASE-2015-AlfonsoXA #approach #capacity #programming #representation #scheduling
- A simulation-optimization approach for capacity planning and appointment scheduling of blood donors based on mathematical programming representation of event dynamics (EA, XX, VA), pp. 728–733.
- CASE-2015-BjorkenstamCL
- Exploiting sparsity in the discrete mechanics and optimal control method with application to human motion planning (SB, JSC, BL), pp. 769–774.
- CASE-2015-CarliDPR #energy #multi #optimisation #performance #using
- Using multi-objective optimization for the integrated energy efficiency improvement of a smart city public buildings’ portfolio (RC, MD, RP, LR), pp. 21–26.
- CASE-2015-ChanW #optimisation #segmentation
- Progressive segmentation for MRR-based feed-rate optimization in CNC machining (KCC, CCLW), pp. 691–696.
- CASE-2015-ChengTLCH #algorithm #modelling #network #optimisation
- Modeling and optimizing tensile strength and yield point on steel bar by artificial neural network with evolutionary algorithm (CKC, JTT, TTL, JHC, KSH), pp. 1562–1563.
- CASE-2015-ChenTLY #multi #optimisation #parametricity
- Multi-objective parameter optimization of multi-pass CNC machining (XC, YT, CL, QY), pp. 45–50.
- CASE-2015-ChenXZCL #effectiveness #learning #multi #optimisation #simulation
- An effective learning procedure for multi-fidelity simulation optimization with ordinal transformation (RC, JX, SZ, CHC, LHL), pp. 702–707.
- CASE-2015-ChenY15a #adaptation
- Contouring control of biaxial systems with optimal and adaptive cross coupling controller (SLC, JHY), pp. 1450–1452.
- CASE-2015-ChenYC #novel
- Novel optimal cross-coupling control for the power wheelchair with rim motor (SHC, CLY, JJC), pp. 1533–1538.
- CASE-2015-CheongSB #ad hoc #automation #optimisation
- Ad-hoc automated teller machine failure forecast and field service optimization (MLFC, KPS, BCB), pp. 1427–1433.
- CASE-2015-CheungWCP #automation #parametricity
- Optimization-based automatic parameter tuning for stereo vision (ECHC, JW, JC, JP), pp. 855–861.
- CASE-2015-ForstnerM #optimisation #safety #using
- Using simulation-based optimization to determine production strategies and safety stock levels in semiconductor supply chains (LF, LM), pp. 655–656.
- CASE-2015-GiulianiC #optimisation #problem
- Derivative-free optimization with use of problem structure: Applications to oil production (CMG, EC), pp. 764–768.
- CASE-2015-GleesonBBCL #automation #code generation #optimisation
- Optimizing robot trajectories for automatic robot code generation (DG, SB, RB, JSC, BL), pp. 495–500.
- CASE-2015-HeLG #graph #optimisation
- Cycle time optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 274–279.
- CASE-2015-HuangJG #distributed #generative #multi #optimisation
- Multi-timescale optimization between distributed wind generators and electric vehicles in microgrid (QH, QSJ, XG), pp. 671–676.
- CASE-2015-HuC #distributed #optimisation
- Decentralized ordinal optimization (DOO) for networked systems (PH, XC), pp. 787–792.
- CASE-2015-KaoLJ #mobile
- Application of potential field method and optimal path planning to mobile robot control (CCK, CML, JGJ), pp. 1552–1554.
- CASE-2015-KarnikD #online #scheduling
- Optimal scheduling of campaigns on on-line forums (AK, PD), pp. 775–780.
- CASE-2015-KobayashiH #realtime
- Optimal real-time pricing of electricity with consideration for decrease in price effect (KK, KH), pp. 539–544.
- CASE-2015-LennartsonBW #hybrid #optimisation #petri net
- Optimization of hybrid Petri nets with shared variables (BL, KB, OW), pp. 1395–1396.
- CASE-2015-MillerM #locality #using
- Optimal planning for target localization and coverage using range sensing (LMM, TDM), pp. 501–508.
- CASE-2015-NetoCHS #approximate #optimisation
- A piecewise linear-quadratic approximation for production optimization of gas-lifted oil fields (LRN, EC, RH, TLS), pp. 793–798.
- CASE-2015-PanXSL #capacity #energy #optimisation
- Capacity optimization of battery energy storage systems for frequency regulation (XP, HX, JS, CL), pp. 1139–1144.
- CASE-2015-RiaziBWVL #energy #multi #optimisation
- Energy optimization of multi-robot systems (SR, KB, OW, EV, BL), pp. 1345–1350.
- CASE-2015-RoyelYLLH #identification #optimisation #parametricity #using
- A hysteresis model and parameter identification for MR pin joints using immune particle swarm optimization (SR, YY, YL, JL, QPH), pp. 1319–1324.
- CASE-2015-SterlingSZC #algorithm #optimisation #parametricity #process
- Welding parameter optimization based on Gaussian process regression Bayesian optimization algorithm (DS, TS, YZ, HC), pp. 1490–1496.
- CASE-2015-SunWWL15a #optimisation #scheduling
- Simulation-based production scheduling with optimization of electricity consumption and cost in smart manufacturing systems (ZS, DW, LW, LL), pp. 992–997.
- CASE-2015-WanCPH #optimisation #parametricity
- Optimizing the parameters of tilting surfaces in robotic workcells (WW, ECHC, JP, KH), pp. 593–599.
- CASE-2015-WareS #synthesis #using
- Synthesis time optimal accepting traces using language projection and pruning (SW, RS), pp. 1363–1368.
- CASE-2015-WuJG #complexity #optimisation
- Local and global event-based optimization: Performace and complexity (ZW, QSJ, XG), pp. 1375–1380.
- CASE-2015-Yen #realtime #using
- Optimize the flight path for airlines using real-time information (JRY), p. 1649.
- CASE-2015-YuWZT #design
- Controller design and optimal tuning of a wafer handling robot (XY, CW, YZ, MT), pp. 640–646.
- CASE-2015-ZakharovZYJ #algorithm #configuration management #distributed #fault tolerance #optimisation #performance #predict
- A performance optimization algorithm for controller reconfiguration in fault tolerant distributed model predictive control (AZ, EZ, MY, SLJJ), pp. 886–891.
- CASE-2015-ZhangWZZ #automaton #learning #optimisation #performance
- Incorporation of ordinal optimization into learning automata for high learning efficiency (JZ, CW, DZ, MZ), pp. 1206–1211.
- DAC-2015-ChenSZDJ #optimisation
- Optimizing data placement for reducing shift operations on domain wall memories (XC, EHMS, QZ, PD, WJ), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-CuiWCZNP #energy #grid #smarttech
- Optimal control of PEVs for energy cost minimization and frequency regulation in the smart grid accounting for battery state-of-health degradation (TC, YW, SC, QZ, SN, MP), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-GuSZCH #embedded #memory management #performance
- Area and performance co-optimization for domain wall memory in application-specific embedded systems (SG, EHMS, QZ, YC, JH), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-HanKL #design #evaluation #using
- Evaluation of BEOL design rule impacts using an optimal ILP-based detailed router (KH, ABK, HL), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-HanLKNL #framework #multi #optimisation #reduction
- A global-local optimization framework for simultaneous multi-mode multi-corner clock skew variation reduction (KH, JL, ABK, SN, JL), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-JiangLZYW #effectiveness #feature model #image #performance
- A 127 fps in full hd accelerator based on optimized AKAZE with efficiency and effectiveness for image feature extraction (GJ, LL, WZ, SY, SW), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-JiangWS #clustering #power management #sorting
- A low power unsupervised spike sorting accelerator insensitive to clustering initialization in sub-optimal feature space (ZJ, QW, MS), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-LeeNL #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing stream program performance on CGRA-based systems (HL, DN, JL), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-LiLSH #approximate #optimisation #precise #synthesis
- Joint precision optimization and high level synthesis for approximate computing (CL, WL, SSS, JH), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-LiXGWY #interface
- Merging the interface: power, area and accuracy co-optimization for RRAM crossbar-based mixed-signal computing system (BL, LX, PG, YW, HY), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-PengKPPJCL #3d #architecture #design #policy
- Design, packaging, and architectural policy co-optimization for DC power integrity in 3D DRAM (YP, BWK, YSP, KIP, SJJ, JSC, SKL), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-RamprasathV #algorithm #optimisation #performance #statistics
- An efficient algorithm for statistical timing yield optimization (SR, VV), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-RoyLUP #multi #named #optimisation #paradigm #performance
- OSFA: a new paradigm of gate-sizing for power/performance optimizations under multiple operating conditions (SR, DL, JU, DZP), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-SchatzVZ #automation #component #deployment
- Automating design-space exploration: optimal deployment of automotive SW-components in an ISO26262 context (BS, SV, SZ), p. 6.
- DAC-2015-XiaoGWYTW #layout #optimisation #self #verification
- Layout optimization and template pattern verification for directed self-assembly (DSA) (ZX, DG, MDFW, HY, MCT, HSPW), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-0001CY #approach #optimisation #process #robust
- A robust approach for process variation aware mask optimization (JK, WKC, EFYY), pp. 1591–1594.
- DATE-2015-AhsanK #architecture #optimisation #quantum #using
- Optimization of quantum computer architecture using a resource-performance simulator (MA, JK), pp. 1108–1113.
- DATE-2015-AntoniadisKEBS #architecture #memory management #on the #optimisation #statistics
- On the statistical memory architecture exploration and optimization (CA, GK, NEE, APB, GIS), pp. 543–548.
- DATE-2015-BajajNMS #architecture #cyber-physical #effectiveness #reliability
- Optimized selection of reliable and cost-effective cyber-physical system architectures (NB, PN, MM, ALSV), pp. 561–566.
- DATE-2015-CasagrandeR #algorithm #fuzzy #game studies #named #novel #optimisation #robust
- GTFUZZ: a novel algorithm for robust dynamic power optimization via gate sizing with fuzzy games (TC, NR), pp. 677–682.
- DATE-2015-ChenKXMLYVSCY #algorithm #array #learning
- Technology-design co-optimization of resistive cross-point array for accelerating learning algorithms on chip (PYC, DK, ZX, AM, BL, JY, SBKV, JsS, YC, SY), pp. 854–859.
- DATE-2015-ChenM #distributed #learning #manycore #optimisation #performance
- Distributed reinforcement learning for power limited many-core system performance optimization (ZC, DM), pp. 1521–1526.
- DATE-2015-KauerNLSC #geometry #optimisation #programming #using
- Inductor optimization for active cell balancing using geometric programming (MK, SN, ML, SS, SC), pp. 281–284.
- DATE-2015-KhosraviMGT #analysis #optimisation #reliability
- Uncertainty-aware reliability analysis and optimization (FK, MM, MG, JT), pp. 97–102.
- DATE-2015-LezosDM #analysis #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse
- Reuse distance analysis for locality optimization in loop-dominated applications (CL, GD, KM), pp. 1237–1240.
- DATE-2015-LiJHWCGLKW #design #optimisation #using
- Variation-aware, reliability-emphasized design and optimization of RRAM using SPICE model (HL, ZJ, PH, YW, HYC, BG, XYL, JFK, HSPW), pp. 1425–1430.
- DATE-2015-PeemenMC #embedded #optimisation #reuse
- Inter-tile reuse optimization applied to bandwidth constrained embedded accelerators (MP, BM, HC), pp. 169–174.
- DATE-2015-ReehmanCCS #approach #architecture #hardware #memory management #parallel
- In-place memory mapping approach for optimized parallel hardware interleaver architectures (SUR, CC, PC, AS), pp. 896–899.
- DATE-2015-Sharma #optimisation #power management
- Minimum current consumption transition time optimization methodology for low power CTS (VS), pp. 412–416.
- DATE-2015-TanLF #memory management #reliability #using
- Soft-error reliability and power co-optimization for GPGPUS register file using resistive memory (JT, ZL, XF), pp. 369–374.
- DATE-2015-XieKBWPC #design #energy #hybrid #optimisation
- Efficiency-driven design time optimization of a hybrid energy storage system with networked charge transfer interconnect (QX, YK, DB, YW, MP, NC), pp. 1607–1610.
- DATE-2015-YanF #design #energy #mobile #optimisation
- Energy-efficient cache design in emerging mobile platforms: the implications and optimizations (KY, XF), pp. 375–380.
- DATE-2015-ZhuM #linear #machine learning #optimisation #programming #using
- Optimizing dynamic trace signal selection using machine learning and linear programming (CSZ, SM), pp. 1289–1292.
- DocEng-2015-KidoYTA #automation #documentation #layout #optimisation
- Document Layout Optimization with Automated Paraphrasing (YK, HY, GT, AA), pp. 13–16.
- PODS-2015-AcharyaDHLS #algorithm #approximate #performance
- Fast and Near-Optimal Algorithms for Approximating Distributions by Histograms (JA, ID, CH, JZL, LS), pp. 249–263.
- SIGMOD-2015-BernsteinDDP #concurrent #database #optimisation
- Optimizing Optimistic Concurrency Control for Tree-Structured, Log-Structured Databases (PAB, SD, BD, MP), pp. 1295–1309.
- SIGMOD-2015-ChangLQYZ #algorithm #component
- Index-based Optimal Algorithms for Computing Steiner Components with Maximum Connectivity (LC, XL, LQ, JXY, WZ), pp. 459–474.
- SIGMOD-2015-DugganPBS #array #database #optimisation
- Skew-Aware Join Optimization for Array Databases (JD, OP, LB, MS), pp. 123–135.
- SIGMOD-2015-PerelmanR #compilation #named #query #worst-case
- DunceCap: Compiling Worst-Case Optimal Query Plans (AP, CR), pp. 2075–2076.
- SIGMOD-2015-TrummerK #algorithm #incremental #multi #optimisation #query
- An Incremental Anytime Algorithm for Multi-Objective Query Optimization (IT, CK), pp. 1941–1953.
- SIGMOD-2015-VerroiosLG #crowdsourcing #named
- tDP: An Optimal-Latency Budget Allocation Strategy for Crowdsourced MAXIMUM Operations (VV, PL, HGM), pp. 1047–1062.
- SIGMOD-2015-WangZZLC #effectiveness #nearest neighbour
- Optimal Spatial Dominance: An Effective Search of Nearest Neighbor Candidates (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, MAC), pp. 923–938.
- VLDB-2015-ChangLZYZQ #performance
- Optimal Enumeration: Efficient Top-k Tree Matching (LC, XL, WZ, JXY, YZ, LQ), pp. 533–544.
- VLDB-2015-ConsensFKP #bisimulation #query #summary
- S+EPPs: Construct and Explore Bisimulation Summaries, plus Optimize Navigational Queries; all on Existing SPARQL Systems (MPC, VF, SK, GP), pp. 2028–2039.
- VLDB-2015-DasYZVVKGKM #database #in memory #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization in Oracle 12c Database In-Memory (DD, JY, MZ, SRV, NV, RK, PG, JK, NM), pp. 1770–1781.
- VLDB-2015-DingSMM #algorithm #framework #named #optimisation #problem
- TOP: A Framework for Enabling Algorithmic Optimizations for Distance-Related Problems (YD, XS, MM, TM), pp. 1046–1057.
- VLDB-2015-El-HelwRSCGP #database #optimisation
- Optimization of Common Table Expressions in MPP Database Systems (AEH, VR, MAS, GCC, ZG, MP), pp. 1704–1715.
- VLDB-2015-KumarJYNP #machine learning #normalisation #optimisation
- Demonstration of Santoku: Optimizing Machine Learning over Normalized Data (AK, MJ, BY, JFN, JMP), pp. 1864–1875.
- VLDB-2015-LiuXPLZ
- Finding Pareto Optimal Groups: Group-based Skyline (JL, LX, JP, JL, HZ), pp. 2086–2097.
- VLDB-2015-OhKLM #memory management #mobile #optimisation
- SQLite Optimization with Phase Change Memory for Mobile Applications (GO, SK, SWL, BM), pp. 1454–1465.
- VLDB-2015-PapadopoulosPTT #authentication #pattern matching #proving
- Practical Authenticated Pattern Matching with Optimal Proof Size (DP, CP, RT, NT), pp. 750–761.
- VLDB-2015-SharovSMS #distributed #exclamation #online #optimisation
- Take me to your leader! Online Optimization of Distributed Storage Configurations (AS, AS, AM, MS), pp. 1490–1501.
- VLDB-2015-VattaniCL #probability
- Optimal Probabilistic Cache Stampede Prevention (AV, FC, KL), pp. 886–897.
- VLDB-2015-ZhouLLZ #graph #named #optimisation #performance
- GraphTwist: Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Two-tier Optimizations (YZ, LL, KL, QZ), pp. 1262–1273.
- ITiCSE-2015-Tudor #learning #optimisation #query #xml
- Virtual Learning Laboratory about Query Optimization against XML Data (LNT), p. 348.
- ESOP-2015-AbdullaAP #performance
- The Best of Both Worlds: Trading Efficiency and Optimality in Fence Insertion for TSO (PAA, MFA, NTP), pp. 308–332.
- FASE-2015-LiuPL #energy #optimisation
- Data-Oriented Characterization of Application-Level Energy Optimization (KL, GP, YDL), pp. 316–331.
- TACAS-2015-BjornerPF #named #optimisation #smt
- νZ — An Optimizing SMT Solver (NB, ADP, LF), pp. 194–199.
- TACAS-2015-SebastianiT #cost analysis #modulo theories #optimisation
- Pushing the Envelope of Optimization Modulo Theories with Linear-Arithmetic Cost Functions (RS, PT), pp. 335–349.
- MSR-2015-HashimotoTMM #effectiveness #fact extraction #optimisation #performance #predict
- Extracting Facts from Performance Tuning History of Scientific Applications for Predicting Effective Optimization Patterns (MH, MT, TM, KM), pp. 13–23.
- SANER-2015-LianZ #feature model #non-functional #product line #requirements #towards
- Optimized feature selection towards functional and non-functional requirements in Software Product Lines (XL, LZ), pp. 191–200.
- PLDI-2015-DingTKZK #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing off-chip accesses in multicores (WD, XT, MTK, YZ, EK), pp. 131–142.
- PLDI-2015-LopesMNR #optimisation
- Provably correct peephole optimizations with alive (NPL, DM, SN, JR), pp. 22–32.
- PLDI-2015-MehtaY #compilation #optimisation #scalability #source code
- Improving compiler scalability: optimizing large programs at small price (SM, PCY), pp. 143–152.
- SAS-2015-AdjeGM #generative #invariant #optimisation #polynomial #using
- Property-based Polynomial Invariant Generation Using Sums-of-Squares Optimization (AA, PLG, VM), pp. 235–251.
- SAS-2015-HashimotoU #constraints #optimisation #refinement #type inference
- Refinement Type Inference via Horn Constraint Optimization (KH, HU), pp. 199–216.
- STOC-2015-AaronsonA #named #problem #quantum
- Forrelation: A Problem that Optimally Separates Quantum from Classical Computing (SA, AA), pp. 307–316.
- STOC-2015-AbrahamD #complexity #polynomial
- Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Early Stopping, Optimal Resilience and Polynomial Complexity (IA, DD), pp. 605–614.
- STOC-2015-AndoniR #approximate
- Optimal Data-Dependent Hashing for Approximate Near Neighbors (AA, IR), pp. 793–801.
- STOC-2015-ChawlaMSY #algorithm #clustering #graph
- Near Optimal LP Rounding Algorithm for CorrelationClustering on Complete and Complete k-partite Graphs (SC, KM, TS, GY), pp. 219–228.
- STOC-2015-GiakkoupisHHW
- Test-and-Set in Optimal Space (GG, MH, LH, PW), pp. 615–623.
- STOC-2015-KothariM #generative #pseudo
- Almost Optimal Pseudorandom Generators for Spherical Caps: Extended Abstract (PKK, RM), pp. 247–256.
- CIAA-J-2013-Maletti15 #automaton
- Hyper-optimization for deterministic tree automata (AM), pp. 72–87.
- ICALP-v1-2015-GawrychowskiN #encoding
- Optimal Encodings for Range Top- k k , Selection, and Min-Max (PG, PKN), pp. 593–604.
- ICALP-v1-2015-GoldbergGL #approximate
- Approximately Counting Locally-Optimal Structures (LAG, RG, JL), pp. 654–665.
- ICALP-v1-2015-GrosseGKSS #algorithm #performance
- Fast Algorithms for Diameter-Optimally Augmenting Paths (UG, JG, CK, MHMS, FS), pp. 678–688.
- ICALP-v1-2015-HuangL #approximate #combinator #optimisation #probability #problem
- Approximating the Expected Values for Combinatorial Optimization Problems over Stochastic Points (LH, JL), pp. 910–921.
- ICALP-v1-2015-MitchellPSW #algorithm
- An Optimal Algorithm for Minimum-Link Rectilinear Paths in Triangulated Rectilinear Domains (JSBM, VP, MS, HW), pp. 947–959.
- ICALP-v1-2015-Sanyal #bound #fourier
- Near-Optimal Upper Bound on Fourier Dimension of Boolean Functions in Terms of Fourier Sparsity (SS), pp. 1035–1045.
- ICALP-v2-2015-DahlgaardKR
- A Simple and Optimal Ancestry Labeling Scheme for Trees (SD, MBTK, NR), pp. 564–574.
- ICALP-v2-2015-Ghaffari #distributed #towards
- Distributed Broadcast Revisited: Towards Universal Optimality (MG), pp. 638–649.
- ICALP-v2-2015-GiannakopoulosK
- Selling Two Goods Optimally (YG, EK), pp. 650–662.
- ICALP-v2-2015-KantorK #problem
- Optimal Competitiveness for the Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence Problem (EK, SK), pp. 675–687.
- LATA-2015-BartonIP #approximate #string
- Average-Case Optimal Approximate Circular String Matching (CB, CSI, SPP), pp. 85–96.
- FM-2015-ZhuYGZZZ #data flow #graph #model checking #scheduling
- Static Optimal Scheduling for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs with Model Checking (XZ, RY, YLG, JZ, WZ, GZ), pp. 551–569.
- SEFM-2015-VollingerR #algorithm #certification #distributed #problem
- Certification of Distributed Algorithms Solving Problems with Optimal Substructure (KV, WR), pp. 190–195.
- ICFP-2015-Chlipala #compilation #functional #optimisation
- An optimizing compiler for a purely functional web-application language (AC), pp. 10–21.
- CHI-2015-MatejkaAF #optimisation
- Dynamic Opacity Optimization for Scatter Plots (JM, FA, GWF), pp. 2707–2710.
- CHI-2015-SmithBZ #gesture #optimisation #type system
- Optimizing Touchscreen Keyboards for Gesture Typing (BAS, XB, SZ), pp. 3365–3374.
- DHM-EH-2015-CheffiRBBS #approach #cost analysis #feedback #optimisation
- A Bi-level Optimization Approach to Get an Optimal Combination of Cost Functions for Pilot’s Arm Movement: The Case of Helicopter’s Flying Aid Functions with Haptic Feedback (SC, TR, LB, PB, JCS), pp. 248–257.
- DHM-EH-2015-LiuCKQF #data analysis #power management
- Balancing Power Consumption and Data Analysis Accuracy Through Adjusting Sampling Rates: Seeking for the Optimal Configuration of Inertial Sensors for Power Wheelchair Users (TL, CC, MK, GQ, JF), pp. 184–192.
- HCI-IT-2015-BakaevA #complexity #human-computer #optimisation #user interface
- Defining and Optimizing User Interfaces Information Complexity for AI Methods Application in HCI (MB, TA), pp. 397–405.
- HCI-IT-2015-MurataMT #comparison
- Optimal Scroll Method for Eye-Gaze Input System — Comparison of R-E and R-S Compatibility (AM, MM, YT), pp. 86–93.
- HCI-UC-2015-ChagasMFC #case study #challenge #community #experience #human-computer #optimisation #user interface
- Prospecting HCI Challenges for Extreme Poverty Communities: Redefining and Optimizing User Experiences with Technology (DAC, CLBM, EF, CRMdC), pp. 281–290.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-FilhoHTJM #smarttech #using
- Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices (RSSF, CLH, AT, JJ, PM), pp. 522–533.
- CAiSE-2015-MrasekMB #automation #declarative #generative #modelling #process #specification
- Automatic Generation of Optimized Process Models from Declarative Specifications (RM, JAM, KB), pp. 382–397.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-JuniorS #approach #compilation #optimisation #reasoning #set
- Finding Good Compiler Optimization Sets — A Case-based Reasoning Approach (NLQJ, AFdS), pp. 504–515.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-LongoLSP #maintenance #optimisation
- Optimizing Routine Maintenance Team Routes (FL, ARL, MS, AP), pp. 535–546.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-SirohiS #multitenancy #optimisation #performance #query #sql
- Context-sensitive Indexes in RDBMS for Performance Optimization of SQL Queries in Multi-tenant/Multi-application Environments (AKS, VS), pp. 259–270.
- ICML-2015-AgarwalB #bound #finite #optimisation
- A Lower Bound for the Optimization of Finite Sums (AA, LB), pp. 78–86.
- ICML-2015-AybatWI #distributed #optimisation
- An Asynchronous Distributed Proximal Gradient Method for Composite Convex Optimization (NSA, ZW, GI), pp. 2454–2462.
- ICML-2015-BeygelzimerKL #adaptation #algorithm #online
- Optimal and Adaptive Algorithms for Online Boosting (AB, SK, HL), pp. 2323–2331.
- ICML-2015-BlechschmidtGL #approximate #multi #optimisation #parametricity #problem
- Tracking Approximate Solutions of Parameterized Optimization Problems over Multi-Dimensional (Hyper-)Parameter Domains (KB, JG, SL), pp. 438–447.
- ICML-2015-GasseAE #classification #composition #multi #on the #set
- On the Optimality of Multi-Label Classification under Subset Zero-One Loss for Distributions Satisfying the Composition Property (MG, AA, HE), pp. 2531–2539.
- ICML-2015-Hernandez-Lobato15a #constraints #optimisation #predict
- Predictive Entropy Search for Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints (JMHL, MAG, MWH, RPA, ZG), pp. 1699–1707.
- ICML-2015-HockingRB #detection #learning #named #segmentation
- PeakSeg: constrained optimal segmentation and supervised penalty learning for peak detection in count data (TH, GR, GB), pp. 324–332.
- ICML-2015-JohnsonG #named #optimisation #scalability
- Blitz: A Principled Meta-Algorithm for Scaling Sparse Optimization (TJ, CG), pp. 1171–1179.
- ICML-2015-KomiyamaHN #analysis #multi #probability #problem
- Optimal Regret Analysis of Thompson Sampling in Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Multiple Plays (JK, JH, HN), pp. 1152–1161.
- ICML-2015-KusnerGGW #optimisation
- Differentially Private Bayesian Optimization (MJK, JRG, RG, KQW), pp. 918–927.
- ICML-2015-LeeR #distributed #linear #optimisation #polynomial
- Distributed Box-Constrained Quadratic Optimization for Dual Linear SVM (CPL, DR), pp. 987–996.
- ICML-2015-LimCX #clustering #framework #optimisation
- A Convex Optimization Framework for Bi-Clustering (SHL, YC, HX), pp. 1679–1688.
- ICML-2015-MaclaurinDA #learning #optimisation
- Gradient-based Hyperparameter Optimization through Reversible Learning (DM, DKD, RPA), pp. 2113–2122.
- ICML-2015-MartensG #approximate #network #optimisation
- Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (JM, RBG), pp. 2408–2417.
- ICML-2015-MaSJJRT #distributed #optimisation
- Adding vs. Averaging in Distributed Primal-Dual Optimization (CM, VS, MJ, MIJ, PR, MT), pp. 1973–1982.
- ICML-2015-NarasimhanK0 #metric #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing Non-decomposable Performance Measures: A Tale of Two Classes (HN, PK, PJ), pp. 199–208.
- ICML-2015-SchulmanLAJM #optimisation #policy #trust
- Trust Region Policy Optimization (JS, SL, PA, MIJ, PM), pp. 1889–1897.
- ICML-2015-SnoekRSKSSPPA #network #optimisation #scalability #using
- Scalable Bayesian Optimization Using Deep Neural Networks (JS, OR, KS, RK, NS, NS, MMAP, P, RPA), pp. 2171–2180.
- ICML-2015-SuiGBK #optimisation #process
- Safe Exploration for Optimization with Gaussian Processes (YS, AG, JWB, AK), pp. 997–1005.
- ICML-2015-SunQW #optimisation #taxonomy #using
- Complete Dictionary Recovery Using Nonconvex Optimization (JS, QQ, JW), pp. 2351–2360.
- ICML-2015-Suzuki #convergence
- Convergence rate of Bayesian tensor estimator and its minimax optimality (TS), pp. 1273–1282.
- ICML-2015-ZhangL15a #distributed #empirical #named #optimisation #self
- DiSCO: Distributed Optimization for Self-Concordant Empirical Loss (YZ, XL), pp. 362–370.
- ICML-2015-ZhaoZ #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic Optimization with Importance Sampling for Regularized Loss Minimization (PZ, TZ), pp. 1–9.
- KDD-2015-BotezatuBGVW #clustering #multi
- Multi-View Incident Ticket Clustering for Optimal Ticket Dispatching (MMB, JB, IG, HV, DW), pp. 1711–1720.
- KDD-2015-ChaoHZ #analysis #kernel
- Optimal Kernel Group Transformation for Exploratory Regression Analysis and Graphics (PC, QH, MZ), pp. 905–914.
- KDD-2015-CuiCHC #random
- Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees (ZC, WC, YH, YC), pp. 179–188.
- KDD-2015-HallacLB #clustering #graph #network #optimisation #scalability
- Network Lasso: Clustering and Optimization in Large Graphs (DH, JL, SB), pp. 387–396.
- KDD-2015-IitsukaM #optimisation #problem
- Website Optimization Problem and Its Solutions (SI, YM), pp. 447–456.
- KDD-2015-Kamath #data-driven #optimisation
- Optimizing Marketing Impact through Data Driven Decisioning (AK), p. 1631.
- KDD-2015-XuLLQL #effectiveness #online #optimisation
- Smart Pacing for Effective Online Ad Campaign Optimization (JX, KcL, WL, HQ, QL), pp. 2217–2226.
- KDD-2015-YangLJ #big data #data analysis #optimisation
- Big Data Analytics: Optimization and Randomization (TY, QL, RJ), p. 2327.
- KDD-2015-YanRHC #distributed #learning #modelling #optimisation #performance #scalability
- Performance Modeling and Scalability Optimization of Distributed Deep Learning Systems (FY, OR, YH, TMC), pp. 1355–1364.
- KDD-2015-ZhuYH #clustering #optimisation #predict
- Co-Clustering based Dual Prediction for Cargo Pricing Optimization (YZ, HY, JH), pp. 1583–1592.
- MLDM-2015-CoralloFMACCGS #analysis #approach #sentiment
- Sentiment Analysis for Government: An Optimized Approach (AC, LF, MM, MA, AC, VC, EG, DS), pp. 98–112.
- MLDM-2015-KrasotkinaM #approach #optimisation #ranking
- A Bayesian Approach to Sparse Learning-to-Rank for Search Engine Optimization (OK, VM), pp. 382–394.
- MLDM-2015-SalahAM #mining #optimisation #performance #pipes and filters
- Optimizing the Data-Process Relationship for Fast Mining of Frequent Itemsets in MapReduce (SS, RA, FM), pp. 217–231.
- SEKE-2015-ChangB #file system #object-oriented #optimisation
- Optimizing of an Object-Oriented File System (OOFS) (LHC, SB), pp. 208–212.
- SIGIR-2015-Hoenkamp #interactive #interface #quality
- About the “Compromised Information Need” and Optimal Interaction as Quality Measure for Search Interfaces (ECH), pp. 835–838.
- SIGIR-2015-KiselevaMBDKEKT #optimisation
- Where to Go on Your Next Trip?: Optimizing Travel Destinations Based on User Preferences (JK, MJIM, LB, CD, IK, MSE, JK, AT, DH), pp. 1097–1100.
- SIGIR-2015-SpirinKKSI #metric #optimisation #quality #tuple
- Relevance-aware Filtering of Tuples Sorted by an Attribute Value via Direct Optimization of Search Quality Metrics (NVS, MK, JK, YVS, PAI), pp. 979–982.
- SIGIR-2015-TranTCN #optimisation #random #ranking #web
- A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking (GT, AT, BBC, WN), pp. 153–162.
- SIGIR-2015-XiaXLGC #evaluation #learning #metric #optimisation
- Learning Maximal Marginal Relevance Model via Directly Optimizing Diversity Evaluation Measures (LX, JX, YL, JG, XC), pp. 113–122.
- SIGIR-2015-YunHER #latency #policy #web
- Optimal Aggregation Policy for Reducing Tail Latency of Web Search (JMY, YH, SE, SR), pp. 63–72.
- SIGIR-2015-ZhangZ #formal method #game studies #information retrieval #interactive #interface #optimisation
- Information Retrieval as Card Playing: A Formal Model for Optimizing Interactive Retrieval Interface (YZ, CZ), pp. 685–694.
- ECOOP-2015-St-AmourG #javascript #optimisation
- Optimization Coaching for JavaScript (VSA, SyG), pp. 271–295.
- OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegLW #dependence #incremental
- A sound and optimal incremental build system with dynamic dependencies (SE, ML, MW), pp. 89–106.
- OOPSLA-2015-MarrD #partial evaluation #self
- Tracing vs. partial evaluation: comparing meta-compilation approaches for self-optimizing interpreters (SM, SD), pp. 821–839.
- OOPSLA-2015-SteindorferV #agile #optimisation #performance #virtual machine
- Optimizing hash-array mapped tries for fast and lean immutable JVM collections (MJS, JJV), pp. 783–800.
- SAC-2015-CamaraGS0 #adaptation #architecture #game studies #model checking #probability #self
- Optimal planning for architecture-based self-adaptation via model checking of stochastic games (JC, DG, BRS, AP), pp. 428–435.
- SAC-2015-Chakraborti #identification #multi #optimisation #summary #topic
- Multi-document text summarization for competitor intelligence: a methodology based on topic identification and artificial bee colony optimization (SC), pp. 1110–1111.
- SAC-2015-CinalliMPG #multi #optimisation
- Collective preferences in evolutionary multi-objective optimization: techniques and potential contributions of collective intelligence (DC, LM, NSP, ACBG), pp. 133–138.
- SAC-2015-HogenboomNJFV #distributed #optimisation #query #rdf
- RDF chain query optimization in a distributed environment (AH, EN, MJ, FF, DV), pp. 353–359.
- SAC-2015-Khenfri #approach #architecture #optimisation #synthesis
- A holistic optimization approach for the synthesis of AUTOSAR E/E architecture (FK), pp. 1960–1961.
- SAC-2015-KundeM #middleware #resource management
- Workload characterization model for optimal resource allocation in cloud middleware (SK, TM), pp. 442–447.
- SAC-2015-LeeKKE #algorithm #architecture #hybrid #memory management #named
- M-CLOCK: migration-optimized page replacement algorithm for hybrid DRAM and PCM memory architecture (ML, DK, JK, YIE), pp. 2001–2006.
- SAC-2015-LiuI #clustering #framework #optimisation #parallel #using
- An ETL optimization framework using partitioning and parallelization (XL, NI), pp. 1015–1022.
- SAC-2015-LujakF #named #scheduling
- ORCAS: optimized robots configuration and scheduling system (ML, AF), pp. 327–330.
- SAC-2015-PapeBH #adaptation #data type #execution #optimisation #performance
- Adaptive just-in-time value class optimization: transparent data structure inlining for fast execution (TP, CFB, RH), pp. 1970–1977.
- SAC-2015-RiediBP #algorithm #performance #scalability
- Channel and power allocation algorithm to optimize the performance of large WLANs (MR, GGB, MEP), pp. 673–679.
- SAC-2015-WangCR #multi #optimisation
- Dynamic optimization of multi-layered reinsurance treaties (HW, OACC, ARC), pp. 125–132.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-Feth #optimisation #security #trade-off
- User-centric security: optimization of the security-usability trade-off (DF), pp. 1034–1037.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-LiTH #energy #mobile #named #web
- Nyx: a display energy optimizer for mobile web apps (DL, AHT, WGJH), pp. 958–961.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-VasquezBBOPP #android #approach #energy #multi #optimisation #user interface
- Optimizing energy consumption of GUIs in Android apps: a multi-objective approach (MLV, GB, CEBC, RO, MDP, DP), pp. 143–154.
- ASPLOS-2015-DuanHT #memory management #optimisation #performance #symmetry
- Asymmetric Memory Fences: Optimizing Both Performance and Implementability (YD, NH, JT), pp. 531–543.
- ASPLOS-2015-MullapudiVB #automation #image #named #optimisation #pipes and filters
- PolyMage: Automatic Optimization for Image Processing Pipelines (RTM, VV, UB), pp. 429–443.
- CC-2015-Buchwald #generative #named #optimisation
- Optgen: A Generator for Local Optimizations (SB), pp. 171–189.
- CC-2015-DarteI #approximate #optimisation #parametricity
- Exact and Approximated Data-Reuse Optimizations for Tiling with Parametric Sizes (AD, AI), pp. 151–170.
- CC-2015-DemangePS #coq #optimisation #performance #verification
- Verifying Fast and Sparse SSA-Based Optimizations in Coq (DD, DP, LS), pp. 233–252.
- CGO-2015-HawkinsDBZ #optimisation
- Optimizing binary translation of dynamically generated code (BH, BD, DB, QZ), pp. 68–78.
- CGO-2015-PallisterEH #embedded #energy #optimisation #trade-off
- Optimizing the flash-RAM energy trade-off in deeply embedded systems (JP, KE, SJH), pp. 115–124.
- CGO-2015-TangZLLHLG #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing and auto-tuning scale-free sparse matrix-vector multiplication on Intel Xeon Phi (WTT, RZ, ML, YL, HPH, XL, RSMG), pp. 136–145.
- CGO-2015-ZhangGCCH #named #performance
- HERMES: a fast cross-ISA binary translator with post-optimization (XZ, QG, YC, TC, WH), pp. 246–256.
- HPCA-2015-CaiLHMM #memory management #optimisation
- Data retention in MLC NAND flash memory: Characterization, optimization, and recovery (YC, YL, EFH, KM, OM), pp. 551–563.
- HPCA-2015-LeeKPKSCM #adaptation #optimisation
- Adaptive-latency DRAM: Optimizing DRAM timing for the common-case (DL, YK, GP, SMK, VS, KKWC, OM), pp. 489–501.
- HPCA-2015-MaddahSM #named #optimisation #symmetry
- CAFO: Cost aware flip optimization for asymmetric memories (RM, SMS, RGM), pp. 320–330.
- HPDC-2015-HeintzCS #optimisation #streaming
- Optimizing Grouped Aggregation in Geo-Distributed Streaming Analytics (BH, AC, RKS), pp. 133–144.
- HPDC-2015-KlusacekCR #optimisation
- Planning and Optimization in TORQUE Resource Manager (DK, VC, HR), pp. 203–206.
- HPDC-2015-RamosH #optimisation
- Cache Line Aware Optimizations for ccNUMA Systems (SR, TH), pp. 85–88.
- HPDC-2015-ZhouHCL #as a service #declarative #optimisation #resource management #workflow
- A Declarative Optimization Engine for Resource Provisioning of Scientific Workflows in IaaS Clouds (ACZ, BH, XC, CTL), pp. 223–234.
- ISMM-2015-CliffordPST #optimisation
- Memento mori: dynamic allocation-site-based optimizations (DC, HP, MS, BT), pp. 105–117.
- LCTES-2015-BairdGSWU #architecture #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Optimizing Transfers of Control in the Static Pipeline Architecture (RB, PG, MS, DBW, GRU), p. 10.
- PPoPP-2015-AshariTBRCKS #kernel #machine learning #on the #optimisation
- On optimizing machine learning workloads via kernel fusion (AA, ST, MB, BR, KC, JK, PS), pp. 173–182.
- PPoPP-2015-MajoG #composition #library #locality #optimisation
- A library for portable and composable data locality optimizations for NUMA systems (ZM, TRG), pp. 227–238.
- PPoPP-2015-ShiLDHJLWLZ #gpu #graph #hybrid #optimisation
- Optimization of asynchronous graph processing on GPU with hybrid coloring model (XS, JL, SD, BH, HJ, LL, ZW, XL, JZ), pp. 271–272.
- CAV-2015-SebastianiT #modulo theories #named #optimisation
- OptiMathSAT: A Tool for Optimization Modulo Theories (RS, PT), pp. 447–454.
- ICLP-J-2015-KoponenOJS #optimisation #programming #set #using
- Optimizing phylogenetic supertrees using answer set programming (LK, EO, TJ, LS), pp. 604–619.
- ICST-2015-NoguchiWFSO #black box #optimisation #testing #using
- History-Based Test Case Prioritization for Black Box Testing Using Ant Colony Optimization (TN, HW, YF, AS, KO), pp. 1–2.
- ICST-2015-PanichellaKT #branch #optimisation #problem
- Reformulating Branch Coverage as a Many-Objective Optimization Problem (AP, FMK, PT), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2015-YamadaKACOB #combinator #incremental #optimisation #satisfiability #testing
- Optimization of Combinatorial Testing by Incremental SAT Solving (AY, TK, CA, EHC, YO, AB), pp. 1–10.
- ISSTA-2015-LeSS #random
- Randomized stress-testing of link-time optimizers (VL, CS, ZS), pp. 327–337.
- ISSTA-2015-TanXCSLD #algorithm #optimisation
- Optimizing selection of competing features via feedback-directed evolutionary algorithms (THT, YX, MC, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 246–256.
- VMCAI-2015-GjomemoNPVZ #optimisation #verification
- From Verification to Optimizations (RG, KSN, PHP, VNV, LDZ), pp. 300–317.
- ASE-2014-AbdeenVSNDHH #design #multi #optimisation #rule-based
- Multi-objective optimization in rule-based design space exploration (HA, DV, HAS, ASN, CD, ÁH, ÁH), pp. 289–300.
- ASE-2014-GuoZORCAA #combinator #optimisation #parallel #scalability
- Scaling exact multi-objective combinatorial optimization by parallelization (JG, EZ, RO, DR, KC, SA, JMA), pp. 409–420.
- ASE-2014-KusanoW #abstraction #optimisation #partial order #reduction
- Assertion guided abstraction: a cooperative optimization for dynamic partial order reduction (MK, CW), pp. 175–186.
- ASE-2014-MkaouerKBDC #interactive #optimisation #recommendation #refactoring #using
- Recommendation system for software refactoring using innovization and interactive dynamic optimization (MWM, MK, SB, KD, MÓC), pp. 331–336.
- CASE-2014-BaDR #maintenance #policy
- Green management of Spare parts for an integrated optimal maintenance and production policy (KB, SD, NR), pp. 359–364.
- CASE-2014-ChuKS #dependence #energy #grid #integration
- Optimal integration of alternative energy sources in production systems for minimum grid dependency and outage risk (KCC, KK, KS), pp. 640–645.
- CASE-2014-DingSM #assembly #case study #industrial
- Optimized task distribution for industrial assembly in mixed human-robot environments — Case study on IO module assembly (HD, MS, BM), pp. 19–24.
- CASE-2014-HeLG #graph #optimisation
- Marking optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 413–418.
- CASE-2014-HsiaoYLH #design #implementation
- Design and implementation of a ball-batting robot with optimal batting decision making ability (TH, CMY, IHL, CCH), pp. 1026–1031.
- CASE-2014-HuangCM #optimisation
- Motion planning of a 7-axis robot manipulator via Modified Tension Spline and convex optimization (SH, HHC, AGM), pp. 1278–1283.
- CASE-2014-KanagarajPL #algorithm #optimisation #process
- Application of a hybridized cuckoo search-genetic algorithm to path optimization for PCB holes drilling process (GK, SGP, WCEL), pp. 373–378.
- CASE-2014-LeeSP #automation
- Automatic optimal control of Field Assisted Sintering Technology (JL, JS, VP), pp. 764–769.
- CASE-2014-MaTLZLD #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #scheduling
- A hybrid particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithm for job-shop scheduling (PCM, FT, YL, LZ, HXL, ZD), pp. 125–130.
- CASE-2014-MingMT #optimisation
- Reducing carbon emission of ocean shipments by optimizing container size selection (ECLM, NLM, KWT), pp. 480–485.
- CASE-2014-QiuSL #multi #optimisation #simulation
- A simulation based GA for multi-objective optimization in patient flow distribution (YQ, JS, ZL), pp. 1–6.
- CASE-2014-TiengYHC #approach #multi #optimisation #process
- A multi-objective optimization approach for selecting key features of machining processes (HT, HCY, MHH, FTC), pp. 899–904.
- CASE-2014-WangQ #collaboration #energy #enterprise #optimisation
- Cost and energy consumption collaborative optimization for sintering burdening in iron and steel enterprise (JW, FQ), pp. 486–491.
- CASE-2014-XuZHCLC #framework #multi #optimisation #simulation
- An ordinal transformation framework for multi-fidelity simulation optimization (JX, SZ, EH, CHC, LHL, NC), pp. 385–390.
- CASE-2014-YangWQZ #clustering #multi #scheduling #tool support
- Optimal scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools with two-space buffering modules (FY, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 75–80.
- CASE-2014-ZhangLYL #optimisation #parametricity #simulation
- Simulation and parameter optimization of the key working procedure of engine box (CZ, JL, RY, GL), pp. 315–319.
- DAC-2014-0001SMAKV #manycore #optimisation
- Reinforcement Learning-Based Inter- and Intra-Application Thermal Optimization for Lifetime Improvement of Multicore Systems (AD, RAS, GVM, BMAH, AK, BV), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-AmaruGM #algorithm #graph #logic #novel #optimisation #performance
- Majority-Inverter Graph: A Novel Data-Structure and Algorithms for Efficient Logic Optimization (LGA, PEG, GDM), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-ChenWLXY #optimisation #runtime
- Run-Time Technique for Simultaneous Aging and Power Optimization in GPGPUs (XC, YW, YL, YX, HY), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-CongLXZ #architecture #clustering #reuse
- An Optimal Microarchitecture for Stencil Computation Acceleration Based on Non-Uniform Partitioning of Data Reuse Buffers (JC, PL, BX, PZ), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-CuiCBC #optimisation #set
- A Swap-based Cache Set Index Scheme to Leverage both Superpage and Page Coloring Optimizations (ZC, LC, YB, MC), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-DingCM #layout #optimisation #throughput
- Throughput Optimization for SADP and E-beam based Manufacturing of 1D Layout (YD, CC, WKM), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-GaoXYP #named #optimisation #process
- MOSAIC: Mask Optimizing Solution With Process Window Aware Inverse Correction (JRG, XX, BY, DZP), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-HeldS #optimisation
- Post-Routing Latch Optimization for Timing Closure (SH, US), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-HoC #optimisation #performance #pipes and filters
- A New Asynchronous Pipeline Template for Power and Performance Optimization (KHH, YWC), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-KhosraviRGT #multi #optimisation #reliability #using
- Multi-Objective Local-Search Optimization using Reliability Importance Measuring (FK, FR, MG, JT), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-LiangC #analysis #clustering #named #network #probability #reduction #scalability #smarttech
- ClusRed: Clustering and Network Reduction Based Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Analysis for Large-Scale Smart Grids (YL, DC), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-LiuCYLHL #fault #locality #named
- EC-Cache: Exploiting Error Locality to Optimize LDPC in NAND Flash-Based SSDs (RSL, MYC, CLY, CHL, KCH, HPL), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-PengPL #optimisation #performance
- Fast and Accurate Full-chip Extraction and Optimization of TSV-to-Wire Coupling (YP, DP, SKL), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-RoyMIT #multi #performance
- Tile Before Multiplication: An Efficient Strategy to Optimize DSP Multiplier for Accelerating Prime Field ECC for NIST Curves (DBR, DM, MI, JT), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-SamalPSSDL #3d #modelling #optimisation #performance
- Fast and Accurate Thermal Modeling and Optimization for Monolithic 3D ICs (SKS, SP, KS, MS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-WangOC #optimisation #performance #polynomial #synthesis
- Enabling Efficient Analog Synthesis by Coupling Sparse Regression and Polynomial Optimization (YW, MO, CC), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-ZhuoGS #design #grid #modelling #optimisation #power management
- Early-Stage Power Grid Design: Extraction, Modeling and Optimization (CZ, HG, WKS), p. 6.
- DATE-2014-0001GWKAWG #optimisation #performance #runtime
- Exploiting expendable process-margins in DRAMs for run-time performance optimization (KC, SG, CW, MK, BA, NW, KG), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-AfacanAFDB #automation #design #modelling #optimisation
- Model based hierarchical optimization strategies for analog design automation (EA, SA, FVF, GD, IFB), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-AksoyFM #complexity #constant #design #multi #optimisation
- Optimization of design complexity in time-multiplexed constant multiplications (LA, PFF, JCM), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-AlamPTSN #android #energy #optimisation
- Energy optimization in Android applications through wakelock placement (FA, PRP, NT, NS, SN), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-AltmeyerD #analysis #correctness #on the #precise #probability
- On the correctness, optimality and precision of Static Probabilistic Timing Analysis (SA, RID), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-BournoutianO #framework #mobile #optimisation
- On-device objective-C application optimization framework for high-performance mobile processors (GB, AO), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-DinhYH #design #logic
- A logic integrated optimal pin-count design for digital microfluidic biochips (TAD, SY, TYH), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-DuW #optimisation #process #standard
- Optimization of standard cell based detailed placement for 16 nm FinFET process (YD, MDFW), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-GomonyAG #optimisation #performance #realtime
- Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM controller for cost and performance optimization of real-time systems (MDG, BA, KG), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-KahngK #logic #memory management #scheduling
- Co-optimization of memory BIST grouping, test scheduling, and logic placement (ABK, IK), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-KangYKBHT #manycore #optimisation
- Reliability-aware mapping optimization of multi-core systems with mixed-criticality (SHK, HY, SK, IB, SH, LT), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-LiuSZSC #constraints #latency #optimisation #streaming
- Resource optimization for CSDF-modeled streaming applications with latency constraints (DL, JS, JTZ, TS, GC), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-NarayanaswamySLKC #architecture
- Optimal dimensioning of active cell balancing architectures (SN, SS, ML, MK, SC), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-OdendahlGLARVH #manycore
- Optimized buffer allocation in multicore platforms (MO, AG, RL, GA, BR, BV, TH), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-ReimerSSB #using
- Using MaxBMC for Pareto-optimal circuit initialization (SR, MS, TS, BB), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-RossiTB #hybrid #optimisation #realtime
- Real-time optimization of the battery banks lifetime in Hybrid Residential Electrical Systems (MR, AT, DB), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-RoyJ #named #optimisation #thread
- ALLARM: Optimizing sparse directories for thread-local data (AR, TMJ), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-Sadri0WWB #3d #energy #optimisation #using
- Energy optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM using temperature variation aware bank-wise refresh (MS, MJ, CW, NW, LB), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-VartziotisKCPJ #multi #optimisation #using
- Multi-site test optimization for multi-Vdd SoCs using space- and time- division multiplexing (FV, XK, KC, RAP, AJ), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-ZhuGBS #data flow #graph #scheduling
- Memory-constrained static rate-optimal scheduling of synchronous dataflow graphs via retiming (XYZ, MG, TB, SS), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-ZhuWCP #design #energy
- Optimal design and management of a smart residential PV and energy storage system (DZ, YW, NC, MP), pp. 1–6.
- HT-2014-Santos-NetoPAR #data flow #on the #optimisation
- On the choice of data sources to improve content discoverability via textual feature optimization (ESN, TP, JMA, MR), pp. 273–278.
- PODS-2014-PaghSW #question #set
- Is min-wise hashing optimal for summarizing set intersection? (RP, MS, DPW), pp. 109–120.
- SIGMOD-2014-AntovaESGPW #optimisation #query
- Optimizing queries over partitioned tables in MPP systems (LA, AEH, MAS, ZG, MP, FW), pp. 373–384.
- SIGMOD-2014-ChenLWXML #algorithm #network #performance #query
- Efficient algorithms for optimal location queries in road networks (ZC, YL, RCWW, JX, GM, CL), pp. 123–134.
- SIGMOD-2014-GhodsniaBN #optimisation #parallel #query
- Parallel I/O aware query optimization (PG, ITB, AN), pp. 349–360.
- SIGMOD-2014-KaranasosBKOEXJ #optimisation #query #scalability
- Dynamically optimizing queries over large scale data platforms (KK, AB, MK, FÖ, VE, CX, JJ), pp. 943–954.
- SIGMOD-2014-LiuH #cost analysis #online #optimisation
- Online optimization and fair costing for dynamic data sharing in a cloud data market (ZL, HH), pp. 1359–1370.
- SIGMOD-2014-LongWZX #approach
- Hypersphere dominance: an optimal approach (CL, RCWW, BZ, MX), pp. 111–122.
- SIGMOD-2014-RheinlanderBKHSL #data flow #optimisation
- Versatile optimization of UDF-heavy data flows with sofa (AR, MB, AK, AH, TS, UL), pp. 685–688.
- SIGMOD-2014-SolimanAREGSCGRPWNKB #architecture #big data #composition #named #query
- Orca: a modular query optimizer architecture for big data (MAS, LA, VR, AEH, ZG, ES, GCC, CGA, FR, MP, FW, SN, KK, RB), pp. 337–348.
- SIGMOD-2014-TangXS #complexity #performance
- Influence maximization: near-optimal time complexity meets practical efficiency (YT, XX, YS), pp. 75–86.
- SIGMOD-2014-TrummerK #approximate #optimisation #query
- Approximation schemes for many-objective query optimization (IT, CK), pp. 1299–1310.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZhangDI #complexity #on the #optimisation #query
- On complexity and optimization of expensive queries in complex event processing (HZ, YD, NI), pp. 217–228.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZhangKR #feature model #optimisation
- Materialization optimizations for feature selection workloads (CZ, AK, CR), pp. 265–276.
- VLDB-2014-BressHSKMS #hardware #named
- Ocelot/HyPE: Optimized Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware (SB, MH, MS, BK, VM, GS), pp. 1609–1612.
- VLDB-2014-EldawyLL #database
- Trekking Through Siberia: Managing Cold Data in a Memory-Optimized Database (AE, JJL, PÅL), pp. 931–942.
- VLDB-2014-GiannikisMAK #optimisation
- Shared Workload Optimization (GG, DM, GA, DK), pp. 429–440.
- VLDB-2014-GuarnieriB #query
- Optimal Security-Aware Query Processing (MG, DAB), pp. 1307–1318.
- VLDB-2014-KonstantinidisA #constraints #integration #optimisation #scalability
- Optimizing the Chase: Scalable Data Integration under Constraints (GK, JLA), pp. 1869–1880.
- VLDB-2014-ParameswaranBG0PW #algorithm #rating
- Optimal Crowd-Powered Rating and Filtering Algorithms (AGP, SB, HGM, AG, NP, JW), pp. 685–696.
- VLDB-2014-SalihogluW #algorithm #graph #optimisation
- Optimizing Graph Algorithms on Pregel-like Systems (SS, JW), pp. 577–588.
- VLDB-2014-ShanbhagS #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Join Enumeration in Transformation-based Query Optimizers (AS, SS), pp. 1243–1254.
- VLDB-2014-ShiZLCLW #named #optimisation #pipes and filters #tool support
- MRTuner: A Toolkit to Enable Holistic Optimization for MapReduce Jobs (JS, JZ, JL, ZC, SL, CW), pp. 1319–1330.
- VLDB-2014-YangGYL #constraints #graph
- Finding the Cost-Optimal Path with Time Constraint over Time-Dependent Graphs (YY, HG, JXY, JL), pp. 673–684.
- VLDB-2015-TrummerK14 #multi #optimisation #parametricity #query
- Multi-Objective Parametric Query Optimization (IT, CK), pp. 221–232.
- VLDB-2015-YangZTCM14 #distributed #named #navigation
- CANDS: Continuous Optimal Navigation via Distributed Stream Processing (DY, DZ, KLT, JC, FLM), pp. 137–148.
- PEPM-2014-AdamsFM #exclamation #optimisation #scrap your boilerplate
- Optimizing SYB is easy! (MDA, AF, JPM), pp. 71–82.
- PLDI-2014-Schkufza0A #float #optimisation #precise #probability #source code
- Stochastic optimization of floating-point programs with tunable precision (ES, RS, AA), p. 9.
- PLDI-2014-Simon #polymorphism
- Optimal inference of fields in row-polymorphic records (AS), p. 13.
- STOC-2014-ArtemenkoS #generative #pseudo
- Pseudorandom generators with optimal seed length for non-boolean poly-size circuits (SA, RS), pp. 99–108.
- STOC-2014-BoutsidisW #matrix
- Optimal CUR matrix decompositions (CB, DPW), pp. 353–362.
- STOC-2014-ChenGL
- Optimal competitive auctions (NC, NG, PL), pp. 253–262.
- STOC-2014-DworkTT0 #analysis #bound #component #privacy
- Analyze gauss: optimal bounds for privacy-preserving principal component analysis (CD, KT, AT, LZ), pp. 11–20.
- STOC-2014-GhaffariHS #adaptation #fault #interactive
- Optimal error rates for interactive coding I: adaptivity and other settings (MG, BH, MS), pp. 794–803.
- STOC-2014-HaitnerT #protocol
- An almost-optimally fair three-party coin-flipping protocol (IH, ET), pp. 408–416.
- STOC-2014-RudraW
- Every list-decodable code for high noise has abundant near-optimal rate puncturings (AR, MW), pp. 764–773.
- STOC-2014-SinghV #optimisation
- Entropy, optimization and counting (MS, NKV), pp. 50–59.
- STOC-2014-Solomon #fault tolerance #metric
- From hierarchical partitions to hierarchical covers: optimal fault-tolerant spanners for doubling metrics (SS), pp. 363–372.
- ICALP-v1-2014-AbrahamC #distance
- Distance Labels with Optimal Local Stretch (IA, SC), pp. 52–63.
- ICALP-v1-2014-AngeliniLBFPR #graph
- Morphing Planar Graph Drawings Optimally (PA, GDL, GDB, FF, MP, VR), pp. 126–137.
- ICALP-v1-2014-Biedl #graph #on the
- On Area-Optimal Planar Graph Drawings (TCB), pp. 198–210.
- ICALP-v1-2014-DosaS #analysis
- Optimal Analysis of Best Fit Bin Packing (GD, JS), pp. 429–441.
- ICALP-v1-2014-GilbertLPS
- For-All Sparse Recovery in Near-Optimal Time (ACG, YL, EP, MJS), pp. 538–550.
- ICALP-v1-2014-GuptaTW #multi #optimisation
- Changing Bases: Multistage Optimization for Matroids and Matchings (AG, KT, UW), pp. 563–575.
- ICALP-v1-2014-HajiaghayiLP #algorithm #online #problem
- Near-Optimal Online Algorithms for Prize-Collecting Steiner Problems (MH, VL, DP), pp. 576–587.
- ICALP-v1-2014-MancinskaV #bound #probability
- Unbounded Entanglement Can Be Needed to Achieve the Optimal Success Probability (LM, TV), pp. 835–846.
- ICALP-v1-2014-TulsianiWZ #game studies #graph #parallel #rank
- Optimal Strong Parallel Repetition for Projection Games on Low Threshold Rank Graphs (MT, JW, YZ), pp. 1003–1014.
- ICALP-v1-2014-WimmerWZ #complexity #matrix #query
- Optimal Query Complexity for Estimating the Trace of a Matrix (KW, YW, PZ), pp. 1051–1062.
- ICALP-v2-2014-Ghaffari #approximate #distributed #set
- Near-Optimal Distributed Approximation of Minimum-Weight Connected Dominating Set (MG), pp. 483–494.
- ICALP-v2-2014-KantorK #problem #symmetry
- Optimal Competitiveness for Symmetric Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence and Related Problems (EK, SK), pp. 520–531.
- LATA-2014-AbdullaAS #automaton #reachability
- Computing Optimal Reachability Costs in Priced Dense-Timed Pushdown Automata (PAA, MFA, JS), pp. 62–75.
- LATA-2014-BundalaZ #network #sorting
- Optimal Sorting Networks (DB, JZ), pp. 236–247.
- ICFP-2014-BergstromFLRS #effectiveness #higher-order #optimisation
- Practical and effective higher-order optimizations (LB, MF, ML, JHR, NS), pp. 81–93.
- GRAPHITE-2014-ManskyGG #optimisation #parallel #source code #specification
- Specifying and Executing Optimizations for Parallel Programs (WM, DG, ELG), pp. 58–70.
- CHI-2014-BiOZ #multi #optimisation
- Both complete and correct?: multi-objective optimization of touchscreen keyboard (XB, TO, SZ), pp. 2297–2306.
- CHI-2014-GreisAHM
- I can wait a minute: uncovering the optimal delay time for pre-moderated user-generated content on public displays (MG, FA, NH, NM), pp. 1435–1438.
- DHM-2014-ZhangTWHFC #modelling
- Modeling Human Control Strategies in Simulated RVD Tasks through the Time-Fuel Optimal Control Model (SZ, YT, CW, SH, YF, SC), pp. 661–670.
- DUXU-DP-2014-AlmeidaRN #evaluation #framework #optimisation
- Methodological Framework for Control Centres Evaluation and Optimization (AA, FR, PN), pp. 3–11.
- CAiSE-2014-AndrikopoulosSLW #in the cloud
- Optimal Distribution of Applications in the Cloud (VA, SGS, FL, JW), pp. 75–90.
- CAiSE-2014-VlaanderenDB #incremental
- Finding Optimal Plans for Incremental Method Engineering (KV, FD, SB), pp. 640–655.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-PintoNH #multi #optimisation
- Multi-objective Optimization of Investment Strategies — Based on Evolutionary Computation Techniques, in Volatile Environments (JMP, RFN, NH), pp. 480–488.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #branch #design #heuristic #network #problem
- A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
- CIKM-2014-AnandMBB #optimisation #query
- Phrase Query Optimization on Inverted Indexes (AA, IM, SJB, KB), pp. 1807–1810.
- CIKM-2014-ChatzistergiouV #clustering #data type #heuristic #performance
- Fast Heuristics for Near-Optimal Task Allocation in Data Stream Processing over Clusters (AC, SDV), pp. 1579–1588.
- CIKM-2014-DrumondDSN #modelling #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing Multi-Relational Factorization Models for Multiple Target Relations (LRD, EDA, LST, WN), pp. 191–200.
- CIKM-2014-LinLZX #named #optimisation #programming #search-based
- GPQ: Directly Optimizing Q-measure based on Genetic Programming (YL, HL, PZ, BX), pp. 1859–1862.
- CIKM-2014-Wu0LJ #constraints #optimisation #ranking
- Ranking Optimization with Constraints (FW, JX, HL, XJ), pp. 1049–1058.
- ECIR-2014-SchuthSWR #case study #optimisation #using
- Optimizing Base Rankers Using Clicks — A Case Study Using BM25 (AS, FS, SW, MdR), pp. 75–87.
- ICML-c1-2014-AzadiS #multi #probability #towards
- Towards an optimal stochastic alternating direction method of multipliers (SA, SS), pp. 620–628.
- ICML-c1-2014-CicaleseLS #optimisation #testing
- Diagnosis determination: decision trees optimizing simultaneously worst and expected testing cost (FC, ESL, AMS), pp. 414–422.
- ICML-c1-2014-CombesP #algorithm #bound
- Unimodal Bandits: Regret Lower Bounds and Optimal Algorithms (RC, AP), pp. 521–529.
- ICML-c1-2014-LinX #adaptation #continuation #optimisation
- An Adaptive Accelerated Proximal Gradient Method and its Homotopy Continuation for Sparse Optimization (QL, LX), pp. 73–81.
- ICML-c1-2014-MohriM #algorithm #learning #optimisation
- Learning Theory and Algorithms for revenue optimization in second price auctions with reserve (MM, AMM), pp. 262–270.
- ICML-c1-2014-SomaKIK #algorithm #performance
- Optimal Budget Allocation: Theoretical Guarantee and Efficient Algorithm (TS, NK, KI, KiK), pp. 351–359.
- ICML-c2-2014-AzarLB #correlation #feedback #online #optimisation #probability
- Online Stochastic Optimization under Correlated Bandit Feedback (MGA, AL, EB), pp. 1557–1565.
- ICML-c2-2014-ChenGH
- Near-Optimal Joint Object Matching via Convex Relaxation (YC, LJG, QXH), pp. 100–108.
- ICML-c2-2014-ContalPV #optimisation #process
- Gaussian Process Optimization with Mutual Information (EC, VP, NV), pp. 253–261.
- ICML-c2-2014-GardnerKZWC #constraints #difference #optimisation
- Bayesian Optimization with Inequality Constraints (JRG, MJK, ZEX, KQW, JC), pp. 937–945.
- ICML-c2-2014-HaeffeleYV #algorithm #image #matrix #rank
- Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Optimality, Algorithm, and Applications to Image Processing (BDH, EY, RV), pp. 2007–2015.
- ICML-c2-2014-HoangLJK #learning #process
- Nonmyopic ϵ-Bayes-Optimal Active Learning of Gaussian Processes (TNH, BKHL, PJ, MSK), pp. 739–747.
- ICML-c2-2014-LevineK #learning #network #optimisation #policy
- Learning Complex Neural Network Policies with Trajectory Optimization (SL, VK), pp. 829–837.
- ICML-c2-2014-NieYH #analysis #component #robust
- Optimal Mean Robust Principal Component Analysis (FN, JY, HH), pp. 1062–1070.
- ICML-c2-2014-PapailiopoulosMDC #optimisation #rank
- Finding Dense Subgraphs via Low-Rank Bilinear Optimization (DSP, IM, AGD, CC), pp. 1890–1898.
- ICML-c2-2014-QinLJ #learning #optimisation
- Sparse Reinforcement Learning via Convex Optimization (ZQ, WL, FJ), pp. 424–432.
- ICML-c2-2014-ShamirS0 #approximate #distributed #optimisation #using
- Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization using an Approximate Newton-type Method (OS, NS, TZ), pp. 1000–1008.
- ICML-c2-2014-SinglaBBKK #education
- Near-Optimally Teaching the Crowd to Classify (AS, IB, GB, AK, AK), pp. 154–162.
- ICML-c2-2014-SnoekSZA #optimisation
- Input Warping for Bayesian Optimization of Non-Stationary Functions (JS, KS, RSZ, RPA), pp. 1674–1682.
- ICML-c2-2014-Sohl-DicksteinPG #optimisation #performance #probability #scalability
- Fast large-scale optimization by unifying stochastic gradient and quasi-Newton methods (JSD, BP, SG), pp. 604–612.
- ICML-c2-2014-SteinhardtL14a #adaptation #algorithm
- Adaptivity and Optimism: An Improved Exponentiated Gradient Algorithm (JS, PL), pp. 1593–1601.
- ICML-c2-2014-YangPK #equivalence #optimisation
- Optimization Equivalence of Divergences Improves Neighbor Embedding (ZY, JP, SK), pp. 460–468.
- ICML-c2-2014-YuanLZ #optimisation
- Gradient Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparsity-Constrained Optimization (XY, PL, TZ), pp. 127–135.
- ICML-c2-2014-ZhangK #distributed #optimisation
- Asynchronous Distributed ADMM for Consensus Optimization (RZ, JTK), pp. 1701–1709.
- ICML-c2-2014-ZhouCL #crowdsourcing #identification #multi
- Optimal PAC Multiple Arm Identification with Applications to Crowdsourcing (YZ, XC, JL), pp. 217–225.
- ICPR-2014-CaoHS #approach #classification #kernel #learning #multi
- Optimization-Based Extreme Learning Machine with Multi-kernel Learning Approach for Classification (LlC, WbH, FS), pp. 3564–3569.
- ICPR-2014-DiezVPRB #optimisation #recognition
- Optimizing PLLR Features for Spoken Language Recognition (MD, AV, MP, LJRF, GB), pp. 779–784.
- ICPR-2014-GeXYS #image #synthesis #using
- Image Completion Using Global Patch Matching and Optimal Seam Synthesis (SG, KX, RY, ZS), pp. 871–876.
- ICPR-2014-HazelhoffCW #classification #trade-off #word
- Optimal Performance-Efficiency Trade-off for Bag of Words Classification of Road Signs (LBH, IMC, PHNdW), pp. 2996–3001.
- ICPR-2014-Kanatani #estimation #geometry #optimisation #statistics
- Statistical Optimization for Geometric Estimation: Minimization vs. Non-minimization (KK), pp. 1–8.
- ICPR-2014-KristoC
- Optimized Window Arrangement for Spatial Pyramid Matching Scheme (K, CSC), pp. 1395–1400.
- ICPR-2014-LindbladSMBMM #optimisation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Optimizing Optics and Imaging for Pattern Recognition Based Screening Tasks (JL, NS, PM, EB, RM, AM), pp. 3333–3338.
- ICPR-2014-LiuZH #energy #graph #optimisation
- Improved Optimization Based on Graph Cuts for Discrete Energy Minimization (KL, JZ, KH), pp. 2424–2429.
- ICPR-2014-MekonnenLHB #detection #optimisation #people
- People Detection with Heterogeneous Features and Explicit Optimization on Computation Time (AAM, FL, AH, CB), pp. 4322–4327.
- ICPR-2014-MeloLMS #approach #detection
- An Optimized Sliding Window Approach to Pedestrian Detection (VHCdM, SL, DM, WRS), pp. 4346–4351.
- ICPR-2014-MirowskiHW
- Building Optimal Radio-Frequency Signal Maps (PWM, TKH, PW), pp. 978–983.
- ICPR-2014-QureshiHA #probability #using
- A Probabilistic Model for the Optimal Configuration of Retinal Junctions Using Theoretically Proven Features (TAQ, AH, BAD), pp. 3304–3309.
- ICPR-2014-SmedtBTG #combinator #detection #multi
- The Combinator: Optimal Combination of Multiple Pedestrian Detectors (FDS, KVB, TT, TG), pp. 3522–3527.
- ICPR-2014-StraehleKKH #learning #multi #random
- Multiple Instance Learning with Response-Optimized Random Forests (CNS, MK, UK, FAH), pp. 3768–3773.
- ICPR-2014-WenLWCW #classification #feature model #robust
- Optimal Feature Selection for Robust Classification via l2, 1-Norms Regularization (JW, ZL, WKW, JC, MW), pp. 517–521.
- ICPR-2014-YooJKC #learning #optimisation
- Transfer Learning of Motion Patterns in Traffic Scene via Convex Optimization (YJY, HJ, SWK, JYC), pp. 4158–4163.
- ICPR-2014-ZhuY #image #optimisation #quality
- A Bit Allocation Optimization Method for ROI Based Image Compression with Stable Image Quality (YZ, JY), pp. 849–854.
- KDD-2014-KhalilDS #network #optimisation #scalability
- Scalable diffusion-aware optimization of network topology (EBK, BND, LS), pp. 1226–1235.
- KDD-2014-LiZCS #optimisation #performance #probability
- Efficient mini-batch training for stochastic optimization (ML, TZ, YC, AJS), pp. 661–670.
- KDD-2014-LuIBL #recommendation #social
- Optimal recommendations under attraction, aversion, and social influence (WL, SI, SB, LVSL), pp. 811–820.
- KDD-2014-Ting #approximate
- Streamed approximate counting of distinct elements: beating optimal batch methods (DT), pp. 442–451.
- KDD-2014-ZhaiXW #multi #optimisation
- A multi-class boosting method with direct optimization (SZ, TX, SW), pp. 273–282.
- KDD-2014-ZhangYW #realtime
- Optimal real-time bidding for display advertising (WZ, SY, JW), pp. 1077–1086.
- KDD-2014-ZhengZLJXLSZLTLDLW #data mining #mining #optimisation #process
- Applying data mining techniques to address critical process optimization needs in advanced manufacturing (LZ, CZ, LL, YJ, WX, JL, CS, WZ, HL, LT, TL, BD, ML, PW), pp. 1739–1748.
- KDIR-2014-AbouEisha
- Finding Optimal Exact Reducts (HA), pp. 149–153.
- KR-2014-SiderisD #heuristic #optimisation
- Heuristic Guided Optimization for Propositional Planning (AS, YD).
- MLDM-2014-JiangDPL #approach #estimation #markov #optimisation #recognition
- Modified Bootstrap Approach with State Number Optimization for Hidden Markov Model Estimation in Small-Size Printed Arabic Text Line Recognition (ZJ, XD, LP, CL), pp. 437–441.
- RecSys-2014-Aiolli #feedback #optimisation #recommendation
- Convex AUC optimization for top-N recommendation with implicit feedback (FA), pp. 293–296.
- RecSys-2014-GueyeAN #algorithm #recommendation
- A parameter-free algorithm for an optimized tag recommendation list size (MG, TA, HN), pp. 233–240.
- SEKE-2014-LianZ #feature model #product line
- An Evolutionary Methodology for Optimized Feature Selection in Software Product Lines (XL, LZ), pp. 63–66.
- SIGIR-2014-FangZ #analysis #axiom #information retrieval #modelling #optimisation
- Axiomatic analysis and optimization of information retrieval models (HF, CZ), p. 1288.
- SIGIR-2014-TangJY #optimisation #ranking #runtime
- Cache-conscious runtime optimization for ranking ensembles (XT, XJ, TY), pp. 1123–1126.
- OOPSLA-2014-MisailovicCAQR #approximate #kernel #named #optimisation
- Chisel: reliability- and accuracy-aware optimization of approximate computational kernels (SM, MC, SA, ZQ, MCR), pp. 309–328.
- OOPSLA-2014-ZhangLBF #abstract syntax tree #optimisation
- Accelerating iterators in optimizing AST interpreters (WZ, PL, SB, MF), pp. 727–743.
- OOPSLA-2014-ZhouSGY #adaptation #multi #optimisation
- Space-efficient multi-versioning for input-adaptive feedback-driven program optimizations (MZ, XS, YG, GY), pp. 763–776.
- GPCE-2014-HumerWWWW #abstract syntax tree #domain-specific language #self
- A domain-specific language for building self-optimizing AST interpreters (CH, CW, CW, AW, TW), pp. 123–132.
- GPCE-2014-KaminGAXYC #multi #optimisation #runtime
- Optimization by runtime specialization for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SK, MJG, BA, DX, BY, ZC), pp. 93–102.
- POPL-2014-AbdullaAJS #partial order #reduction
- Optimal dynamic partial order reduction (PAA, SA, BJ, KFS), pp. 373–384.
- POPL-2014-BurckhardtGYZ #data type #specification #verification
- Replicated data types: specification, verification, optimality (SB, AG, HY, MZ), pp. 271–284.
- POPL-2014-LiAKGC #optimisation #smt
- Symbolic optimization with SMT solvers (YL, AA, ZK, AG, MC), pp. 607–618.
- REFSQ-2014-RiegelD #analysis #elicitation #heuristic #optimisation #performance
- An Analysis of Priority-Based Decision Heuristics for Optimizing Elicitation Efficiency (NR, JD), pp. 268–284.
- SAC-2014-ChangHL #adaptation #clustering #optimisation #using
- Optimizing FTL mapping cache for random-write workloads using adaptive block partitioning (LPC, SMH, WPL), pp. 1504–1510.
- SAC-2014-GraziadioDSSUME #game studies #identification #video
- Bespoke video games to provide early response markers to identify the optimal strategies for maximizing rehabilitation (SG, RD, KS, KMAS, GU, GM, JAE), pp. 20–24.
- SAC-2014-KatebFNMAT #framework #modelling #multi #optimisation #runtime
- Generic cloud platform multi-objective optimization leveraging models@run.time (DEK, FF, GN, JAM, MA, YLT), pp. 343–350.
- SAC-2014-Khan #independence #research #standard #student
- Student research abstract: an optimized handover scheme based on media independent handover standard IEEE 802.21 (MK), pp. 717–718.
- SAC-2014-TangKK #resource management #user satisfaction
- An optimal device selection for user satisfaction of content sharing (JT, PK, SK), pp. 1745–1746.
- FSE-2014-Joseph #framework #interactive #machine learning
- Software programmer management: a machine learning and human computer interaction framework for optimal task assignment (HRJ), pp. 826–828.
- ICSE-2014-IgnatievJM #optimisation #performance #towards
- Towards efficient optimization in package management systems (AI, MJ, JMS), pp. 745–755.
- ICSE-2014-ManotasPC #energy #framework #named
- SEEDS: a software engineer’s energy-optimization decision support framework (ILMG, LLP, JC), pp. 503–514.
- LDTA-J-2011-SauthoffG #analysis #domain-specific language #optimisation #programming
- Yield grammar analysis and product optimization in a domain-specific language for dynamic programming (GS, RG), pp. 2–22.
- SPLC-2014-OlaecheaRGC #approximate #comparison #multi #optimisation #product line
- Comparison of exact and approximate multi-objective optimization for software product lines (RO, DR, JG, KC), pp. 92–101.
- ASPLOS-2014-SchulteDHFW #energy #optimisation
- Post-compiler software optimization for reducing energy (EMS, JD, SH, SF, WW), pp. 639–652.
- CGO-2014-MargiolasO #communication #optimisation
- Portable and Transparent Host-Device Communication Optimization for GPGPU Environments (CM, MFPO), p. 55.
- CGO-2014-WangWP #optimisation #reduction #virtual machine
- Optimizing R VM: Allocation Removal and Path Length Reduction via Interpreter-level Specialization (HW, PW, DAP), p. 295.
- LCTES-2014-BeaugnonKHBTAL #algebra #linear #named
- VOBLA: a vehicle for optimized basic linear algebra (UB, AK, SvH, RB, DT, JA, AL), pp. 115–124.
- LCTES-2014-HenryAMM #encoding #execution #how #modulo theories #optimisation #semantics #worst-case
- How to compute worst-case execution time by optimization modulo theory and a clever encoding of program semantics (JH, MA, DM, CM), pp. 43–52.
- LCTES-2014-LezuoPK #compilation #named #state machine
- CASM: optimized compilation of abstract state machines (RL, PP, AK), pp. 13–22.
- LCTES-2014-LozanoCBS #combinator #optimisation
- Combinatorial spill code optimization and ultimate coalescing (RCL, MC, GHB, CS), pp. 23–32.
- LCTES-2014-MartinsNDMC #clustering #compilation #optimisation #sequence #using
- Exploration of compiler optimization sequences using clustering-based selection (LGAM, RN, ACBD, EM, JMPC), pp. 63–72.
- CAV-2014-DilligDC #memory management #safety #synthesis
- Optimal Guard Synthesis for Memory Safety (TD, ID, SC), pp. 491–507.
- ICST-2014-BallerLLS #incremental #multi #optimisation #product line #testing
- Multi-objective Test Suite Optimization for Incremental Product Family Testing (HB, SL, ML, IS), pp. 303–312.
- ICST-2014-DemuthLE #automation #incremental #optimisation #product line
- Automatic and Incremental Product Optimization for Software Product Lines (AD, RELH, AE), pp. 31–40.
- IJCAR-2014-CerritoDG #atl #logic #satisfiability #testing
- Optimal Tableaux-Based Decision Procedure for Testing Satisfiability in the Alternating-Time Temporal Logic ATL+ (SC, AD, VG), pp. 277–291.
- ISSTA-2014-GotliebM #named #network #reduction #testing
- FLOWER: optimal test suite reduction as a network maximum flow (AG, DM), pp. 171–180.
- ISSTA-2014-LiJSCH #energy #optimisation #testing
- Integrated energy-directed test suite optimization (DL, YJ, CS, JC, WGJH), pp. 339–350.
- ISSTA-2014-NejatiB #constraints #cpu #identification #trade-off #using
- Identifying optimal trade-offs between CPU time usage and temporal constraints using search (SN, LCB), pp. 351–361.
- SAT-2014-HeymanSMLA #using
- Dominant Controllability Check Using QBF-Solver and Netlist Optimizer (TH, DS, YM, LL, HAH), pp. 227–242.
- VMCAI-2014-LopesM #compilation #optimisation #synthesis
- Weakest Precondition Synthesis for Compiler Optimizations (NPL, JM), pp. 203–221.
- ECSA-2013-PramsohlerSB #adaptation #architecture #component #middleware #towards
- Towards an Optimized Software Architecture for Component Adaptation at Middleware Level (TP, SS, UB), pp. 266–281.
- ASE-2013-SaadaHNS #model transformation #multi #optimisation #using
- Recovering model transformation traces using multi-objective optimization (HS, MH, CN, HAS), pp. 688–693.
- ASE-2013-SimburgerAGL #empirical #optimisation
- The potential of polyhedral optimization: An empirical study (AS, SA, AG, CL), pp. 508–518.
- CASE-2013-BjorkenstamGBCL #energy #industrial #performance #using
- Energy efficient and collision free motion of industrial robots using optimal control (SB, DG, RB, JSC, BL), pp. 510–515.
- CASE-2013-ChenTSPSSN #design #optimisation
- Optimization processing unit (OPU) applied to integrated circuit design and manufacturing (DCLC, JTT, DBS, SWP, MHS, KTS, PN), pp. 1008–1015.
- CASE-2013-ChuS #deployment #estimation #optimisation
- Optimization of probe vehicle deployment for traffic status estimation (KCC, KS), pp. 880–885.
- CASE-2013-DevesseRFW #realtime
- A real-time optimal control method for swing-free tower crane motions (WD, MR, LF, JW), pp. 336–341.
- CASE-2013-GiulianiCP #analysis #optimisation
- A computational analysis of nondifferentiable optimization: Applications to production maximization in gas-lifted oil fields (CMG, EC, AP), pp. 286–291.
- CASE-2013-KimLK #clustering #scheduling #tool support
- Optimal scheduling of transient cycles for single-armed cluster tools (DKK, TEL, HJK), pp. 874–879.
- CASE-2013-Lajunen #energy
- Energy-optimal velocity profiles for electric city buses (AL), pp. 886–891.
- CASE-2013-LinG #detection #framework #network #optimisation #synthesis
- Synthesis and optimization of a Bayesian belief network based observation platform for anomaly detection under partial and unreliable observations (WCL, HEG), pp. 51–58.
- CASE-2013-LiuCXG #distributed #energy #optimisation
- A decentralized optimization method for energy saving of HVAC systems (ZL, XC, XX, XG), pp. 225–230.
- CASE-2013-MartinezA #design
- Optimal switched-type control design for a class of nonlinear systems (JCM, VA), pp. 1069–1074.
- CASE-2013-SharabianiDBCND #machine learning #predict
- Machine learning based prediction of warfarin optimal dosing for African American patients (AS, HD, AB, LC, EN, KD), pp. 623–628.
- CASE-2013-ShenWWW #modelling #optimisation
- Application of vector ordinal optimization to the transportation systems with agent based modelling (ZS, KW, FYW, KW), pp. 898–903.
- CASE-2013-SilvaCTS #automation #linear #optimisation #programming
- A mixed-integer linear programming model for automatic routing decisions in oil production optimization (TLS, EC, AFT, SS), pp. 280–285.
- CASE-2013-SunLJY #energy #nondeterminism #optimisation
- Event-based optimization with non-stationary uncertainties to save energy costs of HVAC systems in buildings (BS, PBL, QSJ, BY), pp. 436–441.
- CASE-2013-SunSS #optimisation #scheduling
- Integrated operating room scheduling optimization under particularly workload constrain of surgeon (BS, JS, LS), pp. 972–977.
- CASE-2013-SunSSZS #heuristic #optimisation
- A linearized model and nested-partitions heuristics for VMAT radiation treatment planning optimization (BS, ZS, JS, GZ, LS), pp. 629–633.
- CASE-2013-SunSZS #approach #optimisation
- A two-stage approach for VMAT treatment plan optimization (BS, JS, GZ, LS), pp. 455–460.
- CASE-2013-WilsonM #design #estimation #parametricity
- Optimal trajectory design for well-conditioned parameter estimation (ADW, TDM), pp. 13–19.
- CASE-2013-XuJLYL #energy #optimisation #using
- Optimal building energy management using intelligent optimization (YX, KJ, YL, YY, WL), pp. 95–99.
- CASE-2013-YeWZML #approach #network #optimisation #predict #scalability
- A signal split optimization approach based on model predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks (BLY, WW, XZ, WJM, JL), pp. 904–909.
- CASE-2013-YiTLL #optimisation #parametricity
- Optimization of CNC machine processing parameters for low carbon manufacturing (QY, YT, CL, PL), pp. 498–503.
- CASE-2013-ZhangH #algorithm #analysis #convergence #coordination #implementation #optimisation #parallel
- Convergence analysis and parallel computing implementation for the multiagent coordination optimization algorithm with applications (HZ, QH), pp. 825–830.
- DAC-2013-AgostaBMP #analysis
- Compiler-based side channel vulnerability analysis and optimized countermeasures application (GA, AB, MM, GP), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-CalimeraMP #constraints #energy #fault #scheduling
- Energy-optimal SRAM supply voltage scheduling under lifetime and error constraints (AC, EM, MP), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-JahnPKCH #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Optimizations for configuring and mapping software pipelines in many core systems (JJ, SP, SK, JJC, JH), p. 8.
- DAC-2013-KimJK #algorithm #problem
- An optimal algorithm of adjustable delay buffer insertion for solving clock skew variation problem (JK, DJ, TK), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-KuruvillaSPVC #analysis #optimisation #set #statistics
- Speeding up computation of the max/min of a set of gaussians for statistical timing analysis and optimization (VK, DS, JP, CV, NC), p. 7.
- DAC-2013-LeeH #mobile
- An optimized page translation for mobile virtualization (YCL, CwH), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-LiuKL #optimisation
- Optimization of placement solutions for routability (WHL, CKK, YLL), p. 9.
- DAC-2013-LiuYLW #modelling #optimisation
- Polyhedral model based mapping optimization of loop nests for CGRAs (DL, SY, LL, SW), p. 8.
- DAC-2013-MinJP #energy #named #optimisation #reduction
- XDRA: exploration and optimization of last-level cache for energy reduction in DDR DRAMs (SMM, HJ, SP), p. 10.
- DAC-2013-RoyCPP #parallel #synthesis #towards #trade-off
- Towards optimal performance-area trade-off in adders by synthesis of parallel prefix structures (SR, MRC, RP, DZP), p. 8.
- DAC-2013-ShafaeiSP #architecture #distance #interactive #linear #nearest neighbour #optimisation #quantum
- Optimization of quantum circuits for interaction distance in linear nearest neighbor architectures (AS, MS, MP), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-ShafiqueRAH #fault #optimisation #reliability
- Exploiting program-level masking and error propagation for constrained reliability optimization (MS, SR, PVA, JH), p. 9.
- DAC-2013-SinghDK #energy #execution #multi #optimisation #streaming
- Energy optimization by exploiting execution slacks in streaming applications on multiprocessor systems (AKS, AD, AK), p. 7.
- DAC-2013-SongLPL #3d #multi #optimisation
- Full-chip multiple TSV-to-TSV coupling extraction and optimization in 3D ICs (TS, CL, YP, SKL), p. 7.
- DAC-2013-YangRHX #behaviour #design #equivalence #implementation #optimisation #synthesis
- Handling design and implementation optimizations in equivalence checking for behavioral synthesis (ZY, SR, KH, FX), p. 6.
- DAC-2013-ZhanSOTNX #design #embedded #energy #optimisation #realtime
- Designing energy-efficient NoC for real-time embedded systems through slack optimization (JZ, NS, JO, LT, VN, YX), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-AliasDP #kernel #optimisation #synthesis
- Optimizing remote accesses for offloaded kernels: application to high-level synthesis for FPGA (CA, AD, AP), pp. 575–580.
- DATE-2013-CabodiLV #bound #model checking #optimisation
- Optimization techniques for craig interpolant compaction in unbounded model checking (GC, CL, DV), pp. 1417–1422.
- DATE-2013-ChenD #parallel #predict #simulation #using
- Optimized out-of-order parallel discrete event simulation using predictions (WC, RD), pp. 3–8.
- DATE-2013-ChenHBK #energy #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters #worst-case
- Energy optimization with worst-case deadline guarantee for pipelined multiprocessor systems (GC, KH, CB, AK), pp. 45–50.
- DATE-2013-ChenZ #design #optimisation
- Resource-constrained high-level datapath optimization in ASIP design (YC, HZ), pp. 198–201.
- DATE-2013-Gomez-PradoCT #latency #optimisation #using
- FPGA latency optimization using system-level transformations and DFG restructuring (DGP, MJC, RT), pp. 1553–1558.
- DATE-2013-GomonyAG #architecture #memory management #multi #realtime
- Architecture and optimal configuration of a real-time multi-channel memory controller (MDG, BA, KG), pp. 1307–1312.
- DATE-2013-JiangEP #embedded #optimisation #set
- Optimization of secure embedded systems with dynamic task sets (KJ, PE, ZP), pp. 1765–1770.
- DATE-2013-KatoenNWSS #energy #modelling #optimisation
- Model-based energy optimization of automotive control systems (JPK, TN, HW, TS, DS), pp. 761–766.
- DATE-2013-KazmierskiWAM #energy #optimisation #performance
- DoE-based performance optimization of energy management in sensor nodes powered by tunable energy-harvesters (TJK, LW, BMAH, GVM), p. 484.
- DATE-2013-KimYIBS #manycore #realtime #scheduling
- Optimized scheduling of multi-IMA partitions with exclusive region for synchronized real-time multi-core systems (JEK, MKY, SI, RMB, LS), pp. 970–975.
- DATE-2013-ManiatakosMM #array #memory management #optimisation
- AVF-driven parity optimization for MBU protection of in-core memory arrays (MM, MKM, YM), pp. 1480–1485.
- DATE-2013-StergiouJ #dataset #optimisation
- Optimizing BDDs for time-series dataset manipulation (SS, JJ), pp. 1018–1021.
- DATE-2013-UnutulmazDF #optimisation #using
- Area optimization on fixed analog floorplans using convex area functions (AU, GD, FVF), pp. 1843–1848.
- DATE-2013-WangLPKC #architecture #configuration management #cost analysis #design #optimisation
- Capital cost-aware design and partial shading-aware architecture optimization of a reconfigurable photovoltaic system (YW, XL, MP, JK, NC), pp. 909–912.
- DATE-2013-WangLPPC #energy #hybrid
- Optimal control of a grid-connected hybrid electrical energy storage system for homes (YW, XL, MP, SP, NC), pp. 881–886.
- DATE-2013-YingHH #3d #performance
- Fast and optimized task allocation method for low vertical link density 3-dimensional networks-on-chip based many core systems (HY, TH, KH), pp. 1777–1782.
- DATE-2013-YoonKBS #design #multi #optimisation #parametricity #scheduling
- Holistic design parameter optimization of multiple periodic resources in hierarchical scheduling (MKY, JEK, RMB, LS), pp. 1313–1318.
- DATE-2013-ZhouMS #locality #optimisation #power management
- Placement optimization of power supply pads based on locality (PZ, VM, SSS), pp. 1655–1660.
- DocEng-2013-BilaucaH
- Splitting wide tables optimally (MB, PH), pp. 249–252.
- DRR-2013-KumarPR #image #named #recognition #segmentation #word
- NESP: Nonlinear enhancement and selection of plane for optimal segmentation and recognition of scene word images (DK, MNAP, AGR).
- DRR-2013-LipskyLN #policy
- Optimal policy for labeling training samples (LL, DPL, GN).
- ICDAR-2013-LiMVC #distance #multi #optimisation
- A Multi-stroke Dynamic Time Warping Distance Based on A* Optimization (JL, HM, CVG, ZC), pp. 1330–1334.
- ICDAR-2013-MaW #automation #component #database #online #optimisation #segmentation
- Semi-automatic Tibetan Component Annotation from Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Database by Optimizing Segmentation Hypotheses (LLM, JW), pp. 1340–1344.
- SIGMOD-2013-DiaconuFILMSVZ #named #sql
- Hekaton: SQL server’s memory-optimized OLTP engine (CD, CF, EI, PÅL, PM, RS, NV, MZ), pp. 1243–1254.
- SIGMOD-2013-GiannikisMAK #optimisation #using
- Workload optimization using SharedDB (GG, DM, GA, DK), pp. 1045–1048.
- SIGMOD-2013-HuangB0 #data analysis #in the cloud #named #optimisation #statistics
- Cumulon: optimizing statistical data analysis in the cloud (BH, SB, JY), pp. 1–12.
- SIGMOD-2013-LeLTC #database #multi
- Optimal splitters for temporal and multi-version databases (WL, FL, YT, RC), pp. 109–120.
- SIGMOD-2013-LimB #execution #optimisation #query
- Execution and optimization of continuous queries with cyclops (HL, SB), pp. 1069–1072.
- SIGMOD-2013-LongWYJ #on the #worst-case
- On optimal worst-case matching (CL, RCWW, PSY, MJ), pp. 845–856.
- VLDB-2013-BrunatoB #learning #optimisation
- Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION): One Ring to Rule Them All (MB, RB), pp. 1176–1177.
- VLDB-2013-BrunoJZ #optimisation #query
- Continuous Cloud-Scale Query Optimization and Processing (NB, SJ, JZ), pp. 961–972.
- VLDB-2013-ChasseurP #database #design #evaluation #in memory #memory management
- Design and Evaluation of Storage Organizations for Read-Optimized Main Memory Databases (CC, JMP), pp. 1474–1485.
- VLDB-2013-CherniakZZ #optimisation #testing
- Optimization Strategies for A/B Testing on HADOOP (AC, HZ, VZ), pp. 973–984.
- VLDB-2013-DuttaNB #approach #approximate #data type #detection #streaming
- Streaming Quotient Filter: A Near Optimal Approximate Duplicate Detection Approach for Data Streams (SD, AN, SKB), pp. 589–600.
- VLDB-2013-Elmeleegy #named #optimisation
- Piranha: Optimizing Short Jobs in Hadoop (KE), pp. 985–996.
- VLDB-2013-FarnanLCY #named #query
- PAQO: A Preference-Aware Query Optimizer for PostgreSQL (NLF, AJL, PKC, TY), pp. 1334–1337.
- VLDB-2013-MottinMRDPV #framework #optimisation #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Optimization Framework for the Empty-Answer Problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1762–1773.
- VLDB-2013-ParkW #crowdsourcing #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization over Crowdsourced Data (HP, JW), pp. 781–792.
- VLDB-2013-TranBD #big data #design #problem #query
- Designing Query Optimizers for Big Data Problems of The Future (NT, SB, JD), pp. 1168–1169.
- VLDB-2014-OnizukaKHNH13 #optimisation #pipes and filters #query
- Optimization for iterative queries on MapReduce (MO, HK, SH, KN, ZH), pp. 241–252.
- VLDB-2014-ShuaiYYC13 #optimisation #process #social
- Willingness Optimization for Social Group Activity (HHS, DNY, PSY, MSC), pp. 253–264.
- VLDB-2014-WangC13 #framework #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Multi-Query Optimization in MapReduce Framework (GW, CYC), pp. 145–156.
- FASE-2013-AbdallahGHJ #constraints #optimisation
- Scenario Realizability with Constraint Optimization (RA, AG, LH, CJ), pp. 194–209.
- TACAS-2013-KempfBM #nondeterminism #probability #scheduling
- As Soon as Probable: Optimal Scheduling under Stochastic Uncertainty (JFK, MB, OM), pp. 385–400.
- CSMR-2013-NerellaMW #approach #optimisation #query #using
- An Approach for Optimization of Object Queries on Collections Using Annotations (VKSN, SKM, TW), pp. 273–282.
- ICSM-2013-KrishnanT #optimisation #problem #refactoring
- Refactoring Clones: An Optimization Problem (GPK, NT), pp. 360–363.
- ICSM-2013-Lopez-HerrejonCFEA #multi #product line #testing
- Multi-objective Optimal Test Suite Computation for Software Product Line Pairwise Testing (RELH, JFC, JF, AE, EA), pp. 404–407.
- PLDI-2013-CheungSM #optimisation #query #synthesis
- Optimizing database-backed applications with query synthesis (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 3–14.
- PLDI-2013-Ragan-KelleyBAPDA #compilation #image #locality #named #optimisation #parallel #pipes and filters
- Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines (JRK, CB, AA, SP, FD, SPA), pp. 519–530.
- PLDI-2013-ZhaoNMZ #optimisation #verification
- Formal verification of SSA-based optimizations for LLVM (JZ, SN, MMKM, SZ), pp. 175–186.
- STOC-2013-ChakrabartyS13a #bound #testing
- Optimal bounds for monotonicity and lipschitz testing over hypercubes and hypergrids (DC, CS), pp. 419–428.
- STOC-2013-ElkinS
- Optimal euclidean spanners: really short, thin and lanky (ME, SS), pp. 645–654.
- STOC-2013-LiY #approximate #combinator #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic combinatorial optimization via poisson approximation (JL, WY), pp. 971–980.
- STOC-2013-Miller #graph #optimisation #problem #scalability #using
- Solving large optimization problems using spectral graph theory (GLM), p. 981.
- CIAA-2013-Maletti #automaton
- Hyper-optimization for Deterministic Tree Automata (AM), pp. 244–255.
- ICALP-v1-2013-AumullerD #clustering
- Optimal Partitioning for Dual Pivot Quicksort — (Extended Abstract) (MA, MD), pp. 33–44.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BabenkoGGN #algorithm #optimisation
- Algorithms for Hub Label Optimization (MAB, AVG, AG, VN), pp. 69–80.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BlasiusRW #graph #orthogonal
- Optimal Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Convex Bend Costs (TB, IR, DW), pp. 184–195.
- ICALP-v1-2013-DeDS #algorithm #analysis #difference #fourier #geometry #robust
- A Robust Khintchine Inequality, and Algorithms for Computing Optimal Constants in Fourier Analysis and High-Dimensional Geometry (AD, ID, RAS), pp. 376–387.
- ICALP-v2-2013-MertziosMCS #constraints #network #optimisation
- Temporal Network Optimization Subject to Connectivity Constraints (GBM, OM, IC, PGS), pp. 657–668.
- ICFP-2013-Balabonski
- Weak optimality, and the meaning of sharing (TB), pp. 263–274.
- ICFP-2013-JohnsonLMH #automaton #optimisation
- Optimizing abstract abstract machines (JIJ, NL, MM, DVH), pp. 443–454.
- CHI-2013-LomasPFK #challenge #design #education #game studies #optimisation #scalability #using
- Optimizing challenge in an educational game using large-scale design experiments (DL, KP, JF, KRK), pp. 89–98.
- DHM-HB-2013-ZhangZLDW #optimisation
- Optimization for Lunar Mission Training Scheme Based on AnyBody Software (JZ, RZ, JL, LD, LW), pp. 169–178.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-FukumotoI #algorithm #interactive #mobile #optimisation #search-based
- A Proposal for Optimization Method of Vibration Pattern of Mobile Device with Interactive Genetic Algorithm (MF, TI), pp. 264–269.
- HCI-AS-2013-PlischkeSPK #specification #standard
- Human Adequate Lighting in Optimal Healing Environments — Measuring Non-visual Light Effects of a LED Light Source According to German Draft Pre-standard DIN SPEC 5031-100: 2012 (HP, CS, PP, NK), pp. 163–172.
- HIMI-D-2013-KomineN #evaluation #optimisation #smarttech #user interface #visual notation
- Optimization of GUI on Touchscreen Smartphones Based on Physiological Evaluation — Feasibility of Small Button Size and Spacing for Graphical Objects (SK, MN), pp. 80–88.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-TakadamaSHISHSY #comprehension #interactive #multi #towards
- Towards Understanding of Relationship among Pareto Optimal Solutions in Multi-dimensional Space via Interactive System (KT, YS, TH, YI, KS, KH, HS, TY), pp. 137–146.
- HILT-2013-EfstathopoulosH #optimisation #verification
- Optimizing verification effort with SPARK 2014 (PE, AH), pp. 19–20.
- CAiSE-2013-RamirezBVW #generative #multi #process
- Generating Multi-objective Optimized Business Process Enactment Plans (AJR, IB, CDV, BW), pp. 99–115.
- ICEIS-J-2013-HarbuschP13a #exclamation #optimisation #smarttech #usability #user interface
- Optimizing the User Interface of a First-Aid App: A “Realistic” Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 421–437.
- ICEIS-J-2013-NganBEB13a #capacity #energy #framework #optimisation
- Optimizing Power, Heating, and Cooling Capacity on a Decision-Guided Energy Investment Framework (CKN, AB, NEE, EB), pp. 154–173.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-DiabatAAAF #framework #optimisation #performance
- A Framework for Optimizing the Supply Chain Performance of a Steel Producer (AHD, RAA, MHA, AJA, MNF), pp. 554–562.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-HayashiK #optimisation #performance
- Data Location Optimization Method to Improve Tiered Storage Performance (SH, NK), pp. 112–119.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-NganBEB #capacity #energy #framework
- A Decision-Guided Energy Framework for Optimal Power, Heating, and Cooling Capacity Investment (CKN, AB, NEE, EB), pp. 357–369.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-KimMMK #optimisation #visualisation
- Application of Information Technology for Visualizing and Optimizing Construction Project Schedule (HSK, SYM, HSM, LSK), pp. 329–332.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-OgataK #multi #optimisation #parametricity
- The Parameter Optimization in Multiple Layered Deduplication System (MO, NK), pp. 143–150.
- CIKM-2013-LinYM #named #pipes and filters #sql
- MRPacker: an SQL to mapreduce optimizer (XL, YY, SM), pp. 1157–1160.
- CIKM-2013-ManiuC #performance #social
- Network-aware search in social tagging applications: instance optimality versus efficiency (SM, BC), pp. 939–948.
- ECIR-2013-MetrikovPA #consistency #nondeterminism #optimisation
- Optimizing nDCG Gains by Minimizing Effect of Label Inconsistency (PM, VP, JAA), pp. 760–763.
- ECIR-2013-YasudaNHN #combinator #optimisation
- Sub-sentence Extraction Based on Combinatorial Optimization (NY, MN, TH, MN), pp. 812–815.
- ICML-c1-2013-BergstraYC #architecture #optimisation
- Making a Science of Model Search: Hyperparameter Optimization in Hundreds of Dimensions for Vision Architectures (JB, DY, DDC), pp. 115–123.
- ICML-c1-2013-ChenK #adaptation #learning #optimisation
- Near-optimal Batch Mode Active Learning and Adaptive Submodular Optimization (YC, AK), pp. 160–168.
- ICML-c1-2013-CotterSS #learning
- Learning Optimally Sparse Support Vector Machines (AC, SSS, NS), pp. 266–274.
- ICML-c1-2013-GrinbergP #optimisation
- Average Reward Optimization Objective In Partially Observable Domains (YG, DP), pp. 320–328.
- ICML-c1-2013-Hennig #optimisation #performance #probability
- Fast Probabilistic Optimization from Noisy Gradients (PH), pp. 62–70.
- ICML-c1-2013-Jaggi #optimisation
- Revisiting Frank-Wolfe: Projection-Free Sparse Convex Optimization (MJ), pp. 427–435.
- ICML-c1-2013-KumarLVV #bound
- Near-Optimal Bounds for Cross-Validation via Loss Stability (RK, DL, SV, AV), pp. 27–35.
- ICML-c1-2013-Lacoste-JulienJSP #coordination #optimisation
- Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Optimization for Structural SVMs (SLJ, MJ, MWS, PP), pp. 53–61.
- ICML-c1-2013-MaillardNOR #bound #learning #representation
- Optimal Regret Bounds for Selecting the State Representation in Reinforcement Learning (OAM, PN, RO, DR), pp. 543–551.
- ICML-c1-2013-NarasimhanA #approach #optimisation
- A Structural SVM Based Approach for Optimizing Partial AUC (HN, SA), pp. 516–524.
- ICML-c1-2013-RamdasS #optimisation #probability
- Optimal rates for stochastic convex optimization under Tsybakov noise condition (AR, AS), pp. 365–373.
- ICML-c1-2013-Shamir0 #convergence #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic Gradient Descent for Non-smooth Optimization: Convergence Results and Optimal Averaging Schemes (OS, TZ), pp. 71–79.
- ICML-c1-2013-SznitmanLFJF #locality #policy
- An Optimal Policy for Target Localization with Application to Electron Microscopy (RS, AL, PIF, BJ, PF), pp. 1–9.
- ICML-c1-2013-XiangTY #feature model #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Sparse Group Feature Selection via Nonconvex Optimization (SX, XT, JY), pp. 284–292.
- ICML-c1-2013-ZuluagaSKP #learning #multi #optimisation
- Active Learning for Multi-Objective Optimization (MZ, GS, AK, MP), pp. 462–470.
- ICML-c2-2013-CarpentierM #integration #monte carlo #towards
- Toward Optimal Stratification for Stratified Monte-Carlo Integration (AC, RM), pp. 28–36.
- ICML-c2-2013-ErmonGSS #integration #optimisation
- Taming the Curse of Dimensionality: Discrete Integration by Hashing and Optimization (SE, CPG, AS, BS), pp. 334–342.
- ICML-c2-2013-GongZLHY #algorithm #optimisation #problem
- A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems (PG, CZ, ZL, JH, JY), pp. 37–45.
- ICML-c2-2013-ValkoCM #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic Simultaneous Optimistic Optimization (MV, AC, RM), pp. 19–27.
- ICML-c2-2013-YangPK #optimisation #scalability #visualisation
- Scalable Optimization of Neighbor Embedding for Visualization (ZY, JP, SK), pp. 127–135.
- ICML-c3-2013-ChenLZ #crowdsourcing #policy
- Optimistic Knowledge Gradient Policy for Optimal Budget Allocation in Crowdsourcing (XC, QL, DZ), pp. 64–72.
- ICML-c3-2013-DembczynskiJKWH #approach #classification #multi #optimisation #plugin
- Optimizing the F-Measure in Multi-Label Classification: Plug-in Rule Approach versus Structured Loss Minimization (KD, AJ, WK, WW, EH), pp. 1130–1138.
- ICML-c3-2013-GaoJZZ #optimisation
- One-Pass AUC Optimization (WG, RJ, SZ, ZHZ), pp. 906–914.
- ICML-c3-2013-GoschinWL
- The Cross-Entropy Method Optimizes for Quantiles (SG, AW, MLL), pp. 1193–1201.
- ICML-c3-2013-IyerJB #optimisation #performance
- Fast Semidifferential-based Submodular Function Optimization (RKI, SJ, JAB), pp. 855–863.
- ICML-c3-2013-KarninKS #multi
- Almost Optimal Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits (ZSK, TK, OS), pp. 1238–1246.
- ICML-c3-2013-Mairal #first-order #optimisation
- Optimization with First-Order Surrogate Functions (JM), pp. 783–791.
- ICML-c3-2013-NguyenS #algorithm #classification #optimisation
- Algorithms for Direct 0-1 Loss Optimization in Binary Classification (TN, SS), pp. 1085–1093.
- ICML-c3-2013-TeschSC #optimisation #probability
- Expensive Function Optimization with Stochastic Binary Outcomes (MT, JGS, HC), pp. 1283–1291.
- ICML-c3-2013-ZhangYJH #optimisation #probability
- O(logT) Projections for Stochastic Optimization of Smooth and Strongly Convex Functions (LZ, TY, RJ, XH), pp. 1121–1129.
- ICML-c3-2013-ZhangYJLH #bound #kernel #learning #online
- Online Kernel Learning with a Near Optimal Sparsity Bound (LZ, JY, RJ, ML, XH), pp. 621–629.
- KDD-2013-ChenLYSY #clustering #optimisation #query
- Query clustering based on bid landscape for sponsored search auction optimization (YC, WL, JY, AS, TWY), pp. 1150–1158.
- KDD-2013-KaramshukNSNM #mining #named #online
- Geo-spotting: mining online location-based services for optimal retail store placement (DK, AN, SS, VN, CM), pp. 793–801.
- KDD-2013-NarasimhanA #bound #named #optimisation
- SVMpAUCtight: a new support vector method for optimizing partial AUC based on a tight convex upper bound (HN, SA), pp. 167–175.
- KDD-2013-SunBK #identification #optimisation #polynomial
- Quadratic optimization to identify highly heritable quantitative traits from complex phenotypic features (JS, JB, HRK), pp. 811–819.
- KDD-2013-TangLSPG #automation #framework #monitoring #optimisation #scalability
- An integrated framework for optimizing automatic monitoring systems in large IT infrastructures (LT, TL, LS, FP, GG), pp. 1249–1257.
- KDD-2013-TanXGW #learning #metric #modelling #optimisation #rank #ranking
- Direct optimization of ranking measures for learning to rank models (MT, TX, LG, SW), pp. 856–864.
- KDD-2013-ThorntonHHL #algorithm #classification #named #optimisation
- Auto-WEKA: combined selection and hyperparameter optimization of classification algorithms (CT, FH, HHH, KLB), pp. 847–855.
- KDD-2013-TsourakakisBGGT #clique #quality
- Denser than the densest subgraph: extracting optimal quasi-cliques with quality guarantees (CET, FB, AG, FG, MAT), pp. 104–112.
- KDD-2013-Wright #data analysis #learning #optimisation
- Optimization in learning and data analysis (SJW), p. 3.
- KDD-2013-ZhengM #optimisation #parallel
- Optimizing parallel belief propagation in junction treesusing regression (LZ, OJM), pp. 757–765.
- MLDM-2013-SharmaG #detection
- Optimal Time Segments for Stress Detection (NS, TG), pp. 421–433.
- RecSys-2013-HammarKN #e-commerce #recommendation #using
- Using maximum coverage to optimize recommendation systems in e-commerce (MH, RK, BJN), pp. 265–272.
- RecSys-2013-ShiKBLH #multi #named #optimisation #rank
- xCLiMF: optimizing expected reciprocal rank for data with multiple levels of relevance (YS, AK, LB, ML, AH), pp. 431–434.
- SEKE-2013-AssuncaoV #diagrams #optimisation #retrieval
- Class Diagram Retrieval with Particle Swarm Optimization (WKGA, SRV), pp. 632–637.
- SEKE-2013-BelleEDM #architecture #optimisation #problem #question
- The Layered Architecture revisited: Is it an Optimization Problem? (ABB, GEB, CD, HM), pp. 344–349.
- SIGIR-2013-AlabduljalilTY #optimisation #performance #similarity
- Cache-conscious performance optimization for similarity search (MA, XT, TY), pp. 713–722.
- SIGIR-2013-RaiberCK #optimisation
- Shame to be sham: addressing content-based grey hat search engine optimization (FR, KCT, OK), pp. 1013–1016.
- SIGIR-2013-UrbanoMM13a #comparison #evaluation #information retrieval #statistics #testing
- A comparison of the optimality of statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation (JU, MM, DM), pp. 925–928.
- SIGIR-2013-ZhangCWY #collaboration #optimisation
- Optimizing top-n collaborative filtering via dynamic negative item sampling (WZ, TC, JW, YY), pp. 785–788.
- ECOOP-2013-WuZSGSY #fault #optimisation #statistics
- Simple Profile Rectifications Go a Long Way — Statistically Exploring and Alleviating the Effects of Sampling Errors for Program Optimizations (BW, MZ, XS, YG, RS, GY), pp. 654–678.
- OOPSLA-2013-NollG #java #online #optimisation #parallel
- Online feedback-directed optimizations for parallel Java code (AN, TRG), pp. 713–728.
- OOPSLA-2013-ShiBH #optimisation #using
- Code optimizations using formally verified properties (YS, BB, GH), pp. 427–442.
- OOPSLA-2013-Xu #named #optimisation #profiling #source code
- Resurrector: a tunable object lifetime profiling technique for optimizing real-world programs (G(X), pp. 111–130.
- POPL-2013-RompfSABJLJOO #compilation #data type #optimisation #source code #staging
- Optimizing data structures in high-level programs: new directions for extensible compilers based on staging (TR, AKS, NA, KJB, VJ, HL, MJ, KO, MO), pp. 497–510.
- SAC-2013-CostaFLAV #metaheuristic #optimisation #statistics
- Optimization metaheuristics for minimizing variance in a real-world statistical application (EC, FF, ARL, HA, FMV), pp. 206–207.
- SAC-2013-FlushingC #network #optimisation
- A flow-based optimization model for throughput-oriented relay node placement in wireless sensor networks (EFF, GADC), pp. 632–639.
- SAC-2013-GaudesiMMST #design #optimisation
- Evolutionary optimization of wetlands design (MG, AM, TM, GS, APT), pp. 176–181.
- SAC-2013-KimGKTSK #optimisation
- Maximizing availability of content in disruptive environments by cross-layer optimization (MK, AG, JMK, DT, MOS, JSK), pp. 447–454.
- SAC-2013-LarrosaR #bound #constraints #distributed #optimisation
- Risk-neutral bounded max-sum for distributed constraint optimization (JL, ER), pp. 92–97.
- SAC-2013-LeitaoC #adaptation #detection #optimisation #performance #using #xml
- Efficient XML duplicate detection using an adaptive two-level optimization (LL, PC), pp. 832–837.
- SAC-2013-SinghR #algorithm #architecture #optimisation #predict
- Meta-learning based architectural and algorithmic optimization for achieving green-ness in predictive workload analytics (NS, SR), pp. 1169–1176.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-JiangLZDSGS #design #embedded #multi #optimisation #using
- Design and optimization of multi-clocked embedded systems using formal technique (YJ, ZL, HZ, YD, XS, MG, JS), pp. 703–706.
- ICSE-2013-FreyFH #configuration management #deployment #in the cloud #optimisation #search-based
- Search-based genetic optimization for deployment and reconfiguration of software in the cloud (SF, FF, WH), pp. 512–521.
- ICSE-2013-KasiS #named #scheduling
- Cassandra: proactive conflict minimization through optimized task scheduling (BKK, AS), pp. 732–741.
- ICSE-2013-NiuMCB #comprehension #information management #requirements
- Departures from optimality: understanding human analyst’s information foraging in assisted requirements tracing (NN, AM, ZC, GB), pp. 572–581.
- ICSE-2013-Oster #component #reasoning
- Reasoning with qualitative preferences to develop optimal component-based systems (ZJO), pp. 1456–1458.
- SPLC-2013-MurashkinARC #product line #visualisation
- Visualization and exploration of optimal variants in product line engineering (AM, MA, DR, KC), pp. 111–115.
- ASPLOS-2013-WangW #hardware #named #optimisation #performance
- TSO_ATOMICITY: efficient hardware primitive for TSO-preserving region optimizations (CW, YW), pp. 509–520.
- CC-2013-BaranyK #heuristic
- Optimal and Heuristic Global Code Motion for Minimal Spilling (GB, AK), pp. 21–40.
- CC-2013-CammarotaNVKDM #on the #optimisation
- On the Determination of Inlining Vectors for Program Optimization (RC, AN, AVV, AK, DD, MM), pp. 164–183.
- CC-2013-Krause #polynomial
- Optimal Register Allocation in Polynomial Time (PKK), pp. 1–20.
- CGO-2013-LaiS #analysis #bound #optimisation #performance
- Performance upper bound analysis and optimization of SGEMM on Fermi and Kepler GPUs (JL, AS), p. 10.
- CGO-2013-SuiLX #adaptation #compilation #optimisation
- Query-directed adaptive heap cloning for optimizing compilers (YS, YL, JX), p. 11.
- HPCA-2013-ChangRLJ #comparison #energy #scalability
- Technology comparison for large last-level caches (L3Cs): Low-leakage SRAM, low write-energy STT-RAM, and refresh-optimized eDRAM (MTC, PR, SLL, BJ), pp. 143–154.
- HPCA-2013-GoswamiCL #architecture #memory management #throughput #using
- Power-performance co-optimization of throughput core architecture using resistive memory (NG, BC, TL), pp. 342–353.
- HPCA-2013-RaoWZX #manycore #optimisation #scheduling #virtual machine
- Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems (JR, KW, XZ, CZX), pp. 306–317.
- HPCA-2013-TangMZHHT #experience #optimisation
- Optimizing Google’s warehouse scale computers: The NUMA experience (LT, JM, XZ, RH, RH, ET), pp. 188–197.
- HPDC-2013-CuiBLD #optimisation #performance
- Virtual TCP offload: optimizing ethernet overlay performance on advanced interconnects (ZC, PGB, JRL, PAD), pp. 49–60.
- LCTES-2013-MehiaouiWPMNZBLG #clustering #distributed #optimisation
- A two-step optimization technique for functions placement, partitioning, and priority assignment in distributed systems (AM, EW, STP, CM, MDN, HZ, JPB, LL, SG), pp. 121–132.
- PPoPP-2013-LifflanderMK #detection #fault tolerance #protocol #termination
- Adoption protocols for fanout-optimal fault-tolerant termination detection (JL, PM, LVK), pp. 13–22.
- PPoPP-2013-LiuDJK #architecture #layout #optimisation
- Data layout optimization for GPGPU architectures (JL, WD, OJ, MTK), pp. 283–284.
- PPoPP-2013-PadmanabhanCC #composition #streaming
- Decomposition techniques for optimal design-space exploration of streaming applications (SP, YC, RDC), pp. 285–286.
- SOSP-2013-WangZKS #behaviour #towards
- Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior (XW, NZ, MFK, ASL), pp. 260–275.
- ICLP-J-2013-ErdemPSSU #approach #multi
- Finding optimal plans for multiple teams of robots through a mediator: A logic-based approach (EE, VP, ZGS, PS, TU), pp. 831–846.
- ISSTA-2013-PurandareDE #finite #monitoring #optimisation
- Optimizing monitoring of finite state properties through monitor compaction (RP, MBD, SGE), pp. 280–290.
- LICS-2013-HeimbergKS #bound #normalisation
- An Optimal Gaifman Normal Form Construction for Structures of Bounded Degree (LH, DK, NS), pp. 63–72.
- SAT-2013-FingerLGS #constraints #probability #satisfiability #using
- Solutions for Hard and Soft Constraints Using Optimized Probabilistic Satisfiability (MF, RL, CPG, BS), pp. 233–249.
- QoSA-2012-Marzolla #energy #optimisation #scalability
- Optimizing the energy consumption of large-scale applications (MM), pp. 123–132.
- CASE-2012-KoJJ #automation #modelling #optimisation
- Mathematical modeling and optimization of the automated wireless charging electric transportation system (YDK, YJJ, SJ), pp. 250–255.
- CASE-2012-PehlivanAXC #approach #capacity #multi #network #optimisation
- Multi-period capacity planning for maternity facilities in a perinatal network: A queuing and optimization approach (CP, VA, XX, CCH), pp. 137–142.
- CASE-2012-SawadaS #design #feedback #on the #optimisation
- On numerical optimization design of continuous-time feedback type quantizer for networked control systems (KS, SS), pp. 1144–1149.
- CASE-2012-TurkiZN #maintenance
- Impact of delivery time on optimal production/delivery/maintenance planning (ST, HZ, NR), pp. 335–340.
- CASE-2012-YanCLWC #scheduling
- Optimization-based litho machine scheduling with load balancing and reticle expiration (BY, HYC, PBL, SW, JC), pp. 575–580.
- CASE-2012-ZhangLCCJ #set #simulation
- An improved simulation budget allocation procedure to efficiently select the optimal subset of many alternatives (SZ, LHL, EPC, CHC, HYJ), pp. 230–236.
- DAC-2012-ChangJC #configuration management #optimisation #using
- Timing ECO optimization using metal-configurable gate-array spare cells (HYC, IHRJ, YWC), pp. 802–807.
- DAC-2012-CongL #architecture #metric #optimisation #synthesis
- A metric for layout-friendly microarchitecture optimization in high-level synthesis (JC, BL), pp. 1239–1244.
- DAC-2012-CongZZ #memory management #optimisation #synthesis
- Optimizing memory hierarchy allocation with loop transformations for high-level synthesis (JC, PZ, YZ), pp. 1233–1238.
- DAC-2012-JungCK #optimisation #variability
- Variability-aware, discrete optimization for analog circuits (SJ, YC, JK), pp. 536–541.
- DAC-2012-KuangBK #manycore #network #optimisation
- Traffic-aware power optimization for network applications on multicore servers (JK, LNB, RK), pp. 1006–1011.
- DAC-2012-LinWYSCP #configuration management
- Near-optimal, dynamic module reconfiguration in a photovoltaic system to combat partial shading effects (XL, YW, SY, DS, NC, MP), pp. 516–521.
- DAC-2012-LiuH12a #named #optimisation
- ComPLx: A Competitive Primal-dual Lagrange Optimization for Global Placement (MCK, ILM), pp. 747–752.
- DAC-2012-MengKC #3d #constraints #energy #manycore #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing energy efficiency of 3-D multicore systems with stacked DRAM under power and thermal constraints (JM, KK, AKC), pp. 648–655.
- DAC-2012-RanieriVCAV #algorithm #manycore #named
- EigenMaps: algorithms for optimal thermal maps extraction and sensor placement on multicore processors (JR, AV, AC, DA, MV), pp. 636–641.
- DAC-2012-UkhovBEP #analysis #embedded #multi #optimisation #reliability
- Steady-state dynamic temperature analysis and reliability optimization for embedded multiprocessor systems (IU, MB, PE, ZP), pp. 197–204.
- DAC-2012-WangKPRLFMP #adaptation #design #optimisation #statistics
- Statistical design and optimization for adaptive post-silicon tuning of MEMS filters (FW, GK, AP, JR, XL, GKF, TM, LTP), pp. 176–181.
- DAC-2012-WangPYLKB #optimisation #testing
- Test-data volume optimization for diagnosis (HW, OP, XY, SL, IK, RDB), pp. 567–572.
- DAC-2012-WeiLKP #benchmark #hardware #metric
- Hardware Trojan horse benchmark via optimal creation and placement of malicious circuitry (SW, KL, FK, MP), pp. 90–95.
- DAC-2012-WelpKK #optimisation
- Generalized SAT-sweeping for post-mapping optimization (TW, SK, AK), pp. 814–819.
- DAC-2012-YeC #3d #fault
- TSV open defects in 3D integrated circuits: characterization, test, and optimal spare allocation (FY, KC), pp. 1024–1030.
- DAC-2012-ZhaoJDZKI #design #hybrid #multi #optimisation
- A hybrid NoC design for cache coherence optimization for chip multiprocessors (HZ, OJ, WD, YZ, MTK, MJI), pp. 834–842.
- DAC-2012-ZhouLCKQY #framework #monitoring
- An information-theoretic framework for optimal temperature sensor allocation and full-chip thermal monitoring (HZ, XL, CYC, EK, HQ, SCY), pp. 642–647.
- DATE-2012-FirouziKT
- NBTI mitigation by optimized NOP assignment and insertion (FF, SK, MBT), pp. 218–223.
- DATE-2012-GuptaPMR #optimisation
- Layout-aware optimization of stt mrams (SKG, SPP, NNM, KR), pp. 1455–1458.
- DATE-2012-JiangSCBP #algorithm #constraints #generative #memory management #on the
- On the optimality of K longest path generation algorithm under memory constraints (JJ, MS, AC, BB, IP), pp. 418–423.
- DATE-2012-JuanCMC #modelling #optimisation #power management #statistics
- Statistical thermal modeling and optimization considering leakage power variations (DCJ, YLC, DM, YWC), pp. 605–610.
- DATE-2012-KnoedlerSLJHKSBZ #energy
- Optimal energy management and recovery for FEV (KK, JS, SL, SJ, AH, EK, DS, OB, JZ), pp. 683–684.
- DATE-2012-LiangCZRZJC #3d #implementation #locality #optimisation #performance #realtime
- Real-time implementation and performance optimization of 3D sound localization on GPUs (YL, ZC, SZ, KR, YZ, DLJ, DC), pp. 832–835.
- DATE-2012-LiuLC #optimisation
- Agglomerative-based flip-flop merging with signal wirelength optimization (SYL, CJL, HMC), pp. 1391–1396.
- DATE-2012-MahmoodPLM #clustering #energy #memory management #optimisation
- Application-specific memory partitioning for joint energy and lifetime optimization (HM, MP, ML, EM), pp. 364–369.
- DATE-2012-MakosiejTVA #design #embedded #optimisation #power management
- Stability and yield-oriented ultra-low-power embedded 6T SRAM cell design optimization (AM, OT, AV, AA), pp. 93–98.
- DATE-2012-Mancini #kernel #memory management #synthesis
- Enhancing non-linear kernels by an optimized memory hierarchy in a High Level Synthesis flow (SM, FR), pp. 1130–1133.
- DATE-2012-NazinMR #optimisation
- Yield optimization for radio frequency receiver at system level (SAN, DM, AR), pp. 848–851.
- DATE-2012-RofoueiGPM #energy #optimisation
- Optimization intensive energy harvesting (MR, MAG, MP, AMN), pp. 272–275.
- DATE-2012-SekaninaV #optimisation #polymorphism #satisfiability
- A SAT-based fitness function for evolutionary optimization of polymorphic circuits (LS, ZV), pp. 715–720.
- DATE-2012-SinkarWK #manycore #optimisation #performance
- Workload-aware voltage regulator optimization for power efficient multi-core processors (AAS, HW, NSK), pp. 1134–1137.
- DATE-2012-ThieleE #analysis #data flow #graph #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing performance analysis for synchronous dataflow graphs with shared resources (DT, RE), pp. 635–640.
- DATE-2012-VyagrheswaruduDR #framework #interactive #named #optimisation
- PowerAdviser: An RTL power platform for interactive sequential optimizations (NV, SD, AR), pp. 550–553.
- DATE-2012-WangH #compilation #embedded #optimisation #simulation
- Accurate source-level simulation of embedded software with respect to compiler optimizations (ZW, JH), pp. 382–387.
- DATE-2012-ZimmermannBR #analysis #multi #power management
- Analysis of multi-domain scenarios for optimized dynamic power management strategies (JZ, OB, WR), pp. 862–865.
- DocEng-2012-GangeMS #layout
- Optimal guillotine layout (GG, KM, PJS), pp. 13–22.
- DRR-2012-ChengWAST #algorithm #classification #image #optimisation #visual notation
- Graphical image classification combining an evolutionary algorithm and binary particle swarm optimization (BC, RW, SA, RJS, GRT).
- PODS-2012-LetelierPPS #optimisation #query #semantics #static analysis #web
- Static analysis and optimization of semantic web queries (AL, JP, RP, SS), pp. 89–100.
- PODS-2012-NgoPRR #algorithm #worst-case
- Worst-case optimal join algorithms: [extended abstract] (HQN, EP, CR, AR), pp. 37–48.
- PODS-2012-XuT #clustering #on the
- On the optimality of clustering properties of space filling curves (PX, ST), pp. 215–224.
- SIGMOD-2012-0002S #optimisation #query
- Holistic optimization by prefetching query results (KR, SS), pp. 133–144.
- SIGMOD-2012-BrunoAKSWZ #optimisation
- Recurring job optimization in scope (NB, SA, SK, BS, MCW, JZ), pp. 805–806.
- SIGMOD-2012-DingWJHW #keyword #optimisation #taxonomy
- Optimizing index for taxonomy keyword search (BD, HW, RJ, JH, ZW), pp. 493–504.
- SIGMOD-2012-GhazalSCA #adaptation #optimisation #query #recursion
- Adaptive optimizations of recursive queries in teradata (AG, DYS, AC, MAK), pp. 851–860.
- SIGMOD-2012-LuSLDWC #generative
- Optimal top-k generation of attribute combinations based on ranked lists (JL, PS, CL, XD, SW, XC), pp. 409–420.
- SIGMOD-2012-OrdonezGC #optimisation #query #sql
- Dynamic optimization of generalized SQL queries with horizontal aggregations (CO, JGG, ZC), pp. 637–640.
- SIGMOD-2012-ShankarNACEHRSDG #optimisation #query #sql
- Query optimization in microsoft SQL server PDW (SS, RVN, JAS, AC, ME, AH, ER, MSS, DJD, CAGL), pp. 767–776.
- SIGMOD-2012-SimitsisWCD #data flow #execution #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing analytic data flows for multiple execution engines (AS, KW, MC, UD), pp. 829–840.
- VLDB-2012-CaoCCX #keyword
- Keyword-aware Optimal Route Search (XC, LC, GC, XX), pp. 1136–1147.
- VLDB-2012-CaoCLT #optimisation
- Optimization of Analytic Window Functions (YC, CYC, JL, KLT), pp. 1244–1255.
- VLDB-2012-HueskePSRBKT #black box #data flow #optimisation
- Opening the Black Boxes in Data Flow Optimization (FH, MP, MS, AR, RB, AK, KT), pp. 1256–1267.
- VLDB-2012-LimHB #named #pipes and filters #workflow
- Stubby: A Transformation-based Optimizer for MapReduce Workflows (HL, HH, SB), pp. 1196–1207.
- VLDB-2012-LiuRLMB #constraints #declarative #distributed #framework #named #optimisation
- Cologne: A Declarative Distributed Constraint Optimization Platform (CL, LR, BTL, YM, PB), pp. 752–763.
- VLDB-2012-ShengZTJ #algorithm #crawling #database #web
- Optimal Algorithms for Crawling a Hidden Database in the Web (CS, NZ, YT, XJ), pp. 1112–1123.
- VLDB-2012-UpadhyayaBS #how #in the cloud #optimisation
- How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud (PU, MB, DS), pp. 562–573.
- VLDB-2012-XuTW #database #energy #named #optimisation #query
- PET: Reducing Database Energy Cost via Query Optimization (ZX, YCT, XW), pp. 1954–1957.
- VLDB-2012-YuanZWXYH #difference #optimisation #privacy #query #rank
- Low-Rank Mechanism: Optimizing Batch Queries under Differential Privacy (GY, ZZ, MW, XX, YY, ZH), pp. 1352–1363.
- VLDB-2012-ZhangY #array #optimisation
- Optimizing I/O for Big Array Analytics (YZ, JY), pp. 764–775.
- WRLA-J-2010-EscobarSM12 #termination
- Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination (SE, RS, JM), pp. 898–928.
- CSMR-2012-SoetensD #named #optimisation
- ChEOPSJ: Change-Based Test Optimization (QDS, SD), pp. 535–538.
- SCAM-2012-WilcoxSB #optimisation #program transformation
- Optimizing Expression Selection for Lookup Table Program Transformation (CW, MMS, JMB), pp. 84–93.
- PEPM-2012-GorbovitskiLSR #optimisation
- Composing transformations for instrumentation and optimization (MG, YAL, SDS, TR), pp. 53–62.
- STOC-2012-AdamaszekCER #online #scheduling
- Optimal online buffer scheduling for block devices (AA, AC, ME, HR), pp. 589–598.
- STOC-2012-BrunschR #analysis #multi #optimisation
- Improved smoothed analysis of multiobjective optimization (TB, HR), pp. 407–426.
- STOC-2012-DeDFS #approximate #parametricity #problem
- Nearly optimal solutions for the chow parameters problem and low-weight approximation of halfspaces (AD, ID, VF, RAS), pp. 729–746.
- STOC-2012-GuruswamiX
- Folded codes from function field towers and improved optimal rate list decoding (VG, CX), pp. 339–350.
- STOC-2012-HassaniehIKP #fourier
- Nearly optimal sparse fourier transform (HH, PI, DK, EP), pp. 563–578.
- STOC-2012-MuthukrishnanN
- Optimal private halfspace counting via discrepancy (SM, AN), pp. 1285–1292.
- ICALP-v1-2012-ShiW #optimisation
- Epsilon-Net Method for Optimizations over Separable States (YS, XW), pp. 798–809.
- FM-2012-ZhaoZKL #approach #case study #hybrid #industrial
- A “Hybrid” Approach for Synthesizing Optimal Controllers of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study of the Oil Pump Industrial Example (HZ, NZ, DK, KGL), pp. 471–485.
- SEFM-2012-AbdelhalimST #approach #effectiveness #model checking #optimisation
- An Optimization Approach for Effective Formalized fUML Model Checking (IA, SS, HT), pp. 248–262.
- GT-VMT-2012-AnjorinOZS #graph transformation #modelling #optimisation #product line #testing
- Optimizing Model-Based Software Product Line Testing with Graph Transformations (AA, SO, IZ, AS).
- CHI-2012-DunlopL #multi #optimisation
- Multidimensional pareto optimization of touchscreen keyboards for speed, familiarity and improved spell checking (MDD, JL), pp. 2669–2678.
- CSCW-2012-JunuzovicD #collaboration #self #towards
- Towards self-optimizing collaborative systems (SJ, PD), pp. 1421–1430.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-Ali #data flow #integration #optimisation #query #web
- Optimizing Data Integration Queries over Web Data Sources (OPTIQ) (MIA), pp. 163–168.
- CIKM-2012-BalakrishnanB #optimisation #realtime
- Real-time bid optimization for group-buying ads (RB, RPB), pp. 1707–1711.
- CIKM-2012-DinhST #network #online #privacy #social
- The walls have ears: optimize sharing for visibility and privacy in online social networks (TND, YS, MTT), pp. 1452–1461.
- CIKM-2012-QinZWWZH #migration #optimisation
- Optimizing data migration for cloud-based key-value stores (XQ, WZ, WW, JW, XZ, TH), pp. 2204–2208.
- CIKM-2012-SalomatinLY #framework #online #optimisation
- A unified optimization framework for auction and guaranteed delivery in online advertising (KS, TYL, YY), pp. 2005–2009.
- CIKM-2012-YangYGL #graph #multi
- Finding the optimal path over multi-cost graphs (YY, JXY, HG, JL), pp. 2124–2128.
- ICML-2012-Araya-LopezBT #using
- Near-Optimal BRL using Optimistic Local Transitions (MAL, OB, VT), p. 70.
- ICML-2012-AzimiJF #hybrid #optimisation
- Hybrid Batch Bayesian Optimization (JA, AJ, XZF), p. 45.
- ICML-2012-BalleQC #learning #modelling #optimisation
- Local Loss Optimization in Operator Models: A New Insight into Spectral Learning (BB, AQ, XC), p. 236.
- ICML-2012-ChenCK #optimisation #process
- Joint Optimization and Variable Selection of High-dimensional Gaussian Processes (BC, RMC, AK), p. 179.
- ICML-2012-DenchevDVN #classification #optimisation #quantum #robust
- Robust Classification with Adiabatic Quantum Optimization (VSD, ND, SVNV, HN), p. 131.
- ICML-2012-DesautelsKB #optimisation #process #trade-off
- Parallelizing Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs with Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization (TD, AK, JWB), p. 109.
- ICML-2012-FarabetCNL #learning #multi #parsing
- Scene parsing with Multiscale Feature Learning, Purity Trees, and Optimal Covers (CF, CC, LN, YL), p. 241.
- ICML-2012-GarnettKXSM
- Bayesian Optimal Active Search and Surveying (RG, YK, XX, JGS, RPM), p. 111.
- ICML-2012-Honorio #convergence #learning #modelling #optimisation #probability
- Convergence Rates of Biased Stochastic Optimization for Learning Sparse Ising Models (JH), p. 144.
- ICML-2012-JalaliS12a #clustering #optimisation #using
- Clustering using Max-norm Constrained Optimization (AJ, NS), p. 205.
- ICML-2012-Laue #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation
- A Hybrid Algorithm for Convex Semidefinite Optimization (SL), p. 142.
- ICML-2012-LevineK
- Continuous Inverse Optimal Control with Locally Optimal Examples (SL, VK), p. 65.
- ICML-2012-NanCLC #optimisation
- Optimizing F-measure: A Tale of Two Approaches (NY, KMAC, WSL, HLC), p. 202.
- ICML-2012-RakhlinSS #optimisation #probability
- Making Gradient Descent Optimal for Strongly Convex Stochastic Optimization (AR, OS, KS), p. 204.
- ICML-2012-SilverC #composition #modelling #using
- Compositional Planning Using Optimal Option Models (DS, KC), p. 165.
- ICPR-2012-AtaY #induction
- Searching for the optimal ordering of classes in rule induction (SA, OTY), pp. 1277–1280.
- ICPR-2012-ChenXF #approximate #using
- Compression of GPS trajectories using optimized approximation (MC, MX, PF), pp. 3180–3183.
- ICPR-2012-DrifiH #estimation #modelling
- Coupling reduced models for optimal motion estimation (KD, IH), pp. 2651–2654.
- ICPR-2012-Iwata #analysis #optimisation
- Placing landmarks suitably for shape analysis by optimization (KI), pp. 2359–2362.
- ICPR-2012-JiangDPL #word
- Analyzing the information entropy of states to optimize the number of states in an HMM-based off-line handwritten Arabic word recognizer (ZJ, XD, LP, CL), pp. 697–700.
- ICPR-2012-LaiCH #image
- Single image dehazing with optimal transmission map (YSL, YLC, CTH), pp. 388–391.
- ICPR-2012-Largeteau-SkapinZASK #set
- Optimal consensus set and preimage of 4-connected circles in a noisy environment (GLS, RZ, EA, AS, YK), pp. 3774–3777.
- ICPR-2012-LoprestiN #automation
- Optimal data partition for semi-automated labeling (DPL, GN), pp. 286–289.
- ICPR-2012-Lotte #classification
- A new feature and associated optimal spatial filter for EEG signal classification: Waveform Length (FL), pp. 1302–1305.
- ICPR-2012-MurataS #optimisation
- Optimizing a triangular mesh by separately dealing with incorrectness of two patches (KM, YS), pp. 1318–1321.
- ICPR-2012-NguyenB #algorithm #optimisation
- Zombie Survival Optimization: A swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by zombie foraging (HTN, BB), pp. 987–990.
- ICPR-2012-RenZMZ #classification #image #multi #optimisation
- Hyperspectral image classification based on Multiple Improved particle swarm cooperative optimization and SVM (YR, YZ, QM, LZ), pp. 2274–2277.
- ICPR-2012-SchmeingJ #optimisation #using
- Faithful Spatio-Temporal disocclusion filling using local optimization (MS, XJ), pp. 3799–3802.
- ICPR-2012-TianC12a #image #optimisation #using
- Depth image up-sampling using ant colony optimization (JT, LC), pp. 3795–3798.
- ICPR-2012-TrinhHP #integration #multi #optimisation
- Multisensor evidence integration and optimization in rail inspection (HT, NH, SP), pp. 886–889.
- ICPR-2012-UkitaMH #re-engineering
- Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection (NU, KM, NH), pp. 1501–1504.
- ICPR-2012-XuZY #metric
- No reference measurement of contrast distortion and optimal contrast enhancement (HX, GZ, XY), pp. 1981–1984.
- ICPR-2012-YangZLP #3d #optimisation #using
- Coupled 3D tracking and pose optimization of rigid objects using particle filter (HY, YZ, XL, IP), pp. 1451–1454.
- ICPR-2012-ZhangPLV #metric #multi #recognition
- Optimal metric selection for improved multi-pose face recognition with group information (XZ, DSP, WL, SV), pp. 1675–1678.
- ICPR-2012-ZhaoYXJ #learning
- A near-optimal non-myopic active learning method (YZ, GY, XX, QJ), pp. 1715–1718.
- ICPR-2012-ZhuJL #image #representation
- Optimized image super-resolution based on sparse representation (YZ, JJ, KL), pp. 1052–1055.
- KDD-2012-PerlichDHSRP #online #optimisation
- Bid optimizing and inventory scoring in targeted online advertising (CP, BD, RH, OS, TR, FJP), pp. 804–812.
- KDD-2012-XiangZSY #rank
- Optimal exact least squares rank minimization (SX, YZ, XS, JY), pp. 480–488.
- KDD-2012-ZhangZGYYL #optimisation
- Joint optimization of bid and budget allocation in sponsored search (WZ, YZ, BG, YY, XY, TYL), pp. 1177–1185.
- KDIR-2012-BelliniCN #effectiveness #information retrieval #on the #optimisation
- On the Effectiveness and Optimization of Information Retrieval for Cross Media Content (PB, DC, PN), pp. 344–347.
- KDIR-2012-BhattacharjeeBG #data mining #mining #network #optimisation #using
- Product Assortment Decisions for a Network of Retail Stores using Data Mining with Optimization (SB, FB, RDG), pp. 319–323.
- KDIR-2012-Potuzak #algorithm #network #optimisation #search-based #using
- Issues of Optimization of a Genetic Algorithm for Traffic Network Division using a Genetic Algorithm (TP), pp. 340–343.
- KEOD-2012-KhairMZ #data mining #education #mining #roadmap #student #using
- Creating an Educational Roadmap for Engineering Students via an Optimal and Iterative Yearly Regression Tree using Data Mining (MK, CEM, WZ), pp. 43–52.
- KEOD-2012-PaniLCST #optimisation #repository
- Optimization of Knowledge Availability in an Institutional Repository (FEP, MIL, GC, CS, MPT), pp. 302–306.
- KR-2012-FaberTW #equivalence #optimisation #problem
- Strong Equivalence of Qualitative Optimization Problems (WF, MT, SW).
- KR-2012-Feier #logic programming #reasoning #source code #worst-case
- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs (CF).
- MLDM-2012-Ba-KaraitSS #classification #hybrid #optimisation #using
- EEG Signals Classification Using a Hybrid Method Based on Negative Selection and Particle Swarm Optimization (NOSBK, SMS, RS), pp. 427–438.
- RecSys-2012-MolingBR #feedback #recommendation
- Optimal radio channel recommendations with explicit and implicit feedback (OM, LB, FR), pp. 75–82.
- RecSys-2012-RodriguezPZ #multi #optimisation #recommendation
- Multiple objective optimization in recommender systems (MR, CP, EZ), pp. 11–18.
- SEKE-2012-LiRPY #fuzzy #modelling #multi #network #optimisation
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Fuzzy Neural Networks for Software Modeling (KL, MR, WP, JY), pp. 106–111.
- SEKE-2012-MedeirosSPM #product line #variability
- Optimal Variability Selection in Product Line Engineering (RPM, UdSS, FP, LGPM), pp. 635–640.
- SEKE-2012-YangCXZZ #approach #multi #optimisation
- A New Approach to Evaluate Path Feasibility and Coverage Ratio of EFSM Based on Multi-objective Optimization (RY, ZC, BX, ZZ, WZ), pp. 470–475.
- SIGIR-2012-HeS #documentation #optimisation #version control
- Optimizing positional index structures for versioned document collections (JH, TS), pp. 245–254.
- SIGIR-2012-LogachevS #optimisation #parametricity #rank
- Optimizing parameters of the expected reciprocal rank (YL, PS), pp. 1123–1124.
- SIGIR-2012-ShiKBLHO #named #optimisation #recommendation
- TFMAP: optimizing MAP for top-n context-aware recommendation (YS, AK, LB, ML, AH, NO), pp. 155–164.
- SIGIR-2012-WangBC #modelling #optimisation #ranking #robust
- Robust ranking models via risk-sensitive optimization (LW, PNB, KCT), pp. 761–770.
- ICMT-2012-BosS #forensics #optimisation
- Domain-Specific Optimization in Digital Forensics (JvdB, TvdS), pp. 121–136.
- OOPSLA-2012-KulkarniC #compilation #machine learning #optimisation #problem #using
- Mitigating the compiler optimization phase-ordering problem using machine learning (SK, JC), pp. 147–162.
- OOPSLA-2012-St-AmourTF #communication #optimisation
- Optimization coaching: optimizers learn to communicate with programmers (VSA, STH, MF), pp. 163–178.
- PADL-2012-CampagnaSS #approximate #constraints #datalog #difference #optimisation
- Optimizing Inequality Joins in Datalog with Approximated Constraint Propagation (DC, BSS, TS), pp. 108–122.
- SAC-2012-BaroBCNP #multi #scheduling
- Off-line (Optimal) multiprocessor scheduling of dependent periodic tasks (JB, FB, MC, EN, CP), pp. 1815–1820.
- SAC-2012-ChiwiacowskyGMVG #algorithm #search-based
- A two-level procedure based on genetic algorithms to optimize an aeronautical composite structure (LDC, PG, RM, HFdCV, ATG), pp. 259–260.
- SAC-2012-InzingerSHLD #adaptation #optimisation #policy
- Non-intrusive policy optimization for dependable and adaptive service-oriented systems (CI, BS, WH, PL, SD), pp. 504–510.
- SAC-2012-Kim #multi #optimisation #realtime #reliability #towards
- Towards optimizing the reliability of real-time transmission in multi-hop wireless LANs (JK), pp. 577–582.
- SAC-2012-LibermanL #approximate
- Approximately optimal facet selection (SL, RL), pp. 702–708.
- SAC-2012-LiLXZR #named
- TL-Tree: flash-optimized storage for time-series sensing data on sensor platforms (HL, DL, LX, GZ, KR), pp. 1565–1572.
- SAC-2012-ParraRMRDS #adaptation #constraints #optimisation #self #using #variability
- Using constraint-based optimization and variability to support continuous self-adaptation (CAP, DR, SM, RR, LD, LS), pp. 486–491.
- SAC-2012-ScandurraRPMC #adaptation #coordination #framework #optimisation #resource management
- A layered coordination framework for optimizing resource allocation in adapting cloud-based applications (PS, CR, PP, RM, RC), pp. 471–472.
- SAC-2012-YanCY #composition #optimisation #web #web service
- Anytime QoS optimization over the PlanGraph for web service composition (YY, MC, YY), pp. 1968–1975.
- PLEASE-2012-LeitnerWK #multi #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing problem space representations through domain multi-modeling (AL, RW, CK), pp. 49–52.
- SPLC-2012-GillainFHJS #optimisation
- Product portfolio scope optimization based on features and goals (JG, SF, PH, IJ, MS), pp. 161–170.
- ASPLOS-2012-AhmadCRV #clustering #named #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Tarazu: optimizing MapReduce on heterogeneous clusters (FA, STC, AR, TNV), pp. 61–74.
- ASPLOS-2012-ChenFETW #optimisation
- Iterative optimization for the data center (YC, SF, LE, OT, CW), pp. 49–60.
- ASPLOS-2012-OdairaN #memory management #optimisation #profiling
- Continuous object access profiling and optimizations to overcome the memory wall and bloat (RO, TN), pp. 147–158.
- ASPLOS-2012-RadojkovicCMVPCNV #approach #parallel #statistics #thread
- Optimal task assignment in multithreaded processors: a statistical approach (PR, VC, MM, JV, AP, FJC, MN, MV), pp. 235–248.
- CC-2012-ShirakoSFPRSS #bound
- Analytical Bounds for Optimal Tile Size Selection (JS, KS, NF, LNP, JR, PS, VS), pp. 101–121.
- CGO-2012-LiuRCK #named #optimisation #pipes and filters #towards
- Panacea: towards holistic optimization of MapReduce applications (JL, NR, STC, MTK), pp. 33–43.
- HPCA-2012-DuanZAT #commit #execution #named
- BulkCompactor: Optimized deterministic execution via Conflict-Aware commit of atomic blocks (YD, XZ, WA, JT), pp. 361–372.
- HPCA-2012-MukundanM #configuration management #memory management #multi #named #self
- MORSE: Multi-objective reconfigurable self-optimizing memory scheduler (JM, JFM), pp. 65–76.
- HPDC-2012-ChenA #effectiveness #memory management #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Optimizing MapReduce for GPUs with effective shared memory usage (LC, GA), pp. 199–210.
- HPDC-2012-SchendelPJBBGLLKCKRS #hybrid #optimisation #parallel #scalability
- ISOBAR hybrid compression-I/O interleaving for large-scale parallel I/O optimization (ERS, SVP, JJ, DABI, ZG, SL, QL, HK, JC, SK, RBR, NFS), pp. 61–72.
- HPDC-2012-TianKYAWPGW #data transformation #performance
- A system-aware optimized data organization for efficient scientific analytics (YT, SK, WY, HA, BW, NP, RWG, MW), pp. 125–126.
- LCTES-2012-GerardGPP #array #compilation #composition #data flow #memory management #optimisation
- A modular memory optimization for synchronous data-flow languages: application to arrays in a lustre compiler (LG, AG, CP, MP), pp. 51–60.
- LCTES-2012-ZuluagaKMP #design #predict
- “Smart” design space sampling to predict Pareto-optimal solutions (MZ, AK, PAM, MP), pp. 119–128.
- OSDI-2012-GuoFCZZMLLZZ #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Spotting Code Optimizations in Data-Parallel Pipelines through PeriSCOPE (ZG, XF, RC, JZ, HZ, SM, CL, WL, JZ, LZ), pp. 121–133.
- PPoPP-2012-AliasDP #kernel #optimisation #synthesis
- Optimizing remote accesses for offloaded kernels: application to high-level synthesis for FPGA (CA, AD, AP), pp. 285–286.
- PPoPP-2012-BaskaranVML #automation #communication #memory management #optimisation #reuse
- Automatic communication optimizations through memory reuse strategies (MMB, NV, BM, RL), pp. 277–278.
- PPoPP-2012-HoeflerS #detection #optimisation
- Communication-centric optimizations by dynamically detecting collective operations (TH, TS), pp. 305–306.
- PPoPP-2012-KjolstadHS #automation #data type #generative #optimisation
- Automatic datatype generation and optimization (FK, TH, MS), pp. 327–328.
- PPoPP-2012-NollG #framework #optimisation #parallel #source code
- An infrastructure for dynamic optimization of parallel programs (AN, TRG), pp. 325–326.
- CAV-2012-ChaudhuriS #named #optimisation #source code
- Euler: A System for Numerical Optimization of Programs (SC, ASL), pp. 732–737.
- ICLP-2012-AndresKMS #optimisation #satisfiability
- Unsatisfiability-based optimization in clasp (BA, BK, OM, TS), pp. 211–221.
- ICLP-2012-Peano #approach
- An ASP Approach for the Optimal Placement of the Isolation Valves in a Water Distribution System (AP), pp. 464–468.
- ICST-2012-AlesioGNB #constraints #optimisation #realtime #testing #using
- Testing Deadline Misses for Real-Time Systems Using Constraint Optimization Techniques (SDA, AG, SN, LCB), pp. 764–769.
- ICST-2012-TonellaMNJLH #approximate #execution #modelling
- Finding the Optimal Balance between Over and Under Approximation of Models Inferred from Execution Logs (PT, AM, DCN, YJ, KL, MH), pp. 21–30.
- IJCAR-2012-SebastianiT #cost analysis #optimisation #smt
- Optimization in SMT with ℒ𝒜(ℚ) Cost Functions (RS, ST), pp. 484–498.
- SAT-2012-IserTS #optimisation #order #relational
- Optimizing MiniSAT Variable Orderings for the Relational Model Finder Kodkod — (Poster Presentation) (MI, MT, CS), pp. 483–484.
- SAT-2012-ZhangMZ #constraints #identification #interactive #optimisation #theorem proving
- Faulty Interaction Identification via Constraint Solving and Optimization (JZ, FM, ZZ), pp. 186–199.
- QoSA-ISARCS-2011-KoziolekKR #architecture #automation #multi #named #optimisation
- PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization (AK, HK, RHR), pp. 33–42.
- ASE-2011-ArcainiGR #automation #generative #optimisation #satisfiability #smt #testing
- Optimizing the automatic test generation by SAT and SMT solving for Boolean expressions (PA, AG, ER), pp. 388–391.
- ASE-2011-InsaS #algorithm #debugging
- An optimal strategy for algorithmic debugging (DI, JS), pp. 203–212.
- CASE-2011-AnghinolfiPSS #integer #optimisation #programming
- Integer programming and ant colony optimization for planning intermodal freight transportation operations (DA, MP, SS, SS), pp. 214–219.
- CASE-2011-CordoneP #monitoring #optimisation #petri net
- Monitor optimization in Petri net control (RC, LP), pp. 413–418.
- CASE-2011-DingRGS #programming
- Mixed-integer programming for optimal path planning of robotic manipulators (HD, GR, DG, OS), pp. 133–138.
- CASE-2011-GhirardiPS #case study #multimodal #throughput
- Maximizing the throughput of multimodal logistic platforms by simulation-optimization: The Duferco case study (MG, GP, DS), pp. 52–57.
- CASE-2011-HaoD #incremental #optimisation #using
- Optimization of tool trajectory for Incremental Sheet Forming using closed loop control (WH, SD), pp. 779–784.
- CASE-2011-KaoZCHWLWWC #constraints
- Near optimal furnace tool allocation with batching and waiting time constraints (YTK, SCZ, SCC, JHH, PW, PBL, SW, FW, JC), pp. 108–113.
- CASE-2011-LeeLNCC #design #optimisation
- Design optimization of one-time-use leaping mechanism for sensor node relocation (GL, GL, YN, NYC, DC), pp. 749–754.
- CASE-2011-LiuZCHZ #energy #evaluation #optimisation #simulation
- Simulation based evaluation and optimization for energy consumption of a typical welding shop (HL, QZ, WC, NH, XZ), pp. 660–665.
- CASE-2011-MettaB #design
- Optimized closed-loop supply chain configuration selection for sustainable product designs (HM, FB), pp. 438–443.
- CASE-2011-PinhaQC #scheduling
- Optimal scheduling of a repair shipyard based on Supervisory Control Theory (DCP, MHdQ, JERC), pp. 39–44.
- CASE-2011-PrudhommeBFG
- Preclinically assessed optimal control of postprandial glucose excursions for type 1 patients with diabetes (TP, AB, GF, DG), pp. 702–707.
- CASE-2011-TengHTK #optimisation
- Optimizing coverage for a Chlamydia trachomatis screening program (YT, LH, WT, NK), pp. 531–536.
- CASE-2011-WigstromL #energy #optimisation #scheduling
- Energy optimization of trajectories for high level scheduling (OW, BL), pp. 654–659.
- CASE-2011-YanCLWC #multi #scheduling
- Optimization-based litho machine scheduling with multiple reticles and setups (BY, HYC, PBL, SW, JC), pp. 114–119.
- DAC-2011-AbrishamiLQFP #optimisation #power management
- Post sign-off leakage power optimization (HA, JL, JQ, JF, MP), pp. 453–458.
- DAC-2011-BanY #layout #modelling #optimisation
- Layout aware line-edge roughness modeling and poly optimization for leakage minimization (YB, JSY), pp. 447–452.
- DAC-2011-JungMPL #3d #analysis #optimisation #reliability
- TSV stress-aware full-chip mechanical reliability analysis and optimization for 3D IC (MJ, JM, DZP, SKL), pp. 188–193.
- DAC-2011-KungHSS #optimisation
- Thermal signature: a simple yet accurate thermal index for floorplan optimization (JK, IH, SSS, YS), pp. 108–113.
- DAC-2011-Li #memory management
- Rethinking memory redundancy: optimal bit cell repair for maximum-information storage (XL0), pp. 316–321.
- DAC-2011-LifaEP #configuration management #detection #fault #optimisation #performance
- Performance optimization of error detection based on speculative reconfiguration (AAL, PE, ZP), pp. 369–374.
- DAC-2011-LiLZ #multi #scheduling
- Optimal multi-domain clock skew scheduling (LL, YL, HZ), pp. 152–157.
- DAC-2011-LiuSCKKL #3d #analysis #optimisation
- Full-chip TSV-to-TSV coupling analysis and optimization in 3D IC (CL, TS, JC, JK, JK, SKL), pp. 783–788.
- DAC-2011-MaYW #algorithm
- An optimal algorithm for layer assignment of bus escape routing on PCBs (QM, EFYY, MDFW), pp. 176–181.
- DAC-2011-SeokJCBS #design #energy #performance #pipes and filters
- Pipeline strategy for improving optimal energy efficiency in ultra-low voltage design (MS, DJ, CC, DB, DS), pp. 990–995.
- DAC-2011-StattelmannBR #optimisation #performance #simulation
- Fast and accurate source-level simulation of software timing considering complex code optimizations (SS, OB, WR), pp. 486–491.
- DAC-2011-WalterKCK #capacity #multi
- Capacity optimized NoC for multi-mode SoC (IW, EK, IC, SK), pp. 942–947.
- DAC-2011-WangMR #clustering #configuration management #energy #manycore #optimisation #realtime
- Dynamic cache reconfiguration and partitioning for energy optimization in real-time multi-core systems (WW, PM, SR), pp. 948–953.
- DAC-2011-WangTW #metric #optimisation
- In-field aging measurement and calibration for power-performance optimization (SW, MT, LW), pp. 706–711.
- DAC-2011-WangXAP #classification #learning #policy #power management #using
- Deriving a near-optimal power management policy using model-free reinforcement learning and Bayesian classification (YW, QX, ACA, MP), pp. 41–46.
- DATE-2011-AlordaTBS #embedded #optimisation #using
- Stability optimization of embedded 8T SRAMs using Word-Line Voltage modulation (BA, GT, SAB, JS), pp. 986–991.
- DATE-2011-ArslanO #adaptation #effectiveness #learning #optimisation #realtime
- Adaptive test optimization through real time learning of test effectiveness (BA, AO), pp. 1430–1435.
- DATE-2011-BarceloGBS #estimation #performance #scalability
- An efficient and scalable STA tool with direct path estimation and exhaustive sensitization vector exploration for optimal delay computation (SB, XG, SAB, JS), pp. 1602–1607.
- DATE-2011-BarrioMMMH #optimisation
- Power optimization in heterogenous datapaths (AADB, SOM, MCM, JMM, RH), pp. 1400–1405.
- DATE-2011-BonannoBS #analysis #energy #modelling #monitoring #optimisation #tool support
- Energy analysis methods and tools for modelling and Optimizing monitoring tyre systems (AB, AB, MS), pp. 1121–1122.
- DATE-2011-BradyHS
- Counterexample-guided SMT-driven optimal buffer sizing (BAB, DEH, SAS), pp. 329–334.
- DATE-2011-CabodiN #model checking #multi
- Optimized model checking of multiple properties (GC, SN), pp. 543–546.
- DATE-2011-ChangMFWHYN #architecture #hardware #hybrid #optimisation
- Optimization of stateful hardware acceleration in hybrid architectures (XC, YM, HF, KW, RH, HY, TN), pp. 567–570.
- DATE-2011-ChenZD #optimisation
- Integrated circuit white space redistribution for temperature optimization (YC, HZ, RPD), pp. 613–618.
- DATE-2011-DrmanacSWWA #multi #optimisation #parametricity #predict #testing
- Multidimensional parametric test set optimization of wafer probe data for predicting in field failures and setting tighter test limits (DGD, NS, LW, LCW, MSA), pp. 794–799.
- DATE-2011-EggersglusD #fault #generative #optimisation #pseudo #testing #using
- As-Robust-As-Possible test generation in the presence of small delay defects using pseudo-Boolean optimization (SE, RD), pp. 1291–1296.
- DATE-2011-GilaniKS #memory management #optimisation
- Scratchpad memory optimizations for digital signal processing applications (SZG, NSK, MJS), pp. 974–979.
- DATE-2011-GraupnerJW #approach #design #generative #layout #optimisation
- Generator based approach for analog circuit and layout design and optimization (AG, RJ, RW), pp. 1675–1680.
- DATE-2011-HsuL #optimisation
- Clock gating optimization with delay-matching (SJH, RBL), pp. 643–648.
- DATE-2011-HuangHL #fault
- Cross-layer optimized placement and routing for FPGA soft error mitigation (KH, YH, XL), pp. 58–63.
- DATE-2011-LiuHRG #optimisation #process #using
- Global optimization of integrated transformers for high frequency microwave circuits using a Gaussian process based surrogate model (BL, YH, PR, GGEG), pp. 1101–1106.
- DATE-2011-LiuS #continuation #optimisation #performance
- An efficient mask optimization method based on homotopy continuation technique (FL, XS), pp. 1053–1058.
- DATE-2011-LungHKC #3d #manycore #online #optimisation #throughput
- Thermal-aware on-line task allocation for 3D multi-core processor throughput optimization (CLL, YLH, DMK, SCC), pp. 8–13.
- DATE-2011-LuPRR #energy #optimisation
- Stage number optimization for switched capacitor power converters in micro-scale energy harvesting (CL, SPP, VR, KR), pp. 770–775.
- DATE-2011-MirhoseiniK #energy #hybrid #optimisation #performance
- HypoEnergy. Hybrid supercapacitor-battery power-supply optimization for Energy efficiency (AM, FK), pp. 887–890.
- DATE-2011-RahmanTS #reduction
- Power reduction via near-optimal library-based cell-size selection (MR, HT, CS), pp. 867–870.
- DATE-2011-SchenkelaarsVG #network #scheduling
- Optimal scheduling of switched FlexRay networks (TS, BV, KG), pp. 926–931.
- DATE-2011-VasicekS #optimisation
- A global postsynthesis optimization method for combinational circuits (ZV, LS), pp. 1525–1528.
- DATE-2011-WuM #analysis #optimisation
- Aging-aware timing analysis and optimization considering path sensitization (KCW, DM), pp. 1572–1577.
- DocEng-2011-GangeMMS #automation #layout
- Optimal automatic table layout (GG, KM, PM, PJS), pp. 23–32.
- DRR-2011-HamdaniAHMA #optimisation #recognition #using
- Improving a HMM-based off-line handwriting recognition system using MME-PSO optimization (MH, HEA, TMH, VM, AMA), pp. 1–10.
- DRR-2011-ZhuN #online #optimisation #parametricity #recognition
- A MRF model with parameter optimization by CRF for on-line recognition of handwritten Japanese characters (BZ, MN), pp. 1–10.
- ICDAR-2011-GaoWJ #2d #optimisation #recognition
- A New Feature Optimization Method Based on Two-Directional 2DLDA for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (XG, WW, LJ), pp. 232–236.
- ICDAR-2011-HamamuraINOS #clustering #concurrent #optimisation #recognition #using #word
- Concurrent Optimization of Context Clustering and GMM for Offline Handwritten Word Recognition Using HMM (TH, BI, TN, NO, SS), pp. 523–527.
- ICDAR-2011-KessentiniPG #algorithm #multi #recognition #word
- An Optimized Multi-stream Decoding Algorithm for Handwritten Word Recognition (YK, TP, AG), pp. 192–196.
- ICDAR-2011-TanakaTH #documentation #optimisation #robust
- Robust Cell Extraction Method for Form Documents Based on Intersection Searching and Global Optimization (HT, HT, YH), pp. 354–358.
- ICDAR-2011-VinelDA #feature model #linear #optimisation #random
- Joint Optimization of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Non Linear Feature Extraction (AV, TMTD, TA), pp. 513–517.
- ICDAR-2011-ZhuN #online #optimisation #parametricity #recognition #using
- On-line Handwritten Japanese Characters Recognition Using a MRF Model with Parameter Optimization by CRF (BZ, MN), pp. 603–607.
- PODS-2011-CohenK #using
- Get the most out of your sample: optimal unbiased estimators using partial information (EC, HK), pp. 13–24.
- SIGMOD-2011-BalesDV #algebra #optimisation #query
- Score-consistent algebraic optimization of full-text search queries with GRAFT (NB, AD, VV), pp. 769–780.
- SIGMOD-2011-BeierSS #online
- Online reorganization in read optimized MMDBS (FB, KS, KUS), pp. 1125–1136.
- SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation
- Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
- SIGMOD-2011-HerodotouBB #optimisation #query
- Query optimization techniques for partitioned tables (HH, NB, SB), pp. 49–60.
- SIGMOD-2011-KennedyN #enterprise #named #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance
- Jigsaw: efficient optimization over uncertain enterprise data (OK, SN), pp. 829–840.
- SIGMOD-2011-KllapiSTI #optimisation
- Schedule optimization for data processing flows on the cloud (HK, ES, MMT, YEI), pp. 289–300.
- SIGMOD-2011-MaFL #memory management #named
- LazyFTL: a page-level flash translation layer optimized for NAND flash memory (DM, JF, GL), pp. 1–12.
- SIGMOD-2011-UpadhyayaKB #fault tolerance #latency #online #parallel #query
- A latency and fault-tolerance optimizer for online parallel query plans (PU, YK, MB), pp. 241–252.
- VLDB-2011-GolenbergKS #optimisation
- Optimizing and Parallelizing Ranked Enumeration (KG, BK, YS), pp. 1028–1039.
- VLDB-2011-HerodotouB #cost analysis #optimisation #pipes and filters #profiling #source code
- Profiling, What-if Analysis, and Cost-based Optimization of MapReduce Programs (HH, SB), pp. 1111–1122.
- VLDB-2011-HerodotouDB #cost analysis #optimisation #pipes and filters #programming
- MapReduce Programming and Cost-based Optimization? Crossing this Chasm with Starfish (HH, FD, SB), pp. 1446–1449.
- VLDB-2011-JahaniCR #automation #optimisation #pipes and filters #source code
- Automatic Optimization for MapReduce Programs (EJ, MJC, CR), pp. 385–396.
- VLDB-2011-OrsiP #constraints #ontology #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Query Answering under Ontological Constraints (GO, AP), pp. 1004–1015.
- VLDB-2011-ParameswaranDGR #robust #web
- Optimal Schemes for Robust Web Extraction (AGP, NND, HGM, RR), pp. 980–991.
- VLDB-2011-PengDL #nondeterminism #optimisation #probability #query
- Optimizing Probabilistic Query Processing on Continuous Uncertain Data (LP, YD, AL), pp. 1169–1180.
- VLDB-2011-YanZN #algorithm #network #performance
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Meeting Point on Road Networks (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 968–979.
- VLDB-2012-KruegerKGSSCPDZ11 #database #manycore #performance #using
- Fast Updates on Read-Optimized Databases Using Multi-Core CPUs (JK, CK, MG, NS, DS, JC, HP, PD, AZ), pp. 61–72.
- VLDB-2012-PavloJZ11 #execution #modelling #on the #optimisation #parallel #predict #transaction
- On Predictive Modeling for Optimizing Transaction Execution in Parallel OLTP Systems (AP, EPCJ, SBZ), pp. 85–96.
- VLDB-2012-RohPKSL11 #optimisation #parallel
- B+-tree Index Optimization by Exploiting Internal Parallelism of Flash-based Solid State Drives (HR, SP, SK, MS, SWL), pp. 286–297.
- ITiCSE-2011-HarrachA #collaboration #learning #optimisation #process #recommendation #using
- Optimizing collaborative learning processes by using recommendation systems (SH, MA), p. 389.
- TACAS-2011-CodishFFS #constraints #encoding #pseudo
- Optimal Base Encodings for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints (MC, YF, CF, PSK), pp. 189–204.
- ICPC-2011-Wu #api #evolution #framework #modelling #multi #optimisation #problem
- Modeling Framework API Evolution as a Multi-objective Optimization Problem (WW), pp. 262–265.
- ICPC-2011-ZibranR #approach #constraints #programming #refactoring #scheduling
- Conflict-Aware Optimal Scheduling of Code Clone Refactoring: A Constraint Programming Approach (MFZ, CKR), pp. 266–269.
- SCAM-2011-ZibranR #approach #constraints #programming #refactoring #scheduling
- A Constraint Programming Approach to Conflict-Aware Optimal Scheduling of Prioritized Code Clone Refactoring (MFZ, CKR), pp. 105–114.
- PLDI-2011-JablinPJJBA #automation #communication #cpu #gpu #optimisation
- Automatic CPU-GPU communication management and optimization (TBJ, PP, JAJ, NPJ, SRB, DIA), pp. 142–151.
- PLDI-2011-MurrayIY #automation #declarative #named #optimisation #query
- Steno: automatic optimization of declarative queries (DGM, MI, YY), pp. 121–131.
- PLDI-2011-ZhouCC #algorithm #execution
- An SSA-based algorithm for optimal speculative code motion under an execution profile (HZ, WC, FCC), pp. 98–108.
- STOC-2011-ChakrabartiR #bound #communication #complexity
- An optimal lower bound on the communication complexity of gap-hamming-distance (AC, OR), pp. 51–60.
- STOC-2011-DobzinskiFK #correlation
- Optimal auctions with correlated bidders are easy (SD, HF, RDK), pp. 129–138.
- STOC-2011-DughmiRY #combinator #optimisation #random #towards
- From convex optimization to randomized mechanisms: toward optimal combinatorial auctions (SD, TR, QY), pp. 149–158.
- STOC-2011-GiakkoupisS #matter
- Optimal path search in small worlds: dimension matters (GG, NS), pp. 393–402.
- STOC-2011-KaneNPW #data type #estimation #performance
- Fast moment estimation in data streams in optimal space (DMK, JN, EP, DPW), pp. 745–754.
- STOC-2011-LeeS #bound
- Near-optimal distortion bounds for embedding doubling spaces into L1 (JRL, AS), pp. 765–772.
- STOC-2011-MoitraO
- Pareto optimal solutions for smoothed analysts (AM, RO), pp. 225–234.
- STOC-2011-PapadimitriouP #on the
- On optimal single-item auctions (CHP, GP), pp. 119–128.
- STOC-2011-Smith #convergence #estimation #privacy #statistics
- Privacy-preserving statistical estimation with optimal convergence rates (AS), pp. 813–822.
- STOC-2011-ValiantV
- Estimating the unseen: an n/log(n)-sample estimator for entropy and support size, shown optimal via new CLTs (GV, PV), pp. 685–694.
- STOC-2011-Woodruff #approximate #black box #protocol
- Near-optimal private approximation protocols via a black box transformation (DPW), pp. 735–744.
- STOC-2011-Yoshida #algorithm #approximate #bound #csp
- Optimal constant-time approximation algorithms and (unconditional) inapproximability results for every bounded-degree CSP (YY), pp. 665–674.
- CIAA-J-2010-MalettiQ11
- Optimal Hyper-Minimization (AM, DQ), pp. 1877–1891.
- ICALP-v1-2011-BeyersdorffGLR #bound
- Parameterized Bounded-Depth Frege Is Not Optimal (OB, NG, ML, AAR), pp. 630–641.
- ICALP-v2-2011-DoerrF #random
- Asymptotically Optimal Randomized Rumor Spreading (BD, MF), pp. 502–513.
- ICALP-v2-2011-HalldorssonM #bound #distributed #scheduling
- Nearly Optimal Bounds for Distributed Wireless Scheduling in the SINR Model (MMH, PM), pp. 625–636.
- LATA-2011-ReidenbachS #memory management #scheduling #word
- Finding Shuffle Words That Represent Optimal Scheduling of Shared Memory Access (DR, MLS), pp. 465–476.
- AGTIVE-2011-HildebrandtLGPR #automation #consistency #graph grammar #implementation #testing
- Automatic Conformance Testing of Optimized Triple Graph Grammar Implementations (SH, LL, HG, DP, IR), pp. 238–253.
- DHM-2011-BenderiusMWW #analysis #modelling #optimisation #simulation
- A Simulation Environment for Analysis and Optimization of Driver Models (OB, GM, KW, MW), pp. 453–462.
- DHM-2011-CloutierBY #modelling #validation
- Motion Capture Experiments for Validating Optimization-Based Human Models (AC, RB, J(Y), pp. 59–68.
- DHM-2011-MarlerKJ #analysis #predict
- Optimization-Based Posture Prediction for Analysis of Box Lifting Tasks (TM, LK, RJ), pp. 151–160.
- DUXU-v2-2011-KimJH #concept #design #experience #implementation #user interface
- Different UI, Same UX: A Design Concept for Implementing a Locally-Optimized and Globally-Unified User Experience (SWK, HKJ, DYH), pp. 440–448.
- HCI-DDA-2011-WangDL #algorithm
- A Global Optimal Algorithm for Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects (LW, FD, CL), pp. 660–669.
- HCI-MIIE-2011-ParkCKK #interface #multimodal #optimisation
- Multimodal Interface for Driving-Workload Optimization (HP, JC, HJK, KhK), pp. 452–461.
- HIMI-v2-2011-ProctorV #bibliography #design #interactive #interface #perspective #web
- Designing Web Sites and Interfaces to Optimize Successful User Interactions: Symposium Overview (RWP, KPLV), pp. 62–65.
- SIGAda-2011-BrosterC #embedded #how #reliability
- How to measure and optimize reliable embedded software (IB, AC), pp. 1–2.
- ICEIS-J-2011-BrasilSFSC11a #approach #multi #optimisation #release planning #requirements
- A Multiobjective Optimization Approach to the Software Release Planning with Undefined Number of Releases and Interdependent Requirements (MMAB, TGNdS, FGdF, JTdS, MIC), pp. 300–314.
- ICEIS-v1-2011-Getta #information management #integration #optimisation
- Static Optimization of Data Integration Plans in Global Information Systems (JRG), pp. 141–150.
- ICEIS-v1-2011-HaoSHS #algorithm #in the cloud #modelling #optimisation #scheduling
- A Cloud Computing Model based on Hadoop with an Optimization of Its Task Scheduling Algorithms (YH, MS, JH, JS), pp. 524–528.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-BaiW #detection #fuzzy #identification #multi
- Applying Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Evaluate and Identify Optimal Explosive Detection Equipments (YB, DW), pp. 118–124.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-WuRWS #network #optimisation #research
- The Research of Paper Reverse Logistic Network Optimization on the Low-carbon Economy (RW, YR, SW, CS), pp. 336–340.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhangZ #algorithm #optimisation #research
- Research on the Route Optimization of Book Distribution based on the Tabu Search Algorithm (PZ, ZZ), pp. 125–130.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-HuaQL #order
- Optimal Order Lot Sizing and Pricing with Carbon Trade (GH, HQ, JL), pp. 533–536.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-LiL #network #optimisation
- The Optimization of Road Network in Logistics Hub based on Low-carbon Aspect (YL, ML), pp. 666–670.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-LuCGD #algorithm #multi #network #optimisation #quality #using
- Quality of Service Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks using a Multi-objective Immune Co-evolutionary Algorithm (XL, ZRC, LG, YD), pp. 160–164.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-SongH #design #internet #optimisation #process
- Optimization of Import Business Process and System Design in Bulk Port based on Internet of Things (XS, LH), pp. 509–512.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-WangL11a #modelling #optimisation #parametricity #simulation
- Simulation Modeling and Parameter Optimization in Cyclic Picking System (AW, XL), pp. 690–694.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-YangZZ #design #evaluation #online #optimisation
- New Mechanism Design in the C2C Online Reputation Evaluation Optimizing (YY, WZ, XZ), pp. 53–62.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhangCZh #collaboration #optimisation #performance
- A Collaborative Optimization Model for Strategic Performance (HZ, LC, YZ, MH), pp. 645–649.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-Zhao11a #modelling #optimisation #research
- Research on Logistics Location Optimization Model based on Time Dimensions (JZ), pp. 656–661.
- CIKM-2011-Almendros-JimenezST #optimisation #slicing #xquery
- XQuery optimization based on program slicing (JMAJ, JS, ST), pp. 1525–1534.
- CIKM-2011-CartrightA #optimisation #performance
- Efficiency optimizations for interpolating subqueries (MAC, JA), pp. 297–306.
- CIKM-2011-DengLPCX #ad hoc #database #graph #predict #query #reachability
- Predicting the optimal ad-hoc index for reachability queries on graph databases (JD, FL, YP, BC, JX), pp. 2357–2360.
- CIKM-2011-DongBHRC #optimisation #personalisation #recommendation
- User action interpretation for personalized content optimization in recommender systems (AD, JB, XH, SR, YC), pp. 2129–2132.
- CIKM-2011-GhionnaGS #hybrid #named #sql
- H-DB: a hybrid quantitative-structural sql optimizer (LG, GG, FS), pp. 2573–2576.
- CIKM-2011-GuirguisSCL #multi #query
- Optimized processing of multiple aggregate continuous queries (SG, MAS, PKC, AL), pp. 1515–1524.
- CIKM-2011-LeitaoC #detection #optimisation
- Duplicate detection through structure optimization (LL, PC), pp. 443–452.
- CIKM-2011-SannerGGKK #optimisation #retrieval #topic
- Diverse retrieval via greedy optimization of expected 1-call@k in a latent subtopic relevance model (SS, SG, TG, SK, SK), pp. 1977–1980.
- ICML-2011-AgarwalNW #composition #matrix
- Noisy matrix decomposition via convex relaxation: Optimal rates in high dimensions (AA, SN, MJW), pp. 1129–1136.
- ICML-2011-DekelGSX #distributed #online #predict
- Optimal Distributed Online Prediction (OD, RGB, OS, LX), pp. 713–720.
- ICML-2011-GrubbB #algorithm #optimisation
- Generalized Boosting Algorithms for Convex Optimization (AG, DB), pp. 1209–1216.
- ICML-2011-JalaliCSX #clustering #graph #optimisation
- Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization (AJ, YC, SS, HX), pp. 1001–1008.
- ICML-2011-LeNCLPN #learning #on the #optimisation
- On optimization methods for deep learning (QVL, JN, AC, AL, BP, AYN), pp. 265–272.
- ICML-2011-MannorT #markov #optimisation #process
- Mean-Variance Optimization in Markov Decision Processes (SM, JNT), pp. 177–184.
- ICML-2011-MartensS #learning #network #optimisation
- Learning Recurrent Neural Networks with Hessian-Free Optimization (JM, IS), pp. 1033–1040.
- ICML-2011-OrabonaL #algorithm #kernel #learning #multi #optimisation
- Ultra-Fast Optimization Algorithm for Sparse Multi Kernel Learning (FO, JL), pp. 249–256.
- KDD-2011-AgarwalCEW #multi
- Click shaping to optimize multiple objectives (DA, BCC, PE, XW), pp. 132–140.
- KDD-2011-Boyd #distributed #embedded #optimisation #realtime #scalability
- Convex optimization: from embedded real-time to large-scale distributed (SB), p. 1.
- KDD-2011-DasB #optimisation
- Meta optimization and its application to portfolio selection (PD, AB), pp. 1163–1171.
- KDD-2011-SteinbergM #modelling #optimisation #predict
- Broad scale predictive modeling and marketing optimization in retail sales (DS, FFM), p. 780.
- KDD-2011-TongHWKL #graph #optimisation #ranking #scalability
- Diversified ranking on large graphs: an optimization viewpoint (HT, JH, ZW, RK, CYL), pp. 1028–1036.
- KDIR-2011-OlegA #analysis #approach #clustering
- Methods for Discovering and Analysis of Regularities Systems — Approach based on Optimal Partitioning of Explanatory Variables Space (OVS, AVK), pp. 423–426.
- KMIS-2011-NiedermannSM #optimisation #process #repository
- Managing Insights: A Repository for Process Analytics, Optimization and Decision Support (FN, HS, BM), pp. 424–429.
- SIGIR-2011-DaiSD11a #learning #multi #optimisation #rank
- Multi-objective optimization in learning to rank (ND, MS, BDD), pp. 1241–1242.
- SIGIR-2011-LinZD #approximate #documentation #optimisation
- Best document selection based on approximate utility optimization (HHL, YZ, JD), pp. 1215–1216.
- SIGIR-2011-LiWLZS #image #multimodal #optimisation #ranking #web
- Optimizing multimodal reranking for web image search (HL, MW, ZL, ZJZ, JS), pp. 1119–1120.
- SIGIR-2011-MoravejiRBM #performance
- Measuring improvement in user search performance resulting from optimal search tips (NM, DMR, JB, DM), pp. 355–364.
- SIGIR-2011-YanWOKLZ #framework #optimisation #summary #timeline
- Evolutionary timeline summarization: a balanced optimization framework via iterative substitution (RY, XW, JO, LK, XL, YZ), pp. 745–754.
- SIGIR-2011-ZhouCZ #algorithm #approximate #named #performance #string #towards
- SEJoin: an optimized algorithm towards efficient approximate string searches (JZ, ZC, JZ), pp. 1249–1250.
- ICMT-2011-LepperT #analysis #optimisation #performance #visitor
- Optimization of Visitor Performance by Reflection-Based Analysis (ML, BTyW), pp. 15–30.
- MoDELS-2011-FlochYGDCRF #compilation #modelling #optimisation #question
- Model-Driven Engineering and Optimizing Compilers: A Bridge Too Far? (AF, TY, CG, SD, BC, SVR, RBF), pp. 608–622.
- MoDELS-2011-FlochYGDCRF #compilation #modelling #optimisation #question
- Model-Driven Engineering and Optimizing Compilers: A Bridge Too Far? (AF, TY, CG, SD, BC, SVR, RBF), pp. 608–622.
- OOPSLA-2011-TianZS #integration #optimisation #towards
- A step towards transparent integration of input-consciousness into dynamic program optimizations (KT, EZZ, XS), pp. 445–462.
- LOPSTR-2011-HidakaHIKMNS #graph transformation #optimisation
- Marker-Directed Optimization of UnCAL Graph Transformations (SH, ZH, KI, HK, KM, KN, IS), pp. 123–138.
- POPL-2011-JoishaSBBC #automation #compilation #effectiveness #optimisation #parallel #reuse #thread
- A technique for the effective and automatic reuse of classical compiler optimizations on multithreaded code (PGJ, RSS, PB, HJB, DRC), pp. 623–636.
- POPL-2011-PouchetBBCRSV #optimisation
- Loop transformations: convexity, pruning and optimization (LNP, UB, CB, AC, JR, PS, NV), pp. 549–562.
- POPL-2011-PrountzosMPM #analysis #graph #optimisation #parallel #source code
- A shape analysis for optimizing parallel graph programs (DP, RM, KP, KSM), pp. 159–172.
- RE-2011-VeerappaL #clustering #comprehension #multi #problem
- Understanding clusters of optimal solutions in multi-objective decision problems (VV, EL), pp. 89–98.
- SAC-2011-DaniAS #algorithm #architecture #manycore #search-based
- Applying genetic algorithms to optimize the power in tiled SNUCA chip multicore architectures (AMD, BA, YNS), pp. 1090–1091.
- SAC-2011-KienHB #algorithm #communication #hybrid #problem #search-based
- New hybrid genetic algorithm for solving optimal communication spanning tree problem (PTK, NDH, HTTB), pp. 1076–1081.
- SAC-2011-KookHLJK #embedded #linux #memory management #optimisation
- Optimization of out of memory killer for embedded Linux environments (JK, SH, WL, EJ, JK), pp. 633–634.
- SAC-2011-NakajimaLYZGXYDQCG #hybrid #optimisation #using #virtual machine
- Optimizing virtual machines using hybrid virtualization (JN, QL, SY, MZ, SG, MX, PY, YD, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 573–578.
- SAC-2011-RosaGO #problem #quality #satisfiability
- Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences (EDR, EG, BO), pp. 901–906.
- SAC-2011-TianXLC #optimisation #order
- Loop fusion and reordering for register file optimization on stream processors (WT, CJX, ML, EC), pp. 560–565.
- SPLC-2011-ChenE #optimisation #process
- Optimizing the Product Derivation Process (SC, ME), pp. 35–44.
- SPLC-2011-Muller #optimisation #product line
- Value-Based Portfolio Optimization for Software Product Lines (JM), pp. 15–24.
- SPLC-2011-NohrerE #optimisation
- Optimizing User Guidance during Decision-Making (AN, AE), pp. 25–34.
- CGO-2011-Altman #tool support
- The language, optimizer, and tools mess (ERA).
- CGO-2011-ChakrabartiBBJS #graph #memory management #optimisation #runtime #transaction
- The runtime abort graph and its application to software transactional memory optimization (DRC, PB, HJB, PGJ, RSS), pp. 42–53.
- CGO-2011-CuiXWYFF #optimisation
- Extendable pattern-oriented optimization directives (HC, JX, LW, YY, XF, DF), pp. 107–118.
- CGO-2011-HundtRTV #architecture #named
- MAO — An extensible micro-architectural optimizer (RH, ER, MT, NV), pp. 1–10.
- CGO-2011-JonesBMC #optimisation #performance
- Link-time optimization for power efficiency in a tagless instruction cache (TMJ, SB, JM, DC), pp. 32–41.
- CGO-2011-KandemirZLY #locality #multi #optimisation
- Neighborhood-aware data locality optimization for NoC-based multicores (MTK, YZ, JL, TY), pp. 191–200.
- CGO-2011-ParkPCCS #modelling #optimisation #predict
- Predictive modeling in a polyhedral optimization space (EP, LNP, JC, AC, PS), pp. 119–129.
- CGO-2011-RusAL #automation #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse #string
- Automated locality optimization based on the reuse distance of string operations (SR, RA, DXL), pp. 181–190.
- CGO-2011-Yi #automation #compilation #optimisation #programmable
- Automated programmable control and parameterization of compiler optimizations (QY), pp. 97–106.
- HPDC-2011-AhujaBFGS #modelling #protocol
- Introspective end-system modeling to optimize the transfer time of rate based protocols (VA, AB, MKF, DG, GS), pp. 61–72.
- LCTES-2011-BhagatGSG #effectiveness #optimisation
- Global productiveness propagation: a code optimization technique to speculatively prune useless narrow computations (IB, EG, FJS, AG), pp. 161–170.
- PPoPP-2011-DingWZ #multi #named #optimisation #performance
- ULCC: a user-level facility for optimizing shared cache performance on multicores (XD, KW, XZ), pp. 103–112.
- CADE-2011-ChortarasTS #owl #query
- Optimized Query Rewriting for OWL 2 QL (AC, DT, GBS), pp. 192–206.
- ICLP-2011-GebserKKS #multi #optimisation #programming #set
- Multi-Criteria Optimization in Answer Set Programming (MG, RK, BK, TS), pp. 1–10.
- ICLP-J-2011-CattafiGNAF #network
- Optimal placement of valves in a water distribution network with CLP(FD) (MC, MG, MN, SA, MF), pp. 731–747.
- ICLP-J-2011-GebserKS #optimisation #programming #set
- Complex optimization in answer set programming (MG, RK, TS), pp. 821–839.
- ICST-2011-ChanderDSY #automaton #finite #generative #modelling #sequence
- Optimal Test Input Sequence Generation for Finite State Models and Pushdown Systems (AC, DD, KS, DY), pp. 140–149.
- ICST-2011-Gonzalez-Sanchez #optimisation #runtime #testing
- Cost Optimizations in Runtime Testing and Diagnosis of Systems of Systems (AGS), pp. 439–442.
- LICS-2011-AbdullaM #petri net
- Computing Optimal Coverability Costs in Priced Timed Petri Nets (PAA, RM), pp. 399–408.
- ECSA-2010-Bahsoon #architecture #dependence #framework #requirements #self
- A Framework for Dynamic Self-optimization of Power and Dependability Requirements in Green Cloud Architectures (RB), pp. 510–514.
- QoSA-2010-MeedeniyaBAG #architecture #embedded #energy #optimisation #reliability
- Architecture-Driven Reliability and Energy Optimization for Complex Embedded Systems (IM, BB, AA, LG), pp. 52–67.
- ASE-2010-TrezentosLO #dependence #named #optimisation #problem #pseudo #using
- Apt-pbo: solving the software dependency problem using pseudo-boolean optimization (PT, IL, ALO), pp. 427–436.
- CASE-2010-AravaBSNS
- Optimal allocation of carbon credits to emitting agents in a carbon economy (RA, DB, PS, YN, SVS), pp. 275–280.
- CASE-2010-DingSPS #embedded
- Improving motion of robotic manipulators by an embedded optimizer (HD, GS, BP, OS), pp. 204–209.
- CASE-2010-FreitasGLH #configuration management #mobile #multi #optimisation
- Multi-objective optimization for kinematic reconfiguration of mobile robots (GMF, GG, FCL, LH), pp. 686–691.
- CASE-2010-HassanzadehMB #algorithm #mobile #optimisation
- Mobile robot path planning based on shuffled frog leaping optimization algorithm (IH, KM, MAB), pp. 680–685.
- CASE-2010-Hui
- Optimal control of bio-attack induced infectious disease dynamics: The case of anthrax (QH), pp. 911–916.
- CASE-2010-JohnsonM #optimisation #using
- Local planning using switching time optimization (ERJ, TDM), pp. 828–834.
- CASE-2010-KimHS #outsourcing
- Risk-averse outsourcing strategies for optimal intellectual property protection (BK, KH, KS), pp. 978–983.
- CASE-2010-MashaeiLSA #design #flexibility #multi
- Optimal design of a decoupled multiple-loop pallet system for cyclic flexible manufacturing plants (MM, BL, FS, GA), pp. 433–438.
- CASE-2010-MehrtashK
- Optimal motion control of magnetically levitated microrobot (MM, MBK), pp. 521–526.
- CASE-2010-QiC #constraints #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic optimization of hydro-thermal system with annual water consumption constraints (YQ, XC), pp. 1001–1006.
- CASE-2010-ShahNK #case study #optimisation #parallel
- CAD-enhanced workspace optimization for parallel manipulators: A case study (HS, MSN, VNK), pp. 816–821.
- CASE-2010-SinghR #clustering #energy #optimisation #policy
- Energy optimization policies for server clusters (NS, SR), pp. 293–300.
- CASE-2010-VergnanoTLFPYBL #energy #optimisation #scheduling
- Embedding detailed robot energy optimization into high-level scheduling (AV, CT, BL, PF, MP, CY, SB, FL), pp. 386–392.
- DAC-2010-Ababei #design #modelling #network #optimisation #using
- Network on chip design and optimization using specialized influence models (CA), pp. 625–626.
- DAC-2010-BanP #layout #modelling #optimisation #robust
- Compact modeling and robust layout optimization for contacts in deep sub-wavelength lithography (YB, DZP), pp. 408–411.
- DAC-2010-ChuangKSC #optimisation
- Pulsed-latch aware placement for timing-integrity optimization (YLC, SK, YS, YWC), pp. 280–285.
- DAC-2010-GolubitskyFM #synthesis
- Synthesis of the optimal 4-bit reversible circuits (OG, SMF, DM), pp. 653–656.
- DAC-2010-GuthausWR #linear #optimisation #programming
- Non-uniform clock mesh optimization with linear programming buffer insertion (MRG, GW, RR), pp. 74–79.
- DAC-2010-IosifidisMMGBSC #automation #framework #memory management #optimisation #parallel
- A framework for automatic parallelization, static and dynamic memory optimization in MPSoC platforms (YI, AM, SM, EdG, AB, DS, FC), pp. 549–554.
- DAC-2010-KahngLSR #optimisation
- Trace-driven optimization of networks-on-chip configurations (ABK, BL, KS, RSR), pp. 437–442.
- DAC-2010-KongMYW #algorithm
- An optimal algorithm for finding disjoint rectangles and its application to PCB routing (HK, QM, TY, MDFW), pp. 212–217.
- DAC-2010-LiuYHSK #generative #optimisation
- Generation of yield-embedded Pareto-front for simultaneous optimization of yield and performances (YL, MY, KH, TS, YK), pp. 909–912.
- DAC-2010-LongM #framework #optimisation
- A framework for optimizing thermoelectric active cooling systems (JL, SOM), pp. 591–596.
- DAC-2010-NalamBMC #design #optimisation #prototype
- Virtual prototyper (ViPro): an early design space exploration and optimization tool for SRAM designers (SN, MB, KM, BHC), pp. 138–143.
- DAC-2010-ThongN #algorithm #constant #multi #novel
- A novel optimal single constant multiplication algorithm (JT, NN), pp. 613–616.
- DAC-2010-YangALLP #3d #analysis #layout #optimisation
- TSV stress aware timing analysis with applications to 3D-IC layout optimization (JSY, KA, YJL, SKL, DZP), pp. 803–806.
- DAC-2010-YeL #modelling #optimisation #parallel #performance #runtime #simulation
- Parallel program performance modeling for runtime optimization of multi-algorithm circuit simulation (XY, PL), pp. 561–566.
- DAC-2010-ZengYFL #analysis #network #optimisation #power management #trade-off
- Tradeoff analysis and optimization of power delivery networks with on-chip voltage regulation (ZZ, XY, ZF, PL), pp. 831–836.
- DAC-2010-ZhaoGFH #optimisation #parallel
- Parallel hierarchical cross entropy optimization for on-chip decap budgeting (XZ, YG, ZF, SH), pp. 843–848.
- DATE-2010-BaoAEP #energy #optimisation #scalability
- Temperature-aware idle time distribution for energy optimization with dynamic voltage scaling (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 21–26.
- DATE-2010-CharfiMGTB #code generation #modelling #optimisation #towards
- Toward optimized code generation through model-based optimization (AC, CM, SG, FT, PB), pp. 1313–1316.
- DATE-2010-ChengLW #diagrams #optimisation
- Optimization of FIR filter to improve eye diagram for general transmission line systems (YSC, YCL, RBW), pp. 1321–1324.
- DATE-2010-CongLX #behaviour #coordination #optimisation #synthesis
- Coordinated resource optimization in behavioral synthesis (JC, BL, JX), pp. 1267–1272.
- DATE-2010-DeHonQC #challenge #energy #optimisation #reliability
- Vision for cross-layer optimization to address the dual challenges of energy and reliability (AD, HMQ, NPC), pp. 1017–1022.
- DATE-2010-Flautner #performance
- Optimize your power and performance yields and regain those sleepless nights (KF), p. 1006.
- DATE-2010-GaoH #geometry #optimisation #programming #using
- A power optimization method for CMOS Op-Amps using sub-space based geometric programming (WG, RH), pp. 508–513.
- DATE-2010-HaoXRY #behaviour #equivalence #optimisation #synthesis
- Optimizing equivalence checking for behavioral synthesis (KH, FX, SR, JY), pp. 1500–1505.
- DATE-2010-JafariLJY
- Optimal regulation of traffic flows in networks-on-chip (FJ, ZL, AJ, MHY), pp. 1621–1624.
- DATE-2010-JeeraditKH #optimisation
- Intent-leveraged optimization of analog circuits via homotopy (MJ, JK, MH), pp. 1614–1619.
- DATE-2010-JungP #network #nondeterminism #optimisation #power management
- Optimizing the power delivery network in dynamically voltage scaled systems with uncertain power mode transition times (HJ, MP), pp. 351–356.
- DATE-2010-KerstanO #design #realtime
- Design of a real-time optimized emulation method (TK, MO), pp. 646–649.
- DATE-2010-LeeM #named #network #optimisation
- Contango: Integrated optimization of SoC clock networks (DL, ILM), pp. 1468–1473.
- DATE-2010-LiSC #logic #manycore
- Exploiting local logic structures to optimize multi-core SoC floorplanning (CHL, SS, LPC), pp. 1291–1296.
- DATE-2010-LiuFG #optimisation #performance
- An accurate and efficient yield optimization method for analog circuits based on computing budget allocation and memetic search technique (BL, FVF, GGEG), pp. 1106–1111.
- DATE-2010-LiuTL #automation #design #optimisation #power management
- Combining optimizations in automated low power design (QL, TT, WL), pp. 1791–1796.
- DATE-2010-LiZHH #logic #optimisation #synthesis
- Reversible logic synthesis through ant colony optimization (ML, YZ, MSH, CH), pp. 307–310.
- DATE-2010-LongM #bias #monitoring #network #optimisation
- Optimization of the bias current network for accurate on-chip thermal monitoring (JL, SOM), pp. 1365–1368.
- DATE-2010-LongMG #optimisation
- Optimization of an on-chip active cooling system based on thin-film thermoelectric coolers (JL, SOM, MG), pp. 117–122.
- DATE-2010-LungZCC #optimisation
- Clock skew optimization considering complicated power modes (CLL, ZYZ, CHC, SCC), pp. 1474–1479.
- DATE-2010-MintarnoSZVCBDM #self
- Optimized self-tuning for circuit aging (EM, JS, RZ, JV, YC, SPB, RWD, SM), pp. 586–591.
- DATE-2010-MishraJ #optimisation #power management #synthesis #using
- Low-power FinFET circuit synthesis using surface orientation optimization (PM, NKJ), pp. 311–314.
- DATE-2010-MitraBS #challenge #metric #optimisation
- Cross-layer resilience challenges: Metrics and optimization (SM, KB, PNS), pp. 1029–1034.
- DATE-2010-Mueller-GritschnederG #specification
- Computation of yield-optimized Pareto fronts for analog integrated circuit specifications (DMG, HG), pp. 1088–1093.
- DATE-2010-PakbazniaGP #power management #resource management
- Temperature-aware dynamic resource provisioning in a power-optimized datacenter (EP, MG, MP), pp. 124–129.
- DATE-2010-PakerEB #algorithm #architecture #low cost #multi #standard
- A low cost multi-standard near-optimal soft-output sphere decoder: Algorithm and architecture (ÖP, SE, AB), pp. 1402–1407.
- DATE-2010-PerezSF #data flow #graph #optimisation #relational
- Optimizing Data-Flow Graphs with min/max, adding and relational operations (JP, PS, VF), pp. 1361–1364.
- DATE-2010-Rabaey #energy
- Always energy-optimal microscopic wireless systems (JMR), p. 658.
- DATE-2010-ShafikAC #design #embedded #optimisation #power management
- Soft error-aware design optimization of low power and time-constrained embedded systems (RAS, BMAH, KC), pp. 1462–1467.
- DATE-2010-VasicekSB #design #implementation
- A method for design of impulse bursts noise filters optimized for FPGA implementations (ZV, LS, MB), pp. 1731–1736.
- DocEng-2010-OllisBB #documentation #using
- Optimized reprocessing of documents using stored processor state (JAO, DFB, SRB), pp. 135–138.
- DocEng-2010-SojkaH #documentation #library #optimisation #using
- Document engineering for a digital library: PDF recompression using JBIG2 and other optimizations of PDF documents (PS, RH), pp. 3–12.
- DRR-2010-OhL #evaluation #feature model #optimisation #recognition
- Ant colony optimization with selective evaluation for feature selection in character recognition (ISO, JSL), pp. 1–10.
- DRR-2010-YinBA #classification #documentation #optimisation
- Time and space optimization of document content classifiers (DY, HSB, CA), pp. 1–10.
- PODS-2010-CormodeMYZ #distributed
- Optimal sampling from distributed streams (GC, SM, KY, QZ), pp. 77–86.
- PODS-2010-GupteS #privacy
- Universally optimal privacy mechanisms for minimax agents (MG, MS), pp. 135–146.
- PODS-2010-KaneNW #algorithm #problem
- An optimal algorithm for the distinct elements problem (DMK, JN, DPW), pp. 41–52.
- PODS-2010-LiHRMM #difference #linear #optimisation #privacy #query
- Optimizing linear counting queries under differential privacy (CL, MH, VR, GM, AM), pp. 123–134.
- PODS-2010-MeierSWL #optimisation #query #semantics
- Semantic query optimization in the presence of types (MM, MS, FW, GL), pp. 111–122.
- SIGMOD-2010-BaoDKR #using #workflow
- An optimal labeling scheme for workflow provenance using skeleton labels (ZB, SBD, SK, SR), pp. 711–722.
- SIGMOD-2010-ChaudhuriLN #optimisation #query
- Variance aware optimization of parameterized queries (SC, HL, VRN), pp. 531–542.
- SIGMOD-2010-EmrichKKRZ
- Boosting spatial pruning: on optimal pruning of MBRs (TE, HPK, PK, MR, AZ), pp. 39–50.
- SIGMOD-2010-GrafKRS #named
- PAROS: pareto optimal route selection (FG, HPK, MR, MS), pp. 1199–1202.
- SIGMOD-2010-MeyerDGM #optimisation #query
- Optimizing schema-last tuple-store queries in graphd (SMM, JD, JG, BM), pp. 1047–1056.
- SIGMOD-2010-MoonCZ #architecture #evolution #optimisation #query #scalability #transaction
- Scalable architecture and query optimization fortransaction-time DBs with evolving schemas (HJM, CC, CZ), pp. 207–218.
- SIGMOD-2010-QiJSP #nondeterminism #optimisation #query
- Threshold query optimization for uncertain data (YQ, RJ, SS, SP), pp. 315–326.
- SIGMOD-2010-YangWLW #keyword #optimisation #using #web
- Optimizing content freshness of relations extracted from the web using keyword search (MY, HW, LL, MW), pp. 819–830.
- VLDB-2010-CanimKHM #database #query #relational
- Building Disclosure Risk Aware Query Optimizers for Relational Databases (MC, MK, BH, SM), pp. 13–24.
- VLDB-2010-DeutchMPY #evaluation #process #query
- Optimal Top-K Query Evaluation for Weighted Business Processes (DD, TM, NP, TY), pp. 940–951.
- VLDB-2010-GrimsmoBH #performance
- Fast Optimal Twig Joins (NG, TAB, MLH), pp. 894–905.
- VLDB-2010-Haritsa #database #query #visualisation
- The Picasso Database Query Optimizer Visualizer (JRH), pp. 1517–1520.
- VLDB-2010-HerodotouB #named #query
- Xplus: A SQL-Tuning-Aware Query Optimizer (HH, SB), pp. 1149–1160.
- VLDB-2010-ManethN #optimisation #query #xpath
- XPath Whole Query Optimization (SM, KN), pp. 882–893.
- VLDB-2010-MihaylovJIG #multi #network #optimisation
- Dynamic Join Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks (SRM, MJ, ZGI, SG), pp. 1279–1290.
- VLDB-2010-PramanikWML #query
- Transforming Range Queries To Equivalent Box Queries To Optimize Page Access (SP, AW, CRM, AXL), pp. 409–416.
- VLDB-2010-ZhaoH #graph #network #on the #optimisation #query #scalability
- On Graph Query Optimization in Large Networks (PZ, JH), pp. 340–351.
- FASE-2010-Harman #optimisation #why
- Why the Virtual Nature of Software Makes It Ideal for Search Based Optimization (MH), pp. 1–12.
- TACAS-2010-GoreKP #algebra #algorithm #logic
- Optimal Tableau Algorithms for Coalgebraic Logics (RG, CK, DP), pp. 114–128.
- TACAS-2010-LegrielGCM #approximate #multi #optimisation #problem
- Approximating the Pareto Front of Multi-criteria Optimization Problems (JL, CLG, SC, OM), pp. 69–83.
- WRLA-2010-EscobarSM #termination
- Folding Variant Narrowing and Optimal Variant Termination (SE, RS, JM), pp. 52–68.
- CSMR-2010-CortellessaMP #behaviour #maintenance #reliability #trade-off
- Selecting Optimal Maintenance Plans Based on Cost/Reliability Tradeoffs for Software Subject to Structural and Behavioral Changes (VC, RM, PP), pp. 21–30.
- SCAM-2010-GrantC #analysis #concept #source code
- Estimating the Optimal Number of Latent Concepts in Source Code Analysis (SG, JRC), pp. 65–74.
- PEPM-2010-Henglein #algebra #equivalence #lazy evaluation #optimisation #relational #using
- Optimizing relational algebra operations using generic equivalence discriminators and lazy products (FH), pp. 73–82.
- PEPM-2010-MagalhaesHJL #exclamation #optimisation
- Optimizing generics is easy! (JPM, SH, JJ, AL), pp. 33–42.
- PLDI-2010-ChenHEFPTW #dataset #optimisation
- Evaluating iterative optimization across 1000 datasets (YC, YH, LE, GF, LP, OT, CW), pp. 448–459.
- PLDI-2010-RuwaseCGM #correctness #optimisation #tool support
- Decoupled lifeguards: enabling path optimizations for dynamic correctness checking tools (OR, SC, PBG, TCM), pp. 25–35.
- PLDI-2010-YangXKZ #compilation #memory management #optimisation #parallel
- A GPGPU compiler for memory optimization and parallelism management (YY, PX, JK, HZ), pp. 86–97.
- SAS-2010-Goldberg #framework #in memory #memory management #optimisation #pipes and filters #validation
- Translation Validation of Loop Optimizations and Software Pipelining in the TVOC Framework — In Memory of Amir Pnueli (BG), pp. 6–21.
- STOC-2010-ChandranKOR #privacy
- Privacy amplification with asymptotically optimal entropy loss (NC, BK, RO, LR), pp. 785–794.
- STOC-2010-DeV #quantum
- Near-optimal extractors against quantum storage (AD, TV), pp. 161–170.
- STOC-2010-DeyHK #linear #programming
- Optimal homologous cycles, total unimodularity, and linear programming (TKD, ANH, BK), pp. 221–230.
- STOC-2010-FraigniaudK
- An optimal ancestry scheme and small universal posets (PF, AK), pp. 611–620.
- STOC-2010-GilbertLPS #approximate #metric #optimisation
- Approximate sparse recovery: optimizing time and measurements (ACG, YL, EP, MJS), pp. 475–484.
- STOC-2010-KollaMST
- Subgraph sparsification and nearly optimal ultrasparsifiers (AK, YM, AS, SHT), pp. 57–66.
- STOC-2010-Sherstov #bound
- Optimal bounds for sign-representing the intersection of two halfspaces by polynomials (AAS), pp. 523–532.
- ICALP-v1-2010-GrossiOR #string #trade-off
- Optimal Trade-Offs for Succinct String Indexes (RG, AO, RR), pp. 678–689.
- ICALP-v1-2010-GuptaNR #algorithm #optimisation #robust
- Thresholded Covering Algorithms for Robust and Max-min Optimization (AG, VN, RR), pp. 262–274.
- ICALP-v1-2010-GuptaNR10a #adaptation #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Decision Trees and Adaptive TSP Problems (AG, VN, RR), pp. 690–701.
- ICALP-v2-2010-BunnO #network
- Asynchronous Throughput-Optimal Routing in Malicious Networks (PB, RO), pp. 236–248.
- ICALP-v2-2010-ChenF #logic #on the #proving
- On p-Optimal Proof Systems and Logics for PTIME (YC, JF), pp. 321–332.
- ICALP-v2-2010-GenestGMW #automaton
- Optimal Zielonka-Type Construction of Deterministic Asynchronous Automata (BG, HG, AM, IW), pp. 52–63.
- CHI-2010-BiSZ #optimisation
- Quasi-qwerty soft keyboard optimization (XB, BAS, SZ), pp. 283–286.
- CHI-2010-KapoorLTH #classification #interactive #optimisation
- Interactive optimization for steering machine classification (AK, BL, DST, EH), pp. 1343–1352.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MianiYSF #algorithm #optimisation #process #semantics
- NARFO* Algorithm — Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association Rules (RGM, CAY, MTPS, VRTF), pp. 320–325.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-AlahmariZR #architecture #legacy #migration
- Migrating Legacy Systems to a Service-Oriented Architecture with Optimal Granularity (SA, EZ, DDR), pp. 198–207.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-BohmHL #clustering #multi #optimisation #queue
- Multi-process Optimization Via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 5–14.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2010-FernandesPMP #execution #optimisation #process
- Integrating and Optimizing Business Process Execution in P2P Environments (MF, MP, JAM, JSP), pp. 171–177.
- ICEIS-J-2010-BohmHL10a #clustering #multi #optimisation #queue
- Multi-flow Optimization via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 31–47.
- CIKM-2010-DillonC #algorithm #feedback #framework #optimisation #pseudo #robust
- A unified optimization framework for robust pseudo-relevance feedback algorithms (JVD, KCT), pp. 1069–1078.
- CIKM-2010-HeMW #algorithm #evaluation #learning #metric #optimisation #rank
- Directly optimizing evaluation measures in learning to rank based on the clonal selection algorithm (QH, JM, SW), pp. 1449–1452.
- CIKM-2010-LiH #integration #ontology #optimisation #query
- Query optimization for ontology-based information integration (YL, JH), pp. 1369–1372.
- CIKM-2010-LiLBZ #optimisation #ranking #web
- Optimizing unified loss for web ranking specialization (FL, XL, JB, ZZ), pp. 1593–1596.
- CIKM-2010-LiXCH #named #optimisation #performance
- StableBuffer: optimizing write performance for DBMS applications on flash devices (YL, JX, BC, HH), pp. 339–348.
- CIKM-2010-RohLP
- Yet another write-optimized DBMS layer for flash-based solid state storage (HR, DL, SP), pp. 1345–1348.
- ICML-2010-Apte #machine learning #optimisation
- The Role of Machine Learning in Business Optimization (CA), pp. 1–2.
- ICML-2010-BardenetK #algorithm #optimisation
- Surrogating the surrogate: accelerating Gaussian-process-based global optimization with a mixture cross-entropy algorithm (RB, BK), pp. 55–62.
- ICML-2010-ChakrabortyS #convergence #learning #multi #safety
- Convergence, Targeted Optimality, and Safety in Multiagent Learning (DC, PS), pp. 191–198.
- ICML-2010-DembczynskiCH #classification #multi #probability
- Bayes Optimal Multilabel Classification via Probabilistic Classifier Chains (KD, WC, EH), pp. 279–286.
- ICML-2010-KrishnamurthyT
- Inverse Optimal Control with Linearly-Solvable MDPs (KD, ET), pp. 335–342.
- ICML-2010-Martens #learning #optimisation
- Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization (JM), pp. 735–742.
- ICML-2010-SlivkinsRG #documentation #learning #ranking #scalability
- Learning optimally diverse rankings over large document collections (AS, FR, SG), pp. 983–990.
- ICML-2010-SrinivasKKS #design #optimisation #process
- Gaussian Process Optimization in the Bandit Setting: No Regret and Experimental Design (NS, AK, SK, MWS), pp. 1015–1022.
- ICPR-2010-AriA #estimation #modelling #optimisation #using
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Models Using Particle Swarm Optimization (CA, SA), pp. 746–749.
- ICPR-2010-BoltonG #framework #learning #multi #optimisation #random #set
- Cross Entropy Optimization of the Random Set Framework for Multiple Instance Learning (JB, PDG), pp. 3907–3910.
- ICPR-2010-CapitaineF10a #clustering #image #on the #segmentation
- On Selecting an Optimal Number of Clusters for Color Image Segmentation (HLC, CF), pp. 3388–3391.
- ICPR-2010-ChenSW #distance #geometry #linear #optimisation
- Minimizing Geometric Distance by Iterative Linear Optimization (YC, JS, GW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2010-ChenXF
- Optimized Entropy-constrained Vector Quantization of lossy Vector Map Compression (MC, MX, PF), pp. 722–725.
- ICPR-2010-DasKK #detection #multi #optimisation
- Sub-Category Optimization for Multi-view Multi-pose Object Detection (DD, YK, YK), pp. 1405–1408.
- ICPR-2010-DundarBRJSG #approach #classification #learning #multi #towards
- A Multiple Instance Learning Approach toward Optimal Classification of Pathology Slides (MD, SB, VCR, RKJ, OS, MNG), pp. 2732–2735.
- ICPR-2010-EkbalSG #feature model #multi #optimisation #recognition #using
- Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition (AE, SS, CSG), pp. 1937–1940.
- ICPR-2010-GruberZWSH #optimisation
- Optimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature Tracking (LG, SZ, DW, DS, TH), pp. 3607–3610.
- ICPR-2010-KenmochiBT
- Efficiently Computing Optimal Consensus of Digital Line Fitting (YK, LB, HT), pp. 1064–1067.
- ICPR-2010-KhanN #image #optimisation
- A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Applied in Image Registration (MKK, IN), pp. 2302–2305.
- ICPR-2010-KimL #markov #monte carlo #optimisation #random #using
- Continuous Markov Random Field Optimization Using Fusion Move Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique (WK, KML), pp. 1364–1367.
- ICPR-2010-KimYOC #optimisation #using #video
- Recovery Video Stabilization Using MRF-MAP Optimization (SWK, KMY, SO, JYC), pp. 2804–2807.
- ICPR-2010-NovoSPF #algorithm #modelling #multi #optimisation
- Optimization of Topological Active Models with Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (JN, JSR, MGP, AF), pp. 2226–2229.
- ICPR-2010-PaclikLLD #analysis #classification #optimisation
- ROC Analysis and Cost-Sensitive Optimization for Hierarchical Classifiers (PP, CL, TL, RPWD), pp. 2977–2980.
- ICPR-2010-PapaCF #classification #dataset #optimisation
- Optimizing Optimum-Path Forest Classification for Huge Datasets (JPP, FAMC, AXF), pp. 4162–4165.
- ICPR-2010-ScharfenbergerCF #artificial reality #predict #using
- Driver Body-Height Prediction for an Ergonomically Optimized Ingress Using a Single Omnidirectional Camera (CS, SC, GF), pp. 298–301.
- ICPR-2010-SenkoK #clustering #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using
- Pattern Recognition Method Using Ensembles of Regularities Found by Optimal Partitioning (OVS, AVK), pp. 2957–2960.
- ICPR-2010-TrummerMD #online #optimisation #using
- Online Next-Best-View Planning for Accuracy Optimization Using an Extended E-Criterion (MT, CM, JD), pp. 1642–1645.
- ICPR-2010-VanacloigOGV #image #integration #people
- Locating People in Images by Optimal Cue Integration (VLAV, JARO, GAG, JMVG), pp. 1804–1807.
- ICPR-2010-ZhouL #approximate #monte carlo #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves via Monte Carlo Optimization (XZ, YL), pp. 3513–3516.
- KDD-2010-AbeMPRJTBACKDG #learning #optimisation #using
- Optimizing debt collections using constrained reinforcement learning (NA, PM, CP, CKR, DLJ, VPT, JJB, GFA, BRC, MK, MD, TG), pp. 75–84.
- KDD-2010-HeLC #kernel #scalability #similarity
- Scalable similarity search with optimized kernel hashing (JH, WL, SFC), pp. 1129–1138.
- KDD-2010-LiuMTLL #learning #metric #optimisation #using
- Semi-supervised sparse metric learning using alternating linearization optimization (WL, SM, DT, JL, PL), pp. 1139–1148.
- KMIS-2010-DotoliF #multi #optimisation
- A Hierarchical Vendor Selection Optimization Technique for Multiple Sourcing (MD, MF), pp. 195–200.
- KMIS-2010-SalgadoV #agile #optimisation
- Kanban Sharing and Optimization in Bosch Production System (PS, LV), pp. 81–91.
- KR-2010-LarbiKM
- A Characterization of Optimality Criteria for Decision Making under Complete Ignorance (RBL, SK, PM).
- KR-2010-OrtizRS #owl #reasoning #worst-case
- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2 (MO, SR, MS).
- RecSys-2010-JamborW #collaboration #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing multiple objectives in collaborative filtering (TJ, JW), pp. 55–62.
- SEKE-2010-SouzaPB #approach #optimisation #testing
- A Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Test Case Selection (LSdS, RBCP, FdAB), pp. 259–264.
- SEKE-2010-WangXLS #debugging #optimisation #probability
- A Stochastic Model for Optimizing the Patching Time of Software Bugs (YW, DX, WML, DBS), pp. 88–92.
- SIGIR-2010-CarpinetoR #clustering
- Optimal meta search results clustering (CC, GR), pp. 170–177.
- SIGIR-2010-LongCZCZT #learning #optimisation #ranking
- Active learning for ranking through expected loss optimization (BL, OC, YZ, YC, ZZ, BLT), pp. 267–274.
- SIGIR-2010-WangZ #analysis #effectiveness #information retrieval #metric #on the #optimisation #statistics
- On statistical analysis and optimization of information retrieval effectiveness metrics (JW, JZ), pp. 226–233.
- SIGIR-2010-WilkinsSF #data fusion
- Properties of optimally weighted data fusion in CBMIR (PW, AFS, PF), pp. 643–650.
- OOPSLA-2010-PurandareDE #monitoring #optimisation
- Monitor optimization via stutter-equivalent loop transformation (RP, MBD, SGE), pp. 270–285.
- OOPSLA-2010-TianJZS #optimisation #paradigm
- An input-centric paradigm for program dynamic optimizations (KT, YJ, EZZ, XS), pp. 125–139.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HundtSG #aspect-oriented #embedded #optimisation
- Optimizing Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms for Embedded Applications (CH, DS, SG), pp. 137–153.
- PPDP-2010-Balabonski
- Optimality for dynamic patterns (TB), pp. 231–242.
- PPDP-2010-TekleGL #datalog #graph #optimisation #query
- Graph queries through datalog optimizations (KTT, MG, YAL), pp. 25–34.
- QAPL-2010-RabeS #game studies #markov
- Optimal Time-Abstract Schedulers for CTMDPs and Markov Games (MNR, SS), pp. 144–158.
- POPL-2010-TateSL #compilation #generative #optimisation #proving
- Generating compiler optimizations from proofs (RT, MS, SL), pp. 389–402.
- REFSQ-2010-SakhniniBM #effectiveness #elicitation #requirements #validation
- Validation of the Effectiveness of an Optimized EPMcreate as an Aid for Creative Requirements Elicitation (VS, DMB, LM), pp. 91–105.
- SAC-2010-AthanasiadisFNS #3d #geometry #optimisation
- Feature-based 3D morphing based on geometrically constrained sphere mapping optimization (TA, IF, CN, VS), pp. 1258–1265.
- SAC-2010-BechikhSG #mobile #multi #optimisation #using
- Searching for knee regions in multi-objective optimization using mobile reference points (SB, LBS, KG), pp. 1118–1125.
- SAC-2010-CaoWWH #approach #composition #named #network #social
- OASNET: an optimal allocation approach to influence maximization in modular social networks (TC, XW, SW, XH), pp. 1088–1094.
- SAC-2010-Chen #algorithm #query
- A time optimal algorithm for evaluating tree pattern queries (YC), pp. 1638–1642.
- SAC-2010-GuoQL #configuration management #energy #network #optimisation #using
- A general energy optimization model for wireless networks using configurable antennas (SG, ZQ, SL), pp. 246–250.
- SAC-2010-HansenS #analysis #implementation #optimisation #reachability
- Reachability analysis of GSPDIs: theory, optimization, and implementation (HAH, GS), pp. 2511–2516.
- SAC-2010-LitoiuWWNI #architecture #optimisation
- A business driven cloud optimization architecture (ML, CMW, JW, JN, GI), pp. 380–385.
- SAC-2010-MylavarapuSB #approach #capacity #framework #probability
- An optimized capacity planning approach for virtual infrastructure exhibiting stochastic workload (SM, VS, PB), pp. 386–390.
- SAC-2010-PetrucciLM #clustering #optimisation #performance
- Dynamic optimization of power and performance for virtualized server clusters (VP, OL, DM), pp. 263–264.
- SAC-2010-SchutzC #approach #fault tolerance #hybrid #multi #network #optimisation
- A multi-objective optimization approach for fault-tolerance provisioning in multi-radio hybrid wireless-optical broadband access networks (GS, NSCC), pp. 635–640.
- SAC-2010-TangJ #c++ #concept #optimisation
- Generic flow-sensitive optimizing transformations in C++ with concepts (XT, JJ), pp. 2111–2118.
- SAC-2010-ZhangHJ #java #locality #transaction
- Optimized Java Card transaction mechanism based on object locality (DZ, ZH, WJ), pp. 550–551.
- ICSE-2010-NoriR #empirical #optimisation
- An empirical study of optimizations in YOGI (AVN, SKR), pp. 355–364.
- ASPLOS-2010-AhmadV #maintenance #optimisation
- Joint optimization of idle and cooling power in data centers while maintaining response time (FA, TNV), pp. 243–256.
- CC-2010-Chevalier-BoisvertHV #matlab #optimisation
- Optimizing Matlab through Just-In-Time Specialization (MCB, LJH, CV), pp. 46–65.
- CC-2010-LogozzoV #abstract interpretation #agile #analysis #javascript #named #optimisation
- RATA: Rapid Atomic Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation — Application to JavaScript Optimization (FL, HV), pp. 66–83.
- CC-2010-RoyS #optimisation
- The Hot Path SSA Form: Extending the Static Single Assignment Form for Speculative Optimizations (SR, YNS), pp. 304–323.
- CGO-2010-BorinWWLBHNRR #named #optimisation
- TAO: two-level atomicity for dynamic binary optimizations (EB, YW, CW, WL, MBJ, SH, EN, SR, RR), pp. 12–21.
- CGO-2010-JungMO #compilation #framework #hybrid #java #optimisation
- Hybrid Java compilation and optimization for digital TV software platform (DHJ, SMM, HSO), pp. 73–81.
- CGO-2010-LiAH #lightweight #optimisation
- Lightweight feedback-directed cross-module optimization (DXL, RA, RH), pp. 53–61.
- CGO-2010-LindermanHDMN #analysis #automation #optimisation #precise #towards
- Towards program optimization through automated analysis of numerical precision (MDL, MH, DLD, THYM, GPN), pp. 230–237.
- CGO-2010-WeiYYG #communication #pipes and filters #source code
- Minimizing communication in rate-optimal software pipelining for stream programs (HW, JY, HY, GRG), pp. 210–217.
- HPCA-2010-WooSLL #3d #architecture #memory management
- An optimized 3D-stacked memory architecture by exploiting excessive, high-density TSV bandwidth (DHW, NHS, DLL, HHSL), pp. 1–12.
- HPDC-2010-BatiniGM #architecture #enterprise #using
- Optimal enterprise data architecture using publish and subscribe (CB, SG, AM), pp. 541–547.
- HPDC-2010-ChenSTS #optimisation
- A layout-aware optimization strategy for collective I/O (YC, HS, RT, XHS), pp. 360–363.
- HPDC-2010-JonesDD #clustering #performance
- Impact of sub-optimal checkpoint intervals on application efficiency in computational clusters (WMJ, JTD, ND), pp. 276–279.
- HPDC-2010-MooreKMKG #performance #volunteer
- Simultaneous performance exploration and optimized search with volunteer computing (LRM, MK, TM, MK, KAG), pp. 312–315.
- HPDC-2010-PetrouSMFPD #mutation testing #optimisation #parallel #permutation #testing
- Optimization of a parallel permutation testing function for the SPRINT R package (SP, TMS, MM, TF, MP, BD), pp. 516–521.
- HPDC-2010-TeodoroHCF #optimisation #runtime
- Run-time optimizations for replicated dataflows on heterogeneous environments (GT, TDRH, ÜVÇ, RF), pp. 13–24.
- ISMM-2010-Anderson #garbage collection #optimisation
- Optimizations in a private nursery-based garbage collector (TAA), pp. 21–30.
- LCTES-2010-KulkarniJW #optimisation #performance #sequence
- Improving both the performance benefits and speed of optimization phase sequence searches (PAK, MRJ, DBW), pp. 95–104.
- PPoPP-2010-Mendez-LojoNPSHKBP #optimisation #source code
- Structure-driven optimizations for amorphous data-parallel programs (MML, DN, DP, XS, MAH, MK, MB, KP), pp. 3–14.
- PPoPP-2010-YangXKZ #compilation #optimisation #source code
- An optimizing compiler for GPGPU programs with input-data sharing (YY, PX, JK, HZ), pp. 343–344.
- CSL-2010-ChenF #on the #problem #proving #slicing
- On Slicewise Monotone Parameterized Problems and Optimal Proof Systems for TAUT (YC, JF), pp. 200–214.
- ICLP-2010-ShakarianSS10 #network #optimisation #problem #social #source code #using
- Using Generalized Annotated Programs to Solve Social Network Optimization Problems (PS, VSS, MLS), pp. 182–191.
- IJCAR-2010-GlimmHM #logic #reasoning
- Optimized Description Logic Reasoning via Core Blocking (BG, IH, BM), pp. 457–471.
- IJCAR-2010-GoreW #logic
- Optimal and Cut-Free Tableaux for Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse (RG, FW), pp. 225–239.
- RTA-2010-Oostrom
- Realising Optimal Sharing (VvO), pp. 5–6.
- RTA-2010-WinklerSMK #optimisation
- Optimizing mkbTT (SW, HS, AM, MK), pp. 373–384.
- SAT-2010-KrocSS #empirical #runtime
- An Empirical Study of Optimal Noise and Runtime Distributions in Local Search (LK, AS, BS), pp. 346–351.
- SAT-2010-ManquinhoML #algorithm #optimisation #satisfiability
- Improving Unsatisfiability-Based Algorithms for Boolean Optimization (VMM, RM, IL), pp. 181–193.
- QoSA-2009-KavimandanG #model transformation #optimisation #realtime
- Applying Model Transformations to Optimizing Real-Time QoS Configurations in DRE Systems (AK, ASG), pp. 18–35.
- WICSA-ECSA-2009-NallurBY #architecture #in the cloud #quality #self
- Self-optimizing architecture for ensuring Quality Attributes in the cloud (VN, RB, XY), pp. 281–284.
- WICSA-ECSA-2009-RooSA #adaptation #architecture #embedded #multi #optimisation #using
- An architectural style for optimizing system qualities in adaptive embedded systems using Multi-Objective Optimization (AdR, HS, MA), pp. 349–352.
- ASE-2009-SiddiquiMK #constraints #optimisation #performance #theorem proving
- Optimizing a Structural Constraint Solver for Efficient Software Checking (JHS, DM, SK), pp. 615–619.
- CASE-2009-CaldwellM #estimation #higher-order
- Second-order optimal estimation of slip state for a simple slip-steered vehicle (TMC, TDM), pp. 133–139.
- CASE-2009-GirishJ #algorithm #flexibility #optimisation #problem #scheduling
- A particle swarm optimization algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problem (BSG, NJ), pp. 298–303.
- CASE-2009-JohnsonM #animation #automation #optimisation #synthesis #using
- Automated trajectory synthesis from animation data using trajectory optimization (ERJ, TDM), pp. 274–279.
- CASE-2009-KhawP #assembly #multi #optimisation #problem
- Multi-rule multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization for straight and U-type assembly line balancing problem (CLEK, SGP), pp. 177–182.
- CASE-2009-ParkPSR #adaptation
- Decision support for optimal adaptation of product and supply chain systems based on real options theory (CHP, LP, KS, HER), pp. 316–321.
- CASE-2009-WangLCM #optimisation #performance #social
- Efficient optimization of building emergency evacuation considering social bond of evacuees (PW, PBL, SCC, KLM), pp. 250–255.
- CASE-2009-ZiedSN #maintenance #probability #random
- An optimal production/maintenance planning under stochastic random demand, service level and failure rate (ZH, SD, NR), pp. 292–297.
- DAC-2009-BaoAEP #dependence #energy #online #optimisation #scalability
- On-line thermal aware dynamic voltage scaling for energy optimization with frequency/temperature dependency consideration (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 490–495.
- DAC-2009-ChoudhuryM #logic #lookahead #optimisation #using
- Timing-driven optimization using lookahead logic circuits (MRC, KM), pp. 390–395.
- DAC-2009-FalkK
- Optimal static WCET-aware scratchpad allocation of program code (HF, JCK), pp. 732–737.
- DAC-2009-HanumaiahRVC #constraints #manycore #throughput
- Throughput optimal task allocation under thermal constraints for multi-core processors (VH, RR, SBKV, KSC), pp. 776–781.
- DAC-2009-LeeK #manycore #optimisation #throughput #using
- Optimizing throughput of power- and thermal-constrained multicore processors using DVFS and per-core power-gating (JL, NSK), pp. 47–50.
- DAC-2009-LiS #algorithm #optimisation #robust
- Yield-driven iterative robust circuit optimization algorithm (YL, VS), pp. 599–604.
- DAC-2009-LiuH #optimisation #parallel #performance
- GPU-based parallelization for fast circuit optimization (YL, JH), pp. 943–946.
- DAC-2009-OnaissiHN #optimisation #process
- Clock skew optimization via wiresizing for timing sign-off covering all process corners (SO, KRH, FNN), pp. 196–201.
- DAC-2009-SarbisheiAF #clustering #heuristic #optimisation #polynomial #using
- Polynomial datapath optimization using partitioning and compensation heuristics (OS, BA, MF), pp. 931–936.
- DAC-2009-ShengXM #algorithm #fault #multi #optimisation #search-based #standard
- Soft error optimization of standard cell circuits based on gate sizing and multi-objective genetic algorithm (WS, LX, ZM), pp. 502–507.
- DAC-2009-StrojwasJRP #using
- Creating an affordable 22nm node using design-lithography co-optimization (AJS, TJ, VR, LTP), pp. 95–96.
- DAC-2009-WangH #approach #embedded #performance #simulation
- An efficient approach for system-level timing simulation of compiler-optimized embedded software (ZW, AH), pp. 220–225.
- DAC-2009-ZengZNGGS #optimisation #scheduling #using
- Scheduling the FlexRay bus using optimization techniques (HZ, WZ, MDN, AG, PG, ALSV), pp. 874–877.
- DATE-2009-0002CWCXY #optimisation
- Gate replacement techniques for simultaneous leakage and aging optimization (YW, XC, WW, YC, YX, HY), pp. 328–333.
- DATE-2009-ChakrabortyGRP #analysis #optimisation
- Analysis and optimization of NBTI induced clock skew in gated clock trees (AC, GG, AR, DZP), pp. 296–299.
- DATE-2009-DiemerE #quality
- A link arbitration scheme for quality of service in a latency-optimized network-on-chip (JD, RE), pp. 574–577.
- DATE-2009-Gomez-PradoRCGB #data flow #graph #hardware #implementation #optimisation
- Optimizing data flow graphs to minimize hardware implementation (DGP, QR, MJC, JG, EB), pp. 117–122.
- DATE-2009-GuoS #bound #design #distributed #optimisation #using
- Optimizing the HW/SW boundary of an ECC SoC design using control hierarchy and distributed storage (XG, PS), pp. 454–459.
- DATE-2009-HanumaiahVC #constraints #manycore #performance
- Performance optimal speed control of multi-core processors under thermal constraints (VH, SBKV, KSC), pp. 1548–1551.
- DATE-2009-IzosimovPPEP #analysis #embedded #fault tolerance #optimisation
- Analysis and optimization of fault-tolerant embedded systems with hardened processors (VI, IP, PP, PE, ZP), pp. 682–687.
- DATE-2009-JiangHX #3d #architecture #design #optimisation
- Test architecture design and optimization for three-dimensional SoCs (LJ, LH, QX), pp. 220–225.
- DATE-2009-KeinertDHHT #algorithm #image #modelling #multi #optimisation #synthesis
- Model-based synthesis and optimization of static multi-rate image processing algorithms (JK, HD, FH, CH, JT), pp. 135–140.
- DATE-2009-KoesterLHP #configuration management #design #optimisation
- Design optimizations to improve placeability of partial reconfiguration modules (MK, WL, JH, MP), pp. 976–981.
- DATE-2009-LiNZGSS #dependence #optimisation #protocol
- Optimizations of an application-level protocol for enhanced dependability in FlexRay (WL, MDN, WZ, PG, ALSV, SAS), pp. 1076–1081.
- DATE-2009-MohammadZadehMJZ #multi #network
- Multi-domain clock skew scheduling-aware register placement to optimize clock distribution network (NM, MM, AJ, MSZ), pp. 833–838.
- DATE-2009-VayrynenSL #execution #fault tolerance #multi #optimisation
- Fault-tolerant average execution time optimization for general-purpose multi-processor system-on-chips (MV, VS, EL), pp. 484–489.
- DATE-2009-WangCTHR #modelling #optimisation #performance #polynomial #using
- An efficient decoupling capacitance optimization using piecewise polynomial models (XW, YC, SXDT, XH, JR), pp. 1190–1195.
- DATE-2009-WilsonW #configuration management #variability
- Optimal sizing of configurable devices to reduce variability in integrated circuits (PRW, RW), pp. 1385–1390.
- DocEng-2009-KohK #documentation
- Deriving image-text document surrogates to optimize cognition (EK, AK), pp. 84–93.
- ICDAR-2009-BloechleLI #canonical #documentation #named
- OCD: An Optimized and Canonical Document Format (JLB, DL, RI), pp. 236–240.
- ICDAR-2009-KonyaSEG #adaptation
- Constant-Time Locally Optimal Adaptive Binarization (IVK, CS, SE, SG), pp. 738–742.
- ICDAR-2009-SadriC #approach #documentation #optimisation
- A New Approach for Skew Correction of Documents Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (JS, MC), pp. 1066–1070.
- ICDAR-2009-SantosKOSKB #evaluation #recognition
- Evaluation of Different Strategies to Optimize an HMM-Based Character Recognition System (MS, AHRK, LSO, RS, ALK, AdSBJ), pp. 666–670.
- ICDAR-2009-TatsumiHK #layout #optimisation
- Context-oriented Layout Optimization of Large-Print Textbooks (IT, HH, MK), pp. 1016–1020.
- PODS-2009-BerindeCIS #bound #fault
- Space-optimal heavy hitters with strong error bounds (RB, GC, PI, MJS), pp. 157–166.
- PODS-2009-BravermanOZ
- Optimal sampling from sliding windows (VB, RO, CZ), pp. 147–156.
- PODS-2009-YiZ #distributed
- Optimal tracking of distributed heavy hitters and quantiles (KY, QZ), pp. 167–174.
- SIGMOD-2009-AndreiCCJS #clustering #optimisation
- Ordering, distinctness, aggregation, partitioning and DQP optimization in sybase ASE 15 (MA, XC, SC, CJ, ES), pp. 917–924.
- SIGMOD-2009-BrunoCR #interactive #optimisation #query
- Interactive plan hints for query optimization (NB, SC, RR), pp. 1043–1046.
- SIGMOD-2009-Chaudhuri #contract #query #question
- Query optimizers: time to rethink the contract? (SC), pp. 961–968.
- SIGMOD-2009-ChenCMPSS #database #optimisation #order
- Partial join order optimization in the paraccel analytic database (YC, RLC, WJM, SP, AS, ESJ), pp. 905–908.
- SIGMOD-2009-ChenGDYR #evolution #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing complex extraction programs over evolving text data (FC, BJG, AD, JY, RR), pp. 321–334.
- SIGMOD-2009-HanL #manycore #optimisation #order #query
- Dependency-aware reordering for parallelizing query optimization in multi-core CPUs (WSH, JL), pp. 45–58.
- SIGMOD-2009-KaderBMK #named #optimisation #runtime
- ROX: run-time optimization of XQueries (RAK, PAB, SM, MvK), pp. 615–626.
- SIGMOD-2009-Neumann #optimisation #query
- Query simplification: graceful degradation for join-order optimization (TN0), pp. 403–414.
- SIGMOD-2009-NicaBH #query #visualisation
- Extreme visualisation of query optimizer search space (AN, DSB, DWH), pp. 1067–1070.
- SIGMOD-2009-SharafCLA #interactive #optimisation #transaction
- Optimizing i/o-intensive transactions in highly interactive applications (MAS, PKC, AL, CA), pp. 785–798.
- SIGMOD-2009-WaasH #query
- Parallelizing extensible query optimizers (FMW, JMH), pp. 871–878.
- VLDB-2009-AgrawalGSDS #adaptation
- Lazy-Adaptive Tree: An Optimized Index Structure for Flash Devices (DA, DG, RKS, YD, SS), pp. 361–372.
- VLDB-2009-BellamkondaAWAZL #optimisation
- Enhanced Subquery Optimizations in Oracle (SB, RA, AW, AA, MZ, CCL), pp. 1366–1377.
- VLDB-2009-ChaudhuriNR #optimisation #query #testing
- Exact Cardinality Query Optimization for Optimizer Testing (SC, VRN, RR), pp. 994–1005.
- VLDB-2009-GottlobPS #normalisation #optimisation
- Normalization and Optimization of Schema Mappings (GG, RP, VS), pp. 1102–1113.
- VLDB-2009-Karras #scalability
- Optimality and Scalability in Lattice Histogram Construction (PK), pp. 670–681.
- VLDB-2009-XiaoTC #multi #privacy #random
- Optimal Random Perturbation at Multiple Privacy Levels (XX, YT, MC), pp. 814–825.
- TACAS-2009-SchollDPK #constraints #detection #linear
- Computing Optimized Representations for Non-convex Polyhedra by Detection and Removal of Redundant Linear Constraints (CS, SD, FP, SK), pp. 383–397.
- PEPM-2009-DavidGC #calculus #exception #optimisation
- Translation and optimization for a core calculus with exceptions (CD, CG, WNC), pp. 41–50.
- PLDI-2009-KunduTL #equivalence #optimisation #proving #using
- Proving optimizations correct using parameterized program equivalence (SK, ZT, SL), pp. 327–337.
- SAS-2009-Hurlin #automation #optimisation #parallel #proving #source code
- Automatic Parallelization and Optimization of Programs by Proof Rewriting (CH), pp. 52–68.
- SAS-2009-Simon #analysis #optimisation #pointer #similarity #using
- Optimizing Pointer Analysis Using Bisimilarity (LS), pp. 222–237.
- STOC-2009-BernsteinK
- A nearly optimal oracle for avoiding failed vertices and edges (AB, DRK), pp. 101–110.
- STOC-2009-Blais #testing
- Testing juntas nearly optimally (EB), pp. 151–158.
- CIAA-2009-Zimmermann #game studies
- Time-Optimal Winning Strategies for Poset Games (MZ0), pp. 217–226.
- ICALP-v1-2009-GfellerS #towards
- Towards Optimal Range Medians (BG, PS), pp. 475–486.
- ICALP-v2-2009-GottlobGS #optimisation #problem #strict
- Tractable Optimization Problems through Hypergraph-Based Structural Restrictions (GG, GG, FS), pp. 16–30.
- ICFP-2009-LiuCH #commutative #optimisation
- Causal commutative arrows and their optimization (HL, EC, PH), pp. 35–46.
- CHI-2009-BighamC #interface
- Evaluating existing audio CAPTCHAs and an interface optimized for non-visual use (JPB, AC), pp. 1829–1838.
- HCD-2009-MayerOFNKKS #assembly #self
- Cognitive Engineering for Direct Human-Robot Cooperation in Self-optimizing Assembly Cells (MPM, BO, MF, JN, WK, BK, CMS), pp. 1003–1012.
- HCI-VAD-2009-ChalfounF #3d #learning
- Optimal Affective Conditions for Subconscious Learning in a 3D Intelligent Tutoring System (PC, CF), pp. 39–48.
- HIMI-II-2009-StrybelMNPV #online #optimisation
- Optimizing Online Situation Awareness Probes in Air Traffic Management Tasks (TZS, KM, JHN, RP, KPLV), pp. 845–854.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-KuoWHH #clustering #network #optimisation #order #using
- An Order Clustering System using ART2 Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Methodn (RJK, MJW, TWH, TLH), pp. 54–59.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-OReilly #algorithm #multi #optimisation #using
- Frequency Assignment Optimization using the Swarm Intelligence Multi-agent based Algorithm (SIMBA) (GBO), pp. 25–32.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-ZanchettinL #design #hybrid #network #optimisation
- Hybrid Optimization Technique for Artificial Neural Networks Design (CZ, TBL), pp. 242–247.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-ElarissKG #multi #optimisation #paradigm #query
- Query Melting — A New Paradigm for GIS Multiple Query Optimization (HEE, SK, DG), pp. 82–90.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-GroppeGK #optimisation #using
- Optimization of SPARQL by using coreSPARQL (JG, SG, JK), pp. 107–112.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-SantosB #optimisation #performance #query
- A Bit-selector Technique for Performance Optimization of Decision-support Queries (RJS, JB), pp. 151–157.
- ICEIS-HCI-2009-TroianoBAC #algorithm #layout #mobile #optimisation #search-based #web
- Web Form Page in Mobile Devices — Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm (LT, CB, RA, GC), pp. 118–123.
- ICEIS-J-2009-MohebiS #ambiguity #analysis #clustering #detection #hybrid #network #using
- An Optimized Hybrid Kohonen Neural Network for Ambiguity Detection in Cluster Analysis Using Simulated Annealing (EM, MNMS), pp. 389–401.
- CIKM-2009-Collins-Thompson #optimisation #query #robust
- Reducing the risk of query expansion via robust constrained optimization (KCT), pp. 837–846.
- CIKM-2009-DaM #named #optimisation #random
- RS-Wrapper: random write optimization for solid state drive (DZ, XM), pp. 1457–1460.
- CIKM-2009-DewriRRW #identification #named
- POkA: identifying pareto-optimal k-anonymous nodes in a domain hierarchy lattice (RD, IR, IR, DW), pp. 1037–1046.
- CIKM-2009-GedikAW #approach #code generation #data type #distributed #optimisation
- A code generation approach to optimizing high-performance distributed data stream processing (BG, HA, KLW), pp. 847–856.
- CIKM-2009-MasadaFTHSO #analysis #optimisation #topic
- Dynamic hyperparameter optimization for bayesian topical trend analysis (TM, DF, AT, TH, YS, KO), pp. 1831–1834.
- CIKM-2009-WichterichBSS #database #distance #feedback #multi
- Exploring multimedia databases via optimization-based relevance feedback and the earth mover’s distance (MW, CB, MS, TS), pp. 1621–1624.
- ECIR-2009-DonmezC #learning #optimisation #rank
- Active Sampling for Rank Learning via Optimizing the Area under the ROC Curve (PD, JGC), pp. 78–89.
- ICML-2009-BoutilierRV #elicitation #interactive #online #optimisation
- Online feature elicitation in interactive optimization (CB, KR, PV), pp. 73–80.
- ICML-2009-BusettoOB
- Optimized expected information gain for nonlinear dynamical systems (AGB, CSO, JMB), pp. 97–104.
- ICML-2009-MesmayRVP #graph #library #optimisation #performance
- Bandit-based optimization on graphs with application to library performance tuning (FdM, AR, YV, MP), pp. 729–736.
- ICML-2009-Toussaint #approximate #optimisation #using
- Robot trajectory optimization using approximate inference (MT), pp. 1049–1056.
- ICML-2009-WarmuthV #bibliography #optimisation #perspective #summary #tutorial
- Tutorial summary: Survey of boosting from an optimization perspective (MKW, SVNV), p. 15.
- ICML-2009-XuWS #learning #predict
- Optimal reverse prediction: a unified perspective on supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning (LX, MW, DS), pp. 1137–1144.
- ICML-2009-YueJ #information retrieval #optimisation #problem
- Interactively optimizing information retrieval systems as a dueling bandits problem (YY, TJ), pp. 1201–1208.
- KDD-2009-BackstromKK #optimisation #problem #scheduling #web
- Optimizing web traffic via the media scheduling problem (LB, JMK, RK), pp. 89–98.
- KDD-2009-ChenCBT #learning #optimisation #random
- Constrained optimization for validation-guided conditional random field learning (MC, YC, MRB, AET), pp. 189–198.
- KDD-2009-RendleMNS #learning #ranking #recommendation
- Learning optimal ranking with tensor factorization for tag recommendation (SR, LBM, AN, LST), pp. 727–736.
- KDIR-2009-Weichselbraun #approach #optimisation
- A Utility Centered Approach for Evaluating and Optimizing Geo-tagging (AW), pp. 134–139.
- KDIR-2009-WohrerZDB #composition #data mining #metaprogramming #mining #optimisation #towards
- Unboxing Data Mining Via Decomposition in Operators — Towards Macro Optimization and Distribution (AW, YZ, EuHD, PB), pp. 243–248.
- KEOD-2009-AnderlMS #approach #complexity #optimisation #reduction
- An Approach to Support Interdisciplinary Variant Diversity Optimization — Planning Variant Diversity — Beyond Complexity Reduction (RA, SM, DS), pp. 408–411.
- KEOD-2009-DumitrescuK #performance #reuse #self #towards
- Towards Social-software for the Efficient Reuse of Solution Patterns for Self-optimizing Systems (RD, BK), pp. 342–347.
- KMIS-2009-FalcaoNC #agile #data transformation #education #optimisation #process
- Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Optimization Processes of Data Management in an Educational Context (SF, FN, AC), pp. 309–312.
- KMIS-2009-RadeschutzM #analysis #optimisation #process
- Extended Analysis Techniques for a Comprehensive Business Process Optimization (SR, BM), pp. 77–82.
- MLDM-2009-WangZ #classification #kernel
- Optimal Double-Kernel Combination for Classification (FW, HZ), pp. 107–122.
- RecSys-2009-ViappianiB #recommendation #set
- Regret-based optimal recommendation sets in conversational recommender systems (PV, CB), pp. 101–108.
- SEKE-2009-AbdallahAA #multi #optimisation #visual notation
- A Payload Optimization Technique for Multimedia Visual Cryptographye (MHA, RIAK, RAAD), pp. 703–708.
- SEKE-2009-ZhaoWX #optimisation #web #web service
- User Perceived Response-time Optimization Method for Composite Web Services (JZ, YW, BX), pp. 356–363.
- SIGIR-2009-ArampatzisKR #optimisation #using
- Where to stop reading a ranked list?: threshold optimization using truncated score distributions (AA, JK, SR), pp. 524–531.
- SIGIR-2009-DonmezSB #on the
- On the local optimality of λRank (PD, KMS, CJCB), pp. 460–467.
- SIGIR-2009-ZhuWYWYHC #optimisation
- Optimizing search engine revenue in sponsored search (YZ, GW, JY, DW, JY, JH, ZC), pp. 588–595.
- OOPSLA-2009-DincklageD #optimisation #semantics #source code
- Optimizing programs with intended semantics (DvD, AD), pp. 409–424.
- POPL-2009-BronsonKO #optimisation
- Feedback-directed barrier optimization in a strongly isolated STM (NGB, CK, KO), pp. 213–225.
- POPL-2009-TateSTL #approach #optimisation #similarity
- Equality saturation: a new approach to optimization (RT, MS, ZT, SL), pp. 264–276.
- SAC-2009-ChenR #adaptation #quality #realtime
- Adaptive optimal checkpoint interval and its impact on system’s overall quality in soft real-time applications (NC, SR), pp. 1015–1020.
- SAC-2009-DungDH #constraints #framework #graph #optimisation
- LS(graph & tree): a local search framework for constraint optimization on graphs and trees (PQD, YD, PVH), pp. 1402–1407.
- SAC-2009-GaoZL #algorithm #constraints #fuzzy #optimisation
- A particle swarm optimization based algorithm for fuzzy bilevel decision making with constraints-shared followers (YG, GZ, JL), pp. 1075–1079.
- SAC-2009-HuangCZLT #java #testing
- An optimized change-driven regression testing selection strategy for binary Java applications (SH, YC, JZ, ZJL, HT), pp. 558–565.
- SAC-2009-LinL #generative #mining
- Optimal candidate generation in spatial co-location mining (ZL, SL), pp. 1441–1445.
- SAC-2009-MoserCT #embedded
- Optimal service level allocation in environmentally powered embedded systems (CM, JJC, LT), pp. 1650–1657.
- SAC-2009-QiuLS #embedded #framework #hardware #optimisation #realtime
- Heterogeneous real-time embedded software optimization considering hardware platform (MQ, HL, EHMS), pp. 1637–1641.
- SAC-2009-SkordylisT #monitoring #optimisation
- Jointly optimizing data acquisition and delivery in traffic monitoring VANETs (AS, NT), pp. 2186–2190.
- SAC-2009-WangT #algorithm #morphism
- An algorithm for optimal comma free codes with isomorphism rejection (HW, VDT), pp. 1007–1008.
- SAC-2009-XieLY #elicitation #optimisation #process #requirements
- i*-prefer: optimizing requirements elicitation process based on actor preferences (HX, LL, JY), pp. 347–354.
- SAC-2009-ZhangLZZZZ #first-order #linear #optimisation
- Optimizing techniques for saturated arithmetic with first-order linear recurrence (WZ, LL, CZ, HZ, BZ, CZ), pp. 1883–1889.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-BeltRD #analysis #lightweight #optimisation #symbolic computation
- Sireum/Topi LDP: a lightweight semi-decision procedure for optimizing symbolic execution-based analyses (JB, R, XD), pp. 355–364.
- SPLC-2009-SavolainenM #architecture #industrial #optimisation #product line #requirements
- From product line requirements to product line architecture: optimizing industrial product lines for new competitive advantage (JS, MM), p. 315.
- SPLC-2009-SchmidL #optimisation #product line #using
- Introducing and optimizing software product lines using the FEF (KS, FvdL), p. 311.
- ASPLOS-2009-TamASS #approximate #named #online #optimisation
- RapidMRC: approximating L2 miss rate curves on commodity systems for online optimizations (DKT, RA, LS, MS), pp. 121–132.
- CC-2009-KnightsMSMD #hardware #optimisation
- Blind Optimization for Exploiting Hardware Features (DK, TM, PFS, MCM, AD), pp. 251–265.
- CC-2009-Sarkar #challenge #optimisation #parallel #source code
- Challenges in Code Optimization of Parallel Programs (VS), p. 1.
- CC-2009-ZhaoCS #framework #optimisation
- A Framework for Exploring Optimization Properties (MZ, BRC, MLS), pp. 32–47.
- CGO-2009-BerubeAHS #multi #optimisation #reduction
- Workload Reduction for Multi-input Feedback-Directed Optimization (PB, JNA, RH, RS), pp. 59–69.
- CGO-2009-CuthbertsonVBAS #approach #hardware #monitoring #optimisation #performance #virtual machine
- A Practical Approach to Hardware Performance Monitoring Based Dynamic Optimizations in a Production JVM (JC, SV, KB, AA, EK, US), pp. 190–199.
- CGO-2009-KelseyBDZ #optimisation #performance
- Fast Track: A Software System for Speculative Program Optimization (KK, TB, CD, CZ), pp. 157–168.
- CGO-2009-KumarCS #debugging
- Transparent Debugging of Dynamically Optimized Code (NK, BRC, MLS), pp. 275–286.
- CGO-2009-LeatherBO #automation #compilation #generative #machine learning #optimisation
- Automatic Feature Generation for Machine Learning Based Optimizing Compilation (HL, EVB, MFPO), pp. 81–91.
- CGO-2009-MarsH #framework #online #optimisation
- Scenario Based Optimization: A Framework for Statically Enabling Online Optimizations (JM, RH), pp. 169–179.
- CGO-2009-MoseleyGP #compilation #named #optimisation #performance
- OptiScope: Performance Accountability for Optimizing Compilers (TM, DG, RP), pp. 254–264.
- HPCA-2009-MadanZMUBIMN #3d #capacity #communication #configuration management #optimisation
- Optimizing communication and capacity in a 3D stacked reconfigurable cache hierarchy (NM, LZ, NM, ANU, RB, RI, SM, DN), pp. 262–274.
- HPCA-2009-SubramaniamBWL #optimisation #performance
- Criticality-based optimizations for efficient load processing (SS, AB, HW, GHL), pp. 419–430.
- HPDC-2009-KumarSMVDRKGHKS #framework #optimisation #workflow
- An integrated framework for performance-based optimization of scientific workflows (VSK, PS, GM, KV, ED, VR, JK, YG, MWH, TMK, JHS), pp. 177–186.
- ISMM-2009-SerranoZ #garbage collection #optimisation #using
- Placement optimization using data context collected during garbage collection (MJS, XZ), pp. 69–78.
- ISMM-2009-Vengerov #analysis #garbage collection #modelling #optimisation #throughput
- Modeling, analysis and throughput optimization of a generational garbage collector (DV), pp. 1–9.
- LCTES-2009-BlazyR #performance
- Live-range unsplitting for faster optimal coalescing (SB, BR), pp. 70–79.
- LCTES-2009-LeatherOW #compilation #optimisation #performance
- Raced profiles: efficient selection of competing compiler optimizations (HL, MFPO, BW), pp. 50–59.
- LCTES-2009-LeeS #compilation #fault #optimisation
- A compiler optimization to reduce soft errors in register files (JL, AS), pp. 41–49.
- PPoPP-2009-HuangEHC #compilation #optimisation #source code
- Exploiting global optimizations for openmp programs in the openuh compiler (LH, DE, MWH, BMC), pp. 289–290.
- PPoPP-2009-LeeME #automation #compilation #framework #optimisation
- OpenMP to GPGPU: a compiler framework for automatic translation and optimization (SL, SJM, RE), pp. 101–110.
- PPoPP-2009-YangWXDZ #graph #optimisation
- Comparability graph coloring for optimizing utilization of stream register files in stream processors (XY, LW, JX, YD, YZ), pp. 111–120.
- SOSP-2009-DunaganZS #combinator #graph #named #optimisation #using
- Heat-ray: combating identity snowball attacks using machinelearning, combinatorial optimization and attack graphs (JD, AXZ, DRS), pp. 305–320.
- CADE-2009-GoreW #on the fly #satisfiability
- An Optimal On-the-Fly Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for PDL-Satisfiability (RG, FW), pp. 437–452.
- CAV-2009-KahlonWG #partial order #reduction
- Monotonic Partial Order Reduction: An Optimal Symbolic Partial Order Reduction Technique (VK, CW, AG), pp. 398–413.
- ICLP-2009-ChristiansenL #analysis #modelling #optimisation #preprocessor #sequence
- Preprocessing for Optimization of Probabilistic-Logic Models for Sequence Analysis (HC, OTL), pp. 70–83.
- ICLP-2009-GavanelliAL #abduction #constraints #integration #optimisation #reasoning
- Integration of Abductive Reasoning and Constraint Optimization in SCIFF (MG, MA, EL), pp. 387–401.
- ICLP-2009-Sneyers #compilation #complexity #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing Compilation and Computational Complexity of Constraint Handling Rules (JS), pp. 494–498.
- ICST-2009-ChangRV #resource management #testing
- Optimal Resource Allocation for Batch Testing (FC, JR, RV), pp. 91–100.
- ICST-2009-GligoricGLMK #generative #graph #java #optimisation
- Optimizing Generation of Object Graphs in Java PathFinder (MG, TG, SL, DM, SK), pp. 51–60.
- ICST-2009-WolovickDQ #execution #optimisation #realtime #testing
- Optimizing Probabilities of Real-Time Test Case Execution (NW, PRD, HQ), pp. 446–455.
- MBT-2009-SchumannSH #graph #nondeterminism #testing #using
- Computing Optimal Tests for Non-deterministic Systems Using DNNF Graphs (AS, MS, JH), pp. 87–99.
- SAT-2009-BertholdHP #optimisation #pseudo #question
- Nonlinear Pseudo-Boolean Optimization: Relaxation or Propagation? (TB, SH, MEP), pp. 441–446.
- SAT-2009-LarrosaNOR #bound #branch #generative #optimisation
- Branch and Bound for Boolean Optimization and the Generation of Optimality Certificates (JL, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 453–466.
- SAT-2009-ManquinhoSP #algorithm #optimisation
- Algorithms for Weighted Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS, JP), pp. 495–508.
- CASE-2008-0001LYS #optimisation
- An improved lagrangian relaxation method for discrete optimization applications (WW, PBL, JHY, GAS), pp. 359–364.
- CASE-2008-AdamekSS #hybrid #nondeterminism #probability
- Stochastic optimal control for hybrid systems with uncertain discrete dynamics (FA, MS, OS), pp. 23–28.
- CASE-2008-ArnaoutMR #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #problem #scheduling
- Ant colony optimization algorithm to parallel machine scheduling problem with setups (JPA, RM, GR), pp. 578–582.
- CASE-2008-BrantleyLCC #design #empirical #optimisation #probability
- Optimal sampling in design of experiment for simulation-based stochastic optimization (MWB, LHL, CHC, AC), pp. 388–393.
- CASE-2008-ChanYDS #clustering #scheduling #tool support
- Optimal scheduling of k-unit production of cluster tools with single-blade robots (WKC, JY, SD, DS), pp. 335–340.
- CASE-2008-FujitaHSHITNTYN #multi
- Robot control cell production system of Senju (thousand-handed) Kannon model that demonstrated optimality to the multi-product production in varying volumes for eight years (TF, NH, YS, HH, KI, TT, MN, WT, HY, TN), pp. 478–485.
- CASE-2008-GiglioMSS #hybrid #optimisation
- Optimization of inventory levels and production effort in Hybrid Inventory-Production (HIP) systems (DG, RM, SS, SS), pp. 8–15.
- CASE-2008-KannanGSN #approach #nash #optimisation
- A Nash bargaining approach to retention enhancing bid optimization in sponsored search auctions with discrete bids (RK, DG, KS, YN), pp. 1007–1012.
- CASE-2008-NishiTI #approach #automation #composition #optimisation #petri net
- Petri Net decomposition approach for the simultaneous optimization of task assignment and routing with automated guided vehicles (TN, YT, MI), pp. 175–180.
- CASE-2008-PaekL #clustering #scheduling #strict #tool support
- Optimal scheduling of dual-armed cluster tools without swap restriction (JHP, TEL), pp. 103–108.
- CASE-2008-QianZ #pipes and filters #predict #process
- Optimal model predictive control of plasma pipe welding process (KQ, YZ), pp. 492–497.
- CASE-2008-SakuraiOKT #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based
- A multi-inner-world Genetic Algorithm to optimize delivery problem with interactive-time (YS, TO, SK, ST), pp. 583–590.
- CASE-2008-SharmaBDC #assembly #generative #optimisation #sequence #using
- Generation of optimized robotic assembly sequence using ant colony optimization (SS, BBB, PD, BBC), pp. 894–899.
- CASE-2008-SunZL08a #framework #optimisation
- A unified optimization framework for population-based methods (JS, QZ, PBL), pp. 383–387.
- CASE-2008-WangLCS #modelling #optimisation
- Modeling and optimization of crowd guidance for building emergency evacuation (PW, PBL, SCC, JS), pp. 328–334.
- CASE-2008-WangMF #adaptation
- An adaptive and optimal setup planning system (LW, JM, HYF), pp. 67–72.
- DAC-2008-AhmadiZ #analysis #approach #hardware #optimisation
- Symbolic noise analysis approach to computational hardware optimization (AA, MZ), pp. 391–396.
- DAC-2008-CaoFHS #algorithm #multi #scalability
- Optimality and improvement of dynamic voltage scaling algorithms for multimedia applications (ZC, BF, LH, MvdS), pp. 179–184.
- DAC-2008-ChenXY #abstraction #automation #evaluation #optimisation #refinement
- Optimizing automatic abstraction refinement for generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation (YC, FX, JY), pp. 143–148.
- DAC-2008-GoraczkoLLMPZ #clustering #embedded #energy #multi
- Energy-optimal software partitioning in heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded systems (MG, JL, DL, SM, BP, FZ), pp. 191–196.
- DAC-2008-JeongKPY #power management #reduction
- Dose map and placement co-optimization for timing yield enhancement and leakage power reduction (KJ, ABK, CHP, HY), pp. 516–521.
- DAC-2008-KurimotoSAYOTS #detection #fault #optimisation #scalability
- Phase-adjustable error detection flip-flops with 2-stage hold driven optimization and slack based grouping scheme for dynamic voltage scaling (MK, HS, RA, TY, HO, HT, HS), pp. 884–889.
- DAC-2008-LukasiewyczGHTRL #concurrent #integration #network #optimisation
- Concurrent topology and routing optimization in automotive network integration (ML, MG, CH, JT, RR, BL), pp. 626–629.
- DAC-2008-LuSHWX #effectiveness #multi #optimisation
- Customizing computation accelerators for extensible multi-issue processors with effective optimization techniques (YSL, LS, LH, ZW, NX), pp. 197–200.
- DAC-2008-MoffittPLA #optimisation
- Path smoothing via discrete optimization (MDM, DAP, ZL, CJA), pp. 724–727.
- DAC-2008-Moon #composition #optimisation #verification
- Compositional verification of retiming and sequential optimizations (IHM), pp. 131–136.
- DAC-2008-PaikS #multi #optimisation #standard
- Multiobjective optimization of sleep vector for zigzag power-gated circuits in standard cell elements (SP, YS), pp. 600–605.
- DAC-2008-PangR #fixpoint #optimisation
- Optimizing imprecise fixed-point arithmetic circuits specified by Taylor Series through arithmetic transform (YP, KR), pp. 397–402.
- DAC-2008-ZhangYZDKDKC #optimisation #power management #using
- Low power passive equalizer optimization using tritonic step response (LZ, WY, HZ, AD, GAK, DMD, ESK, CKC), pp. 570–573.
- DATE-2008-BaoAEP #energy #optimisation
- Temperature-Aware Voltage Selection for Energy Optimization (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 1083–1086.
- DATE-2008-Brand #design #manycore #optimisation
- Optimization of Design Flows for Multi-Core x86 Microprocessors in 45 and 32nm Technologies under Productivity Considerations (HJB), pp. 938–939.
- DATE-2008-CalimeraBM #constraints #performance #power management
- Optimal MTCMOS Reactivation Under Power Supply Noise and Performance Constraints (AC, LB, EM), pp. 973–978.
- DATE-2008-ChakrabortySP #layout #optimisation
- Layout Level Timing Optimization by Leveraging Active Area Dependent Mobility of Strained-Silicon Devices (AC, SXS, DZP), pp. 849–855.
- DATE-2008-GlassLRHT #analysis #network #optimisation #reliability
- Symbolic Reliability Analysis and Optimization of ECU Networks (MG, ML, FR, CH, JT), pp. 158–163.
- DATE-2008-HohenauerELAMBS #execution #optimisation
- Retargetable Code Optimization for Predicated Execution (MH, FE, RL, GA, HM, GB, BS), pp. 1492–1497.
- DATE-2008-KangK #design #framework #machine learning #manycore #named #optimisation #performance
- Magellan: A Search and Machine Learning-based Framework for Fast Multi-core Design Space Exploration and Optimization (SK, RK), pp. 1432–1437.
- DATE-2008-LarssonLCEP #architecture #optimisation #scheduling
- Test-Architecture Optimization and Test Scheduling for SOCs with Core-Level Expansion of Compressed Test Patterns (AL, EL, KC, PE, ZP), pp. 188–193.
- DATE-2008-LiBXNPC #architecture #detection #optimisation #parallel #programmable
- Optimizing Near-ML MIMO Detector for SDR Baseband on Parallel Programmable Architectures (ML, BB, WX, DN, LVdP, FC), pp. 444–449.
- DATE-2008-MayerH #architecture #optimisation #performance
- System Performance Optimization Methodology for Infineon’s 32-Bit Automotive Microcontroller Architecture (AM, FH), pp. 962–966.
- DATE-2008-Mitra #challenge #reliability #robust
- Globally Optimized Robust Systems to Overcome Scaled CMOS Reliability Challenges (SM), pp. 941–946.
- DATE-2008-MuraliMAGBBM #manycore #optimisation #using
- Temperature Control of High-Performance Multi-core Platforms Using Convex Optimization (SM, AM, DA, RG, SPB, LB, GDM), pp. 110–115.
- DATE-2008-PandeyD #architecture #memory management #optimisation
- Slack Allocation Based Co-Synthesis and Optimization of Bus and Memory Architectures for MPSoCs (SP, RD), pp. 206–211.
- DATE-2008-PaulssonHB #integration #metric #power management
- Cost-and Power Optimized FPGA based System Integration: Methodologies and Integration of a Low-Power Capacity-based Measurement Application on Xilinx FPGAs (KP, MH, JB), pp. 50–55.
- DATE-2008-Rimolo-DonadioSGKR #analysis #metric #optimisation
- Analysis and Optimization of the Recessed Probe Launch for High Frequency Measurements of PCB Interconnects (RRD, CS, XG, YHK, MBR), pp. 252–255.
- DATE-2008-SahaSPBW #framework #implementation #message passing #parallel
- An Optimized Message Passing Framework for Parallel Implementation of Signal Processing Applications (SS, JS, SP, SSB, WW), pp. 1220–1225.
- DATE-2008-TcheghoMS
- Optimal High-Resolution Spectral Analyzer (AT, HM, SS), pp. 62–67.
- DATE-2008-XiongZVH
- Optimal Margin Computation for At-Speed Test (JX, VZ, CV, PAH), pp. 622–627.
- DATE-2008-YonedaF #functional #reuse
- Wrapper and TAM Co-Optimization for Reuse of SoC Functional Interconnects (TY, HF), pp. 1366–1369.
- DocEng-2008-ChaoSSVL #documentation #image #optimisation
- PDF document restoration and optimization during image enhancement (HC, CS, SS, MV, JWL), pp. 150–153.
- PODS-2008-FaginKNP #formal method #optimisation #towards
- Towards a theory of schema-mapping optimization (RF, PGK, AN, LP), pp. 33–42.
- PODS-2008-SchnaitterP #rank
- Evaluating rank joins with optimal cost (KS, NP), pp. 43–52.
- PODS-2008-SozioNW #network #peer-to-peer #replication
- Near-optimal dynamic replication in unstructured peer-to-peer networks (MS, TN, GW), pp. 281–290.
- SIGMOD-2008-BalminOST #optimisation #xpath
- Grouping and optimization of XPath expressions in DB2 pureXML (AB, FÖ, AS, ET), pp. 1065–1074.
- SIGMOD-2008-BrunoN #design #optimisation #parametricity #physics #query
- Configuration-parametric query optimization for physical design tuning (NB, RVN), pp. 941–952.
- SIGMOD-2008-CaoDCT #multi #optimisation #query
- Optimizing complex queries with multiple relation instances (YC, GCD, CYC, KLT), pp. 525–538.
- SIGMOD-2008-GhelliORS #optimisation #query #xml
- XML query optimization in the presence of side effects (GG, NO, KHR, JS), pp. 339–352.
- SIGMOD-2008-LiuPRY #algorithm #data type #evaluation
- Near-optimal algorithms for shared filter evaluation in data stream systems (ZL, SP, AR, HY), pp. 133–146.
- SIGMOD-2008-OConnell #algorithm #challenge #optimisation #streaming
- Extreme streaming: business optimization driving algorithmic challenges (WO), pp. 13–14.
- VLDB-2008-BragaCDM #multi #optimisation #query #web
- Optimization of multi-domain queries on the web (DB, SC, FD, DM), pp. 562–573.
- VLDB-2008-DeyBDH #approximate #diagrams #query
- Efficiently approximating query optimizer plan diagrams (AD, SB, HD, JRH), pp. 1325–1336.
- VLDB-2008-GolabKKSY #dependence #functional #generative #on the
- On generating near-optimal tableaux for conditional functional dependencies (LG, HJK, FK, DS, BY), pp. 376–390.
- VLDB-2008-HanKLLM #optimisation #query
- Parallelizing query optimization (WSH, WK, JL, GML, VM), pp. 188–200.
- VLDB-2008-HollowayD #database
- Read-optimized databases, in depth (ALH, DJD), pp. 502–513.
- VLDB-2008-KementsietsidisNCV #database #multi #optimisation #query #scalability
- Scalable multi-query optimization for exploratory queries over federated scientific databases (AK, FN, DVdC, SV), pp. 16–27.
- VLDB-2008-LizorkinVGT #optimisation
- Accuracy estimate and optimization techniques for SimRank computation (DL, PV, MNG, DT), pp. 422–433.
- VLDB-2008-ZiauddinDSZY #performance
- Optimizer plan change management: improved stability and performance in Oracle 11g (MZ, DD, HS, YZ, KY), pp. 1346–1355.
- FoSSaCS-2008-GruberJ #bound #communication #complexity #regular expression #using
- Optimal Lower Bounds on Regular Expression Size Using Communication Complexity (HG, JJ), pp. 273–286.
- CSMR-2008-TeleaV08a #optimisation #performance #scalability
- A Tool for Optimizing the Build Performance of Large Software Code Bases (ACT, LV), pp. 323–325.
- PEPM-2008-FeiginM #hardware
- Jones optimality and hardware virtualization: a report on work in progress (BF, AM), pp. 169–175.
- PEPM-2008-SaabasU #optimisation #proving
- Proof optimization for partial redundancy elimination (AS, TU), pp. 91–101.
- PLDI-2008-BondhugulaHRS #automation #locality
- A practical automatic polyhedral parallelizer and locality optimizer (UB, AH, JR, PS), pp. 101–113.
- PLDI-2008-ChenHPECCP #compilation #object-oriented #optimisation #scalability
- Type-preserving compilation for large-scale optimizing object-oriented compilers (JC, CH, FP, ME, JC, DC, PP), pp. 183–192.
- PLDI-2008-PouchetBCC #multi #optimisation
- Iterative optimization in the polyhedral model: part ii, multidimensional time (LNP, CB, AC, JC), pp. 90–100.
- STOC-2008-ChoiK #bound #complexity #graph #query
- Optimal query complexity bounds for finding graphs (SSC, JHK), pp. 749–758.
- STOC-2008-HartlineR #design
- Optimal mechanism design and money burning (JDH, TR), pp. 75–84.
- STOC-2008-ImpagliazzoJKW #theorem
- Uniform direct product theorems: simplified, optimized, and derandomized (RI, RJ, VK, AW), pp. 579–588.
- STOC-2008-NordstromH #towards
- Towards an optimal separation of space and length in resolution (JN, JH), pp. 701–710.
- STOC-2008-ODonnellW #algorithm #testing
- An optimal sdp algorithm for max-cut, and equally optimal long code tests (RO, YW), pp. 335–344.
- STOC-2008-Racke #network
- Optimal hierarchical decompositions for congestion minimization in networks (HR), pp. 255–264.
- STOC-2008-Raghavendra #algorithm #csp #question
- Optimal algorithms and inapproximability results for every CSP? (PR), pp. 245–254.
- STOC-2008-Vondrak #approximate #problem
- Optimal approximation for the submodular welfare problem in the value oracle model (JV), pp. 67–74.
- FLOPS-2008-KoninckSD #compilation #optimisation
- Optimizing Compilation of CHR with Rule Priorities (LDK, PJS, GJD), pp. 32–47.
- ICALP-A-2008-AlonH #encoding
- Optimal Monotone Encodings (NA, RH), pp. 258–270.
- ICALP-A-2008-BlaserHS #set
- Asymptotically Optimal Hitting Sets Against Polynomials (MB, MH, DS), pp. 345–356.
- ICALP-A-2008-ChildsL #bound #order #quantum
- Optimal Quantum Adversary Lower Bounds for Ordered Search (AMC, TL), pp. 869–880.
- ICALP-A-2008-Dachman-SoledLMSWW #encryption #learning
- Optimal Cryptographic Hardness of Learning Monotone Functions (DDS, HKL, TM, RAS, AW, HW), pp. 36–47.
- ICALP-A-2008-MhallaP
- Finding Optimal Flows Efficiently (MM, SP), pp. 857–868.
- ICFP-2008-MorihataMT #framework #query #recursion
- Write it recursively: a generic framework for optimal path queries (AM, KM, MT), pp. 169–178.
- CHI-2008-DixonGC #parametricity #performance
- Optimal parameters for efficient crossing-based dialog boxes (MD, FG, NC), pp. 1623–1632.
- CHI-2008-MatsuiY #algorithm #search-based
- Genetic algorithm can optimize hierarchical menus (SM, SY), pp. 1385–1388.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-DeliasDM #algorithm #optimisation #workflow
- A Joint Optimization Algorithm for Dispatching Tasks in Agent-Based Workflow Management Systems (PD, ADD, NFM), pp. 199–206.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-BohmWHL #generative #integration #modelling #optimisation #process
- Model-Driven Generation and Optimization of Complex Integration Processes (MB, UW, DH, WL), pp. 131–136.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2008-KangasharjuK #data transfer #mobile #using #xml
- Using Bit-Efficient XML to Optimize Data Transfer of XForms-Based Mobile Services (JK, OK), pp. 5–11.
- CIKM-2008-BohmWHL #integration #optimisation #process
- Workload-based optimization of integration processes (MB, UW, DH, WL), pp. 1479–1480.
- CIKM-2008-ChenCKSS #integration #optimisation #query #xml
- Query optimization in xml-based information integration (DC, RC, MK, FS, TJS), pp. 1405–1406.
- CIKM-2008-RazenteBTFT #approach #data access #metric #novel #optimisation #process #query #similarity
- A novel optimization approach to efficiently process aggregate similarity queries in metric access methods (HLR, MCNB, AJMT, CF, CTJ), pp. 193–202.
- CIKM-2008-RogatiYC #corpus #information retrieval #optimisation
- Corpus microsurgery: criteria optimization for medical cross-language ir (MR, YY, JGC), pp. 1365–1366.
- CIKM-2008-XieCGZ #navigation #optimisation #xquery
- Some rewrite optimizations of DB2 XQuery navigation (GX, QC, JG, CZ), pp. 531–540.
- ECIR-2008-WiegandK #classification #modelling #optimisation
- Optimizing Language Models for Polarity Classification (MW, DK), pp. 612–616.
- ICML-2008-BarrettN #learning #multi #policy
- Learning all optimal policies with multiple criteria (LB, SN), pp. 41–47.
- ICML-2008-DonmezC #learning #optimisation #rank #reduction
- Optimizing estimated loss reduction for active sampling in rank learning (PD, JGC), pp. 248–255.
- ICML-2008-FrancS #algorithm
- Optimized cutting plane algorithm for support vector machines (VF, SS), pp. 320–327.
- ICML-2008-KohliSRKT #multi #on the
- On partial optimality in multi-label MRFs (PK, AS, CR, VK, PHST), pp. 480–487.
- ICML-2008-Nijssen #classification
- Bayes optimal classification for decision trees (SN), pp. 696–703.
- ICML-2008-Shalev-ShwartzS #dependence #optimisation #set
- SVM optimization: inverse dependence on training set size (SSS, NS), pp. 928–935.
- ICML-2008-SzitaL #approach
- The many faces of optimism: a unifying approach (IS, AL), pp. 1048–1055.
- ICML-2008-YuVGS #approach #optimisation
- A quasi-Newton approach to non-smooth convex optimization (JY, SVNV, SG, NNS), pp. 1216–1223.
- ICPR-2008-GongC #graph #learning #online #optimisation #realtime #segmentation #using
- Real-time foreground segmentation on GPUs using local online learning and global graph cut optimization (MG, LC), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-HidakaK #feature model #optimisation #using
- Non-Neighboring Rectangular Feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (AH, TK), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KiranyazTYG #design #multi #network #optimisation
- Unsupervised design of Artificial Neural Networks via multi-dimensional Particle Swarm Optimization (SK, TI, EAY, MG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KooKC #image
- Non-rigid image registration based on the globally optimized correspondences (HIK, JGK, NIC), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MaL08a #approach #concept #detection #optimisation #performance #semantics
- An efficient gradient computation approach to discriminative fusion optimization in semantic concept detection (CM, CHL), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MazharG #design #named #taxonomy
- EK-SVD: Optimized dictionary design for sparse representations (RM, PDG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MissaouiF
- Optimal feature weighting for the discrete HMM (OM, HF), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MissaouiF08a
- Optimal feature weighting for the continuous HMM (OM, HF), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-Nordberg #3d #optimisation #performance
- Efficient triangulation based on 3D Euclidean optimization (KN), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-PohK #authentication #bound #fault #multimodal #on the #using
- On using error bounds to optimize cost-sensitive multimodal biometric authentication (NP, JK), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-Tanaka #metric #multi
- Multiscan-based map optimizer for RFID map-building with low-accuracy measurements (KT), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-YangZS #algorithm #comparison #optimisation #search-based
- Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for HMM training (FY, CZ, TS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ZhangLHT08a #3d #evaluation #locality #modelling #optimisation
- 3D model based vehicle localization by optimizing local gradient based fitness evaluation (ZZ, ML, KH, TT), pp. 1–4.
- KDD-2008-EdelmanS #design #internet
- Internet advertising and optimal auction design (BE, MS), p. 1.
- SEKE-2008-ChenLMW #algorithm #case study #optimisation #polynomial #problem #verification
- Verification of Optimization Algorithms: a Case Study of a Quadratic Assignment Problem Solver (TYC, HL, RGM, DW), pp. 16–21.
- SEKE-2008-DaiXWLL #execution #process
- Dynamically Optimize Process Execution Based on Process-agent (JD, JX, QW, ML, HL), pp. 561–564.
- SIGIR-2008-KurlandD #approach #clustering
- A rank-aggregation approach to searching for optimal query-specific clusters (OK, CD), pp. 547–554.
- SIGIR-2008-LiaoCH #image #named #optimisation #scheduling #video
- AdImage: video advertising by image matching and ad scheduling optimization (WSL, KTC, WHH), pp. 767–768.
- SIGIR-2008-MeiZZ #framework #graph #modelling #optimisation
- A general optimization framework for smoothing language models on graph structures (QM, DZ, CZ), pp. 611–618.
- SIGIR-2008-RadlinskiBCGJR #approach #optimisation #query
- Optimizing relevance and revenue in ad search: a query substitution approach (FR, AZB, PC, EG, VJ, LR), pp. 403–410.
- SIGIR-2008-XuLLLM #evaluation #learning #metric #optimisation #rank
- Directly optimizing evaluation measures in learning to rank (JX, TYL, ML, HL, WYM), pp. 107–114.
- MoDELS-2008-KessentiniSB #model transformation #optimisation #problem
- Model Transformation as an Optimization Problem (MK, HAS, MB), pp. 159–173.
- MoDELS-2008-KessentiniSB #model transformation #optimisation #problem
- Model Transformation as an Optimization Problem (MK, HAS, MB), pp. 159–173.
- OOPSLA-2008-SchneiderMSA #optimisation #performance
- Dynamic optimization for efficient strong atomicity (FTS, VM, TS, ARAT), pp. 181–194.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-NielsenE #composition #optimisation #static typing
- Optimizing Dynamic Class Composition in a Statically Typed Language (ABN, EE), pp. 161–177.
- GPCE-2008-ZhangAN #constraints #optimisation #theorem proving
- From generic to specific: off-line optimization for a general constraint solver (YZ, TA, FN), pp. 45–54.
- POPL-2008-TristanL #case study #optimisation #scheduling #validation #verification
- Formal verification of translation validators: a case study on instruction scheduling optimizations (JBT, XL), pp. 17–27.
- SAC-2008-BragaOM #estimation #feature model #optimisation #parametricity
- A GA-based feature selection and parameters optimization for support vector regression applied to software effort estimation (PLB, ALIO, SRLM), pp. 1788–1792.
- SAC-2008-BuenoTT #algorithm #data access #effectiveness #metric #optimisation
- An algorithm for effective deletion and a new optimization technique for metric access methods (RB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1034–1035.
- SAC-2008-CoelhoO #optimisation
- Dynamically tuning the population size in particle swarm optimization (ALVC, DGdO), pp. 1782–1787.
- SAC-2008-IacobAI #composition #semantics
- Optimized dynamic semantic composition of services (SMI, JPAA, MEI), pp. 2286–2292.
- SAC-2008-KhanCB #optimisation
- Optimizing code through iterative specialization (MAK, HPC, DB), pp. 206–210.
- SAC-2008-LiG #detection #network #optimisation #using
- TCM-KNN scheme for network anomaly detection using feature-based optimizations (YL, LG), pp. 2103–2109.
- SAC-2008-RadtkeSW #algorithm #classification #using
- Using the RRT algorithm to optimize classification systems for handwritten digits and letters (PVWR, RS, TW), pp. 1748–1752.
- SAC-2008-SchreckFK #automation #multi #optimisation #towards
- Towards automatic feature vector optimization for multimedia applications (TS, DWF, DAK), pp. 1197–1201.
- SAC-2008-WendtGSWNM #analysis #mobile #optimisation #smarttech
- System level power profile analysis and optimization for smart cards and mobile devices (MW, MG, CS, RW, UN, AM), pp. 1884–1888.
- ASPLOS-2008-OttoniA #communication #concurrent #multi #optimisation #scheduling #thread
- Communication optimizations for global multi-threaded instruction scheduling (GO, DIA), pp. 222–232.
- ASPLOS-2008-TuckACT #analysis #hardware #named #optimisation
- SoftSig: software-exposed hardware signatures for code analysis and optimization (JT, WA, LC, JT), pp. 145–156.
- CC-2008-BondhugulaBKRRS #automation #locality #optimisation #parallel
- Automatic Transformations for Communication-Minimized Parallelization and Locality Optimization in the Polyhedral Model (UB, MMB, SK, JR, AR, PS), pp. 132–146.
- CC-2008-WangYW #compilation #legacy #optimisation #transaction
- Supporting Legacy Binary Code in a Software Transaction Compiler with Dynamic Binary Translation and Optimization (CW, VY, YW), pp. 291–306.
- CGO-2008-HosteE #compilation #named #optimisation
- Cole: compiler optimization level exploration (KH, LE), pp. 165–174.
- CGO-2008-KoesG #graph
- Near-optimal instruction selection on dags (DRK, SCG), pp. 45–54.
- CGO-2008-RyooRSBUSH #gpu #optimisation #parallel #thread
- Program optimization space pruning for a multithreaded gpu (SR, CIR, SSS, SSB, SZU, JAS, WmWH), pp. 195–204.
- CGO-2008-Sarkar #optimisation #parallel #source code
- Code optimization of parallel programs: evolutionary vs. revolutionary approaches (VS), p. 1.
- HPCA-2008-DasMNPNIYD #architecture #optimisation #performance
- Performance and power optimization through data compression in Network-on-Chip architectures (RD, AKM, CN, DP, VN, RRI, MSY, CRD), pp. 215–225.
- HPCA-2008-LeeB #architecture #design #optimisation
- Roughness of microarchitectural design topologies and its implications for optimization (BCL, DMB), pp. 240–251.
- HPCA-2008-WangC #clustering #feedback #optimisation #performance
- Cluster-level feedback power control for performance optimization (XW, MC), pp. 101–110.
- HPDC-2008-KhannaCKSSKF #data transfer #multi #network #optimisation #using
- Multi-hop path splitting and multi-pathing optimizations for data transfers over shared wide-area networks using gridFTP (GK, ÜVÇ, TMK, PS, JHS, RK, ITF), pp. 225–226.
- HPDC-2008-Santos-NetoAAGR #metadata #optimisation
- enabling cross-layer optimizations in storage systems with custom metadata (ESN, SAK, NA, SG, MR), pp. 213–216.
- HPDC-2008-XiaFJTW #approach #correlation #evaluation #file system #mining #named #novel #optimisation #performance
- FARMER: a novel approach to file access correlation mining and evaluation reference model for optimizing peta-scale file system performance (PX, DF, HJ, LT, FW), pp. 185–196.
- LCTES-2008-ChoPIDPK #array #compilation #data access #layout #optimisation
- Compiler driven data layout optimization for regular/irregular array access patterns (DC, SP, II, ND, YP, SK), pp. 41–50.
- LCTES-2008-WangYXDYTN #optimisation
- Optimizing scientific application loops on stream processors (LW, XY, JX, YD, XY, TT, QHN), pp. 161–170.
- PPoPP-2008-GiacomoniMV #concurrent #parallel #performance #pipes and filters #queue
- FastForward for efficient pipeline parallelism: a cache-optimized concurrent lock-free queue (JG, TM, MV), pp. 43–52.
- PPoPP-2008-RyooRBSKH #evaluation #gpu #optimisation #parallel #performance #thread #using
- Optimization principles and application performance evaluation of a multithreaded GPU using CUDA (SR, CIR, SSB, SSS, DBK, WmWH), pp. 73–82.
- PPoPP-2008-TanFZRG #architecture #experience #manycore #memory management #optimisation
- Experience on optimizing irregular computation for memory hierarchy in manycore architecture (GT, DF, JZ, AR, GRG), pp. 279–280.
- PPoPP-2008-ZhaiWYH #compilation #concurrent #optimisation #thread
- Compiler optimizations for parallelizing general-purpose applications under thread-level speculation (AZ, SW, PCY, GH), pp. 271–272.
- CSL-2008-Schewe #algorithm #game studies
- An Optimal Strategy Improvement Algorithm for Solving Parity and Payoff Games (SS), pp. 369–384.
- ICLP-2008-BistarelliGLR #approach #multi #optimisation
- A Soft Approach to Multi-objective Optimization (SB, FG, JL, ER), pp. 764–768.
- ICLP-2008-Weert #optimisation
- Optimization of CHR Propagation Rules (PVW), pp. 485–500.
- WICSA-2007-Florentz #analysis #architecture #evaluation #optimisation #representation
- Inside Architecture Evaluation: Analysis and Representation of Optimization Potential (BF), p. 3.
- CASE-2007-BergerBKR
- Analytical Model for Optimal Inspection Frequency with Consideration of Setup Inspections (KB, HBG, AK, GR), pp. 1081–1086.
- CASE-2007-ChanYD #clustering #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support
- On the Optimality of One-Unit Cycle Scheduling of Multi-Cluster Tools with Single-Blade Robots (WKC, JY, SD), pp. 392–397.
- CASE-2007-HanGS
- Optimal Supply Location Selection and Routing for Emergency Material Delivery (YH, XG, LS), pp. 1039–1044.
- CASE-2007-Ho #optimisation #paradigm #towards
- Towards a New Paradigm for Optimization (YCH), p. 97–?.
- CASE-2007-MattikalliFFLT
- Optimal Sensor Selection and Placement for Perimeter Defense (RSM, RDF, PDF, SL, PZT), pp. 911–918.
- CASE-2007-OkTRKKZB #monitoring #network #pipes and filters #self
- Optimal Transmission Power in Self-sustainable Sensor Networks for Pipeline Monitoring (CO, HPT, UNR, SRTK, SGK, XZ, STSB), pp. 591–596.
- CASE-2007-ZhuangXZD #multi #optimisation #set
- Von Mises Stress and Level Set Method based Structural Topology Optimization with Multi-phase Materials (CZ, ZX, XZ, HD), pp. 945–949.
- DAC-2007-AksoyCFM #metric #optimisation #using
- Optimization of Area in Digital FIR Filters using Gate-Level Metrics (LA, EACdC, PFF, JCM), pp. 420–423.
- DAC-2007-AmelifardP #network #power management
- Optimal Selection of Voltage Regulator Modules in a Power Delivery Network (BA, MP), pp. 168–173.
- DAC-2007-CollinsC #optimisation #throughput
- Topology-Based Optimization of Maximal Sustainable Throughput in a Latency-Insensitive System (RLC, LPC), pp. 410–415.
- DAC-2007-DavareZNPKS #distributed #optimisation #realtime
- Period Optimization for Hard Real-time Distributed Automotive Systems (AD, QZ, MDN, CP, SK, ALSV), pp. 278–283.
- DAC-2007-GuHY #distributed #embedded #model checking #optimisation
- Optimization of Static Task and Bus Access Schedules for Time-Triggered Distributed Embedded Systems with Model-Checking (ZG, XH, MY), pp. 294–299.
- DAC-2007-LiuLC #algorithm #approximate #multi #optimisation #using
- A Provably Good Approximation Algorithm for Power Optimization Using Multiple Supply Voltages (HYL, WPL, YWC), pp. 887–890.
- DAC-2007-MaslovFM #empirical #interactive #optimisation #physics #quantum
- Quantum Circuit Placement: Optimizing Qubit-to-qubit Interactions through Mapping Quantum Circuits into a Physical Experiment (DM, SMF, MM), pp. 962–965.
- DAC-2007-NaeemiSM #modelling #multi #optimisation #performance
- Performance Modeling and Optimization for Single- and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Interconnects (AN, RS, JDM), pp. 568–573.
- DAC-2007-RajnakK #architecture #design #distributed #implementation
- Computer-aided Architecture Design & Optimized Implementation of Distributed Automotive EE Systems (AR, AK), pp. 556–561.
- DAC-2007-SeokHSB #analysis #design #optimisation
- Analysis and Optimization of Sleep Modes in Subthreshold Circuit Design (MS, SH, DS, DB), pp. 694–699.
- DAC-2007-SuWCM #design #optimisation #performance
- An Efficient Mechanism for Performance Optimization of Variable-Latency Designs (YSS, DCW, SCC, MMS), pp. 976–981.
- DAC-2007-TaylorP #combinator #design #logic #optimisation #physics
- Exact Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Physical Design of Regular Logic Bricks (BT, LTP), pp. 344–349.
- DAC-2007-XuZC #architecture #fault #optimisation
- SOC Test Architecture Optimization for Signal Integrity Faults on Core-External Interconnects (QX, YZ, KC), pp. 676–681.
- DAC-2007-YeZL #optimisation #performance #power management #statistics #using
- Statistical Leakage Power Minimization Using Fast Equi-Slack Shell Based Optimization (XY, YZ, PL), pp. 853–858.
- DAC-2007-ZhangGS #architecture #named #optimisation
- SODA: Sensitivity Based Optimization of Disk Architecture (YZ, SG, MRS), pp. 865–870.
- DAC-2007-ZhangSJ #architecture #configuration management #design #hybrid #named #optimisation
- NanoMap: An Integrated Design Optimization Flow for a Hybrid Nanotube/CMOS Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture (WZ, LS, NKJ), pp. 300–305.
- DAC-2007-ZhaoPRFMCSY
- On-Chip Decoupling Capacitance and P/G Wire Co-optimization for Dynamic Noise (MZ, RP, BR, YF, TM, SC, SS, SY), pp. 162–167.
- DATE-2007-AlamRMGCS #configuration management
- An area optimized reconfigurable encryptor for AES-Rijndael (MA, SR, DM, SG, DRC, IS), pp. 1116–1121.
- DATE-2007-AtasuDMLOD #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing instruction-set extensible processors under data bandwidth constraints (KA, RGD, OM, WL, CCÖ, GD), pp. 588–593.
- DATE-2007-AzzoniBDFGV #optimisation
- Yield-aware placement optimization (PA, MB, ND, FF, CG, WV), pp. 1232–1237.
- DATE-2007-BabighianKV #data mining #interactive #mining #optimisation
- Interactive presentation: PowerQuest: trace driven data mining for power optimization (PB, GK, MYV), pp. 1078–1083.
- DATE-2007-BarajasCCMGCBI #behaviour #interactive #modelling #optimisation
- Interactive presentation: Behavioral modeling of delay-locked loops and its application to jitter optimization in ultra wide-band impulse radio systems (EB, RC, DC, DM, JLG, IC, SB, MI), pp. 1430–1435.
- DATE-2007-ButtSRPS #optimisation #synthesis
- System level clock tree synthesis for power optimization (SAB, SS, JR, AP, ES), pp. 1677–1682.
- DATE-2007-GongW #interactive #optimisation
- Interactive presentation: System level power optimization of Sigma-Delta modulator (FG, XW), pp. 297–300.
- DATE-2007-HaastregtK #interactive #optimisation #performance #random #using
- Interactive presentation: Feasibility of combined area and performance optimization for superscalar processors using random search (SvH, PMWK), pp. 606–611.
- DATE-2007-HuangG #energy #optimisation #performance #realtime #scalability
- Efficient and scalable compiler-directed energy optimization for realtime applications (PKH, SG), pp. 785–790.
- DATE-2007-HuMWD #performance
- Optimization-based wideband basis functions for efficient interconnect extraction (XH, TM, JKW, LD), pp. 1200–1205.
- DATE-2007-LarssonLEP #integration #testing
- Optimized integration of test compression and sharing for SOC testing (AL, EL, PE, ZP), pp. 207–212.
- DATE-2007-LataireVP #design #interactive #multi #optimisation #using
- Interactive presentation: Optimizing analog filter designs for minimum nonlinear distortions using multisine excitations (JL, GV, RP), pp. 267–272.
- DATE-2007-MamagkakisSC #design #middleware #optimisation #protocol
- Middleware design optimization of wireless protocols based on the exploitation of dynamic input patterns (SM, DS, FC), pp. 1036–1041.
- DATE-2007-MolinaRMH #multi #optimisation #synthesis
- Area optimization of multi-cycle operators in high-level synthesis (MCM, RRS, JMM, RH), pp. 449–454.
- DATE-2007-NiM #self
- Self-heating-aware optimal wire sizing under Elmore delay model (MN, SOM), pp. 1373–1378.
- DATE-2007-QiuTW #modelling #optimisation #power management #probability #robust
- Stochastic modeling and optimization for robust power management in a partially observable system (QQ, YT, QW), pp. 779–784.
- DATE-2007-SatishRK #approach #communication #constraints #graph #multi #optimisation #scheduling
- A decomposition-based constraint optimization approach for statically scheduling task graphs with communication delays to multiprocessors (NS, KR, KK), pp. 57–62.
- DATE-2007-SuhonenKKHH #capacity #cost analysis #multi #optimisation
- Cost-aware capacity optimization in dynamic multi-hop WSNs (JS, MK, MK, MH, TDH), pp. 666–671.
- DATE-2007-TychopoulosK #architecture #communication #optimisation
- Optimization of the “FOCUS” Inband-FEC architecture for 10-Gbps SDH/SONET optical communication channels (AT, OGK), pp. 1575–1580.
- DATE-2007-WangCW #optimisation #scheduling #testing #using
- SoC testing using LFSR reseeding, and scan-slice-based TAM optimization and test scheduling (ZW, KC, SW), pp. 201–206.
- DATE-2007-YetikSTD #architecture #interactive #matlab #optimisation
- Interactive presentation: A coefficient optimization and architecture selection tool for SigmaDelta modulators in MATLAB (ÖY, OS, ST, GD), pp. 87–92.
- DRR-2007-ShangLD #optimisation #pattern matching
- OCR result optimization based on pattern matching (JS, CL, XD).
- ICDAR-2007-ChatelainALHP #multi #optimisation
- Multi-Objective Optimization for SVM Model Selection (CC, SA, YL, LH, TP), pp. 427–431.
- ICDAR-2007-LiuJ #optimisation
- Character Stroke Extraction Based on B-spline Curve Matching by Constrained Alternating Optimization (XL, YJ), pp. 13–17.
- PODS-2007-MunagalaSW #optimisation #query
- Optimization of continuous queries with shared expensive filters (KM, US, JW), pp. 215–224.
- SIGMOD-2007-BravoR #optimisation #probability #query
- Optimizing mpf queries: decision support and probabilistic inference (HCB, RR), pp. 701–712.
- SIGMOD-2007-DeHaanT #top-down
- Optimal top-down join enumeration (DD, FWT), pp. 785–796.
- SIGMOD-2007-HanNMKK #database #optimisation #parallel
- Progressive optimization in a shared-nothing parallel database (WSH, JN, VM, HK, MK), pp. 809–820.
- SIGMOD-2007-LazaridisM #multi #optimisation
- Optimization of multi-version expensive predicates (IL, SM), pp. 797–808.
- SIGMOD-2007-VardeRS #data mining #mining #named #optimisation #process #visual notation
- AutoDomainMine: a graphical data mining system for process optimization (ASV, EAR, RDSJ), pp. 1103–1105.
- SIGMOD-2007-WyssW #integration #multi #optimisation #query #relational
- Extending relational query optimization to dynamic schemas for information integration in multidatabases (CMW, FIW), pp. 473–484.
- VLDB-2007-GibasZF #framework #modelling #optimisation #query
- A General Framework for Modeling and Processing Optimization Queries (MG, NZ, HF), pp. 1069–1080.
- VLDB-2007-LiL #mining #multi #optimisation
- Optimization of Frequent Itemset Mining on Multiple-Core Processor (EL, LL), pp. 1275–1285.
- VLDB-2007-PapadomanolakisDA #automation #database #design #performance #query
- Efficient Use of the Query Optimizer for Automated Database Design (SP, DD, AA), pp. 1093–1104.
- VLDB-2007-ReS #database #optimisation #probability #query
- Materialized Views in Probabilistic Databases for Information Exchange and Query Optimization (CR, DS), pp. 51–62.
- VLDB-2007-SchnaitterSP #estimation #optimisation #query #ranking
- Depth Estimation for Ranking Query Optimization (KS, JS, NP), pp. 902–913.
- VLDB-2007-VrhovnikSSMMMK #approach #process
- An Approach to Optimize Data Processing in Business Processes (MV, HS, OS, BM, VM, AM, TK), pp. 615–626.
- FoSSaCS-2007-Chatterjee #game studies #probability #synthesis
- Optimal Strategy Synthesis in Stochastic Müller Games (KC), pp. 138–152.
- TACAS-2007-ChakiS #reasoning
- Optimized L*-Based Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (SC, OS), pp. 276–291.
- TACAS-2007-CimattiRT #optimisation #verification
- Syntactic Optimizations for PSL Verification (AC, MR, ST), pp. 505–518.
- TACAS-2007-Derisavi #algorithm #markov
- A Symbolic Algorithm for Optimal Markov Chain Lumping (SD), pp. 139–154.
- PEPM-2007-BurchettCK #functional #named #optimisation
- Lowering: a static optimization technique for transparent functional reactivity (KB, GHC, SK), pp. 71–80.
- PLDI-2007-ScherpelzLC #automation #semantics
- Automatic inference of optimizer flow functions from semantic meanings (ERS, SL, CC), pp. 135–145.
- PLDI-2007-SchneiderPG #hardware #monitoring #online #optimisation #performance
- Online optimizations driven by hardware performance monitoring (FTS, MP, TRG), pp. 373–382.
- SAS-2007-HardekopfL #analysis #equivalence #pointer
- Exploiting Pointer and Location Equivalence to Optimize Pointer Analysis (BH, CL), pp. 265–280.
- SAS-2007-Monniaux #abstraction #source code
- Optimal Abstraction on Real-Valued Programs (DM), pp. 104–120.
- STOC-2007-FranceschiniM
- Optimal suffix selection (GF, SM), pp. 328–337.
- STOC-2007-SinghL #approximate #bound
- Approximating minimum bounded degree spanning trees to within one of optimal (MS, LCL), pp. 661–670.
- ICALP-2007-DemaineMRW #algorithm #composition #distance #edit distance
- An Optimal Decomposition Algorithm for Tree Edit Distance (EDD, SM, BR, OW), pp. 146–157.
- SEFM-2007-DengRH #algorithm #execution #object-oriented #source code #symbolic computation #towards
- Towards A Case-Optimal Symbolic Execution Algorithm for Analyzing Strong Properties of Object-Oriented Programs (XD, R, JH), pp. 273–282.
- IFL-2007-MorazanS #polynomial
- Optimal λ Lifting in Quadratic Time (MTM, UPS), pp. 37–56.
- AGTIVE-2007-SchosserG #graph grammar #hardware #optimisation
- Graph Rewriting for Hardware Dependent Program Optimizations (AS, RG), pp. 233–248.
- DHM-2007-FanC #adaptation #using
- A Modified Particle Swarm Optimizer Using an Adaptive Dynamic Weight Scheme (SKSF, JMC), pp. 56–65.
- DHM-2007-YangWZJW07a #analysis
- Optimal Control and Synergic Pattern Analysis of Upper Limb Reaching-Grasping Movements (YY, RW, MZ, DJ, FW), pp. 268–275.
- HCI-AS-2007-HeHDZM #analysis #bibliography #design #optimisation #reliability
- A Review of Possibilistic Approaches to Reliability Analysis and Optimization in Engineering Design (LPH, HZH, LD, XDZ, QM), pp. 1075–1084.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ParkSKPJ #composition #modelling #user interface
- User Customization Methods Based on Mental Models: Modular UI Optimized for Customizing in Handheld Device (BP, SS, JK, WP, HJ), pp. 445–451.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KimL07b #optimisation
- Decision Theoretic Perspective on Optimizing Intelligent Help (CK, MRL), pp. 358–365.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-ViljamaaVA #architecture #mobile #multi #towards
- Towards an Optimal Information Architecture Model for Mobile Multimedia Devices (TPV, TV, AA), pp. 664–673.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-CornsML #approach #development #machine learning #optimisation #using
- Development of an Approach for Optimizing the Accuracy of Classifying Claims Narratives Using a Machine Learning Tool (TEXTMINER[4]) (HLC, HRM, MRL), pp. 411–416.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-CrawfordCM #algorithm #development #information management #optimisation
- Knowledge Management in the Development of Optimization Algorithms (BC, CC, EM), pp. 604–612.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Vallejo-FernandezGL #approach #optimisation
- A Qualitative Expert Knowledge Approach to Rendering Optimization (DVF, CGM, LJL), pp. 336–341.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-VassilevaVSD #multi #optimisation
- Generalized Multicriteria Optimization Software System MKO-2 (MV, VV, BS, DD), pp. 283–288.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-CarreiraGPW #data transformation #execution #optimisation
- One-to-many data transformation operations — optimization and execution on an RDBMS (PJFC, HG, JLMP, AW), pp. 21–27.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-SantosB #clustering #named #optimisation
- PIN: A partitioning and indexing optimization method for olap (RJS, JB), pp. 170–177.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-TraversD #graph #optimisation #perspective #xquery
- An extensible rule transformation model for XQuery optimization — rules pattern for XQuery tree graph view (NT, TTDN), pp. 351–358.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-PoloniaCO #scalability
- A MODEL to Optimize the Use of Imaging Equipment and Human Skills Scattered in Very Large Geographical Areas (DFP, CMAC, JLO), pp. 208–212.
- CIKM-2007-ChanZ #algorithm #evaluation #performance #query
- A fast unified optimal route query evaluation algorithm (EPFC, JZ), pp. 371–380.
- CIKM-2007-FuPL #network #optimisation #parallel #query
- Optimizing parallel itineraries for knn query processing in wireless sensor networks (TYF, WCP, WCL), pp. 391–400.
- CIKM-2007-RaoCFB #analysis #network #peer-to-peer
- Optimal proactive caching in peer-to-peer network: analysis and application (WR, LC, AWCF, YB), pp. 663–672.
- ECIR-2007-LiuYZQM #clustering #optimisation #performance #scalability
- Fast Large-Scale Spectral Clustering by Sequential Shrinkage Optimization (TYL, HYY, XZ, TQ, WYM), pp. 319–330.
- ICML-2007-DelageM #markov #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance #process
- Percentile optimization in uncertain Markov decision processes with application to efficient exploration (ED, SM), pp. 225–232.
- ICML-2007-JiC #optimisation
- Bayesian compressive sensing and projection optimization (SJ, LC), pp. 377–384.
- ICML-2007-WangZQ #learning #metric #towards
- Dirichlet aggregation: unsupervised learning towards an optimal metric for proportional data (HYW, HZ, HQ), pp. 959–966.
- ICML-2007-ZhangXSGL #classification #metric
- Optimal dimensionality of metric space for classification (WZ, XX, ZS, YFG, HL), pp. 1135–1142.
- KDD-2007-NijssenF #mining
- Mining optimal decision trees from itemset lattices (SN, ÉF), pp. 530–539.
- KDD-2007-ShigaTM #approach #clustering #composition #network
- A spectral clustering approach to optimally combining numericalvectors with a modular network (MS, IT, HM), pp. 647–656.
- KDD-2007-ZhengSWW #detection #generative #optimisation
- Joint optimization of wrapper generation and template detection (SZ, RS, JRW, DW), pp. 894–902.
- MLDM-2007-HulsmannF #algorithm #comparison #multi #novel #optimisation #parametricity
- Comparison of a Novel Combined ECOC Strategy with Different Multiclass Algorithms Together with Parameter Optimization Methods (MH, CMF), pp. 17–31.
- MLDM-2007-SzepannekBW #classification #on the
- On the Combination of Locally Optimal Pairwise Classifiers (GS, BB, CW), pp. 104–116.
- SEKE-2007-GuD #component #embedded #execution #integration #multi
- QoS-Optimized Integration of Embedded Software Components with Multiple Modes of Execution (ZG, QD), pp. 320–325.
- SIGIR-2007-Feng #clustering #documentation #optimisation #problem
- Document clustering: an optimization problem (AF), pp. 819–820.
- SIGIR-2007-HeMCZ #design #image #retrieval
- Laplacian optimal design for image retrieval (XH, WM, DC, KZ), pp. 119–126.
- SIGIR-2007-Metzler #modelling #parametricity #using
- Using gradient descent to optimize language modeling smoothing parameters (DM), pp. 687–688.
- SIGIR-2007-Wan #clustering #documentation #evaluation #named #using
- OMES: a new evaluation strategy using optimal matching for document clustering (XW), pp. 693–694.
- SIGIR-2007-WuLW #probability #rank #ranking
- Probability ranking principle via optimal expected rank (HCW, RWPL, KFW), pp. 713–714.
- SIGIR-2007-YueFRJ #optimisation #precise
- A support vector method for optimizing average precision (YY, TF, FR, TJ), pp. 271–278.
- REFSQ-2007-BoydZG #constraints #requirements #specification
- Optimal-Constraint Lexicons for Requirements Specifications (SB, DZ, VG), pp. 203–217.
- SAC-2007-ChaiZX #java #realtime
- Real-time Java processor optimized for RTSJ (ZC, WZ, WX), pp. 1540–1544.
- SAC-2007-FernandesRR #optimisation
- Stigmergic optimization in dynamic binary landscapes (CMF, VR, ACR), pp. 747–748.
- SAC-2007-HebertBC #anti #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing hypergraph transversal computation with an anti-monotone constraint (CH, AB, BC), pp. 443–444.
- SAC-2007-LebbahMR #constraints #implementation #performance #reduction #using
- Using constraint techniques for a safe and fast implementation of optimality-based reduction (YL, CM, MR), pp. 326–331.
- SAC-2007-Teo #adaptation #algorithm #generative #optimisation
- Investigating adaptive mutation in the generalized generation gap (G3) algorithm for unconstrained global optimization (JT), pp. 743–744.
- SAC-2007-TrutaC #incremental #maintenance #optimisation
- K-anonymization incremental maintenance and optimization techniques (TMT, AC), pp. 380–387.
- SAC-2007-WangZD #distributed #optimisation #query #web
- Query optimizing on a decentralized web search engine (DW, YZ, JD), pp. 880–881.
- SAC-2007-ZengS #combinator #geometry #optimisation #problem
- Semi-mechanization method for a unsolved optimization problem in combinatorial geometry (ZZ, MS), pp. 762–766.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-KumarSCP #analysis #design #framework #optimisation #realtime #statistics
- A profile-driven statistical analysis framework for the design optimization of soft real-time applications (TK, JS, RC, SP), pp. 529–532.
- ICSE-2007-TuckerSJL #named
- OPIUM: Optimal Package Install/Uninstall Manager (CT, DS, RJ, SL), pp. 178–188.
- SPLC-2007-LoeschP #optimisation #product line #variability
- Optimization of Variability in Software Product Lines (FL, EP), pp. 151–162.
- CC-2007-FalconerKIMFB #analysis #declarative #framework #optimisation
- A Declarative Framework for Analysis and Optimization (HF, PHJK, DMI, MRM, TF, OB), pp. 218–232.
- CC-2007-GrundH #algorithm #performance
- A Fast Cutting-Plane Algorithm for Optimal Coalescing (DG, SH), pp. 111–125.
- CC-2007-NagarakatteG #integer #linear #pipes and filters #programming #scheduling #using
- Register Allocation and Optimal Spill Code Scheduling in Software Pipelined Loops Using 0-1 Integer Linear Programming Formulation (SGN, RG), pp. 126–140.
- CGO-2007-BarthouDCDJ #compilation #composition #kernel #optimisation #using
- Loop Optimization using Hierarchical Compilation and Kernel Decomposition (DB, SD, PC, AD, WJ), pp. 170–184.
- CGO-2007-CavazosFABOT #compilation #optimisation #performance #using
- Rapidly Selecting Good Compiler Optimizations using Performance Counters (JC, GF, FVA, EVB, MFPO, OT), pp. 185–197.
- CGO-2007-KotzmannM #analysis #optimisation #runtime
- Run-Time Support for Optimizations Based on Escape Analysis (TK, HM), pp. 49–60.
- CGO-2007-KulkarniWT #algorithm #heuristic #optimisation #order
- Evaluating Heuristic Optimization Phase Order Search Algorithms (PAK, DBW, GST), pp. 157–169.
- CGO-2007-PouchetBCV #optimisation
- Iterative Optimization in the Polyhedral Model: Part I, One-Dimensional Time (LNP, CB, AC, NV), pp. 144–156.
- CGO-2007-RamanHM #layout #optimisation #parallel #source code #thread
- Structure Layout Optimization for Multithreaded Programs (ER, RH, SM), pp. 271–282.
- CGO-2007-VaswaniTSJ #architecture #compilation #empirical #modelling #optimisation
- Microarchitecture Sensitive Empirical Models for Compiler Optimizations (KV, MJT, YNS, PJJ), pp. 131–143.
- CGO-2007-WangCWSA #code generation #memory management #optimisation #transaction
- Code Generation and Optimization for Transactional Memory Constructs in an Unmanaged Language (CW, WYC, YW, BS, ARAT), pp. 34–48.
- COCV-2007-FangS #bidirectional #compilation #generative #java #using
- Generating Java Compiler Optimizers Using Bidirectional CTL (LF, MS), pp. 49–63.
- HPCA-2007-ChengCD #adaptation #protocol
- An Adaptive Cache Coherence Protocol Optimized for Producer-Consumer Sharing (LC, JBC, DD), pp. 328–339.
- HPDC-2007-SinghKD #comparison #optimisation
- A provisioning model and its comparison with best-effort for performance-cost optimization in grids (GS, CK, ED), pp. 117–126.
- LCTES-2007-HuangHG #embedded #energy #execution #optimisation #pipes and filters #streaming #throughput
- Joint throughput and energy optimization for pipelined execution of embedded streaming applications (PKH, MH, SG), pp. 137–139.
- LCTES-2007-WangCZYZ #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing software cache performance of packet processing applications (QW, JC, WZ, MY, BZ), pp. 227–236.
- LCTES-2007-ZhongX #energy #optimisation #realtime
- Frequency-aware energy optimization for real-time periodic and aperiodic tasks (XZ, CZX), pp. 21–30.
- PPoPP-2007-IancuS #communication #network #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing communication overlap for high-speed networks (CI, ES), pp. 35–45.
- PPoPP-2007-JohnsonEV #composition #concurrent #empirical #optimisation #thread
- Speculative thread decomposition through empirical optimization (TAJ, RE, TNV), pp. 205–214.
- PPoPP-2007-ZhangSZSG #concurrent
- Optimized lock assignment and allocation: a method for exploiting concurrency among critical sections (YZ, VCS, WZ, VS, GRG), pp. 146–147.
- CADE-2007-MotikSH #logic #reasoning #using
- Optimized Reasoning in Description Logics Using Hypertableaux (BM, RS, IH), pp. 67–83.
- LICS-2007-BaillotCL #complexity #logic #reduction
- Light Logics and Optimal Reduction: Completeness and Complexity (PB, PC, UDL), pp. 421–430.
- RTA-2007-Leroy #compilation #optimisation #verification
- Formal Verification of an Optimizing Compiler (XL), p. 1.
- TestCom-FATES-2007-ZelenovZ #compilation #modelling #optimisation #testing
- Model-Based Testing of Optimizing Compilers (SVZ, SAZ), pp. 365–377.
- CASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling
- An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
- CASE-2006-DingYZA #clustering #evaluation #multi #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance #process #tool support
- Performance Evaluation and Schedule Optimization of Multi-Cluster Tools with Process Times Uncertainty (SD, JY, MTZ, RAT), pp. 112–117.
- CASE-2006-FangL #agile #multi
- A Class of Optimal Operation Planning for Kanban Managed Multi-Stage Production System (YF, YJL), pp. 369–374.
- CASE-2006-KobetskiSF #algorithm #comparison #coordination #scheduling
- Scheduling algorithms for optimal robot cell coordination — a comparison (AK, DS, MF), pp. 381–386.
- CASE-2006-KwokHLF #image #multi #optimisation #using
- Intensity-Preserving Contrast Enhancement for Gray-Level Images using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (NMK, QPH, DL, GF), pp. 21–26.
- CASE-2006-NishiM #composition #optimisation #petri net #problem
- Decomposition of Petri Nets for Optimization of Routing Problem for AGVs in Semiconductor Fabrication Bays (TN, RM), pp. 236–241.
- CASE-2006-RaghavanV #optimisation #parallel #product line #scheduling #using
- Scheduling Parallel Batch Processors with Incompatible Job Families Using Ant Colony Optimization (NRSR, MV), pp. 507–512.
- CASE-2006-ShrinivasR
- Optimal advertisement-innovation mix for maximizing the discounted flow of profit (PS, NRSR), pp. 562–567.
- CASE-2006-StanBM #optimisation
- Optimization of the workspace of PKM with 2 DOF (SS, RB, VM), pp. 69–74.
- CASE-2006-WangQW #multi #optimisation #scheduling
- Scheduling Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication with Optimization of Multiple objectives (ZW, FQ, QW), pp. 253–258.
- CASE-2006-XieZJ
- Optimal control for networked control system via δ-operator formulation (LX, WZ, ZJ), pp. 656–660.
- CASE-2006-XingTXH #complexity #concurrent #flexibility #policy #polynomial
- Optimal Polynomial Complexity Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Manufacturing Systems with Flexible Routings (KX, FT, HX, BH), pp. 448–453.
- CASE-2006-XuL #3d #architecture #optimisation #parallel
- Accuracy-Based Architecture Optimization of a 3-DOF Parallel Kinematic Machine (QX, YL), pp. 63–68.
- DAC-2006-AksoyCFM #constraints #integer #linear #optimisation #programming #satisfiability #synthesis #using
- Optimization of area under a delay constraint in digital filter synthesis using SAT-based integer linear programming (LA, EACdC, PFF, JM), pp. 669–674.
- DAC-2006-BhardwajVGC #analysis #modelling #optimisation #process
- Modeling of intra-die process variations for accurate analysis and optimization of nano-scale circuits (SB, SBKV, PG, YC), pp. 791–796.
- DAC-2006-ChenCFX #multi
- Optimality study of resource binding with multi-Vdds (DC, JC, YF, JX), pp. 580–585.
- DAC-2006-CongFHJZ #behaviour #communication
- Behavior and communication co-optimization for systems with sequential communication media (JC, YF, GH, WJ, ZZ), pp. 675–678.
- DAC-2006-DavoodiS #optimisation #variability
- Variability driven gate sizing for binning yield optimization (AD, AS), pp. 959–964.
- DAC-2006-EeckelaertSGSS #design #optimisation #standard
- Hierarchical bottom--up analog optimization methodology validated by a delta-sigma A/D converter design for the 802.11a/b/g standard (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 25–30.
- DAC-2006-HammoudaSDTNBAS #design #framework #migration
- Chameleon ART: a non-optimization based analog design migration framework (SH, HS, MD, MT, QN, WMB, HMA, HIS), pp. 885–888.
- DAC-2006-HanGCJ #memory management #optimisation #video
- Buffer memory optimization for video codec application modeled in Simulink (SIH, XG, SIC, AAJ), pp. 689–694.
- DAC-2006-KeaneEKSK #framework #logic
- Subthreshold logical effort: a systematic framework for optimal subthreshold device sizing (JK, HE, TTHK, SSS, CHK), pp. 425–428.
- DAC-2006-LeungT #performance #scheduling
- Optimal link scheduling on improving best-effort and guaranteed services performance in network-on-chip systems (LFL, CYT), pp. 833–838.
- DAC-2006-LinCC #clustering #optimisation
- Optimal simultaneous mapping and clustering for FPGA delay optimization (JYL, DC, JC), pp. 472–477.
- DAC-2006-NieuwoudtRM #named #optimisation #synthesis
- SOC-NLNA: synthesis and optimization for fully integrated narrow-band CMOS low noise amplifiers (AN, TR, YM), pp. 879–884.
- DAC-2006-OzturkCK #approach #constraints #network #optimisation #parallel
- Optimizing code parallelization through a constraint network based approach (ÖÖ, GC, MTK), pp. 863–688.
- DAC-2006-ShahGK #library #optimisation #reduction #standard
- Standard cell library optimization for leakage reduction (SS, PG, ABK), pp. 983–986.
- DAC-2006-ShamYC
- Optimal cell flipping in placement and floorplanning (CWS, EFYY, CCNC), pp. 1109–1114.
- DAC-2006-WangGDK #design #optimisation #using
- Design space exploration using time and resource duality with the ant colony optimization (GW, WG, BD, RK), pp. 451–454.
- DAC-2006-WangZ #bound
- Optimal jumper insertion for antenna avoidance under ratio upper-bound (JW, HZ), pp. 761–766.
- DAC-2006-ZouMGS #optimisation
- A CPPLL hierarchical optimization methodology considering jitter, power and locking time (JZ, DM, HEG, US), pp. 19–24.
- DATE-2006-AlimondaACP #approach #energy #optimisation #pipes and filters #runtime
- A control theoretic approach to run-time energy optimization of pipelined processing in MPSoCs (AA, AA, SC, AP), pp. 876–877.
- DATE-2006-ChakrabortySDMMP #bound #optimisation
- Thermal resilient bounded-skew clock tree optimization methodology (AC, PS, KD, AM, EM, MP), pp. 832–837.
- DATE-2006-CorneaND #mobile #optimisation
- Software annotations for power optimization on mobile devices (RC, AN, NDD), pp. 684–689.
- DATE-2006-HosangadiFK #optimisation #using
- Optimizing high speed arithmetic circuits using three-term extraction (AH, FF, RK), pp. 1294–1299.
- DATE-2006-IizukaIA #layout #optimisation
- Timing-driven cell layout de-compaction for yield optimization by critical area minimization (TI, MI, KA), pp. 884–889.
- DATE-2006-KastnerGHBKBS #communication #layout #optimisation #synthesis
- Layout driven data communication optimization for high level synthesis (RK, WG, XH, FB, AK, PB, MS), pp. 1185–1190.
- DATE-2006-KranitisMLTPGH #embedded #fault #pipes and filters #testing
- Optimal periodic testing of intermittent faults in embedded pipelined processor applications (NK, AM, NL, GT, AMP, DG, CH), pp. 65–70.
- DATE-2006-LeupersKKP #configuration management #design #embedded #set #synthesis
- A design flow for configurable embedded processors based on optimized instruction set extension synthesis (RL, KK, SK, MP), pp. 581–586.
- DATE-2006-LiCY #adaptation #embedded #energy #optimisation #performance #realtime
- Performance optimization for energy-aware adaptive checkpointing in embedded real-time systems (ZL, HC, SY), pp. 678–683.
- DATE-2006-LiuI #optimisation #scheduling #using
- Test scheduling with thermal optimization for network-on-chip systems using variable-rate on-chip clocking (CL, VI), pp. 652–657.
- DATE-2006-MallikSBZ #design #optimisation #power management
- Smart bit-width allocation for low power optimization in a systemc based ASIC design environment (AM, DS, PB, HZ), pp. 618–623.
- DATE-2006-MamagkakisAPCSM #automation #embedded #memory management
- Automated exploration of pareto-optimal configurations in parameterized dynamic memory allocation for embedded systems (SM, DA, CP, FC, DS, JMM), pp. 874–875.
- DATE-2006-MohantyVK #optimisation
- Physical-aware simulated annealing optimization of gate leakage in nanoscale datapath circuits (SPM, RV, EK), pp. 1191–1196.
- DATE-2006-MonchieroPSV #hardware #optimisation #performance
- Power/performance hardware optimization for synchronization intensive applications in MPSoCs (MM, GP, CS, OV), pp. 606–611.
- DATE-2006-OgrasMLC #architecture #communication #optimisation
- Communication architecture optimization: making the shortest path shorter in regular networks-on-chip (ÜYO, RM, HGL, NC), pp. 712–717.
- DATE-2006-RongP #algorithm #formal method #markov #online #process
- Determining the optimal timeout values for a power-managed system based on the theory of Markovian processes: offline and online algorithms (PR, MP), pp. 1128–1133.
- DATE-2006-Ruiz-SautuaMMH #multi #optimisation #performance
- Pre-synthesis optimization of multiplications to improve circuit performance (RRS, MCM, JMM, RH), pp. 1306–1311.
- DATE-2006-ScharwachterHLAM #hardware #interprocedural #multi #network #optimisation #thread #using
- An interprocedural code optimization technique for network processors using hardware multi-threading support (HS, MH, RL, GA, HM), pp. 919–924.
- DATE-2006-SchusterNPF #architecture #power management
- Architectural and technology influence on the optimal total power consumption (CS, JLN, CP, PAF), pp. 989–994.
- DATE-2006-SovianiTE #composition #optimisation
- Optimizing sequential cycles through Shannon decomposition and retiming (CS, OT, SAE), pp. 1085–1090.
- DATE-2006-SundaresanM #energy #optimisation
- Value-based bit ordering for energy optimization of on-chip global signal buses (KS, NRM), pp. 624–625.
- DATE-2006-VenkataramanHLS #optimisation
- Integrated placement and skew optimization for rotary clocking (GV, JH, FL, CCNS), pp. 756–761.
- DATE-2006-WangXVI #analysis #optimisation
- On-chip bus thermal analysis and optimization (FW, YX, NV, MJI), pp. 850–855.
- DATE-2006-WehrmeisterPB #embedded #generative #java #object-oriented #optimisation #realtime #specification
- Optimizing the generation of object-oriented real-time embedded applications based on the real-time specification for Java (MAW, CEP, LBB), pp. 806–811.
- DATE-2006-YavariSR #design #hybrid
- Systematic and optimal design of CMOS two-stage opamps with hybrid cascode compensation (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 144–149.
- DATE-DF-2006-DumitrascuBPBJ #flexibility #framework #performance
- Flexible MPSoC platform with fast interconnect exploration for optimal system performance for a specific application (FD, IB, LP, MB, AAJ), pp. 166–171.
- DATE-DF-2006-LinHJC #optimisation #pattern matching #regular expression
- Optimization of regular expression pattern matching circuits on FPGA (CHL, CTH, CPJ, SCC), pp. 12–17.
- DRR-2006-ChellapillaSS #classification
- Optimally combining a cascade of classifiers (KC, MS, PYS).
- PODS-2006-GoelGM #modelling #optimisation #using
- Asking the right questions: model-driven optimization using probes (AG, SG, KM), pp. 203–212.
- SIGMOD-2006-DingTS #maintenance #named #query
- OMCAT: optimal maintenance of continuous queries’ answers for trajectories (HD, GT, PS), pp. 748–750.
- SIGMOD-2006-IpeirotisAJG #query #towards
- To search or to crawl?: towards a query optimizer for text-centric tasks (PGI, EA, PJ, LG), pp. 265–276.
- SIGMOD-2006-LooCGGHMRRS #declarative #execution #network #optimisation
- Declarative networking: language, execution and optimization (BTL, TC, MNG, DEG, JMH, PM, RR, TR, IS), pp. 97–108.
- SIGMOD-2006-PapadimitriouY #multi
- Optimal multi-scale patterns in time series streams (SP, PSY), pp. 647–658.
- SIGMOD-2006-PapaemmanouilACJY #optimisation
- Extensible optimization in overlay dissemination trees (OP, YA, UÇ, JJ, YY), pp. 611–622.
- SIGMOD-2006-ZhangHCWLC #database #optimisation #query #ranking
- Boolean + ranking: querying a database by k-constrained optimization (ZZ, SwH, KCCC, MW, CAL, YCC), pp. 359–370.
- VLDB-2006-BastMSTW #named #query
- IO-Top-k: Index-access Optimized Top-k Query Processing (HB, DM, RS, MT, GW), pp. 475–486.
- VLDB-2006-HabichRL #database #named #optimisation
- GignoMDA — Exploiting Cross-Layer Optimization for Complex Database Applications (DH, SR, WL), p. 1251–?.
- VLDB-2006-HarizopoulosLAM #database #performance #trade-off
- Performance Tradeoffs in Read-Optimized Databases (SH, VL, DJA, SM), pp. 487–498.
- VLDB-2006-KacheHMRE #named #optimisation #query
- POP/FED: Progressive Query Optimization for Federated Queries in DB2 (HK, WSH, VM, VR, SE), pp. 1175–1178.
- VLDB-2006-KanneM #algorithm #approximate #clustering #linear
- A Linear Time Algorithm for Optimal Tree Sibling Partitioning and Approximation Algorithms in Natix (CCK, GM), pp. 91–102.
- VLDB-2006-MoerkotteN #algorithm #analysis #generative #programming
- Analysis of Two Existing and One New Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Generation of Optimal Bushy Join Trees without Cross Products (GM, TN), pp. 930–941.
- VLDB-2006-ShivamBC #cost analysis #learning #modelling #optimisation
- Active and Accelerated Learning of Cost Models for Optimizing Scientific Applications (PS, SB, JSC), pp. 535–546.
- VLDB-2006-SrivastavaMWM #optimisation #query #web #web service
- Query Optimization over Web Services (US, KM, JW, RM), pp. 355–366.
- VLDB-2006-WangRGB #multi #named #optimisation #paradigm #query
- State-Slice: New Paradigm of Multi-query Optimization of Window-based Stream Queries (SW, EAR, SG, SB), pp. 619–630.
- VLDB-2006-WangSLWYDRM #named #optimisation #query #runtime #semantics #xml
- R-SOX: Runtime Semantic Query Optimization over XML Streams (SW, HS, ML, MW, SY, DD, EAR, MM), pp. 1207–1210.
- VLDB-2006-ZhangDXT #query
- Progressive Computation of the Min-Dist Optimal-Location Query (DZ, YD, TX, YT), pp. 643–654.
- ESOP-2006-LalLPL #debugging #optimisation #source code
- Path Optimization in Programs and Its Application to Debugging (AL, JL, MP, BL), pp. 246–263.
- WCRE-2006-Bodhuin #java #named
- PODoJA: Packaging Optimizer for Downloadable Java Applications (TB), pp. 295–296.
- PLDI-2006-ChenBCGC #garbage collection #locality #optimisation
- Profile-guided proactive garbage collection for locality optimization (WkC, SB, TMC, XG, WC), pp. 332–340.
- PLDI-2006-HarrisPST #memory management #optimisation #transaction
- Optimizing memory transactions (TLH, MP, AS, DT), pp. 14–25.
- PLDI-2006-LauAHC #online #optimisation #performance #using
- Online performance auditing: using hot optimizations without getting burned (JL, MA, MH, BC), pp. 239–251.
- PLDI-2006-RenWP #optimisation #permutation
- Optimizing data permutations for SIMD devices (GR, PW, DAP), pp. 118–131.
- PLDI-2006-TriantafyllisBROA #framework #optimisation #strict
- A framework for unrestricted whole-program optimization (ST, MJB, ER, GO, DIA), pp. 61–71.
- SAS-2006-BartheGKR #compilation #optimisation
- Certificate Translation for Optimizing Compilers (GB, BG, CK, TR), pp. 301–317.
- STOC-2006-CharikarMM #algorithm #game studies
- Near-optimal algorithms for unique games (MC, KM, YM), pp. 205–214.
- STOC-2006-DaskalakisMR #re-engineering
- Optimal phylogenetic reconstruction (CD, EM, SR), pp. 159–168.
- STOC-2006-LeviRS #algorithm #modelling #probability
- Provably near-optimal sampling-based algorithms for Stochastic inventory control models (RL, RR, DBS), pp. 739–748.
- STOC-2006-Szegedy
- The DLT priority sampling is essentially optimal (MS), pp. 150–158.
- ICALP-v1-2006-ChakrabartyMV #design #optimisation
- Design Is as Easy as Optimization (DC, AM, VVV), pp. 477–488.
- ICALP-v1-2006-FinocchiGI #fault #memory management #sorting
- Optimal Resilient Sorting and Searching in the Presence of Memory Faults (IF, FG, GFI), pp. 286–298.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Golynski #bound #rank
- Optimal Lower Bounds for Rank and Select Indexes (AG), pp. 370–381.
- ICALP-v1-2006-HeZ #graph
- Nearly Optimal Visibility Representations of Plane Graphs (XH, HZ), pp. 407–418.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Marx #optimisation #problem
- A Parameterized View on Matroid Optimization Problems (DM), pp. 655–666.
- SEFM-2006-KanadeSK #compilation #framework #optimisation #validation
- A PVS Based Framework for Validating Compiler Optimizations (AK, AS, UPK), pp. 108–117.
- SIGAda-2006-ZalilaHP #compilation #corba #optimisation
- An improved IDL compiler for optimizing CORBA applications (BZ, JH, LP), pp. 21–28.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-OommenC #database #on the #optimisation #query
- On Utilizing Attribute Cardinality Maps to Enhance Query Optimization in the Oracle Database System (BJO, JC), pp. 23–35.
- ICEIS-J-2006-OommenC06a #database #on the #optimisation #query
- On Enhancing Query Optimization in the Oracle Database System by Utilizing Attribute Cardinality Maps (BJO, JC), pp. 38–71.
- CIKM-2006-ChirkovaS #optimisation #query #using
- Query optimization using restructured views (RC, FS), pp. 642–651.
- CIKM-2006-GolabBO #multi #optimisation
- Multi-query optimization of sliding window aggregates by schedule synchronization (LG, KGB, MTÖ), pp. 844–845.
- ICML-2006-BanerjeeGdN #modelling #optimisation #visual notation
- Convex optimization techniques for fitting sparse Gaussian graphical models (OB, LEG, Ad, GN), pp. 89–96.
- ICML-2006-KimMB #analysis #kernel
- Optimal kernel selection in Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (SJK, AM, SPB), pp. 465–472.
- ICML-2006-KimMSBL #classification #linear
- Pareto optimal linear classification (SJK, AM, SS, SPB, JL), pp. 473–480.
- ICML-2006-NevmyvakaFK #execution #learning
- Reinforcement learning for optimized trade execution (YN, YF, MK), pp. 673–680.
- ICML-2006-SongE #human-computer #interface #learning
- Classifying EEG for brain-computer interfaces: learning optimal filters for dynamical system features (LS, JE), pp. 857–864.
- ICPR-v1-2006-LinWZZ #optimisation
- Continuous Optimization based-on Boosting Gaussian Mixture Model (BL, XW, RtZ, ZZ), pp. 1192–1195.
- ICPR-v1-2006-PongC #3d #detection #modelling #using
- Optimal Cascade Construction for Detection using 3D Models (HKP, TJC), pp. 808–811.
- ICPR-v1-2006-QiuGDC #image #optimisation #using
- Tone Mapping for HDR Image using Optimization A New Closed Form Solution (GQ, JG, JD, MC), pp. 996–999.
- ICPR-v2-2006-GaoLL #approach #classification #learning #optimisation
- An ensemble classifier learning approach to ROC optimization (SG, CHL, JHL), pp. 679–682.
- ICPR-v2-2006-OlssonKO #estimation
- Optimal Estimation of Perspective Camera Pose (CO, FK, MO), pp. 5–8.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ThakoorJWG #classification
- Occlusion Resistant Shape Classifier based onWarped Optimal Path Matching (NT, SJ, QW, JG), pp. 60–63.
- ICPR-v2-2006-TongWMI #3d #optimisation #representation
- Evolutionary Optimization of Feature Representation for 3D Point-based (XT, HSW, BM, HHSI), pp. 707–710.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangPB #classification #learning #representation
- Learning Optimal Filter Representation for Texture Classification (PZ, JP, BPB), pp. 1138–1141.
- ICPR-v3-2006-AlleneP #image #optimisation #using
- Image Renaissance Using Discrete Optimization (CA, NP), pp. 631–634.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ChoeCLM #generative #image
- Optimal Global Mosaic Generation from Retinal Images (TEC, IC, MWL, GGM), pp. 681–684.
- ICPR-v3-2006-DePieroC #graph
- Structural Matching Via Optimal Basis Graphs (FWD, JKC), pp. 449–452.
- ICPR-v3-2006-KananFE #locality #performance #recognition #using
- An Efficient Face Recognition System Using a New Optimized Localization Method (HRK, KF, ME), pp. 564–567.
- ICPR-v3-2006-KimLL #algorithm #image #optimisation
- Joint Optimization of Image Registration and Comparametric Exposure Compensation Based on the Lucas-Kanade Algorithm (DSK, SYL, KL), pp. 905–908.
- ICPR-v3-2006-KohmuraW #algorithm #search-based #using
- Determining Optimal Filters for Binarization of Degraded Characters in Color Using Genetic Algorithms (HK, TW), pp. 661–664.
- ICPR-v3-2006-Martinez-ArroyoS #classification #learning #naive bayes
- Learning an Optimal Naive Bayes Classifier (MMA, LES), pp. 1236–1239.
- ICPR-v3-2006-YamazoeUA #constraints #geometry #multi #optimisation #using
- Multiple Camera Calibration with Bundled Optimization using Silhouette Geometry Constraints (HY, AU, SA), pp. 960–963.
- ICPR-v4-2006-CzuniCL #parametricity
- Estimating the Optimal Quantization Parameter in H.264 (LC, GC, AL), pp. 330–333.
- ICPR-v4-2006-LuC06a #3d #analysis #metric #using
- Practical 3-D Shape Measurement Using Optimal Intensity-Modulated Projection and Intensity-Phase Analysis Techniques (CL, GC), pp. 870–873.
- ICPR-v4-2006-Martinez-ArroyoS06a #classification #learning #naive bayes
- Learning an Optimal Naive Bayes Classifier (MMA, LES), p. 958.
- ICPR-v4-2006-TaxD #linear #optimisation
- Linear model combining by optimizing the Area under the ROC curve (DMJT, RPWD), pp. 119–122.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ZaimQSIT #clustering #image #robust #segmentation #using
- A Robust and Accurate Segmentation of Iris Images Using Optimal Partitioning (AZ, MKQ, JS, JI, RT), pp. 578–581.
- KDD-2006-YanB #classification #optimisation #ranking
- Beyond classification and ranking: constrained optimization of the ROI (LY, PB), pp. 948–953.
- KR-2006-SirinGP #logic #optimisation #reasoning
- From Wine to Water: Optimizing Description Logic Reasoning for Nominals (ES, BCG, BP), pp. 90–99.
- SEKE-2006-LiuP #modelling #multi #optimisation #query
- Multi-model Based Optimization for Stream Query Processing (YL, BP), pp. 150–155.
- LOPSTR-2006-MoralesCH #automaton #optimisation #prolog #towards
- Towards Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in an Extension of Prolog (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 77–93.
- POPL-2006-MenonGMMSAP #compilation #optimisation #representation
- A verifiable SSA program representation for aggressive compiler optimization (VM, NG, BRM, AM, TS, ARAT, LP), pp. 397–408.
- RE-2006-WendlandPO
- Optimal Solutions for Hospital Websites (KW, CP, PO), pp. 228–233.
- SAC-2006-CutelloNP #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #using
- Real coded clonal selection algorithm for unconstrained global optimization using a hybrid inversely proportional hypermutation operator (VC, GN, MP), pp. 950–954.
- SAC-2006-ErshovNM #architecture #precise
- Quad and correctly rounded double precision math functions: portable and optimized for Intel architectures (AE, AN, SM), pp. 1310–1317.
- SAC-2006-MeyerAWMF #grid #performance #workflow
- Planning spatial workflows to optimize grid performance (LAVCM, JA, MW, MM, ITF), pp. 786–790.
- SAC-2006-MontanesCRD #categorisation #feature model #linear #metric
- Finding optimal linear measures for feature selection in text categorization (EM, EFC, JR, ID), pp. 861–862.
- SAC-2006-ShapiraTM
- Study of the usefulness of known and new implicit indicators and their optimal combination for accurate inference of users interests (BS, MTM, AM), pp. 1118–1119.
- SAC-2006-WongZC #metric #modelling #statistics
- Applying statistical methodology to optimize and simplify software metric models with missing data (WEW, JZ, VKYC), pp. 1728–1733.
- ICSE-2006-Achatz #development #optimisation
- Optimization of software development (RA), p. 30.
- ICSE-2006-Grunske #architecture #design #identification #multi #optimisation
- Identifying “good” architectural design alternatives with multi-objective optimization strategies (LG), pp. 849–852.
- SPLC-2006-Scheidemann #distributed #embedded #evolution #optimisation #product line #verification
- Optimizing the Selection of Representative Configurations in Verification of Evolving Product Lines of Distributed Embedded Systems (KDS), pp. 75–84.
- ASPLOS-2006-SilvaS #analysis #optimisation #pointer #probability
- A probabilistic pointer analysis for speculative optimizations (JDS, JGS), pp. 416–425.
- CC-2006-CavazosMO #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #question
- Hybrid Optimizations: Which Optimization Algorithm to Use? (JC, JEBM, MFPO), pp. 124–138.
- CC-2006-HammondL #bytecode #java #optimisation
- Loop Transformations in the Ahead-of-Time Optimization of Java Bytecode (SH, DL), pp. 109–123.
- CC-2006-LiuW #architecture #compilation #optimisation #performance #perspective
- Performance Characterization of the 64-bit x86 Architecture from Compiler Optimizations’ Perspective (JL, YW), pp. 155–169.
- CGO-2006-AgakovBCFFOTTW #machine learning #optimisation #using
- Using Machine Learning to Focus Iterative Optimization (FVA, EVB, JC, BF, GF, MFPO, JT, MT, CKIW), pp. 295–305.
- CGO-2006-DasLH #detection #monitoring #optimisation
- Region Monitoring for Local Phase Detection in Dynamic Optimization Systems (AD, JL, WCH), pp. 124–134.
- CGO-2006-HundtMC #layout #optimisation
- Practical Structure Layout Optimization and Advice (RH, SM, DRC), pp. 233–244.
- CGO-2006-KulkarniWTD #optimisation #order
- Exhaustive Optimization Phase Order Space Exploration (PAK, DBW, GST, JWD), pp. 306–318.
- CGO-2006-LiZXH #optimisation
- Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation for SIMD Instructions (JL, QZ, SX, BH), pp. 269–280.
- CGO-2006-LupoW #optimisation
- Post Register Allocation Spill Code Optimization (CL, KDW), pp. 245–255.
- CGO-2006-PanE #automation #compilation #distributed #effectiveness #optimisation #performance
- Fast and Effective Orchestration of Compiler Optimizations for Automatic Performance Tuning (ZP, RE), pp. 319–332.
- CGO-2006-ZhangCT #framework #optimisation #self
- A Self-Repairing Prefetcher in an Event-Driven Dynamic Optimization Framework (WZ, BC, DMT), pp. 50–64.
- CGO-2006-ZhangZP #compilation #optimisation #security
- Compiler Optimizations to Reduce Security Overhead (TZ, XZ, SP), pp. 346–357.
- HPDC-2006-BrunetAN #network #optimisation
- Short Paper : Dynamic Optimization of Communications over High Speed Networks (EB, OA, RN), pp. 345–346.
- HPDC-2006-DjerrahCCR #bound #framework #optimisation #problem
- Bob++: Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Branch-and-Bound methods (AD, BLC, VDC, CR), pp. 369–370.
- HPDC-2006-MarchalPRZ #grid
- Optimal Bandwidth Sharing in Grid Environments (LM, PVBP, YR, JZ), pp. 144–155.
- ISMM-2006-BhatiaCL #behaviour #co-evolution #design #optimisation
- Memory-manager/scheduler co-design: optimizing event-driven servers to improve cache behavior (SB, CC, JLL), pp. 104–114.
- ISMM-2006-Joisha #compilation #garbage collection #optimisation
- Compiler optimizations for nondeferred reference-counting garbage collection (PGJ), pp. 150–161.
- LCTES-2006-KulkarniWTD #optimisation #order
- In search of near-optimal optimization phase orderings (PAK, DBW, GST, JWD), pp. 83–92.
- LCTES-2006-PlatenE #feedback #layout #optimisation
- Feedback linking: optimizing object code layout for updates (CvP, JE), pp. 2–11.
- LCTES-2006-RothamelLHL #generative #specification
- Generating optimized code from SCR specifications (TR, YAL, CLH, EIL), pp. 135–144.
- LCTES-2006-ZhangQWZZ #architecture #compilation #multi #optimisation
- Optimizing compiler for shared-memory multiple SIMD architecture (WZ, XQ, YW, BZ, CZ), pp. 199–208.
- PPoPP-2006-BasumallikE #optimisation
- Optimizing irregular shared-memory applications for distributed-memory systems (AB, RE), pp. 119–128.
- ICLP-2006-GuoLJ #optimisation
- Relaxation on Optimization Predicates (HFG, ML, BJ), pp. 425–426.
- ICLP-2006-SilvaC #compilation #design #implementation #logic programming #optimisation #programming language
- The Design and Implementation of the YAP Compiler: An Optimizing Compiler for Logic Programming Languages (AFdS, VSC), pp. 461–462.
- SAT-2006-NieuwenhuisO #modulo theories #on the #optimisation #problem #satisfiability
- On SAT Modulo Theories and Optimization Problems (RN, AO), pp. 156–169.
- CBSE-2005-FredrikssonSA #component #optimisation #realtime #resource management
- Optimizing Resource Usage in Component-Based Real-Time Systems (JF, KS, MÅ), pp. 49–65.
- ASE-2005-AgarwalSWS #concurrent #detection #runtime #using
- Optimized run-time race detection and atomicity checking using partial discovered types (RA, AS, LW, SDS), pp. 233–242.
- CASE-2005-GuschinskayaDGL #approach #heuristic #optimisation
- A combined heuristic approach for optimization of a class of machining lines (OG, AD, NG, GL), pp. 154–159.
- CASE-2005-KrefftH #optimisation #parallel
- Elastodynamic optimization of parallel kinematics (MK, JH), pp. 357–362.
- CASE-2005-LiX #2d #design #novel #parallel
- Optimal design of a novel 2-DOF compliant parallel micromanipulator for nanomanipulation (YL, QX), pp. 118–123.
- CASE-2005-PachnerBR #optimisation
- Intensive fish breeding optimization (DP, PB, BR), pp. 55–60.
- CASE-2005-PanSY #approach #optimisation #problem
- A new optimization approach to the general single machine earliness-tardiness problem (YP, LS, HY), pp. 43–48.
- CASE-2005-ZhangNML #configuration management #multi #optimisation
- Multi-factory optimization enables kit reconfiguration in semiconductor manufacturing (MTZ, SN, MM, QL), pp. 105–112.
- DAC-2005-AgarwalCBZ #analysis #optimisation #statistics #using
- Circuit optimization using statistical static timing analysis (AA, KC, DB, VZ), pp. 321–324.
- DAC-2005-BhattacharyaJS #optimisation
- Template-driven parasitic-aware optimization of analog integrated circuit layouts (SB, NJ, CJRS), pp. 644–647.
- DAC-2005-ChengWLLH #architecture #reduction
- Device and architecture co-optimization for FPGA power reduction (LC, PW, FL, YL, LH), pp. 915–920.
- DAC-2005-KimK #array #design #embedded #memory management #optimisation #scheduling
- Memory access optimization through combined code scheduling, memory allocation, and array binding in embedded system design (JK, TK), pp. 105–110.
- DAC-2005-LeeGML #named #optimisation
- MiniBit: bit-width optimization via affine arithmetic (DUL, AAG, OM, WL), pp. 837–840.
- DAC-2005-LiC #architecture #embedded
- Application/architecture power co-optimization for embedded systems powered by renewable sources (DL, PHC), pp. 618–623.
- DAC-2005-LingSB #case study
- FPGA technology mapping: a study of optimality (ACL, DPS, SDB), pp. 427–432.
- DAC-2005-NieuwoudtM #approach #multi #optimisation
- Multi-level approach for integrated spiral inductor optimization (AN, YM), pp. 648–651.
- DAC-2005-RaoV #energy #set
- Energy optimal speed control of devices with discrete speed sets (RR, SBKV), pp. 901–904.
- DAC-2005-RenG #framework #optimisation #synthesis
- A unified optimization framework for equalization filter synthesis (JR, MRG), pp. 638–643.
- DAC-2005-SouMD #approach #optimisation #order #reduction
- A quasi-convex optimization approach to parameterized model order reduction (KCS, AM, LD), pp. 933–938.
- DAC-2005-TamH
- Power optimal dual-Vdd buffered tree considering buffer stations and blockages (KHT, LH), pp. 497–502.
- DAC-2005-TangZB #library #optimisation #power management #synthesis
- Leakage power optimization with dual-Vth library in high-level synthesis (XT, HZ, PB), pp. 202–207.
- DAC-2005-XuHLNBP #design #named #nondeterminism #optimisation #robust
- OPERA: optimization with ellipsoidal uncertainty for robust analog IC design (YX, KLH, XL, IN, SPB, LTP), pp. 632–637.
- DAC-2005-XuNC #constraints #design #embedded #multi #optimisation
- Multi-frequency wrapper design and optimization for embedded cores under average power constraints (QX, NN, KC), pp. 123–128.
- DAC-2005-ZhangLLSS #realtime #scheduling
- Optimal procrastinating voltage scheduling for hard real-time systems (YZ, ZL, JL, KS, MRS), pp. 905–908.
- DAC-2005-ZhaoZD #constraints #robust
- Constraint-aware robustness insertion for optimal noise-tolerance enhancement in VLSI circuits (CZ, YZ, SD), pp. 190–195.
- DATE-2005-AgarwalCB #optimisation #statistics #using
- Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing (AA, KC, DB), pp. 400–405.
- DATE-2005-BadaouiV #multi #performance #synthesis
- Multi-Placement Structures for Fast and Optimized Placement in Analog Circuit Synthesis (RFB, RV), pp. 138–143.
- DATE-2005-ChenKK #approach #constraints #layout #memory management #network #optimisation
- A Constraint Network Based Approach to Memory Layout Optimization (GC, MTK, MK), pp. 1156–1161.
- DATE-2005-ChienCLMRM #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Designer-Driven Topology Optimization for Pipelined Analog to Digital Converters (YTC, DC, JHL, GKM, RAR, TM), pp. 279–280.
- DATE-2005-DhillonDC #analysis #optimisation
- Soft-Error Tolerance Analysis and Optimization of Nanometer Circuits (YSD, AUD, AC), pp. 288–293.
- DATE-2005-EeckelaertMG #multi #performance #synthesis #using
- Efficient Multiobjective Synthesis of Analog Circuits using Hierarchical Pareto-Optimal Performance Hypersurfaces (TE, TM, GGEG), pp. 1070–1075.
- DATE-2005-GoelM #design #framework #multi #testing
- On-Chip Test Infrastructure Design for Optimal Multi-Site Testing of System Chips (SKG, EJM), pp. 44–49.
- DATE-2005-GuoBNV #c #generative
- Optimized Generation of Data-Path from C Codes for FPGAs (ZG, BB, WAN, KAV), pp. 112–117.
- DATE-2005-HamannE #optimisation #search-based
- TDMA Time Slot and Turn Optimization with Evolutionary Search Techniques (AH, RE), pp. 312–317.
- DATE-2005-HanlaiMJ #control flow #graph #memory management #optimisation #performance #using
- Extended Control Flow Graph Based Performance Optimization Using Scratch-Pad Memory (PH, LM, JJ), pp. 828–829.
- DATE-2005-IsseninD #automation #generative #memory management #named #optimisation
- FORAY-GEN: Automatic Generation of Affine Functions for Memory Optimizations (II, NDD), pp. 808–813.
- DATE-2005-IzosimovPEP #design #distributed #embedded #fault tolerance #optimisation
- Design Optimization of Time-and Cost-Constrained Fault-Tolerant Distributed Embedded Systems (VI, PP, PE, ZP), pp. 864–869.
- DATE-2005-KallakuriDF #communication
- Buffer Insertion for Bridges and Optimal Buffer Sizing for Communication Sub-System of Systems-on-Chip (SK, AD, EAF), pp. 826–827.
- DATE-2005-KastensmidtSCR #composition #design #logic #on the
- On the Optimal Design of Triple Modular Redundancy Logic for SRAM-based FPGAs (FLK, LS, LC, MSR), pp. 1290–1295.
- DATE-2005-KimKPJC #architecture #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters #resource management
- Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization (YK, MK, CP, JJ, KC), pp. 12–17.
- DATE-2005-LiS05a #algorithm
- An O(bn2) Time Algorithm for Optimal Buffer Insertion with b Buffer Types (ZL, WS), pp. 1324–1329.
- DATE-2005-ManquinhoM #bound #effectiveness #optimisation #pseudo
- Effective Lower Bounding Techniques for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 660–665.
- DATE-2005-MishchenkoB #network #optimisation #satisfiability
- SAT-Based Complete Don’t-Care Computation for Network Optimization (AM, RKB), pp. 412–417.
- DATE-2005-PolianCB #optimisation
- Evolutionary Optimization in Code-Based Test Compression (IP, AC, BB), pp. 1124–1129.
- DATE-2005-SomaniCP #contest #design #optimisation #search-based
- Mixing Global and Local Competition in Genetic Optimization based Design Space Exploration of Analog Circuits (AS, PPC, AP), pp. 1064–1069.
- DATE-2005-TangWD #complexity #power management #synthesis
- MINLP Based Topology Synthesis for Delta Sigma Modulators Optimized for Signal Path Complexity, Sensitivity and Power Consumption (HT, YW, AD), pp. 264–269.
- DATE-2005-VerleMAMA #optimisation #power management #protocol
- Low Power Oriented CMOS Circuit Optimization Protocol (AV, XM, NA, PM, DA), pp. 640–645.
- DATE-2005-ZuberWOSH #optimisation #power management #reduction
- Reduction of CMOS Power Consumption and Signal Integrity Issues by Routing Optimization (PZ, AW, RMBdO, WS, AH), pp. 986–987.
- DocEng-2005-ManakaS #lazy evaluation #optimisation #parsing #xml
- Static optimization of XSLT stylesheets: template instantiation optimization and lazy XML parsing (KM, HS), pp. 55–57.
- ICDAR-2005-EzakiUAS #documentation #image #optimisation
- Dewarping of document image by global optimization (HE, SU, AA, HS), pp. 302–306.
- ICDAR-2005-Meunier #order
- Optimized XY-Cut for Determining a Page Reading Order (JLM), pp. 347–351.
- ICDAR-2005-OjimaKW #algorithm #search-based #using
- Determining Optimal Filters for Binarization of Degraded Grayscale Characters Using Genetic Algorithms (YO, SK, TW), pp. 555–559.
- ICDAR-2005-OliveiraBS05a #classification #optimisation
- Improving Cascading Classifiers with Particle Swarm Optimization (LSO, AdSBJ, RS), pp. 570–574.
- SIGMOD-2005-BabcockC #approach #query #robust #towards
- Towards a Robust Query Optimizer: A Principled and Practical Approach (BB, SC), pp. 119–130.
- SIGMOD-2005-BabuBD
- Proactive Re-optimization (SB, PB, DJD), pp. 107–118.
- SIGMOD-2005-BabuBD05a
- Proactive re-optimization with Rio (SB, PB, DJD), pp. 936–938.
- SIGMOD-2005-KoutrikaI #personalisation #query
- Constrained Optimalities in Query Personalization (GK, YEI), pp. 73–84.
- SIGMOD-2005-LiCIS #algebra #named #optimisation #query #relational
- RankSQL: Query Algebra and Optimization for Relational Top-k Queries (CL, KCCC, IFI, SS), pp. 131–142.
- SIGMOD-2005-Ordonez #optimisation #query #recursion #sql
- Optimizing recursive queries in SQL (CO), pp. 834–839.
- SIGMOD-2005-TaoYPMH #named #optimisation #performance
- RPJ: Producing Fast Join Results on Streams through Rate-based Optimization (YT, MLY, DP, MH, NM), pp. 371–382.
- VLDB-2005-BartaCM #data access #multi #query #summary #xml
- Benefits of Path Summaries in an XML Query Optimizer Supporting Multiple Access Methods (AB, MPC, AOM), pp. 133–144.
- VLDB-2005-FolkertGWSBSBS #optimisation #set
- Optimizing Refresh of a Set of Materialized Views (NF, AG, AW, SS, SB, SS, TB, LS), pp. 1043–1054.
- VLDB-2005-GuravannavarRS #optimisation #order #parametricity #query
- Optimizing Nested Queries with Parameter Sort Orders (RG, HSR, SS), pp. 481–492.
- VLDB-2005-ReddyH #database #diagrams #query
- Analyzing Plan Diagrams of Database Query Optimizers (NR, JRH), pp. 1228–1240.
- VLDB-2005-SuRM #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
- Semantic Query Optimization for XQuery over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 277–288.
- FoSSaCS-2005-LarsenR #automaton #multi #reachability
- Optimal Conditional Reachability for Multi-priced Timed Automata (KGL, JIR), pp. 234–249.
- CSMR-2005-MihanceaM #automation #design #detection #object-oriented #optimisation #towards
- Towards the Optimization of Automatic Detection of Design Flaws in Object-Oriented Software Systems (PFM, RM), pp. 92–101.
- ICSM-2005-AntoniolPH #maintenance #optimisation #search-based
- Search-Based Techniques Applied to Optimization of Project Planning for a Massive Maintenance Project (GA, MDP, MH), pp. 240–249.
- ICSM-2005-PighinM #maintenance #optimisation
- Optimizing Test to Reduce Maintenance (MP, AM), pp. 465–472.
- STOC-2005-AdlerEM #probability #towards
- Towards asymptotic optimality in probabilistic packet marking (MA, JE, JM), pp. 450–459.
- STOC-2005-IndykW #approximate #data type
- Optimal approximations of the frequency moments of data streams (PI, DPW), pp. 202–208.
- STOC-2005-Jayanti #algorithm #multi
- An optimal multi-writer snapshot algorithm (PJ), pp. 723–732.
- ICALP-2005-Ambuhl #algorithm #bound #energy #network #performance
- An Optimal Bound for the MST Algorithm to Compute Energy Efficient Broadcast Trees in Wireless Networks (CA), pp. 1139–1150.
- ICALP-2005-BilleG #performance #problem
- The Tree Inclusion Problem: In Optimal Space and Faster (PB, ILG), pp. 66–77.
- ICALP-2005-ChiniforooshanFM #evaluation
- Worst Case Optimal Union-Intersection Expression Evaluation (EC, AF, MM), pp. 179–190.
- ICALP-2005-DimitrovP #graph #process
- Optimal Cover Time for a Graph-Based Coupon Collector Process (NBD, CGP), pp. 702–716.
- ICALP-2005-Farach-ColtonLST #approximate #performance #string
- Optimal Spaced Seeds for Faster Approximate String Matching (MFC, GML, SCS, DT), pp. 1251–1262.
- ICALP-2005-FranceschiniG #sorting
- Optimal In-place Sorting of Vectors and Records (GF, RG), pp. 90–102.
- ICALP-2005-GuT #graph
- Optimal Branch-Decomposition of Planar Graphs in O(n3) Time (QPG, HT), pp. 373–384.
- ICALP-2005-KaligosiMMS #multi #towards
- Towards Optimal Multiple Selection (KK, KM, JIM, PS), pp. 103–114.
- ICALP-2005-Wegener #combinator #optimisation
- Simulated Annealing Beats Metropolis in Combinatorial Optimization (IW), pp. 589–601.
- ICFP-2005-Nilsson #algebra #data type #functional #optimisation #programming #using
- Dynamic optimization for functional reactive programming using generalized algebraic data types (HN), pp. 54–65.
- CHI-2005-LeeFH #effectiveness #navigation
- Studying the effectiveness of MOVE: a contextually optimized in-vehicle navigation system (JL, JF, SEH), pp. 571–580.
- SIGAda-2005-SwardB #optimisation #slicing
- Optimizing the SPARK program slicer (RES, LCBI), pp. 17–22.
- CIKM-2005-FontouraJSY #optimisation
- Optimizing cursor movement in holistic twig joins (MF, VJ, EJS, BY), pp. 784–791.
- CIKM-2005-Polyzotis #clustering #effectiveness #optimisation #paradigm #query
- Selectivity-based partitioning: a divide-and-union paradigm for effective query optimization (NP), pp. 720–727.
- CIKM-2005-RotemSW #optimisation
- Optimizing candidate check costs for bitmap indices (DR, KS, KW), pp. 648–655.
- CIKM-2005-ZhouYOTZ #distributed #multi #optimisation #query
- Optimizing continuous multijoin queries over distributed streams (YZ, YY, BCO, KLT, AZ), pp. 221–222.
- ICML-2005-DaumeM #approximate #learning #optimisation #predict #scalability
- Learning as search optimization: approximate large margin methods for structured prediction (HDI, DM), pp. 169–176.
- ICML-2005-FrohlichWSZ #graph #kernel
- Optimal assignment kernels for attributed molecular graphs (HF, JKW, FS, AZ), pp. 225–232.
- ICML-2005-GuestrinKS #process
- Near-optimal sensor placements in Gaussian processes (CG, AK, APS), pp. 265–272.
- ICML-2005-Pietraszek #analysis #classification #optimisation #using
- Optimizing abstaining classifiers using ROC analysis (TP), pp. 665–672.
- ICML-2005-WangLBS #online #optimisation
- Bayesian sparse sampling for on-line reward optimization (TW, DJL, MHB, DS), pp. 956–963.
- KDD-2005-JinSA #information management #mining #optimisation
- Simultaneous optimization of complex mining tasks with a knowledgeable cache (RJ, KS, GA), pp. 600–605.
- KDD-2005-MorchenU #information management #optimisation
- Optimizing time series discretization for knowledge discovery (FM, AU), pp. 660–665.
- SIGIR-2005-Hosanagar #approach #distributed #information retrieval
- A utility theoretic approach to determining optimal wait times in distributed information retrieval (KH), pp. 91–97.
- SIGIR-2005-StrohmanTC #optimisation #query
- Optimization strategies for complex queries (TS, HRT, WBC), pp. 219–225.
- SIGIR-2005-YanLZYCCFM #categorisation #feature model #named #orthogonal
- OCFS: optimal orthogonal centroid feature selection for text categorization (JY, NL, BZ, SY, ZC, QC, WF, WYM), pp. 122–129.
- GPCE-2005-AktemurJKC #generative #optimisation #runtime
- Optimizing Marshalling by Run-Time Program Generation (BA, JJ, SNK, LC), pp. 221–236.
- GPCE-2005-KaminAM #generative #optimisation #runtime
- Source-Level Optimization of Run-Time Program Generators (SNK, BA, PM), pp. 293–308.
- PPDP-2005-GuoJGL #optimisation
- Optimization with mode-directed preferences (HFG, BJ, GG, ML), pp. 242–251.
- PPDP-2005-PaluDP #heuristic #optimisation #parallel #predict
- Heuristics, optimizations, and parallelism for protein structure prediction in CLP(FD) (ADP, AD, EP), pp. 230–241.
- PADL-2005-AlimarineS #optimisation
- Improved Fusion for Optimizing Generics (AA, SS), pp. 203–218.
- SAC-2005-AjiliRE #approach #optimisation
- A branch-price-and-propagate approach for optimizing IGP weight setting subject to unique shortest paths (FA, RR, AE), pp. 366–370.
- SAC-2005-Behrend #database #deduction #optimisation #query
- Optimizing existential queries in stratifiable deductive databases (AB), pp. 623–628.
- SAC-2005-FoutHD #optimisation #visualisation
- Visualization of neuronal fiber connections from DT-MRI with global optimization (NF, JH, ZD), pp. 1200–1206.
- SAC-2005-KimKS #database #optimisation #sequence
- Optimization of subsequence matching under time warping in time-series databases (MSK, SWK, MS), pp. 581–586.
- SAC-2005-LauW #approach #multi #optimisation #problem
- A multi-agent approach for solving optimization problems involving expensive resources (HCL, HW), pp. 79–83.
- SAC-2005-Morimoto #mining #transitive
- Optimized transitive association rule: mining significant stopover between events (YM), pp. 543–544.
- SAC-2005-PlakeHL #interactive #optimisation #syntax
- Optimizing syntax patterns for discovering protein-protein interactions (CP, JH, UL), pp. 195–201.
- SAC-2005-ValigianiBJLBC
- Experimenting with a real-size man-hill to optimize pedagogical paths (GV, RB, YJ, EL, CBR, PC), pp. 4–8.
- GTTSE-2005-HuYT #optimisation
- Program Optimizations and Transformations in Calculation Form (ZH, TY, MT), pp. 144–168.
- CC-2005-LeLH #interprocedural #jit #optimisation #using
- Using Inter-Procedural Side-Effect Information in JIT Optimizations (AL, OL, LJH), pp. 287–304.
- CC-2005-SadeSS #c #memory management #optimisation #parallel #thread #using
- Optimizing C Multithreaded Memory Management Using Thread-Local Storage (YS, SS, RS), pp. 137–155.
- CGO-2005-BondM #profiling
- Practical Path Profiling for Dynamic Optimizers (MDB, KSM), pp. 205–216.
- CGO-2005-ChenCH #empirical #memory management #modelling #multi
- Combining Models and Guided Empirical Search to Optimize for Multiple Levels of the Memory Hierarchy (CC, JC, MWH), pp. 111–122.
- CGO-2005-ChenK #code generation #optimisation
- Optimizing Address Code Generation for Array-Intensive DSP Applications (GC, MTK), pp. 141–152.
- CGO-2005-DaiZHY #compilation #framework #optimisation #using
- A General Compiler Framework for Speculative Optimizations Using Data Speculative Code Motion (XD, AZ, WCH, PCY), pp. 280–290.
- CGO-2005-DasLCKYHC #optimisation #performance #runtime
- Performance of Runtime Optimization on BLAST (AD, JL, HC, JK, PCY, WCH, DyC), pp. 86–96.
- CGO-2005-HuVJ #adaptation #effectiveness #optimisation
- Effective Adaptive Computing Environment Management via Dynamic Optimization (SH, MGV, LKJ), pp. 63–73.
- CGO-2005-LiGP #algorithm #optimisation #search-based #sorting
- Optimizing Sorting with Genetic Algorithms (XL, MJG, DAP), pp. 99–110.
- CGO-2005-ZhaoCS #approach #framework #modelling #optimisation
- Model-Based Framework: An Approach for Profit-Driven Optimization (MZ, BRC, MLS), pp. 317–327.
- COCV-J-2005-BlechGLM #code generation #comparison #correctness #higher-order #optimisation #proving
- Optimizing Code Generation from SSA Form: A Comparison Between Two Formal Correctness Proofs in Isabelle/HOL (JOB, SG, JL, SM), pp. 33–51.
- COCV-J-2005-HuBGP #optimisation #validation
- Validating More Loop Optimizations (YH, CWB, BG, AP), pp. 69–84.
- HPCA-2005-ZhuZ #comparison #memory management #optimisation #performance #smt
- A Performance Comparison of DRAM Memory System Optimizations for SMT Processors (ZZ, ZZ), pp. 213–224.
- LCTES-2005-SermulinsTRA #optimisation #source code
- Cache aware optimization of stream programs (JS, WT, RMR, SPA), pp. 115–126.
- PPoPP-2005-CollardJY #memory management #monitoring #optimisation #performance
- System-wide performance monitors and their application to the optimization of coherent memory accesses (JFC, NPJ, SY), pp. 247–254.
- PPoPP-2005-DarteS #algorithm #linear
- A linear-time algorithm for optimal barrier placement (AD, RS), pp. 26–35.
- PPoPP-2005-GaoSLRLBS #modelling #optimisation #parallel #performance
- Performance modeling and optimization of parallel out-of-core tensor contractions (XG, SKS, CCL, JR, QL, GB, PS), pp. 266–276.
- AMOST-2005-Robinson-MallettLMG #generative #model checking #sequence
- Generating optimal distinguishing sequences with a model checker (CRM, PL, TM, UG).
- CAV-2005-BarrettFGHPZ #compilation #named #optimisation #validation
- TVOC: A Translation Validator for Optimizing Compilers (CWB, YF, BG, YH, AP, LDZ), pp. 291–295.
- CAV-2005-BenediktBFV #optimisation #verification
- Verification of Tree Updates for Optimization (MB, AB, SF, AV), pp. 379–393.
- ICLP-2005-Bekes #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Queries for Heterogeneous Information Sources (AGB), pp. 429–430.
- ICLP-2005-Bortolussi #concurrent #optimisation
- Concurrent Methodologies for Global Optimization (LB), pp. 441–443.
- ICLP-2005-Schrijvers #analysis #constraints #optimisation #summary
- Analyses, Optimizations and Extensions of Constraint Handling Rules: Ph.D. Summary (TS), pp. 435–436.
- ICLP-2005-Sneyers #analysis #optimisation #source code
- Analysis and Optimization of CHR Programs (JS), pp. 450–451.
- ICLP-2005-SneyersSD #continuation #optimisation
- Guard and Continuation Optimization for Occurrence Representations of CHR (JS, TS, BD), pp. 83–97.
- SAT-2005-ManquinhoM #algorithm #on the #optimisation #pseudo
- On Applying Cutting Planes in DLL-Based Algorithms for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 451–458.
- SAT-2005-MarinovKBZR #compilation #declarative #modelling #optimisation
- Optimizations for Compiling Declarative Models into Boolean Formulas (DM, SK, SB, LZ, MCR), pp. 187–202.
- VMCAI-2005-AbrahamBKS #bound #hybrid #linear #model checking #optimisation
- Optimizing Bounded Model Checking for Linear Hybrid Systems (EÁ, BB, FK, MS), pp. 396–412.
- WICSA-2004-Purhonen #architecture #case study #embedded #optimisation #performance
- Performance Optimization of Embedded Software Architecture — A Case Study (AP), pp. 112–121.
- DAC-2004-BasuLWMB #optimisation #power management
- Simultaneous optimization of supply and threshold voltages for low-power and high-performance circuits in the leakage dominant era (AB, SCL, VW, AM, KB), pp. 884–887.
- DAC-2004-CaoK #logic #optimisation
- Post-layout logic optimization of domino circuits (AC, CKK), pp. 820–825.
- DAC-2004-KravetsK #optimisation
- Implicit enumeration of structural changes in circuit optimization (VNK, PK), pp. 438–441.
- DAC-2004-LongSLH #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Floorplanning optimization with trajectory piecewise-linear model for pipelined interconnects (CL, LJS, WL, LH), pp. 640–645.
- DAC-2004-SeoKC #realtime #scheduling
- Profile-based optimal intra-task voltage scheduling for hard real-time applications (JS, TK, KSC), pp. 87–92.
- DAC-2004-ShiB #automation #communication #data type #fixpoint #optimisation
- Automated fixed-point data-type optimization tool for signal processing and communication systems (CS, RWB), pp. 478–483.
- DAC-2004-SrivastavaSB #optimisation #power management #process #statistics #using
- Statistical optimization of leakage power considering process variations using dual-Vth and sizing (AS, DS, DB), pp. 773–778.
- DAC-2004-VassighiKNSYLCSD #design #optimisation
- Design optimizations for microprocessors at low temperature (AV, AK, SN, GS, YY, SL, GC, MS, VD), pp. 2–5.
- DAC-2004-XuPB #layout #named #optimisation
- ORACLE: optimization with recourse of analog circuits including layout extraction (YX, LTP, SPB), pp. 151–154.
- DAC-2004-YangKM #architecture #named #optimisation
- Divide-and-concatenate: an architecture level optimization technique for universal hash functions (BY, RK, DAM), pp. 614–617.
- DAC-2004-ZhaoFZSP #power management
- Optimal placement of power supply pads and pins (MZ, YF, VZ, SS, RP), pp. 165–170.
- DATE-DF-2004-HollevoetDDCL #memory management
- A Power Optimized Display Memory Organization for Handheld User Terminal (LH, AD, KD, FC, FL), pp. 294–299.
- DATE-v1-2004-PerezMT #scheduling #using
- A New Optimized Implemention of the SystemC Engine Using Acyclic Scheduling (DGP, GM, OT), pp. 552–557.
- DATE-v1-2004-Taherzadeh-SaniLS #design #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Systematic Design for Optimization of High-Resolution Pipelined ADCs (MTS, RL, OS), pp. 678–679.
- DATE-v1-2004-ZhanS #optimisation #polynomial #programming #using
- Optimization of Integrated Spiral Inductors Using Sequential Quadratic Programming (YZ, SSS), pp. 622–629.
- DATE-v2-2004-DengW #algorithm
- Optimal Algorithm for Minimizing the Number of Twists in an On-Chip Bus (LD, MDFW), pp. 1104–1109.
- DATE-v2-2004-PopEPIHB #clustering #design #embedded #multi #optimisation #realtime
- Design Optimization of Multi-Cluster Embedded Systems for Real-Time Application (PP, PE, ZP, VI, MH, OB), pp. 1027–1033.
- DATE-v2-2004-RahimiBD #adaptation #optimisation
- Timing Correction and Optimization with Adaptive Delay Sequential Element (KR, SB, CD), p. 1416.
- DATE-v2-2004-WangTC #network #optimisation
- Thermal and Power Integrity Based Power/Ground Networks Optimization (TYW, JLT, CCPC), pp. 830–835.
- DATE-v2-2004-ZhangGZJ #logic #network #optimisation #synthesis
- Synthesis and Optimization of Threshold Logic Networks with Application to Nanotechnologies (RZ, PG, LZ, NKJ), pp. 904–909.
- DocEng-2004-GenevesV #optimisation #xpath
- Logic-based XPath optimization (PG, JYVD), pp. 211–219.
- DocEng-2004-MeneguzziMMOS #documentation #optimisation
- Strategies for document optimization in digital publishing (FRM, LLM, FTMM, JBSdO, ACBdS), pp. 163–170.
- PODS-2004-KaushikRC #optimisation #perspective #query
- Synopses for Query Optimization: A Space-Complexity Perspective (RK, RR, VTC), pp. 201–209.
- PODS-2004-MeyersonW #complexity #on the
- On the Complexity of Optimal K-Anonymity (AM, RW), pp. 223–228.
- PODS-2004-ScarcelloGL #query
- Weighted Hypertree Decompositions and Optimal Query Plans (FS, GG, NL), pp. 210–221.
- SIGMOD-2004-ArgeBHY #performance #worst-case
- The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case Optimal R-Tree (LA, MdB, HJH, KY), pp. 347–358.
- SIGMOD-2004-AyadN #infinity #optimisation #query
- Static Optimization of Conjunctive Queries with Sliding Windows Over Infinite Streams (AA, JFN), pp. 419–430.
- SIGMOD-2004-BowmanS #optimisation #query #semantics #using
- Optimization of Query Streams Using Semantic Prefetching (ITB, KS), pp. 179–190.
- SIGMOD-2004-IlyasSAVE #optimisation #query
- Rank-aware Query Optimization (IFI, RS, WGA, JSV, AKE), pp. 203–214.
- SIGMOD-2004-MarklRSLP #optimisation #query #robust
- Robust Query Processing through Progressive Optimization (VM, VR, DES, GML, HP), pp. 659–670.
- SIGMOD-2004-RaoPZ #abstraction #canonical #optimisation
- Canonical Abstraction for Outerjoin Optimization (JR, HP, CZ), pp. 671–682.
- VLDB-2004-CunninghamGG #execution #optimisation
- PIVOT and UNPIVOT: Optimization and Execution Strategies in an RDBMS (CC, GG, CAGL), pp. 998–1009.
- VLDB-2004-Graefe
- Write-Optimized B-Trees (GG), pp. 672–683.
- VLDB-2004-KochSSS04a #named #optimisation #streaming #xml #xquery
- FluXQuery: An Optimizing XQuery Processor for Streaming XML Data (CK, SS, NS, BS), pp. 1309–1312.
- VLDB-2004-KraftS #evaluation #named #optimisation
- CHICAGO: A Test and Evaluation Environment for Coarse-Grained Optimization (TK, HS), pp. 1345–1348.
- VLDB-2004-NeumannM #framework #optimisation #order
- A Combined Framework for Grouping and Order Optimization (TN, GM), pp. 960–971.
- VLDB-2004-RamanMSLP #optimisation
- Progressive Optimization in Action (VR, VM, DES, GML, HP), pp. 1337–1340.
- VLDB-2004-SardaH #optimisation #query
- Green Query Optimization: Taming Query Optimization Overheads through Plan Recycling (PS, JRH), pp. 1333–1336.
- VLDB-2004-SuRM #algebra #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
- Semantic Query Optimization in an Automata-Algebra Combined XQuery Engine over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 1293–1296.
- TACAS-2004-RasmussenLS #automaton #scheduling #using
- Resource-Optimal Scheduling Using Priced Timed Automata (JIR, KGL, KS), pp. 220–235.
- PEPM-2004-Debois #imperative #optimisation #partial evaluation
- Imperative program optimization by partial evaluation (SD), pp. 113–122.
- PLDI-2004-KulkarniHHWDJ #effectiveness #optimisation #performance #sequence
- Fast searches for effective optimization phase sequences (PAK, SH, JH, DBW, JWD, DLJ), pp. 171–182.
- STOC-2004-BeierV #optimisation
- Typical properties of winners and losers in discrete optimization (RB, BV), pp. 343–352.
- STOC-2004-GuptaPRS #algorithm #approximate #optimisation #probability
- Boosted sampling: approximation algorithms for stochastic optimization (AG, MP, RR, AS), pp. 417–426.
- STOC-2004-Reichardt #algorithm #optimisation #quantum
- The quantum adiabatic optimization algorithm and local minima (BR), pp. 502–510.
- CIAA-2004-FrishertW #automaton #regular expression
- Combining Regular Expressions with (Near-)Optimal Brzozowski Automata (MF, BWW), pp. 319–320.
- DLT-2004-GruskaTP #array #communication #problem
- Optimal Time and Communication Solutions of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems on Square Arrays, Toruses and Rings (JG, SLT, MP), pp. 200–211.
- ICALP-2004-AlurBM #game studies #reachability
- Optimal Reachability for Weighted Timed Games (RA, MB, PM), pp. 122–133.
- ICALP-2004-Coja-Oghlan #graph
- Coloring Semirandom Graphs Optimally (ACO), pp. 383–395.
- ICALP-2004-HeeringaA #design #problem
- Optimal Website Design with the Constrained Subtree Selection Problem (BH, MA), pp. 757–769.
- ICALP-2004-LebharS #distributed #network
- Almost Optimal Decentralized Routing in Long-Range Contact Networks (EL, NS), pp. 894–905.
- ICALP-2004-Williams #algorithm #constraints
- A New Algorithm for Optimal Constraint Satisfaction and Its Implications (RW), pp. 1227–1237.
- IFM-2004-PuHHY #approach #clustering #hardware
- An Optimal Approach to Hardware/Software Partitioning for Synchronous Model (GP, DVH, JH, WY), pp. 363–381.
- SEFM-2004-HuBG #algorithm #generative #optimisation #validation
- Theory and Algorithms for the Generation and Validation of Speculative Loop Optimizations (YH, CWB, BG), pp. 281–289.
- IFL-2004-Cristobal-SalasCRG #message passing #program transformation #source code
- Exploiting Single-Assignment Properties to Optimize Message-Passing Programs by Code Transformations (ACS, AC, ERA, JLG), pp. 1–16.
- CSCW-2004-MatsushitaIOSKN #collaboration
- Lumisight table: a face-to-face collaboration support system that optimizes direction of projected information to each stakeholder (MM, MI, TO, YS, YK, TN), pp. 274–283.
- CAiSE-2004-MorishimaK #database #optimisation #relational #source code #xml
- Optimizing DOM Programs on XML Views over Existing Relational Databases (AM, AK), pp. 248–262.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-ZaratePSSVD #clustering #network #optimisation #representation #set
- Optimization of Neural Network’s Training Sets via Clustering: Application in Solar Collector Representation (LEZ, EMDP, DAS, JPDS, RV, ASCD), pp. 147–152.
- CIKM-2004-XueZCYMXF #optimisation #using #web
- Optimizing web search using web click-through data (GRX, HJZ, ZC, YY, WYM, WX, WF), pp. 118–126.
- ICML-2004-ClimerZ #approach #clustering
- Take a walk and cluster genes: a TSP-based approach to optimal rearrangement clustering (SC, WZ).
- ICML-2004-CrammerC #optimisation
- A needle in a haystack: local one-class optimization (KC, GC).
- ICPR-v1-2004-GocciaSD #classification #fuzzy #learning #recognition
- Learning Optimal Classifier Through Fuzzy Recognition Rate Maximization (MG, CS, SGD), pp. 204–207.
- ICPR-v1-2004-GokcenJD #bound #learning
- Comparing Optimal Bounding Ellipsoid and Support Vector Machine Active Learning (IG, DJ, JRD), pp. 172–175.
- ICPR-v1-2004-TremblaySM #algorithm #multi #nearest neighbour #optimisation #random #search-based #using
- Optimizing Nearest Neighbour in Random Subspaces using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (GT, RS, PM), p. 208.
- ICPR-v2-2004-BrownCA #classification #performance #set
- Efficient Calculation of the Complete Optimal Classification Set (MB, NC, SA), pp. 307–310.
- ICPR-v2-2004-IkedaIA #optimisation
- Sensor Fusion as Optimization: Maximizing Mutual Information between Sensory Signals (TI, HI, MA), pp. 501–504.
- ICPR-v2-2004-SaadiTC #analysis #kernel
- Optimally Regularised Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KS, NLCT, GCC), pp. 427–430.
- ICPR-v2-2004-ShimanoN #optimisation #recognition
- Simultaneous Optimization of Class Configuration and Feature Space for Object Recognition (MS, KN), pp. 7–10.
- ICPR-v2-2004-ZimmermannB #integration #optimisation #recognition #statistics
- Optimizing the Integration of a Statistical Language Model in HMM based O.ine Handwritten Text Recognition (MZ, HB), pp. 541–544.
- ICPR-v3-2004-NaderiMC #algorithm #image #optimisation #using #verification
- 1D-HMM for Face Verification: Model Optimization Using Improved Algorithm and Intelligent Selection of Training Images (SN, MSM, NMC), pp. 330–333.
- ICPR-v3-2004-SladojeLN #optimisation #similarity
- Defuzzification of Discrete Objects by Optimizing Area and Perimeter Similarity (NS, JL, IN), pp. 526–529.
- ICPR-v4-2004-ImbaultL #approach #optimisation #parametricity #probability
- A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Parameter Tuning of Support Vector Machines (FI, KL), pp. 597–600.
- ICPR-v4-2004-NockN #algorithm #clustering #optimisation
- Improving Clustering Algorithms through Constrained Convex Optimization (RN, FN), pp. 557–560.
- ICPR-v4-2004-TeleaSD #abstraction
- Optimal Inference for Hierarchical Skeleton Abstraction (ACT, CS, SJD), pp. 19–22.
- KDD-2004-AbeVAS #learning
- Cross channel optimized marketing by reinforcement learning (NA, NKV, CA, RS), pp. 767–772.
- KDD-2004-ZhuL #data mining #mining #privacy
- Optimal randomization for privacy preserving data mining (MYZ, LL), pp. 761–766.
- KR-2004-Brewka #optimisation #set
- Complex Preferences for Answer Set Optimization (GB), pp. 213–223.
- KR-2004-HaarslevM #documentation #optimisation #owl #rdf
- Optimization Techniques for Retrieving Resources Described in OWL/RDF Documents: First Results (VH, RM), pp. 163–174.
- SEKE-2004-KhoshgoftaarXG #modelling #multi #optimisation
- Multi-Objective Optimization by CBR GA-Optimizer for Module-Order Modeling (TMK, YX, KG), pp. 220–225.
- GPCE-2004-LiuB #automation #product line #synthesis
- Automatic Remodularization and Optimized Synthesis of Product-Families (JL, DSB), pp. 379–395.
- SAC-2004-BoughaciD #metaheuristic #optimisation #problem #satisfiability #using
- Solving weighted Max-Sat optimization problems using a Taboo Scatter Search metaheuristic (DB, HD), pp. 35–36.
- SAC-2004-DaescuJRS #deployment #multi #reliability
- Optimal placement of NAK-suppressing agents for reliable multicast: a partial deployment case (OD, RJ, BR, KS), pp. 334–338.
- SAC-2004-DingH #clustering #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation
- K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
- SAC-2004-JayapalaABDCC #energy #optimisation #scheduling
- L0 buffer energy optimization through scheduling and exploration (MJ, TVA, FB, GD, FC, HC), pp. 905–906.
- SAC-2004-Liew #algorithm #search-based #using
- Using a genetic algorithm to optimize the gape of a snake jaw (CWL), pp. 975–979.
- SAC-2004-MassonRB #database #induction #optimisation #query #set #towards
- Optimizing subset queries: a step towards SQL-based inductive databases for itemsets (CM, CR, JFB), pp. 535–539.
- SAC-2004-RahalP #approach #categorisation #using
- An optimized approach for KNN text categorization using P-trees (IR, WP), pp. 613–617.
- SAC-2004-RaisanenWH #comparison #optimisation #random
- A comparison of randomized and evolutionary approaches for optimizing base station site selection (LR, RMW, SH), pp. 1159–1165.
- SAC-2004-ZumpanoGTV #on the #optimisation #power of #problem #semantics
- On the semantics and expressive power of Datalog-like languages for NP search and optimization problems (EZ, SG, IT, PV), pp. 692–697.
- CC-2004-ChenLDHY #data flow #dependence #optimisation #profiling
- Data Dependence Profiling for Speculative Optimizations (TC, JL, XD, WCH, PCY), pp. 57–72.
- CC-2004-ChowdhuryDCBM #alias #analysis #optimisation
- The Limits of Alias Analysis for Scalar Optimizations (RAC, PD, BC, JHB, KSM), pp. 24–38.
- CC-2004-ClaussT #approach #optimisation #program analysis
- A Symbolic Approach to Bernstein Expansion for Program Analysis and Optimization (PC, IT), pp. 120–133.
- CC-2004-Soffa #optimisation
- Developing a Foundation for Code Optimization (MLS), pp. 1–4.
- CGO-2004-AlmogRSS #architecture #energy #optimisation
- Specialized Dynamic Optimizations for High-Performance Energy-Efficient Microarchitecture (YA, RR, NS, AS), pp. 137–150.
- CGO-2004-DupreDT #architecture #embedded #named
- VHC: Quickly Building an Optimizer for Complex Embedded Architectures (MD, ND, OT), pp. 53–64.
- CGO-2004-HazelwoodS #optimisation
- Exploring Code Cache Eviction Granularities in Dynamic Optimization Systems (KMH, JES), pp. 89–99.
- CGO-2004-JoshiBZ #optimisation #profiling #staged
- Targeted Path Profiling: Lower Overhead Path Profiling for Staged Dynamic Optimization Systems (RJ, MDB, CBZ), pp. 239–250.
- CGO-2004-LukMPCL #architecture #named
- Ispike: A Post-link Optimizer for the Intel®Itanium®Architecture (CKL, RM, HP, RSC, PGL), pp. 15–26.
- CGO-2004-RastelloFG #constraints #optimisation #using
- Optimizing Translation Out of SSA Using Renaming Constraints (FR, FdF, CG), pp. 265–278.
- CGO-2004-ZhaiCSM #communication #compilation #optimisation #thread
- Compiler Optimization of Memory-Resident Value Communication Between Speculative Threads (AZ, CBC, JGS, TCM), pp. 39–52.
- HPDC-2004-Abu-GhazalehLG #difference #performance
- Differential Serialization for Optimized SOAP Performance (NAG, MJL, MG), pp. 55–64.
- HPDC-2004-KichkayloK #component #deployment #distributed #resource management
- Optimal Resource-Aware Deployment Planning for Component-Based Distributed Applications (TK, VK), pp. 150–159.
- ISMM-2004-ChenKVI #analysis #embedded #java #optimisation
- Field level analysis for heap space optimization in embedded java environments (GC, MTK, NV, MJI), pp. 131–142.
- LCTES-2004-BusSPCB #optimisation
- Link-time optimization of ARM binaries (BDB, BDS, LVP, DC, KDB), pp. 211–220.
- LCTES-2004-PokamRSB #energy #optimisation
- Speculative software management of datapath-width for energy optimization (GP, OR, AS, FB), pp. 78–87.
- LCTES-2004-ScholzHK #optimisation
- Optimizing for space and time usage with speculative partial redundancy elimination (BS, RNH, JK), pp. 221–230.
- SAT-2004-ManquinhoM #bound #optimisation #pseudo #satisfiability #using
- Using Lower-Bound Estimates in SAT-Based Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 120–126.
- TestCom-2004-MuckeH #generative #uml
- Generation of Optimized Testsuites for UML Statecharts with Time (TM, MH), pp. 128–143.
- DAC-2003-BeraudoL #logic #optimisation #replication
- Timing optimization of FPGA placements by logic replication (GB, JL), pp. 196–201.
- DAC-2003-BozorgzadehGTS #graph #integer
- Optimal integer delay budgeting on directed acyclic graphs (EB, SG, AT, MS), pp. 920–925.
- DAC-2003-DonnoIBM #optimisation
- Clock-tree power optimization based on RTL clock-gating (MD, AI, LB, EM), pp. 622–627.
- DAC-2003-KornarosPNZ #memory management #multi #optimisation #programmable #queue
- A fully-programmable memory management system optimizing queue handling at multi-gigabit rates (GK, IP, AN, NZ), pp. 54–59.
- DAC-2003-KwonK
- Optimal voltage allocation techniques for dynamically variable voltage processors (WCK, TK), pp. 125–130.
- DAC-2003-LiXC #architecture #modelling #optimisation #power management #scalability
- Scalable modeling and optimization of mode transitions based on decoupled power management architecture (DL, QX, PHC), pp. 119–124.
- DAC-2003-MaHDCCCG #analysis #optimisation
- Dynamic global buffer planning optimization based on detail block locating and congestion analysis (YM, XH, SD, SC, YC, CKC, JG), pp. 806–811.
- DAC-2003-Matsuzawa #collaboration #communication #how #optimisation #performance
- How to make efficient communication, collaboration, and optimization from system to chip (AM), pp. 417–418.
- DAC-2003-PenryA #component #optimisation #reuse
- Optimizations for a simulator construction system supporting reusable components (DAP, DIA), pp. 926–931.
- DAC-2003-PileggiSSGKKPRT #trade-off
- Exploring regular fabrics to optimize the performance-cost trade-off (LTP, HS, AJS, PG, VK, AK, CP, VR, KYT), pp. 782–787.
- DAC-2003-RenG #performance
- Synthesizing optimal filters for crosstalk-cancellation for high-speed buses (JR, MRG), pp. 592–597.
- DAC-2003-ShiL #algorithm
- An O(nlogn) time algorithm for optimal buffer insertion (WS, ZL), pp. 580–585.
- DAC-2003-WangM #multi #network #optimisation #power management #using
- On-chip power supply network optimization using multigrid-based technique (KW, MMS), pp. 113–118.
- DAC-2003-ZhangCKK #embedded #interprocedural #optimisation #performance
- Interprocedural optimizations for improving data cache performance of array-intensive embedded applications (WZ, GC, MTK, MK), pp. 887–892.
- DATE-2003-Al-ArsGBR #fault #optimisation #simulation #testing #using
- Optimizing Stresses for Testing DRAM Cell Defects Using Electrical Simulation (ZAA, AJvdG, JB, DR), pp. 10484–10489.
- DATE-2003-BertozziRBR #embedded #energy #optimisation #performance #protocol
- Transport Protocol Optimization for Energy Efficient Wireless Embedded Systems (DB, AR, LB, SR), pp. 10706–10713.
- DATE-2003-BurmenPT #cost analysis #design #optimisation #robust
- Defining Cost Functions for Robust IC Design and Optimization (ÁB, JP, TT), pp. 20196–20201.
- DATE-2003-IyengarCSC #approach #optimisation #testing #using
- A Unified Approach for SOC Testing Using Test Data Compression and TAM Optimization (VI, AC, SS, KC), pp. 11188–11190.
- DATE-2003-NicolaidisAB #configuration management #self
- Optimal Reconfiguration Functions for Column or Data-bit Built-In Self-Repair (MN, NA, SB), pp. 10590–10595.
- DATE-2003-OgawaNCSWNST #approach #architecture #optimisation #transaction
- A Practical Approach for Bus Architecture Optimization at Transaction Level (OO, SBdN, PC, KS, YW, HN, TS, YT), pp. 20176–20181.
- DATE-2003-PolianBR #markov #optimisation #pseudo #random
- Evolutionary Optimization of Markov Sources for Pseudo Random Scan BIST (IP, BB, SMR), pp. 11184–11185.
- DATE-2003-PopEP #analysis #clustering #distributed #embedded #multi #optimisation #scheduling #synthesis
- Schedulability Analysis and Optimization for the Synthesis of Multi-Cluster Distributed Embedded Systems (PP, PE, ZP), pp. 10184–10189.
- DATE-2003-SmedtG #bound #design #named
- HOLMES: Capturing the Yield-Optimized Design Space Boundaries of Analog and RF Integrated Circuits (BDS, GGEG), pp. 10256–10263.
- DATE-2003-VerderberZL #implementation #optimisation #video
- HW/SW Partitioned Optimization and VLSI-FPGA Implementation of the MPEG-2 Video Decoder (MV, AZ, DL), pp. 20238–20243.
- DATE-2003-WangM #multi #optimisation #using
- Power/Ground Mesh Area Optimization Using Multigrid-Based Technique (KW, MMS), pp. 10850–10855.
- DocEng-2003-PurvisHOF #approach #documentation #optimisation #personalisation
- Creating personalized documents: an optimization approach (LP, SH, BO, ECF), pp. 68–77.
- DRR-2003-RossetZH
- Boosting and support vector machines as optimal separators (SR, JZ, TH), pp. 1–7.
- DRR-2003-WuL #image #web
- Resource-optimized delivery of web images to small-screen devices (YW, DPL), pp. 144–155.
- ICDAR-2003-Biem #classification #optimisation
- A Model Selection Criterion for Classification: Application to HMM Topology Optimization (AB), pp. 104–108.
- ICDAR-2003-CarbonnelA #optimisation #recognition #word
- Lexical Post-Processing Optimization for Handwritten Word Recognition (SC, ÉA), pp. 477–481.
- ICDAR-2003-ChaTS #algorithm #optimisation #recognition #search-based #similarity #using
- Optimizing Binary Feature Vector Similarity Measure using Genetic Algorithm and Handwritten Character Recognition (SHC, CCT, SNS), pp. 662–665.
- ICDAR-2003-GocciaBSD #classification #feature model #optimisation #recognition
- Recognition of Container Code Characters through Gray-Level Feature Extraction and Gradient-Based Classifier Optimization (MG, MB, CS, SGD), p. 973–?.
- ICDAR-2003-GunterB #optimisation #word
- Optimizing the Number of States, Training Iterations and Gaussians in an HMM-based Handwritten Word Recognizer (SG, HB), pp. 472–476.
- PODS-2003-HeerenJP #using
- Optimal indexing using near-minimal space (CH, HVJ, LP), pp. 244–251.
- SIGMOD-2003-IlyasRLGL #compilation #query
- Estimating Compilation Time of a Query Optimizer (IFI, JR, GML, DG, ETL), pp. 373–384.
- SIGMOD-2003-PapadiasTFS #algorithm #query
- An Optimal and Progressive Algorithm for Skyline Queries (DP, YT, GF, BS), pp. 467–478.
- SIGMOD-2003-ReissK #optimisation #parametricity #query
- A Characterization of the Sensitivity of Query Optimization to Storage Access Cost Parameters (FR, TK), pp. 385–396.
- SIGMOD-2003-SengarH #named #optimisation #query
- PLASTIC: Reducing Query Optimization Overheads through Plan Recycling (VSS, JRH), p. 676.
- SIGMOD-2003-ZhangDWEMPMDR #multi #named #optimisation #using #xml
- Rainbow: Multi-XQuery Optimization Using Materialized XML Views (XZ, KD, LW, MES, BM, BP, MM, LD, EAR), p. 671.
- VLDB-2003-HulgeriS #cost analysis #named #optimisation #parametricity #query
- AniPQO: Almost Non-intrusive Parametric Query Optimization for Nonlinear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 766–777.
- VLDB-2003-KoudasGGSV #approximate #constraints #optimisation #parametricity #performance #query
- Efficient Approximation Of Optimization Queries Under Parametric Aggregation Constraints (SG, DG, NK, DS, MV), pp. 778–789.
- VLDB-2003-KraftSRM #optimisation #sequence #sql
- Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences (TK, HS, RR, BM), pp. 488–499.
- VLDB-2003-LernerS #named #optimisation #order #query
- AQuery: Query Language for Ordered Data, Optimization Techniques, and Experiments (AL, DS), pp. 345–356.
- VLDB-2003-LongS #execution #query #scalability
- Optimized Query Execution in Large Search Engines with Global Page Ordering (XL, TS), pp. 129–140.
- VLDB-2003-PapadiasTS #predict #query
- The TPR*-Tree: An Optimized Spatio-Temporal Access Method for Predictive Queries (YT, DP, JS), pp. 790–801.
- VLDB-2003-TsoisS #dependence #optimisation
- The Generalized Pre-Grouping Transformation: Aggregate-Query Optimization in the Presence of Dependencies (AT, TKS), pp. 644–655.
- ESOP-2003-DanvyL #encoding
- Tagging, Encoding, and Jones Optimality (OD, PEML), pp. 335–347.
- TACAS-2003-AbdeddaimAM #nondeterminism #on the #scheduling
- On Optimal Scheduling under Uncertainty (YA, EA, OM), pp. 240–253.
- CSMR-2003-EvancoV #architecture #maintenance
- Some Optimal Object-Based Architectural Features for Corrective Maintenance (WME, JMV), pp. 281–280.
- ICSM-2003-Mall #case study #optimisation
- A Case Study in Optimization (DNM), pp. 214–223.
- IWPC-2003-WenT #algorithm #distance
- An Optimal Algorithm for MoJo Distance (ZW, VT), pp. 227–236.
- SCAM-2003-BinkleyH #algorithm #analysis #graph #optimisation #performance #reachability #scalability #source code
- Results from a Large-Scale Study of Performance Optimization Techniques for Source Code Analyses Based on Graph Reachability Algorithms (DB, MH), p. 203–?.
- PEPM-2003-LiuS #optimisation
- Optimizing Ackermann’s function by incrementalization (YAL, SDS), pp. 85–91.
- PLDI-2003-ChenWAF #optimisation
- A provably sound TAL for back-end optimization (JC, DW, AWA, HF), pp. 208–219.
- PLDI-2003-ErtlG #branch #optimisation #predict #virtual machine
- Optimizing indirect branch prediction accuracy in virtual machine interpreters (MAE, DG), pp. 278–288.
- PLDI-2003-JoishaB #array #matlab #optimisation
- Static array storage optimization in MATLAB (PGJ, PB), pp. 258–268.
- PLDI-2003-LambTA #analysis #linear #optimisation #source code
- Linear analysis and optimization of stream programs (AAL, WT, SPA), pp. 12–25.
- PLDI-2003-LernerMC #automation #compilation #correctness #optimisation #proving
- Automatically proving the correctness of compiler optimizations (SL, TDM, CC), pp. 220–231.
- PLDI-2003-LinCHYJNC #analysis #compilation #framework #optimisation
- A compiler framework for speculative analysis and optimizations (JL, TC, WCH, PCY, RDCJ, TFN, SC), pp. 289–299.
- PLDI-2003-StephensonAMO #compilation #heuristic #machine learning #optimisation
- Meta optimization: improving compiler heuristics with machine learning (MS, SPA, MCM, UMO), pp. 77–90.
- PLDI-2003-YotovLRCDGPPSW #comparison #empirical #modelling #optimisation
- A comparison of empirical and model-driven optimization (KY, XL, GR, MC, GD, MJG, DAP, KP, PS, PW), pp. 63–76.
- STOC-2003-AnshelevichDTW #design #network
- Near-optimal network design with selfish agents (EA, AD, ÉT, TW), pp. 511–520.
- STOC-2003-AwerbuchAM #online #optimisation
- Reducing truth-telling online mechanisms to online optimization (BA, YA, AM), pp. 503–510.
- STOC-2003-AzarCFKR #polynomial
- Optimal oblivious routing in polynomial time (YA, EC, AF, HK, HR), pp. 383–388.
- STOC-2003-FatourouFR #bound #implementation #multi
- A tight time lower bound for space-optimal implementations of multi-writer snapshots (PF, FEF, ER), pp. 259–268.
- STOC-2003-LuRVW #constant #named
- Extractors: optimal up to constant factors (CJL, OR, SPV, AW), pp. 602–611.
- STOC-2003-Tardo #probability
- Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes (GT), pp. 116–125.
- CIAA-2003-FanLLTWY #algorithm
- An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum-Sum Segment and Its Application in Bioinformatics Extended Abstract (THF, SL, HIL, TST, TCW, AY), pp. 251–257.
- ICALP-2003-BansalAM #multi #performance
- Stable Marriages with Multiple Partners: Efficient Search for an Optimal Solution (VB, AA, VSM), pp. 527–542.
- ICALP-2003-BonisGV #framework #testing
- Generalized Framework for Selectors with Applications in Optimal Group Testing (ADB, LG, UV), pp. 81–96.
- ICALP-2003-FranceschiniG
- Optimal Cache-Oblivious Implicit Dictionaries (GF, RG), pp. 316–331.
- ICALP-2003-PoulalhonS
- Optimal Coding and Sampling of Triangulations (DP, GS), pp. 1080–1094.
- ICALP-2003-Schonhage #adaptation #optimisation #performance
- Adaptive Raising Strategies Optimizing Relative Efficiency (AS), pp. 611–623.
- SOFTVIS-2003-MuTSM #architecture #interactive #locality #optimisation
- Interactive Locality Optimization on NUMA Architectures (TM, JT, MS, SAM), pp. 133–141.
- CAiSE-2003-WangL #optimisation #query
- Query Processing and Optimization for Regular Path Expressions (GW, ML), pp. 30–45.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-BatistaLS #integration #optimisation
- Optimizing Access in a Data Integration System with Caching and Materialized Data (MdCMB, BFL, ACS), pp. 529–532.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-ZhuHH #cost analysis #modelling #multi #optimisation #query
- Global Query Optimization Based on Multistate Cost Models for a Dynamic Multidatabase System (QZ, JH, WCH), pp. 144–155.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-LeeS #enterprise #optimisation #resource management
- Complementary Adoption and Optimization of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (CSL, WSS), pp. 615–618.
- ECIR-2003-CachedaCGV #data type #hybrid #optimisation #strict #using #web
- Optimization of Restricted Searches in Web Directories Using Hybrid Data Structures (FC, VC, CG, ÁV), pp. 436–451.
- ECIR-2003-Moschitti #case study #classification #parametricity
- A Study on Optimal Parameter Tuning for Rocchio Text Classifier (AM), pp. 420–435.
- ICML-2003-DeCosteM #approximate #classification #incremental #kernel #performance
- Fast Query-Optimized Kernel Machine Classification Via Incremental Approximate Nearest Support Vectors (DD, DM), pp. 115–122.
- ICML-2003-Duff #design
- Design for an Optimal Probe (MOD), pp. 131–138.
- ICML-2003-MooreW #learning #network
- Optimal Reinsertion: A New Search Operator for Accelerated and More Accurate Bayesian Network Structure Learning (AWM, WKW), pp. 552–559.
- ICML-2003-SalakhutdinovR #adaptation #bound #optimisation
- Adaptive Overrelaxed Bound Optimization Methods (RS, STR), pp. 664–671.
- ICML-2003-SalakhutdinovRG #optimisation
- Optimization with EM and Expectation-Conjugate-Gradient (RS, STR, ZG), pp. 672–679.
- ICML-2003-Strens #optimisation
- Evolutionary MCMC Sampling and Optimization in Discrete Spaces (MJAS), pp. 736–743.
- ICML-2003-WuS #optimisation
- New í-Support Vector Machines and their Sequential Minimal Optimization (XW, RKS), pp. 824–831.
- ICML-2003-YanDMW #approximate #classification #optimisation #performance #statistics
- Optimizing Classifier Performance via an Approximation to the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Statistic (LY, RHD, MM, RHW), pp. 848–855.
- MLDM-2003-ChiuX #mining #optimisation
- Optimizing Financial Portfolios from the Perspective of Mining Temporal Structures of Stock Returns (KCC, LX), pp. 266–275.
- MLDM-2003-DongKS #optimisation #parallel #performance
- A Fast Parallel Optimization for Training Support Vector Machine (JxD, AK, CYS), pp. 96–105.
- SIGIR-2003-EvansBH #optimisation #performance #robust
- Optimizing term vectors for efficient and robust filtering (DAE, JB, DAH), pp. 451–452.
- OOPSLA-2003-IshizakiTKSGIKOKYOOKN #compilation #effectiveness #java #optimisation
- Effectiveness of cross-platform optimizations for a java just-in-time compiler (KI, MT, KK, TS, OG, TI, AK, KO, MK, TY, TO, TO, HK, TN), pp. 187–204.
- GPCE-2003-Kastner #analysis #hardware #named #optimisation
- TDL: A Hardware Description Language for Retargetable Postpass Optimizations and Analyses (DK), pp. 18–36.
- LOPSTR-2003-AbdennadherF #constraints #integration #optimisation #rule-based #theorem proving
- Integration and Optimization of Rule-Based Constraint Solvers (SA, TWF), pp. 198–213.
- SAC-2003-BeattyCGN #embedded #interpreter #java
- An Optimized Java Interpreter for Connected Devices and Embedded Systems (AB, KC, DG, AN), pp. 692–697.
- SAC-2003-LomonosovSP #game studies #trade-off
- Stability vs. Optimality Tradeoff in Game Theoretic Mechanisms for QoS Provision (AL, MS, KP), pp. 28–32.
- SAC-2003-Meo #data mining #mining #optimisation
- Optimization of a Language for Data Mining (RM), pp. 437–444.
- SAC-2003-RaisanenW #communication #evaluation #multi #network #optimisation #problem
- Multi-objective Optimization in the Area Coverage Problems for Cellular Communication Networks: Evaluation of an Elitist Evolutionary Strategy (LR, RMW), pp. 714–720.
- SAC-2003-Shen03a #multi
- An Optimal Broadcasting Schema for Multidimensional Mesh Structures (ZS), pp. 1019–1023.
- CC-2003-Andersson #graph
- Register Allocation by Optimal Graph Coloring (CA), pp. 33–45.
- CC-2003-GhoshKKKLLN #compilation #design #experience #implementation #optimisation
- Integrating High-Level Optimizations in a Production Compiler: Design and Implementation Experience (SG, AK, RK, DK, WL, CCL, JN), pp. 303–319.
- CC-2003-Leupers #algorithm #evaluation #optimisation
- Offset Assignment Showdown: Evaluation of DSP Address Code Optimization Algorithms (RL), pp. 290–302.
- CC-2003-MasuharaKD #aspect-oriented #compilation #optimisation #source code
- A Compilation and Optimization Model for Aspect-Oriented Programs (HM, GK, CD), pp. 46–60.
- CGO-2003-BrueningGA #adaptation #framework #optimisation
- An Infrastructure for Adaptive Dynamic Optimization (DB, TG, SPA), pp. 265–275.
- CGO-2003-BudiuG #memory management #optimisation
- Optimizing Memory Accesses For Spatial Computation (MB, SCG), pp. 216–227.
- CGO-2003-CaiX #performance
- Optimal and Efficient Speculation-Based Partial Redundancy Elimination (QC, JX), pp. 91–104.
- CGO-2003-CollardL #optimisation
- Optimizations to Prevent Cache Penalties for the Intel ® Itanium 2 Processor (JFC, DML), pp. 105–114.
- CGO-2003-DrinicKV #optimisation
- Code Optimization for Code Compression (MD, DK, HV), pp. 315–324.
- CGO-2003-HaberKEMG #optimisation #order
- Optimization Opportunities Created by Global Data Reordering (GH, MK, VE, BM, MG), pp. 228–240.
- CGO-2003-McFarling #optimisation
- Reality-Based Optimization (SM), pp. 59–68.
- CGO-2003-SettleCHL #architecture #optimisation #stack
- Optimization for the Intel® Itanium ®Architectur Register Stack (AS, DAC, GH, DML), pp. 115–124.
- CGO-2003-TriantafyllisVVA #compilation
- Compiler Optimization-Space Exploration (ST, MV, NV, DIA), pp. 204–215.
- HPCA-2003-ShangPJ #network #optimisation #scalability
- Dynamic Voltage Scaling with Links for Power Optimization of Interconnection Networks (LS, LSP, NKJ), pp. 91–102.
- HPCA-2003-SlechtaCFFMQSPL #optimisation
- Dynamic Optimization of Micro-Operations (BS, DC, BF, MF, GAM, JQ, FS, SJP, SL), pp. 165–176.
- HPDC-2003-ThulasidasanFG #optimisation
- Optimizing GridFTP through Dynamic Right-Sizing (ST, WcF, MKG), pp. 14–23.
- LCTES-2003-AnanianR #java #optimisation #source code
- Data size optimizations for java programs (CSA, MCR), pp. 59–68.
- LCTES-2003-KimVKI #adaptation #architecture #optimisation #parallel
- Adapting instruction level parallelism for optimizing leakage in VLIW architectures (HSK, NV, MTK, MJI), pp. 275–283.
- LCTES-2003-KulkarniZMCWDBPG #effectiveness #optimisation #sequence
- Finding effective optimization phase sequences (PAK, WZ, HM, KC, DBW, JWD, MWB, YP, KG), pp. 12–23.
- LCTES-2003-ZhaoCS #embedded #impact analysis #optimisation #predict
- Predicting the impact of optimizations for embedded systems (MZ, BRC, MLS), pp. 1–11.
- LCTES-2003-ZhuangLP #embedded #optimisation
- Storage assignment optimizations through variable coalescence for embedded processors (XZ, CL, SP), pp. 220–231.
- PPoPP-2003-ChenTSDS #distributed
- Exploiting high-level coherence information to optimize distributed shared state (DC, CT, BS, SD, MLS), pp. 131–142.
- PPoPP-2003-ChuTYS #clustering #internet #optimisation
- Optimizing data aggregation for cluster-based internet services (LC, HT, TY, KS), pp. 119–130.
- CADE-2003-PanV #optimisation
- Optimizing a BDD-Based Modal Solver (GP, MYV), pp. 75–89.
- CADE-2003-PientkaP #higher-order #optimisation #unification
- Optimizing Higher-Order Pattern Unification (BP, FP), pp. 473–487.
- CAV-2003-HungarNS #automaton #learning #optimisation
- Domain-Specific Optimization in Automata Learning (HH, ON, BS), pp. 315–327.
- CAV-2003-RosuVWL #estimation #source code
- Certifying Optimality of State Estimation Programs (GR, RPV, JW, LL), pp. 301–314.
- FATES-2003-HesselLNPS #generative #realtime #testing #using
- Time-Optimal Real-Time Test Case Generation Using Uppaal (AH, KGL, BN, PP, AS), pp. 114–130.
- ICLP-2003-Smaus #equation #first-order #question #semantics
- Is There an Optimal Generic Semantics for First-Order Equations? (JGS), pp. 438–450.
- VMCAI-2003-UnnikrishnanSL #analysis #bound
- Optimized Live Heap Bound Analysis (LU, SDS, YAL), pp. 70–85.
- ASE-2002-BaudryFJT #adaptation #automation #component #dot-net #optimisation #testing #using
- Automatic Test Cases Optimization Using a Bacteriological Adaptation Model: Application to .NET Component (BB, FF, JMJ, YLT), pp. 253–256.
- DAC-2002-BadarogluTDWMVG #optimisation #reduction #using
- Clock tree optimization in synchronous CMOS digital circuits for substrate noise reduction using folding of supply current transients (MB, KT, SD, PW, HDM, IV, GGEG), pp. 399–404.
- DAC-2002-BaiVS #optimisation
- Uncertainty-aware circuit optimization (XB, CV, PNS), pp. 58–63.
- DAC-2002-BajdechiHG #design
- Optimal design of delta-sigma ADCs by design space exploration (OB, JHH, GGEG), pp. 443–448.
- DAC-2002-BonaSSZSZ #clustering #embedded #energy #estimation #optimisation
- Energy estimation and optimization of embedded VLIW processors based on instruction clustering (AB, MS, DS, VZ, CS, RZ), pp. 886–891.
- DAC-2002-ChelceaN #optimisation #scalability
- Resynthesis and peephole transformations for the optimization of large-scale asynchronous systems (TC, SMN), pp. 405–410.
- DAC-2002-DaemsGS #modelling #performance
- An efficient optimization--based technique to generate posynomial performance models for analog integrated circuits (WD, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 431–436.
- DAC-2002-IyengarCM #constraints #reduction #scheduling
- Wrapper/TAM co-optimization, constraint-driven test scheduling, and tester data volume reduction for SOCs (VI, KC, EJM), pp. 685–690.
- DAC-2002-KangSC #power management #synthesis
- An optimal voltage synthesis technique for a power-efficient satellite application (DIK, JS, SPC), pp. 492–497.
- DAC-2002-KapurCS #estimation #novel #optimisation #reduction #using
- Power estimation in global interconnects and its reduction using a novel repeater optimization methodology (PK, GC, KS), pp. 461–466.
- DAC-2002-KarnikYTWBGDB #optimisation #performance
- Total power optimization by simultaneous dual-Vt allocation and device sizing in high performance microprocessors (TK, YY, JT, LW, SMB, VG, VD, SB), pp. 486–491.
- DAC-2002-MarculescuMK #challenge #modelling #optimisation
- Challenges and opportunities in electronic textiles modeling and optimization (DM, RM, PKK), pp. 175–180.
- DAC-2002-WhelihanS #memory management #network #optimisation
- Memory optimization in single chip network switch fabrics (DW, HS), pp. 530–535.
- DAC-2002-Ykman-CouvreurLVCNK #memory management #network #optimisation #performance
- System-level performance optimization of the data queueing memory management in high-speed network processors (CYC, JL, DV, FC, AN, GEK), pp. 518–523.
- DAC-2002-ZhongD #algorithm #constraints #multi #optimisation
- Algorithms for simultaneous satisfaction of multiple constraints and objective optimization in a placement flow with application to congestion control (KZ, SD), pp. 854–859.
- DATE-2002-BensoCNP #algorithm #automation #generative #testing
- An Optimal Algorithm for the Automatic Generation of March Tests (AB, SDC, GDN, PP), pp. 938–943.
- DATE-2002-BonaSSZSZ #embedded #estimation #optimisation
- An Instruction-Level Methodology for Power Estimation and Optimization of Embedded VLIW Cores (AB, MS, DS, VZ, CS, RZ), p. 1128.
- DATE-2002-DingM #performance
- Optimal Transistor Tapering for High-Speed CMOS Circuits (LD, PM), pp. 708–713.
- DATE-2002-GuardianiMDSZXL #optimisation #testing
- Analog IP Testing: Diagnosis and Optimization (CG, PM, LD, SS, SZ, WX, SL), pp. 192–196.
- DATE-2002-HassibiH #automation #design
- Automated Optimal Design of Switched-Capacitor Filters (AH, MdMH), p. 1111.
- DATE-2002-Hieu #analysis #design #feedback #linear #optimisation
- Optimization Techniques for Design of General and Feedback Linear Analog Amplifier with Symbolic Analysis (TcH), p. 1104.
- DATE-2002-HuangTXWL #algorithm #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial Time Optimal Diode Insertion/Routing Algorithm for Fixing Antenna Problem (LDH, XT, HX, DFW, IML), pp. 470–475.
- DATE-2002-IyengarCM #performance #scalability
- Efficient Wrapper/TAM Co-Optimization for Large SOCs (VI, KC, EJM), pp. 491–498.
- DATE-2002-KadayifKVIS #compilation #energy #estimation #framework #named #optimisation
- EAC: A Compiler Framework for High-Level Energy Estimation and Optimization (IK, MTK, NV, MJI, AS), pp. 436–442.
- DATE-2002-LampeL #optimisation #problem
- Global Optimization Applied to the Oscillator Problem (SL, SL), pp. 322–326.
- DATE-2002-PalkovicMC #optimisation #trade-off
- Systematic Power-Performance Trade-Off in MPEG-4 by Means of Selective Function Inlining Steered by Address Optimization Opportunities (MP, MM, FC), pp. 1072–1077.
- DATE-2002-PeymandoustSM #algebra #embedded #optimisation #power management #using
- Low Power Embedded Software Optimization Using Symbolic Algebra (AP, TS, GDM), pp. 1052–1058.
- DATE-2002-VicenteLH #combinator #optimisation
- FPGA Placement by Thermodynamic Combinatorial Optimization (JdV, JL, RH), pp. 54–60.
- PODS-2002-ChatterjiEGY #approximate #complexity #on the #optimisation #query
- On the Complexity of Approximate Query Optimization (SC, SSKE, SG, MDY), pp. 282–292.
- PODS-2002-ChenC #clustering #multi #query
- From Discrepancy to Declustering: Near optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queries (CMC, CTC), pp. 29–38.
- PODS-2002-ChuHG #optimisation #query #question #what
- Least Expected Cost Query Optimization: What Can We Expect? (FCC, JYH, JG), pp. 293–302.
- SIGMOD-2002-AbadiC #debugging #development #query #visual notation
- Visual COKO: a debugger for query optimizer development (DJA, MC), p. 617.
- SIGMOD-2002-BrunoC #optimisation #query #statistics
- Exploiting statistics on query expressions for optimization (NB, SC), pp. 263–274.
- SIGMOD-2002-BrunoKS #pattern matching #xml
- Holistic twig joins: optimal XML pattern matching (NB, NK, DS), pp. 310–321.
- SIGMOD-2002-ChenGMV #optimisation #performance
- Fractal prefetching B±Trees: optimizing both cache and disk performance (SC, PBG, TCM, GV), pp. 157–168.
- SIGMOD-2002-ViglasN #optimisation #query #streaming
- Rate-based query optimization for streaming information sources (SV, JFN), pp. 37–48.
- VLDB-2002-BohannonGKNS #optimisation #query
- Optimizing View Queries in ROLEX to Support Navigable Result Trees (PB, SG, HFK, PPSN, PS), pp. 119–130.
- VLDB-2002-ChoALS #evaluation #optimisation #query
- Optimizing the Secure Evaluation of Twig Queries (SC, SAY, LVSL, DS), pp. 490–501.
- VLDB-2002-HulgeriS #cost analysis #linear #optimisation #parametricity #query
- Parametric Query Optimization for Linear and Piecewise Linear Cost Functions (AH, SS), pp. 167–178.
- VLDB-2002-LeeWMS #algorithm #multi
- A One-Pass Aggregation Algorithm with the Optimal Buffer Size in Multidimensional OLAP (YKL, KYW, YSM, IYS), pp. 790–801.
- VLDB-2002-LempelM #optimisation #web
- Optimizing Result Prefetching in Web Search Engines with Segmented Indices (RL, SM), pp. 370–381.
- VLDB-2002-ZellerK #case study #database #experience #optimisation #scalability
- Experience Report: Exploiting Advanced Database Optimization Features for Large-Scale SAP R/3 Installations (BZ, AK), pp. 894–905.
- WCRE-2002-ProbstKS #analysis #liveness #optimisation
- Register Liveness Analysis for Optimizing Dynamic Binary Translation (MP, AK, BS), pp. 35–44.
- ASIA-PEPM-2002-Gluck
- Jones optimality, binding-time improvements, and the strength of program specializers (RG), pp. 9–19.
- PEPM-2002-LiuS #data type #optimisation #recursion #using
- Program optimization using indexed and recursive data structures (YAL, SDS), pp. 108–118.
- PLDI-2002-CociorvaBLSRNBH #optimisation #trade-off
- Space-Time Trade-Off Optimization for a Class of Electronic Structure Calculations (DC, GB, CCL, PS, JR, MN, DEB, RJH), pp. 177–186.
- PLDI-2002-RajagopalanDHS #optimisation #source code
- Profile-Directed Optimization of Event-Based Programs (MR, SKD, MAH, RDS), pp. 106–116.
- SAS-2002-MesnardPN #detection #logic programming #source code #termination
- Detecting Optimal Termination Conditions of Logic Programs (FM, ÉP, UN), pp. 509–526.
- SAS-2002-VeldhuizenL #compilation #optimisation #proving
- Guaranteed Optimization: Proving Nullspace Properties of Compilers (TLV, AL), pp. 263–277.
- STOC-2002-AdlemanCGHKER #combinator #optimisation #problem #self
- Combinatorial optimization problems in self-assembly (LMA, QC, AG, MDAH, DK, PMdE, PWKR), pp. 23–32.
- STOC-2002-BrodalLMTT #pointer
- Optimal finger search trees in the pointer machine (GSB, GL, CM, AKT, KT), pp. 583–591.
- STOC-2002-GilbertGIMS #fourier
- Near-optimal sparse fourier representations via sampling (ACG, SG, PI, SM, MS), pp. 152–161.
- STOC-2002-GuruswamiI #linear
- Near-optimal linear-time codes for unique decoding and new list-decodable codes over smaller alphabets (VG, PI), pp. 812–821.
- STOC-2002-SrinivasanA #multi #scheduling
- Optimal rate-based scheduling on multiprocessors (AS, JHA), pp. 189–198.
- ICALP-2002-BeierSS #data type #energy #geometry #network #using
- Energy Optimal Routing in Radio Networks Using Geometric Data Structures (RB, PS, NS), pp. 366–376.
- ICALP-2002-FabrikantKP #internet #paradigm #trade-off
- Heuristically Optimized Trade-Offs: A New Paradigm for Power Laws in the Internet (AF, EK, CHP), pp. 110–122.
- ICALP-2002-WuC #problem
- Optimal Net Surface Problems with Applications (XW, DZC), pp. 1029–1042.
- CHI-2002-ScottLK #human-computer #optimisation
- Investigating human-computer optimization (SDS, NL, GWK), pp. 155–162.
- EDOC-2002-SatoSM #optimisation #parallel #web #web service
- Optimizing Composite Web Services through Parallelization of Service Invocations (NS, SS, KM), p. 305–?.
- ECIR-2002-Lavrenko #information retrieval #modelling
- Optimal Mixture Models in IR (VL), pp. 193–212.
- ICML-2002-Bonet #algorithm #markov #process
- An epsilon-Optimal Grid-Based Algorithm for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (BB), pp. 51–58.
- ICML-2002-GhavamzadehM #learning
- Hierarchically Optimal Average Reward Reinforcement Learning (MG, SM), pp. 195–202.
- ICML-2002-KakadeL #approximate #learning
- Approximately Optimal Approximate Reinforcement Learning (SK, JL), pp. 267–274.
- ICML-2002-StrensBE #markov #monte carlo #optimisation #using
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling using Direct Search Optimization (MJAS, MB, NE), pp. 602–609.
- ICML-2002-TakechiS #induction
- Finding an Optimal Gain-Ratio Subset-Split Test for a Set-Valued Attribute in Decision Tree Induction (FT, ES), pp. 618–625.
- ICML-2002-Ting #classification #evaluation #using
- Issues in Classifier Evaluation using Optimal Cost Curves (KMT), pp. 642–649.
- ICML-2002-WangW #modelling #predict #probability
- Modeling for Optimal Probability Prediction (YW, IHW), pp. 650–657.
- ICPR-v1-2002-Baggenstoss #classification
- The Chain-Rule Processor: Optimal Classification Through Signal Processing (PMB), pp. 230–234.
- ICPR-v1-2002-TuzikovCB #image #optimisation #symmetry #using
- Brain Symmetry Plane Computation in MR Images Using Inertia Axes and Optimization (AVT, OC, IB), pp. 516–519.
- ICPR-v1-2002-WangQ #complexity #recognition #using
- Face Recognition Using Optimal Non-Orthogonal Wavelet Basis Evaluated by Information Complexity (XW, HQ), pp. 164–167.
- ICPR-v1-2002-WuYS #identification
- Optimal Gabor Filters for High Speed Face Identification (HW, YY, TS), pp. 107–110.
- ICPR-v2-2002-CesarBB #graph #optimisation #probability #recognition #using
- Inexact Graph Matching Using Stochastic Optimization Techniques for Facial Feature Recognition (RMC, EB, IB), pp. 465–468.
- ICPR-v2-2002-ChenL #probability
- Probabilistic Tracking with Optimal Scale and Orientation Selection (HTC, TLL), pp. 668–671.
- ICPR-v2-2002-FrantiVK #bound #clustering
- Branch-and-Bound Technique for Solving Optimal Clustering (PF, OV, TK), pp. 232–235.
- ICPR-v2-2002-LiuHLM #analysis #kernel #recognition
- Kernel-Based Optimized Feature Vectors Selection and Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition (QL, RH, HL, SM), pp. 362–365.
- ICPR-v2-2002-XiaoAX #optimisation #set
- Pair-Wise Sequential Reduced Set for Optimization of Support Vector Machines (XX, HA, GX), pp. 860–863.
- ICPR-v2-2002-YangDD #parametricity
- Near-Optimal Regularization Parameters for Applications in Computer Vision (CY, RD, LSD), pp. 569–573.
- ICPR-v3-2002-GarciaFRF02a #embedded
- Optimized Rate Control in Embedded Wavelet Coding (JAG, JFV, RRS, XRFV), pp. 849–854.
- ICPR-v3-2002-Robinson #detection
- Optimal Detection of Blurred Edges (JAR), pp. 831–834.
- ICPR-v3-2002-SilvestreL #bound #classification #optimisation
- Optimization of Neural Classifiers Based on Bayesian Decision Boundaries and Idle Neurons Pruning (MRS, LLL), pp. 387–390.
- ICPR-v3-2002-XuM
- Entropy Optimized Contrast Stretch to Enhance Remote Sensing Imagery (XX, ELM), pp. 915–918.
- ICPR-v4-2002-KolesnikovF #algorithm #approximate #performance
- A Fast Near-Optimal Algorithm for Approximation of Polygonal Curves (AK, PF), pp. 335–338.
- ICPR-v4-2002-KubotaMK #fault #learning #optimisation
- A Discriminative Learning Criterion for the Overall Optimization of Error and Reject (SK, HM, YK), pp. 98–102.
- ICPR-v4-2002-Sarkar #algorithm #classification
- An Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Style Conscious Field Classification (PS), p. 243–?.
- ICPR-v4-2002-WangDL #feature model #recognition
- Optimized Gabor Filter Based Feature Extraction for Character Recognition (XW, XD, CL), pp. 223–226.
- KDD-2002-Joachims #optimisation #using
- Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data (TJ), pp. 133–142.
- KDD-2002-StoreyC #modelling #optimisation
- Exploiting response models: optimizing cross-sell and up-sell opportunities in banking (AS, MDC), pp. 325–331.
- SEKE-2002-BriandFL #algorithm #integration #metric #order #search-based #using
- Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders (LCB, JF, YL), pp. 43–50.
- ECOOP-2002-Filman #encoding
- Polychotomic Encoding: A Better Quasi-Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies (REF), pp. 545–561.
- OOPSLA-2002-ArnoldHR #java #online #optimisation
- Online feedback-directed optimization of Java (MA, MH, BGR), pp. 111–129.
- GPCE-2002-NogaK #content management #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Optimizing Content Management System Pipelines (MLN, FK), pp. 252–267.
- LOPSTR-2002-AmatoS #alias #framework #towards
- A General Framework for Variable Aliasing: Towards Optimal Operators for Sharing Properties (GA, FS), pp. 52–70.
- LOPSTR-2002-GrecoGTZ #optimisation #query #source code
- Translating Datalog-Like Optimization Queries into ILOG Programs (GG, SG, IT, EZ), pp. 48–49.
- POPL-2002-LaceyJWF #compilation #correctness #logic #optimisation #proving
- Proving correctness of compiler optimizations by temporal logic (DL, NDJ, EVW, CCF), pp. 283–294.
- POPL-2002-RubinBC #framework #optimisation #performance
- An efficient profile-analysis framework for data-layout optimizations (SR, RB, TMC), pp. 140–153.
- POPL-2002-ShufGBS #memory management #optimisation
- Exploiting prolific types for memory management and optimizations (YS, MG, RB, JPS), pp. 295–306.
- RE-2002-FeatherM #convergence #requirements
- Converging on the Optimal Attainment of Requirements (MSF, TM), pp. 263–272.
- RE-2002-FritzhannsK #approach #assessment
- Product Management Assessment — A New Approach to Optimize the Early Phases (TF, FK), pp. 124–126.
- SAC-2002-Leopold #locality #on the
- On optimal temporal locality of stencil codes (CL), pp. 948–952.
- SAC-2002-MathiasCDM #architecture #distributed #heuristic #metaheuristic #named #optimisation
- DEVOpT: a distributed architecture supporting heuristic and metaheuristic optimization methods (ENM, CMdC, FLD, FMM), pp. 870–875.
- SAC-2002-ParsopoulosV #multi #optimisation #problem
- Particle swarm optimization method in multiobjective problems (KEP, MNV), pp. 603–607.
- SAC-2002-SinghP #compilation #data-driven #distributed #java #optimisation
- Compiler optimizations for Java aglets in distributed data intensive applications (AS, SP), pp. 87–92.
- SAC-2002-VedovaW #algorithm
- Optimal algorithms for local vertex quartet cleaning (GDV, TW), pp. 173–177.
- SAC-2002-WainwrightR #optimisation
- Evolutionary computation and optimization track: SAC 2002 (RLW, GRR), p. 541.
- SAC-2002-WangW #approach #data mining #mining #optimisation #query #relational
- Optimizing relational store for e-catalog queries: a data mining approach (MW, XSW), pp. 1147–1152.
- ASPLOS-2002-KohlerMC #composition #optimisation #programming language
- Programming language optimizations for modular router configurations (EK, RM, BC), pp. 251–263.
- ASPLOS-2002-OgataKN #bytecode #interpreter #java #optimisation
- Bytecode fetch optimization for a Java interpreter (KO, HK, TN), pp. 58–67.
- ASPLOS-2002-ZhaiCSM #communication #compilation #optimisation #thread
- Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads (AZ, CBC, JGS, TCM), pp. 171–183.
- CC-2002-GuptaMZ #analysis #optimisation #representation
- A Representation for Bit Section Based Analysis and Optimization (RG, EM, YZ), pp. 62–77.
- CC-2002-KandemirKK #energy #memory management #multi #optimisation
- Influence of Loop Optimizations on Energy Consumption of Multi-bank Memory Systems (MTK, IK, IK), pp. 276–292.
- CC-2002-RelePOG #functional #optimisation
- Optimizing Static Power Dissipation by Functional Units in Superscalar Processors (SR, SP, SÖ, RG), pp. 261–275.
- HPCA-2002-YangPFV #design #energy
- Exploiting Choice in Resizable Cache Design to Optimize Deep-Submicron Processor Energy-Delay (SHY, MDP, BF, TNV), pp. 151–161.
- LCTES-SCOPES-2002-KesslerB #architecture #clustering #code generation
- Optimal integrated code generation for clustered VLIW architectures (CWK, AB), pp. 102–111.
- LCTES-SCOPES-2002-PalemRMKP #design #embedded #memory management #optimisation
- Design space optimization of embedded memory systems via data remapping (KVP, RMR, VJM, PK, KP), pp. 28–37.
- OSDI-2002-SapuntzakisCPCLR #migration #optimisation
- Optimizing the Migration of Virtual Computers (CPS, RC, BP, JC, MSL, MR), pp. 377–390.
- CSL-2002-MarcinkowskiT #bound #complexity #game studies #ltl
- Optimal Complexity Bounds for Positive LTL Games (JM, TT), pp. 262–275.
- SAT-2002-AloulRMS1 #backtracking #named
- PBS: A backtrack-search psuedo-Boolean solver and optimizer (FAA, AR, IM, KS), p. 37.
- SAT-2002-DavydovaD #optimisation
- CNF application in discrete optimization (ID, GD), p. 44.
- SAT-2002-PrestwichB #approach #optimisation #query #satisfiability
- A SAT approach to query optimization in mediator systems (SP, SB), p. 33.
- SAT-2002-SlaneyW #behaviour #optimisation
- Phase Transition Behavior: From Decision to Optimization (JS, TW), p. 4.
- DAC-2001-BanerjeeM #analysis #distributed #novel #optimisation #performance #using
- Analysis of On-Chip Inductance Effects using a Novel Performance Optimization Methodology for Distributed RLC Interconnects (KB, AM), pp. 798–803.
- DAC-2001-KimJSLK #optimisation #using
- Coupling Delay Optimization by Temporal Decorrelation using Dual Threshold Voltage Technique (KWK, SOJ, PS, CLL, SMK), pp. 732–737.
- DAC-2001-MeguerdichianKMPP #design #named #optimisation
- MetaCores: Design and Optimization Techniques (SM, FK, AM, DP, MP), pp. 585–590.
- DAC-2001-SchenkelPZSGA #analysis #optimisation
- Mismatch Analysis and Direct Yield Optimization by Spec-Wise Linearization and Feasibility-Guided Search (FS, MP, SZ, RS, HEG, KA), pp. 858–863.
- DAC-2001-TanS #modelling #network #optimisation #performance
- Fast Power/Ground Network Optimization Based on Equivalent Circuit Modeling (SXDT, CJRS), pp. 550–554.
- DAC-2001-TheobaldN #distributed #optimisation #synthesis
- Transformations for the Synthesis and Optimization of Asynchronous Distributed Control (MT, SMN), pp. 263–268.
- DAC-2001-WangRLJ #adaptation #design #energy #optimisation #performance
- Input Space Adaptive Design: A High-level Methodology for Energy and Performance Optimization (WW, AR, GL, NKJ), pp. 738–743.
- DATE-2001-ChangHM #functional #optimisation #symmetry #using
- In-place delay constrained power optimization using functional symmetries (CWJC, BH, MMS), pp. 377–382.
- DATE-2001-EspejoEMO #logic #optimisation #reasoning
- Generalized reasoning scheme for redundancy addition and removal logic optimization (JAE, LE, ESM, EO), pp. 391–397.
- DATE-2001-FavalliM #detection #fault #optimisation
- Optimization of error detecting codes for the detection of crosstalk originated errors (MF, CM), pp. 290–296.
- DATE-2001-FeketeKT #constraints #precedence
- Optimal FPGA module placement with temporal precedence constraints (SPF, EK, JT), pp. 658–667.
- DATE-2001-GaoW #algorithm #graph #modelling
- A graph based algorithm for optimal buffer insertion under accurate delay models (YG, DFW), pp. 535–539.
- DATE-2001-HuangM #configuration management #design #network #using
- Managing dynamic reconfiguration overhead in systems-on-a-chip design using reconfigurable datapaths and optimized interconnection networks (ZH, SM), p. 735.
- DATE-2001-ShinKC #optimisation
- An operation rearrangement technique for power optimization in VLIM instruction fetch (DS, JK, NC), p. 809.
- DATE-2001-WahlAMR #modelling #optimisation
- From DFT to systems test — a model based cost optimization tool (MGW, APA, CM, MR), pp. 302–306.
- ICDAR-2001-TeredesaiG #approach #classification #optimisation
- Active Digit Classifiers: A Separability Optimization Approach to Emulate Cognition (AT, VG), pp. 401–405.
- PODS-2001-DalviSRS #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Pipelining in Multi-Query Optimization (NND, SKS, PR, SS).
- PODS-2001-FaginLN #algorithm #middleware
- Optimal Aggregation Algorithms for Middleware (RF, AL, MN).
- PODS-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #statistics #summary
- Optimal and Approximate Computation of Summary Statistics for Range Aggregates (ACG, YK, SM, MS).
- PODS-2001-PapadimitriouY #multi #optimisation #query
- Multiobjective Query Optimization (CHP, MY).
- PODS-2001-SadriZZA #database #optimisation #query #sequence
- Optimization of Sequence Queries in Database Systems (RS, CZ, AMZ, JA).
- VLDB-2001-AndreiV #communication #using
- User-Optimizer Communication using Abstract Plans in Sybase ASE (MA, PV), pp. 29–38.
- VLDB-2001-StillgerLMK #learning #named
- LEO — DB2’s LEarning Optimizer (MS, GML, VM, MK), pp. 19–28.
- ITiCSE-2001-VanT #evaluation #optimisation #student
- A “frequently asked questions” management system that supports voting, built for student evaluation and optimization purposes (HLV, AT), p. 184.
- TACAS-2001-BehrmannF #performance #towards
- Efficient Guiding Towards Cost-Optimality in UPPAAL (GB, AF), pp. 174–188.
- CSMR-2001-BoschB #architecture #maintenance
- Assessing Optimal Software Architecture Maintainability (JB, PB), pp. 168–175.
- PASTE-2001-MockDCE #analysis #comparison #comprehension #optimisation #points-to #set
- Dynamic points-to sets: a comparison with static analyses and potential applications in program understanding and optimization (MM, MD, CC, SJE), pp. 66–72.
- SCAM-2001-WeberSR #case study #constraints #detection #optimisation #security #using
- A Case Study in Detecting Software Security Vulnerabilities Using Constraint Optimization (MW, VS, CR), pp. 3–13.
- PLDI-2001-AppelG
- Optimal Spilling for CISC Machines with Few Registers (AWA, LG), pp. 243–253.
- PLDI-2001-KrintzC #optimisation #using
- Using Annotation to Reduce Dynamic Optimization Time (CK, BC), pp. 156–167.
- PLDI-2001-ThiesVSA #framework #optimisation
- A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization (WT, FV, JS, SPA), pp. 232–242.
- SAS-2001-DasLFR #impact analysis #optimisation #pointer #scalability
- Estimating the Impact of Scalable Pointer Analysis on Optimization (MD, BL, MF, JR), pp. 260–278.
- SAS-2001-WangY #optimisation #parametricity #realtime
- Parametric Optimization of Open Real-Time Systems (FW, HCY), pp. 299–318.
- STOC-2001-AlstrupBR
- Optimal static range reporting in one dimension (SA, GSB, TR), pp. 476–482.
- STOC-2001-DunaganV
- Optimal outlier removal in high-dimensional (JD, SV), pp. 627–636.
- STOC-2001-Muller-OlmS #on the #parallel #slicing #source code
- On optimal slicing of parallel programs (MMO, HS), pp. 647–656.
- STOC-2001-Tokuyama #multi #optimisation #parametricity #problem
- Minimax parametric optimization problems and multi-dimensional parametric searching (TT), pp. 75–83.
- STOC-2001-Trevisan #bound #optimisation #problem
- Non-approximability results for optimization problems on bounded degree instances (LT), pp. 453–461.
- STOC-2001-Vocking #permutation
- Almost optimal permutation routing on hypercubes (BV), pp. 530–539.
- ICFP-2001-FessantM #optimisation #pattern matching
- Optimizing Pattern Matching (FLF, LM), pp. 26–37.
- IFL-2001-Grelck #array #memory management #optimisation
- Optimizations on Array Skeletons in a Shared Memory Environment (CG), pp. 36–54.
- CHI-2001-DumaisCC #optimisation
- Optimizing search by showing results in context (STD, EC, HC), pp. 277–284.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-WongC #optimisation #scheduling
- Optimizing User Preferences While Scheduling Meetings (RYMW, AHWC), pp. 459–465.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-ArevaloCQAV #analysis #corba #design #framework #industrial #web
- A CORBA and Web Technology Based Framework for the Analysis and Optimal Design of Complex Systems in the Oil Industry (CJA, JAC, NVQ, NA, JV), pp. 953–961.
- CIKM-2001-BlokHCJBA #database #design #information retrieval #optimisation #predict #query #trade-off
- Predicting the Cost-Quality Trade-Off for Information Retrieval Queries: Facilitating Database Design and Query Optimization (HEB, DH, SC, FdJ, HMB, PMGA), pp. 207–214.
- CIKM-2001-HouSZW #database #mobile
- An Optimal Construction of Invalidation Reports for Mobile Databases (WCH, MS, HZ, HW), pp. 458–465.
- CIKM-2001-HsuLC #algorithm #generative #multi #source code
- A Near Optimal Algorithm for Generating Broadcast Programs on Multiple Channels (CHH, GL, ALPC), pp. 303–309.
- CIKM-2001-NieK #integration #optimisation #query
- Joint Optimization of Cost and Coverage of Query Plans in Data Integration (ZN, SK), pp. 223–230.
- ICML-2001-RoyM #estimation #fault #learning #reduction #towards
- Toward Optimal Active Learning through Sampling Estimation of Error Reduction (NR, AM), pp. 441–448.
- MLDM-2001-Krzyzak #classification #learning #network #using
- Nonlinear Function Learning and Classification Using Optimal Radial Basis Function Networks (AK), pp. 217–225.
- SEKE-2001-BastarrioaCDS #component #deployment #optimisation
- Two Optimization Techniques for Component-Based Systems Deployment (MCB, REC, SAD, AAS), pp. 153–162.
- SIGIR-2001-ArampatzisH #adaptation #classification #optimisation
- The Score-Distributional Threshold Optimization for Adaptive Binary Classification Tasks (AA, AvH), pp. 285–293.
- SIGIR-2001-GodaKTFC #optimisation #problem #query
- Query Optimization for Vector Space Problems (KG, MK, TT, OF, AC), pp. 416–417.
- SIGIR-2001-SakaiR #feedback #flexibility #optimisation #pseudo #using
- Flexible Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Using Optimization Tables (TS, SER), pp. 396–397.
- ECOOP-2001-RaynaudT #encoding #performance #testing
- A Quasi Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies. Application to Efficient Type Inclusion Tests (OR, ET), pp. 165–180.
- OOPSLA-2001-OgasawaraKN #case study #exception #java #optimisation
- A Study of Exception Handling and Its Dynamic Optimization in Java (TO, HK, TN), pp. 83–95.
- OOPSLA-2001-SuganumaYKKN #compilation #framework #java #optimisation
- A Dynamic Optimization Framework for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler (TS, TY, MK, HK, TN), pp. 180–194.
- SAIG-2001-HerrmannL #approach #optimisation
- A Transformational Approach which Combines Size Inference and Program Optimization (CAH, CL), pp. 199–218.
- PADL-2001-PontelliE #optimisation #parallel #programming #set
- Construction and Optimization of a Parallel Engine for Answer Set Programming (EP, OEK), pp. 288–303.
- SAC-2001-Kandemir #algebra #algorithm #linear #locality #optimisation
- A dynamic locality optimization algorithm for linear algebra codes (MTK), pp. 632–635.
- SAC-2001-Leopold #optimisation #reuse
- Exploiting non-uniform reuse for cache optimization (CL), pp. 560–564.
- SAC-2001-WainwrightR #optimisation
- Evolutionary computation and optimization track (RLW, GRR), p. 315.
- SAC-2001-ZhouCH #correlation #identification #optimisation #problem #set #using
- Identifying the most significant pairwise correlations of residues in different positions of helices: the subset selection problem using least squares optimization (XZ, GC, MTH), pp. 51–55.
- CC-2001-Engelen #analysis #compilation #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Symbolic Analysis for Optimizing Compilers (RvE), pp. 118–132.
- CC-2001-KandemirU #array #locality #optimisation #unification
- Array Unification: A Locality Optimization Technique (MTK), pp. 259–273.
- CC-2001-OttoniRARM #embedded #source code
- Optimal Live Range Merge for Address Register Allocation in Embedded Programs (GO, SR, GA, SR, SM), pp. 274–288.
- CC-2001-PominvilleQVHV #framework #java #optimisation #using
- A Framework for Optimizing Java Using Attributes (PP, FQ, RVR, LJH, CV), pp. 334–354.
- CC-2001-SchuppGML #generative #type system
- User-Extensible Simplification — Type-Based Optimizer Generators (SS, DG, DRM, SML), pp. 86–101.
- CC-2001-YunKM #control flow #pipes and filters #towards
- A First Step Towards Time Optimal Software Pipelining of Loops with Control Flows (HSY, JK, SMM), pp. 182–199.
- LCTES-OM-2001-GoreCSO #corba #design #optimisation #scalability
- Designing and Optimizing a Scalable CORBA Notification Service (PG, RC, DCS, CO), pp. 196–204.
- LCTES-OM-2001-KesslerB #approach #code generation #programming
- A Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Integrated Code Generation (CWK, AB), pp. 165–174.
- LCTES-OM-2001-PyaraliSCS #concurrent #corba #optimisation #realtime #thread
- Evaluating and Optimizing Thread Pool Strategies for Real-Time CORBA (IP, MS, RC, DCS), pp. 214–222.
- LCTES-OM-2001-WegmanHKRRW #component #interactive #optimisation
- Optimizing Component Interaction (MNW, KH, DK, VTR, TR, NW), p. 181.
- LCTES-OM-2001-Yellin #challenge #middleware #optimisation #roadmap
- Stuck in the Middle: Challenges and Trends in Optimizing Middleware (DMY), pp. 175–180.
- PPoPP-2001-KimOEFV #analysis #execution #framework #optimisation
- Reference idempotency analysis: a framework for optimizing speculative execution (SWK, ClO, RE, BF, TNV), pp. 2–11.
- PPoPP-2001-VeldemaHBJB #distributed #memory management #optimisation
- Source-level global optimizations for fine-grain distributed shared memory systems (RV, RFHH, RB, CJHJ, HEB), pp. 83–92.
- PPoPP-2001-VossE #adaptation #optimisation
- High-level adaptive program optimization with ADAPT (MV, RE), pp. 93–102.
- CAV-2001-LarsenBBFHPR #automaton #performance #reachability
- As Cheap as Possible: Efficient Cost-Optimal Reachability for Priced Timed Automata (KGL, GB, EB, AF, TH, PP, JR), pp. 493–505.
- ICLP-2001-HolzbaurBJS #compilation #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing Compilation of Constraint Handling Rules (CH, MJGdlB, DJ, PJS), pp. 74–89.
- IJCAR-2001-GiunchigliaMTZ #heuristic #optimisation #satisfiability
- Evaluating Search Heuristics and Optimization Techniques in Propositional Satisfiability (EG, MM, AT, DZ), pp. 347–363.
- ASE-2000-El-FakihYBH #automation #distributed #petri net #specification
- Automatic Derivation of Petri Net Based Distributed Specification with Optimal Allocation of Resources (KEF, HY, GvB, TH), pp. 305–308.
- DAC-2000-BeniniMMP #embedded #optimisation #synthesis
- Synthesis of application-specific memories for power optimization in embedded systems (LB, AM, EM, MP), pp. 300–303.
- DAC-2000-CabodiQS #optimisation #verification
- Optimizing sequential verification by retiming transformations (GC, SQ, FS), pp. 601–606.
- DAC-2000-CarloniS #analysis #latency #optimisation #performance
- Performance analysis and optimization of latency insensitive systems (LPC, ALSV), pp. 361–367.
- DAC-2000-ChouB #coordination #distributed #embedded #optimisation #synthesis
- Synthesis and optimization of coordination controllers for distributed embedded systems (PHC, GB), pp. 410–415.
- DAC-2000-CongH #array #incremental #programmable
- Depth optimal incremental mapping for field programmable gate arrays (JC, HH), pp. 290–293.
- DAC-2000-FenstermakerGKMT #architecture #design #metric #named #optimisation #process
- METRICS: a system architecture for design process optimization (SF, DG, ABK, SM, BT), pp. 705–710.
- DAC-2000-KandemirVIY #compilation #optimisation
- Influence of compiler optimizations on system power (MTK, NV, MJI, WY), pp. 304–307.
- DAC-2000-UmKL #fine-grained #optimisation #power management #synthesis
- A fine-grained arithmetic optimization technique for high-performance/low-power data path synthesis (JU, TK, CLL), pp. 98–103.
- DAC-2000-VancorenlandRSG #algorithm #design #using
- Optimal RF design using smart evolutionary algorithms (PJV, CDR, MS, GGEG), pp. 7–10.
- DAC-2000-WangKS #clustering #latency #memory management #scheduling
- Optimal two level partitioning and loop scheduling for hiding memory latency for DSP applications (ZW, MK, EHMS), pp. 540–545.
- DAC-2000-YangCS #logic #named #optimisation
- BDS: a BDD-based logic optimization system (CY, MJC, VS), pp. 92–97.
- DAC-2000-ZhouW #composition #power management
- Optimal low power X OR gate decomposition (HZ, DFW), pp. 104–107.
- DATE-2000-BouraiS #layout #optimisation
- Layout Compaction for Yield Optimization via Critical Area Minimization (YB, CJRS), pp. 122–125.
- DATE-2000-BrennerV #performance
- Faster Optimal Single-Row Placement with Fixed Ordering (UB, JV), pp. 117–121.
- DATE-2000-CataldoCPW #functional #generative #hardware
- Optimal Hardware Pattern Generation for Functional BIST (SC, SC, PP, HJW), pp. 292–297.
- DATE-2000-DubrovaEMM #algorithm #named #optimisation
- TOP: An Algorithm for Three-Level Optimization of PLDs (ED, PE, DMM, JCM), p. 751.
- DATE-2000-HsiehP #architecture #optimisation
- Architectural Power Optimization by Bus Splitting (CTH, MP), pp. 612–616.
- DATE-2000-KimLS #embedded #optimisation
- Free MDD-Based Software Optimization Techniques for Embedded Systems (CK, LL, ALSV), pp. 14–18.
- DATE-2000-KumthekarS #logic #optimisation #reduction
- Power and Delay Reduction via Simultaneous Logic and Placement Optimization in FPGAs (BK, FS), pp. 202–207.
- DATE-2000-PaulusKT #constraints #optimisation
- Area Optimization of Analog Circuits Considering Matching Constraints (CP, UK, RT), p. 738.
- DATE-2000-PopEP #analysis #distributed #embedded #optimisation #scheduling
- Bus Access Optimization for Distributed Embedded Systems Based on Schedulability Analysis (PP, PE, ZP), pp. 567–574.
- PODS-2000-AtallahP #data access #parallel #query
- (Almost) Optimal Parallel Block Access for Range Queries (MJA, SP), pp. 205–215.
- PODS-2000-KoudasMS #query
- Optimal Histograms for Hierarchical Range Queries (NK, SM, DS), pp. 196–204.
- SIGMOD-2000-ChangBCLLS #linear #optimisation #query
- The Onion Technique: Indexing for Linear Optimization Queries (YCC, LDB, VC, CSL, MLL, JRS), pp. 391–402.
- SIGMOD-2000-RoySSB #algorithm #multi #optimisation #performance #query
- Efficient and Extensible Algorithms for Multi Query Optimization (PR, SS, SS, SB), pp. 249–260.
- SIGMOD-2000-WaasG #cost analysis #execution #query
- Counting, Enumerating, and Sampling of Execution Plans in a Cost-Based Query Optimizer (FW, CAGL), pp. 499–509.
- VLDB-2000-GuntzerBK #database #image #multi #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Multi-Feature Queries for Image Databases (UG, WTB, WK), pp. 419–428.
- VLDB-2000-JohnsonA #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Queries on Compressed Bitmaps (SAY, TJ), pp. 329–338.
- VLDB-2000-ManegoldBK #cpu #memory management #optimisation #what
- What Happens During a Join? Dissecting CPU and Memory Optimization Effects (SM, PAB, MLK), pp. 339–350.
- PEPM-2000-LiuS #optimisation #question #recursion #what
- From Recursion to Iteration: What are the Optimizations? (YAL, SDS), pp. 73–82.
- PLDI-2000-BalaDB #named #optimisation
- Dynamo: a transparent dynamic optimization system (VB, ED, SB), pp. 1–12.
- PLDI-2000-CierniakLS #java #optimisation
- Practicing JUDO: Java under dynamic optimizations (MC, GYL, JMS), pp. 13–26.
- PLDI-2000-DolbyC #automation #evaluation #optimisation
- An automatic object inlining optimization and its evaluation (JD, AAC), pp. 345–357.
- PLDI-2000-Necula #compilation #optimisation #validation
- Translation validation for an optimizing compiler (GCN), pp. 83–94.
- PLDI-2000-SreedharBC #framework #interprocedural #optimisation
- A framework for interprocedural optimization in the presence of dynamic class loading (VCS, MGB, JDC), pp. 196–207.
- PLDI-2000-WilkenLH #integer #programming #scheduling #using
- Optimal instruction scheduling using integer programming (KDW, JL, MH), pp. 121–133.
- SAS-2000-JaramilloGS #debugging #named
- FULLDOC: A Full Reporting Debugger for Optimized Code (CJ, RG, MLS), pp. 240–259.
- SAS-2000-Scozzari #abstract domain #analysis #semantics
- Abstract Domains for Sharing Analysis by Optimal Semantics (FS), pp. 397–412.
- STOC-2000-BuhrmanMRV #question
- Are bitvectors optimal? (HB, PBM, JR, SV), pp. 449–458.
- STOC-2000-ImpagliazzoSW #generative #pseudo
- Extractors and pseudo-random generators with optimal seed length (RI, RS, AW), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-2000-KaoNT #optimisation #problem
- The risk profile problem for stock portfolio optimization (extended abstract) (MYK, AN, SRT), pp. 228–234.
- STOC-2000-LiMW #multi #polynomial
- Near optimal multiple alignment within a band in polynomial time (ML, BM, LW), pp. 425–434.
- STOC-2000-OrlinSS #combinator #optimisation #precise
- epsilon-optimization schemes and L-bit precision: alternative perspectives in combinatorial optimization (extended abstract) (JBO, ASS, SS), pp. 565–572.
- STOC-2000-SamorodnitskyT #complexity #query
- A PCP characterization of NP with optimal amortized query complexity (AS, LT), pp. 191–199.
- STOC-2000-Thorup #graph
- Near-optimal fully-dynamic graph connectivity (MT), pp. 343–350.
- ICALP-2000-AmbuhlGS #algorithm #problem
- Optimal Projective Algorithms for the List Update Problem (CA, BG, BvS), pp. 305–316.
- ICALP-2000-Baum-WaidnerW #contract #multi
- Round-Optimal and Abuse Free Optimistic Multi-party Contract Signing (BBW, MW), pp. 524–535.
- ICALP-2000-BolligW #bound #problem
- Asymptotically Optimal Bounds for OBDDs and the Solution of Some Basic OBDD Problems (BB, IW), pp. 187–198.
- ICALP-2000-Hastad #algorithm #approximate #np-hard #optimisation #performance #problem #question
- Which NP-Hard Optimization Problems Admit Non-trivial Efficient Approximation Algorithms? (JH), p. 235.
- ICALP-2000-PettieR #algorithm
- An Optimal Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm (SP, VR), pp. 49–60.
- ICALP-2000-Seiden #algorithm #bound #online
- An Optimal Online Algorithm for Bounded Space Variable-Sized Bin Packing (SSS), pp. 283–295.
- WLC-2000-SchottS #algorithm #parallel #word
- Two Optimal Parallel Algorithms on the Commutation Class of a Word (RS, JCS), pp. 403–419.
- ICEIS-2000-OommenR #comparison #empirical #optimisation #query
- An Empirical Comparison of Histogram-Like Techniques for Query Optimization (BJO, LR), pp. 71–78.
- CIKM-2000-BoughanemT #algorithm #optimisation #query #search-based #using
- Query Optimization Using An Improved Genetic Algorithm (MB, LT), pp. 368–373.
- ICML-2000-AndersonMC #approach #optimisation #parametricity
- A Nonparametric Approach to Noisy and Costly Optimization (BSA, AWM, DC), pp. 17–24.
- ICML-2000-Brand #optimisation
- Finding Variational Structure in Data by Cross-Entropy Optimization (MB), pp. 95–102.
- ICML-2000-MunosM #convergence
- Rates of Convergence for Variable Resolution Schemes in Optimal Control (RM, AWM), pp. 647–654.
- ICPR-v1-2000-CinqueLPCM #algorithm #parametricity #search-based #segmentation
- Optimal Range Segmentation Parameters through Genetic Algorithms (LC, SL, GP, RC, SM), pp. 1474–1477.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Fernandez #similarity #using
- Implicit Model-Oriented Optimal Thresholding Using the Komolgorov-Smirnov Similarity Measure (XF), pp. 1466–1469.
- ICPR-v1-2000-GulsrudH #clustering #detection
- Optimal Filter for Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications (TOG, JHH), pp. 1508–1511.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Pilu #invariant #optimisation #random
- Optimizing Random Patterns for Invariants-based Matching (MP), pp. 1716–1719.
- ICPR-v1-2000-RosenbergerC #clustering #estimation #image #segmentation
- Unsupervised Clustering Method with Optimal Estimation of the Number of Clusters: Application to Image Segmentation (CR, KC), pp. 1656–1659.
- ICPR-v1-2000-SappaG #bound #fault #image #modelling #optimisation
- Modeling Range Images with Bounded Error Triangular Meshes without Optimization (ADS, MAG), pp. 1392–1395.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Thorhallsson #orthogonal
- Optimal Rectification of an Affine Structure from Hypothesized Orthogonality Relations (TT), pp. 1396–1401.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Zhao
- Global Optimal Surface from Stereo (HZ), pp. 1101–1104.
- ICPR-v2-2000-BaesensVVD #feature model #network #optimisation
- Wrapped Feature Selection by Means of Guided Neural Network Optimization (BB, SV, JV, GD), pp. 2113–2116.
- ICPR-v2-2000-BaggenstossN #classification #probability #using
- A Theoretically Optimal Probabilistic Classifier Using Class-Specific Features (PMB, HN), pp. 2763–2768.
- ICPR-v2-2000-CorreiaC #optimisation #recognition #using
- Optimizing the Recognition Rates of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Using Biorthogonal Spline Wavelets (SENC, JMdC), pp. 2251–2254.
- ICPR-v2-2000-HuangCSG #classification #nearest neighbour #prototype
- Constructing Optimized Prototypes for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers (YSH, CCC, JWS, WELG), pp. 2017–2020.
- ICPR-v2-2000-LeeC #feature model #multi #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing Feature Extraction for Multiclass Problems (CL, EC), pp. 2402–2405.
- ICPR-v2-2000-LiG #detection #network #optimisation
- Combining Feature Optimization into Neural Network Based Face Detection (SZL, QG), pp. 2814–2817.
- ICPR-v2-2000-WilsonH00a #correlation #optimisation
- Optimizing Pattern Recovery in Recurrent Correlation Associative Memories (RCW, ERH), pp. 6005–6009.
- ICPR-v3-2000-MiyagawaFA #modelling #using
- Texture Modeling by Optimal Gray Scale Structuring Elements Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum (MM, MF, AA), pp. 3479–3482.
- ICPR-v3-2000-Perez-CordobaRST #matrix
- Channel Optimized Matrix Quantizer (COMQ) in CELP Coding (JLPC, AJR, VES, ÁdlT), pp. 3270–3273.
- ICPR-v3-2000-XiongC #algorithm #clustering #database #fuzzy #image #towards
- Towards An Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Image Database Organization (XX, KLC), pp. 3909–3912.
- ICPR-v3-2000-Ziou #detection
- Optimal Line Detector (DZ), pp. 3534–3537.
- ICPR-v4-2000-BodnarovaBL #detection #using
- Textile Flaw Detection Using Optimal Gabor Filters (AB, MB, SJL), pp. 4799–4802.
- ICPR-v4-2000-HuM #composition #image
- Optimal Color Composition Matching of Images (JH, AM), pp. 4047–4050.
- ICPR-v4-2000-MaoK #algorithm #approach #automation #optimisation #segmentation
- Automatic Training of Page Segmentation Algorithms: An Optimization Approach (SM, TK), pp. 4531–4534.
- ICPR-v4-2000-SziranyiC #optimisation #parallel #segmentation #using
- Spatio-Temporal Segmentation with Edge Relaxation and Optimization Using Fully Parallel Methods (TS, LC), pp. 4820–4823.
- KDD-2000-BrijsGSVW #data mining #framework #mining
- A data mining framework for optimal product selection in retail supermarket data: the generalized PROFSET model (TB, BG, GS, KV, GW), pp. 300–304.
- KDD-2000-DhondGV #data mining #mining #optimisation
- Data mining techniques for optimizing inventories for electronic commerce (AD, AG, SV), pp. 480–486.
- KDD-2000-FountainDS #mining #testing
- Mining IC test data to optimize VLSI testing (TF, TGD, BS), pp. 18–25.
- SIGIR-2000-AslamM #probability
- Bayes optimal metasearch: a probabilistic model for combining the results (JAA, MHM), pp. 379–381.
- ECOOP-2000-EckelG #empirical #optimisation
- Empirical Study of Object-Layout Strategies and Optimization Techniques (NE, JYG), pp. 394–421.
- ECOOP-2000-GuptaCH #exception #java #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Java Programs in the Presence of Exceptions (MG, JDC, MH), pp. 422–446.
- OOPSLA-2000-ArnoldFGHS #adaptation #optimisation #virtual machine
- Adaptive optimization in the Jalapeño JVM (MA, SJF, DG, MH, PFS), pp. 47–65.
- LOPSTR-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation
- A model for inter-module analysis and optimizing compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS).
- LOPSTR-J-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation
- A Model for Inter-module Analysis and Optimizing Compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS), pp. 86–102.
- PPDP-2000-PediciniQ #implementation #parallel #reduction #λ-calculus
- A parallel implementation for optimal λ-calculus reduction (MP, FQ), pp. 3–14.
- SAIG-2000-Makholm #on the
- On Jones-Optimal Specialization for Strongly Typed Languages (HM), pp. 129–148.
- POPL-2000-AspertiCM #recursion
- (Optimal) Duplication is not Elementary Recursive (AA, PC, SM), pp. 96–107.
- SAC-2000-Dowell #configuration management #constraints #network #performance
- Optimal Configuration of a Command and Control Network: Balancing Performance and Reconfiguration Constraints (LJD), pp. 94–98.
- SAC-2000-HaratyF #distributed #optimisation #query #using
- Distributed Query Optimization Using PERF Joins (RAH, RCF), pp. 284–288.
- SAC-2000-VeldhuizenL #algorithm #multi #optimisation #search-based
- Multiobjective Optimization with Messy Genetic Algorithms (DAvV, GBL), pp. 470–476.
- SAC-2000-YunesMS #problem #scalability #scheduling
- Solving Very Large Crew Scheduling Problems to Optimality (THY, AVM, CCdS), pp. 446–451.
- CC-2000-Kim #compilation #embedded #optimisation
- Advanced Compiler Optimization for Calm RISC8 Low-End Embedded Processor (DHK), pp. 173–188.
- CC-2000-LinP #analysis #array #compilation #optimisation
- Analysis of Irregular Single-Indexed Array Accesses and Its Applications in Compiler Optimizations (YL, DAP), pp. 202–218.
- CC-2000-Vallee-RaiGHLPS #bytecode #framework #java #optimisation #question #using
- Optimizing Java Bytecode Using the Soot Framework: Is It Feasible? (RVR, EG, LJH, PL, PP, VS), pp. 18–34.
- HPCA-2000-JimenezLF #automation #on the #performance
- On the Performance of Hand vs. Automatically Optimized Numerical Codes (MJ, JML, AF), pp. 183–194.
- LCTES-2000-RunesonNS #abstraction #optimisation
- Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction (JR, SON, JS), pp. 204–205.
- CL-2000-KozenP #algebra #certification #compilation #optimisation #testing #using
- Certification of Compiler Optimizations Using Kleene Algebra with Tests (DK, MCP), pp. 568–582.
- LICS-2000-Voronkov #calculus #how #logic #proving
- How to Optimize Proof-Search in Modal Logics: A New Way of Proving Redundancy Criteria for Sequent Calculi (AV), pp. 401–412.
- ASE-1999-BesseCL #automation #generative #protocol #testing
- An Automatic and Optimized Test Generation Technique Applying to TCP/IP Protocol (CB, ARC, DL), pp. 73–80.
- DAC-1999-BeniniMMOP #algorithm #approximate #component #kernel #optimisation
- Kernel-Based Power Optimization of RTL Components: Exact and Approximate Extraction Algorithms (LB, GDM, EM, GO, MP), pp. 247–252.
- DAC-1999-CongLW #clustering #optimisation #performance
- Simultaneous Circuit Partitioning/Clustering with Retiming for Performance Optimization (JC, HL, CW), pp. 460–465.
- DAC-1999-ConnEMOSVW #optimisation #using
- Gradient-Based Optimization of Custom Circuits Using a Static-Timing Formulation (ARC, IME, WWM, PRO, PNS, CV, CBW), pp. 452–459.
- DAC-1999-ErcegovacKP #behaviour #multi #optimisation #power management #precise #synthesis #using
- Low-Power Behavioral Synthesis Optimization Using Multiple Precision Arithmetic (MDE, DK, MP), pp. 568–573.
- DAC-1999-HershensonMBL #geometry #optimisation #programming
- Optimization of Inductor Circuits via Geometric Programming (MdMH, SSM, SPB, THL), pp. 994–998.
- DAC-1999-JiangJC #optimisation #performance
- Noise-Constrained Performance Optimization by Simultaneous Gate and Wire Sizing Based on Lagrangian Relaxation (IHRJ, JYJ, YWC), pp. 90–95.
- DAC-1999-KondratyevCKLY #automation #optimisation #synthesis
- Automatic Synthesis and Optimization of Partially Specified Asynchronous Systems (AK, JC, MK, LL, AY), pp. 110–115.
- DAC-1999-LakshminarayanaRKJD #optimisation #performance
- Common-Case Computation: A High-Level Technique for Power and Performance Optimization (GL, AR, KSK, NKJ, SD), pp. 56–61.
- DAC-1999-PegatoquetGAB #agile #development
- Rapid Development of Optimized DSP Code from a High Level Description Through Software Estimations (AP, EG, MA, LB), pp. 823–826.
- DAC-1999-QuWP #problem
- Optimization-Intensive Watermarking Techniques for Decision Problems (GQ, JLW, MP), pp. 33–36.
- DAC-1999-RichterZETT #embedded #optimisation #representation #synthesis
- Representation of Function Variants for Embedded System Optimization and Synthesis (KR, DZ, RE, LT, JT), pp. 517–522.
- DAC-1999-TanSLLY #linear #network #optimisation #sequence
- Reliability-Constrained Area Optimization of VLSI Power/Ground Networks via Sequence of Linear Programmings (XDT, CJRS, DL, JCL, LPY), pp. 78–83.
- DATE-1999-Hsiao #estimation #optimisation #scalability #search-based #using
- Peak Power Estimation Using Genetic Spot Optimization for Large VLSI Circuits (MSH), p. 175–?.
- DATE-1999-MillanEECC #logic #optimisation
- Integrating Symbolic Techniques in ATPG-Based Sequential Logic Optimization (ESM, LE, JAE, SC, FC), pp. 516–520.
- PODS-1999-ArgeSV #2d #on the
- On Two-Dimensional Indexability and Optimal Range Search Indexing (LA, VS, JSV), pp. 346–357.
- PODS-1999-ChuHS #optimisation #query
- Least Expected Cost Query Optimization: An Exercise in Utility (FCC, JYH, PS), pp. 138–147.
- PODS-1999-PapadiasMT #multi #optimisation #using
- Processing and Optimization of Multiway Spatial Joins Using R-Trees (DP, NM, YT), pp. 44–55.
- SIGMOD-1999-FlorescuLMS #data access #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization in the Presence of Limited Access Patterns (DF, AYL, IM, DS), pp. 311–322.
- SIGMOD-1999-JagadishLS #clustering
- Snakes and Sandwiches: Optimal Clustering Strategies for a Data Warehouse (HVJ, LVSL, DS), pp. 37–48.
- SIGMOD-1999-LakshmananNHP #constraints #optimisation #query #set
- Optimization of Constrained Frequent Set Queries with 2-variable Constraints (LVSL, RTN, JH, AP), pp. 157–168.
- SIGMOD-1999-Wu #optimisation #query #using
- Query Optimization for Selections Using Bitmaps (MCW), pp. 227–238.
- VLDB-1999-BonczMK #architecture #database #memory management
- Database Architecture Optimized for the New Bottleneck: Memory Access (PAB, SM, MLK), pp. 54–65.
- VLDB-1999-ChengGKLLQS #database #implementation #optimisation #query #semantics
- Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database (QC, JG, FK, TYCL, LL, XQ, KBS), pp. 687–698.
- VLDB-1999-DeutschPT #constraints #independence #optimisation #physics
- Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans (AD, LP, VT), pp. 459–470.
- VLDB-1999-DonjerkovicR #optimisation #probability #query
- Probabilistic Optimization of Top N Queries (DD, RR), pp. 411–422.
- VLDB-1999-FlorescuLSY #data-driven #optimisation #runtime
- Optimization of Run-time Management of Data Intensive Web-sites (DF, AYL, DS, KY), pp. 627–638.
- VLDB-1999-KeimH #clustering #towards
- Optimal Grid-Clustering: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in High-Dimensional Clustering (AH, DAK), pp. 506–517.
- VLDB-1999-McHughW #optimisation #query #xml
- Query Optimization for XML (JM, JW), pp. 315–326.
- PEPM-1999-ChinGK #effectiveness #lazy evaluation #multi #optimisation #traversal
- Effective Optimization of Multiple Traversals in Lazy Languages (WNC, AHG, SCK), pp. 119–130.
- PLDI-1999-GrantPMCE #evaluation #optimisation #runtime #staged
- An Evaluation of Staged Run-Time Optimizations in DyC (BG, MP, MM, CC, SJE), pp. 293–304.
- PLDI-1999-RaoP #embedded #optimisation #performance
- Storage Assignment Optimizations to Generate Compact and Efficient Code on Embedded DSPs (AR, SP), pp. 128–138.
- PLDI-1999-SchlanskerMJ #architecture #branch #optimisation #reduction
- Control CPR: A Branch Height Reduction Optimization for EPIC Architectures (MSS, SAM, RJ), pp. 155–168.
- PLDI-1999-WuMPOH #debugging #framework
- A New Framework for Debugging Globally Optimized Code (LCW, RM, HP, BO, WmWH), pp. 181–191.
- STOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case
- Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
- STOC-1999-BeameF #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for the Predecessor Problem (PB, FEF), pp. 295–304.
- STOC-1999-ChenKLW #bound
- Optimal Buy-and-Hold Strategies for Financial Markets with Bounded Daily Returns (GHC, MYK, YDL, HKW), pp. 119–128.
- STOC-1999-GuruswamiKRSY #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Near-Optimal Hardness Results and Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths and Related Problems (VG, SK, RR, FBS, MY), pp. 19–28.
- Best-of-PLDI-1999-GrantPMCE99a #evaluation #optimisation #runtime #staged
- An evaluation of staged run-time optimizations in DyC (with retrospective) (BG, MP, MM, CC, SJE), pp. 656–669.
- AGTIVE-1999-HoffmannLS #composition #constraints #geometry #graph transformation
- Planning Geometric Constraint Decomposition via Optimal Graph Transformations (CMH, AL, MS), pp. 309–324.
- HCI-EI-1999-Kohlisch #how #interactive
- How to determine optimal system response times in interactive computer tasks (OK), pp. 201–204.
- HCI-EI-1999-SchmittO #using
- Calculation of Totally Optimized Button Configurations Using Fitts’ Law (AS, PO), pp. 392–396.
- SIGAda-1999-BernsteinD #ada #on the fly #optimisation
- Optimizing Ada on the fly (SJB, RSD), pp. 169–179.
- ICEIS-1999-PsarrasMMA #industrial #optimisation #problem #scheduling
- Optimizing a Real-World Scheduling Problem in the Steel Industry (JEP, GM, IM, DA), p. 767.
- ICEIS-1999-ThiyagarajahO #database #optimisation #prototype #query #validation
- Prototype Validation of the Trapezoidal Attribute Cardinality Map for Query Optimization in Database Systems (MT, BJO), pp. 156–162.
- CIKM-1999-WarshawM #optimisation #query #revisited #rule-based
- Rule-Based Query Optimization, Revisited (LW, DPM), pp. 267–275.
- ICML-1999-AbeN #internet #learning
- Learning to Optimally Schedule Internet Banner Advertisements (NA, AN), pp. 12–21.
- ICML-1999-TalbertF #algorithm #named #optimisation
- OPT-KD: An Algorithm for Optimizing Kd-Trees (DAT, DHF), pp. 398–405.
- ICML-1999-WangM #markov #optimisation #process
- Hierarchical Optimization of Policy-Coupled Semi-Markov Decision Processes (GW, SM), pp. 464–473.
- KDD-1999-BrinRS #mining
- Mining Optimized Gain Rules for Numeric Attributes (SB, RR, KS), pp. 135–144.
- KDD-1999-KaudererNAJ #optimisation
- Optimization of Collection Efforts in Automobile Financing — a KDD Supported Environment (HK, GN, FA, HJ), pp. 414–416.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-ColnetZ #compilation #eiffel #optimisation #source code
- Optimizations of Eiffel Programs: Smalleiffel, the GNU Eiffel Compiler (DC, OZ), pp. 341–350.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-Taniar #object-oriented #optimisation #query #traversal
- Optimizing Object-Oriented Collection Join Queries through Path Traversals (DT), pp. 295–304.
- POPL-1999-Ertl #graph
- Optimal Code Selection in DAGs (MAE), pp. 242–249.
- SAC-1999-DunningR #estimation #heuristic #optimisation
- A Heuristic Cost Estimation Method for Optimizing Assignment of Tasks to Processors (LAD, SR), pp. 358–364.
- SAC-1999-Haynes #adaptation #combinator #distributed #optimisation #problem
- Distributed Collective Adaptation Applied to Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem (TH), pp. 339–343.
- SAC-1999-Lagoudakis #algorithm
- An IDA Algorithm for Optimal Spare Allocation (MGL), pp. 486–488.
- SAC-1999-OgataIF #optimisation #term rewriting #using
- Optimizing Term Rewriting Using Discrimination Nets With Specialization (KO, SI, KF), pp. 511–518.
- SAC-1999-QiaoGLGL #optimisation
- Cache Optimization in Scientific Computations (XQ, QG, ZL, XG, XL), pp. 548–552.
- SAC-1999-StaudtSQJ #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization for Repository-Based Applications (MS, RS, CQ, MJ), pp. 197–203.
- ESEC-FSE-1999-JaramilloGS #approach #comparison #debugging
- Comparison Checking: An Approach to Avoid Debugging of Optimized Code (CJ, RG, MLS), pp. 268–284.
- CC-1999-KastnerL #integer #linear #optimisation #programming
- Code Optimization by Integer Linear Programming (DK, ML), pp. 122–136.
- CC-1999-TourweM #object-oriented #optimisation
- Optimizing Object-Oriented Languages Through Architechtural Transformations (TT, WDM), pp. 244–258.
- LCTES-1999-CooperSS #algorithm #optimisation #search-based #using
- Optimizing for Reduced Code Space using Genetic Algorithms (KDC, PJS, DS), pp. 1–9.
- OSDI-1999-DouganMY #optimisation
- Optimizing the Idle Task and Other MMU Tricks (CD, PM, VY), pp. 229–237.
- CAV-1999-YangSBO #constraints #model checking #modelling #optimisation
- Optimizing Symbolic Model Checking for Constraint-Rich Models (BY, RGS, REB, DRO), pp. 328–340.
- ICLP-1999-Greco #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Disjunctive Queries (SG), pp. 441–455.
- ICLP-1999-HermenegildoBPL #debugging #optimisation #preprocessor #program analysis #using
- Program Analysis, Debugging, and Optimization Using the Ciao System Preprocessor (MVH, FB, GP, PLG), pp. 52–66.
- ICLP-1999-Penn #encoding #prolog
- An Optimized Prolog Encoding of Typed Feature Structures (GP), pp. 124–138.
- DAC-1998-AlpertDQ #optimisation
- Buffer Insertion for Noise and Delay Optimization (CJA, AD, STQ), pp. 362–367.
- DAC-1998-BeniniMLMOP #kernel #optimisation
- Computational Kernels and their Application to Sequential Power Optimization (LB, GDM, AL, EM, GO, MP), pp. 764–769.
- DAC-1998-CongW #performance
- Optimal FPGA Mapping and Retiming with Efficient Initial State Computation (JC, CW), pp. 330–335.
- DAC-1998-CongX
- Delay-Optimal Technology Mapping for FPGAs with Heterogeneous LUTs (JC, SX), pp. 704–707.
- DAC-1998-GuerraPR #behaviour #optimisation
- A Methodology for Guided Behavioral-Level Optimization (LMG, MP, JMR), pp. 309–314.
- DAC-1998-HongKQPS #optimisation
- Power Optimization of Variable Voltage Core-Based Systems (IH, DK, GQ, MP, MBS), pp. 176–181.
- DAC-1998-KimJT #optimisation #using
- Arithmetic Optimization Using Carry-Save-Adders (TK, WJ, SWKT), pp. 433–438.
- DAC-1998-KukimotoBS #graph
- Delay-Optimal Technology Mapping by DAG Covering (YK, RKB, PS), pp. 348–351.
- DAC-1998-KumthekarBMS #optimisation
- In-Place Power Optimization for LUT-Based FPGAs (BK, LB, EM, FS), pp. 718–721.
- DAC-1998-Kung #algorithm #library #optimisation #performance
- A Fast Fanout Optimization Algorithm for Near-Continuous Buffer Libraries (DSK), pp. 352–355.
- DAC-1998-KwakP #estimation #fault #logic #statistics
- An Optimization-Based Error Calculation for Statistical Power Estimation of CMOS Logic Circuits (BK, ESP), pp. 690–693.
- DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaJ #behaviour #control flow #framework #named #optimisation #throughput
- FACT: A Framework for the Application of Throughput and Power Optimizing Transformations to Control-Flow Intensive Behavioral Descriptions (GL, NKJ), pp. 102–107.
- DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaJ98a #behaviour #power management #synthesis
- Synthesis of Power-Optimized and Area-Optimized Circuits from Hierarchical Behavioral Descriptions (GL, NKJ), pp. 439–444.
- DAC-1998-LokanathanB #multi #optimisation #process
- Process Multi-Circuit Optimization (ANL, JBB), pp. 382–387.
- DAC-1998-OhH #data flow #design #graph
- Rate Optimal VLSI Design from Data Flow Graph (MO, SH), pp. 118–121.
- DAC-1998-PaleologoBBM #optimisation #policy #power management
- Policy Optimization for Dynamic Power Management (GAP, LB, AB, GDM), pp. 182–187.
- DAC-1998-SeawrightM #clustering #optimisation
- Partitioning and Optimizing Controllers Synthesized from Hierarchical High-Level Descriptions (AS, WM), pp. 770–775.
- DAC-1998-WeiCJRD #design #optimisation #performance
- Design and Optimization of Low Voltage High Performance Dual Threshold CMOS Circuits (LW, ZC, MJ, KR, VD), pp. 489–494.
- DATE-1998-BeniniMSMS #encoding #optimisation
- Address Bus Encoding Techniques for System-Level Power Optimization (LB, GDM, DS, EM, CS), pp. 861–866.
- DATE-1998-ChuW #algorithm #polynomial
- A Polynomial Time Optimal Algorithm for Simultaneous Buffer and Wire Sizing (CCNC, DFW), pp. 479–485.
- DATE-1998-FassnachtS #analysis #optimisation
- Timing Analysis and Optimization of a High-Performance CMOS Processor Chipset (UF, JS), pp. 325–331.
- DATE-1998-KaulV #architecture #clustering #configuration management #synthesis
- Optimal Temporal Partitioning and Synthesis for Reconfigurable Architectures (MK, RV), pp. 389–396.
- DATE-1998-RenovellAB #implementation #multi
- Optimized Implementations of the Multi-Configuration DFT Technique for Analog Circuits (MR, FA, YB), pp. 815–821.
- DATE-1998-SungH #hardware
- Optimized Timed Hardware Software Cosimulation without Roll-back (WS, SH), pp. 945–946.
- DATE-1998-WangV #data-driven #optimisation
- Data Driven Power Optimization of Sequential Circuits (QW, SBKV), pp. 686–691.
- DATE-1998-WolfK #automation #generative #optimisation
- Automatic Topology Optimization for Analog Module Generators (MW, UK), pp. 961–962.
- PODS-1998-Chaudhuri #bibliography #optimisation #query #relational
- An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems (SC), pp. 34–43.
- SIGMOD-1998-CherniackZ #rule-based
- Changing the Rules: Transformations for Rule-Based Optimizers (MC, SBZ), pp. 61–72.
- SIGMOD-1998-KabraD #execution #performance #query
- Efficient Mid-Query Re-Optimization of Sub-Optimal Query Execution Plans (NK, DJD), pp. 106–117.
- SIGMOD-1998-NgLHP #mining #optimisation
- Exploratory Mining and Pruning Optimizations of Constrained Association Rules (RTN, LVSL, JH, AP), pp. 13–24.
- SIGMOD-1998-SeidlK #multi #nearest neighbour
- Optimal Multi-Step k-Nearest Neighbor Search (TS, HPK), pp. 154–165.
- SIGMOD-1998-SubramanianV #cost analysis #optimisation #query #using
- Cost-Based Optimization of Decision Support Queries Using Transient Views (SNS, SV), pp. 319–330.
- SIGMOD-1998-ZhaoDNS #evaluation #multi #optimisation #query
- Simultaneous Optimization and Evaluation of Multiple Dimensional Queries (YZ, PD, JFN, AS), pp. 271–282.
- VLDB-1998-CarinoO #execution #optimisation #parallel
- Plan-Per-Tuple Optimization Solution — Parallel Execution of Expensive User-Defined Functions (FC, WO), pp. 690–695.
- VLDB-1998-CherniackZ #query #semantics
- Inferring Function Semantics to Optimize Queries (MC, SBZ), pp. 239–250.
- VLDB-1998-Ganguly #algorithm #analysis #design #optimisation #parametricity #query
- Design and Analysis of Parametric Query Optimization Algorithms (SG), pp. 228–238.
- VLDB-1998-GarciaLL #on the
- On Optimal Node Splitting for R-trees (YJG, MAL, STL), pp. 334–344.
- VLDB-1998-JagadishKMPSS #quality
- Optimal Histograms with Quality Guarantees (HVJ, NK, SM, VP, KCS, TS), pp. 275–286.
- VLDB-1998-VenkataramanZ #database #optimisation #query #semistructured data
- Heterogeneous Database Query Optimization in DB2 Universal DataJoiner (SV, TZ), pp. 685–689.
- PASTE-1998-TiceG #approach #named
- OPTVIEW: A New Approach for Examining Optimized Code (CT, SLG), pp. 19–26.
- PLDI-1998-AdveM #integer #optimisation #program analysis #set #using
- Using Integer Sets for Data-Parallel Program Analysis and Optimization (VSA, JMMC), pp. 186–198.
- PLDI-1998-AyersJPS #optimisation #scalability
- Scalable Cross-Module Optimization (AA, SdJ, JP, RS), pp. 301–312.
- PLDI-1998-PaekHP #array #compilation #data access #optimisation
- Simplification of Array Access Patterns for Compiler Optimizations (YP, JH, DAP), pp. 60–71.
- PLDI-1998-PiumartaR #optimisation #thread
- Optimizing Direct-threaded Code by Selective Inlining (IP, FR), pp. 291–300.
- PLDI-1998-ZhuH #c #communication #optimisation #parallel #source code
- Communication Optimizations for Parallel C Programs (YZ, LJH), pp. 199–211.
- SAS-1998-Lee #compilation #optimisation
- Certifying, Optimizing Compilation (Abstract) (PL0), p. 381.
- STOC-1998-Ta-Shma
- Almost Optimal Dispersers (ATS), pp. 196–202.
- ICALP-1998-MartinezR
- Optimal Sampling Strategies in Quicksort (CM, SR), pp. 327–338.
- ICFP-1998-VisserBT
- Building Program Optimizers with Rewriting Strategies (EV, ZEAB, APT), pp. 13–26.
- CHI-1998-Pirolli #design #information management #trade-off #using
- Exploring Browser Design Trade-Offs Using a Dynamical Model of Optimal Information Foraging (PP), pp. 33–40.
- CIKM-1998-TungTL #mining #named #online #optimisation #using
- BROOM: Buffer Replacement using Online Optimization by Mining (AKHT, YCT, HL), pp. 185–192.
- ICML-1998-FrankW #generative #optimisation #set
- Generating Accurate Rule Sets Without Global Optimization (EF, IHW), pp. 144–151.
- ICML-1998-KearnsM #algorithm #bottom-up #performance
- A Fast, Bottom-Up Decision Tree Pruning Algorithm with Near-Optimal Generalization (MJK, YM), pp. 269–277.
- ICML-1998-KearnsS #learning
- Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning in Polynominal Time (MJK, SPS), pp. 260–268.
- ICML-1998-MooreSBL #learning #named #optimisation
- Q2: Memory-Based Active Learning for Optimizing Noisy Continuous Functions (AWM, JGS, JAB, MSL), pp. 386–394.
- ICPR-1998-JangC #modelling #optimisation
- Moving object tracking by optimizing active models (DSJ, HIC), pp. 738–740.
- ICPR-1998-KampkeK #parametricity
- Nonparametric optimal binarization (TK, RK), pp. 27–29.
- ICPR-1998-OlagueM #3d
- Optimal camera placement to obtain accurate 3D point positions (GO, RM), pp. 8–10.
- ICPR-1998-RiazanovSZ #algebra #logic #optimisation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Mathematical methods for pattern recognition: logic, optimization, algebraic approaches (VVR, OVS, YIZ), pp. 831–834.
- ICPR-1998-SebeLH #image #metric #ranking #retrieval
- Which ranking metric is optimal? With applications in image retrieval and stereo matching (NS, MSL, DPH), pp. 265–271.
- ICPR-1998-SinhaM #multi #optimisation #recognition #word
- Combining multiple OCRs for optimizing word recognition (PS, JM), pp. 436–438.
- ICPR-1998-TakacsSW #3d #design #recognition #set
- Optimal training set design for 3D object recognition (BT, LS, HW), pp. 558–560.
- SIGIR-1998-Montebello #information retrieval #optimisation #precise
- Optimizing Recall/Precision Scores in IR over the WWW (MM), pp. 361–362.
- SIGIR-1998-OgawaM #evaluation #n-gram #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Query Evaluation in n-gram Indexing (YO, TM), pp. 367–368.
- ECOOP-1998-SaneSC #design #framework #optimisation
- Framework Design for End-to-End Optimization (AS, AS, RHC), pp. 135–157.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-Asperti #functional #reduction
- Optimal Reduction of Functional Expressions (AA), pp. 427–428.
- SAC-1998-CornoRS #algorithm #optimisation
- The selfish gene algorithm: a new evolutionary optimization strategy (FC, MSR, GS), pp. 349–355.
- SAC-1998-WangW #adaptation #multi #optimisation #performance
- Efficient and adaptive Lagrange-multiplier methods for continuous nonlinear optimization (TW, BWW), pp. 361–365.
- ASPLOS-1998-Temam #memory management #performance
- Investigating Optimal Local Memory Performance (OT), pp. 218–227.
- CC-1998-LelaitGE #algorithm #performance
- A New Fast Algorithm for Optimal Register Allocation in Modulo Scheduled Loops (SL, GRG, CE), pp. 204–218.
- HPDC-1998-ChenWCK #algorithm #automation #optimisation #parallel #performance #search-based #using
- Automatic Parallel I/O Performance Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 155–162.
- HPDC-1998-OguchiSTK #clustering #data mining #effectiveness #evaluation #mining #optimisation #parallel #parametricity #protocol #scalability
- Optimizing Protocol Parameters to Large Scale PC Cluster and Evaluation of its Effectiveness with Parallel Data Mining (MO, TS, TT, MK), pp. 34–41.
- LCTES-1998-Choi #distributed #optimisation #realtime
- End-to-End Optimization in Heterogeneous Distributed Real-Time Systems (SC), pp. 235–249.
- CAV-1998-Wilding #policy #proving #realtime #scheduling
- A Machine-Checked Proof of the Optimality of a Real-Time Scheduling Policy (MW), pp. 369–378.
- CSL-1998-Sadowski #algorithm #on the #satisfiability
- On an Optimal Deterministic Algorithm for SAT (ZS), pp. 179–187.
- JICSLP-1998-RaoRR #on the #scheduling
- On the Optimality of Scheduling Strategies in Subsumption-based Tabled Resolution (PR, CRR, IVR), pp. 310–324.
- DAC-1997-ChenW
- Optimal Wire-Sizing Function with Fringing Capacitance Consideration (CPC, DFW), pp. 604–607.
- DAC-1997-CroixW #logic #performance #synthesis
- A Fast And Accurate Technique To Optimize Characterization Tables For Logic Synthesis (JFC, DFW), pp. 337–340.
- DAC-1997-GuptaH #2d #generative #layout #named #optimisation
- CLIP: An Optimizing Layout Generator for Two-Dimensional CMOS Cells (AG, JPH), pp. 452–455.
- DAC-1997-JiangKCM #logic #optimisation #performance
- Post-Layout Logic Restructuring for Performance Optimization (YMJ, AK, KTC, MMS), pp. 662–665.
- DAC-1997-LiG #exception #modelling #optimisation
- Limited Exception Modeling and Its Use in Presynthesis Optimizations (JL, RKG), pp. 341–346.
- DAC-1997-LillisC #multi #optimisation
- Timing Optimization for Multi-Source Nets: Characterization and Optimal Repeater Insertion (JL, CKC), pp. 214–219.
- DAC-1997-LiuSAS #black box #design #optimisation
- Optimizing Designs Containing Black Boxes (THL, KS, AA, VS), pp. 113–116.
- DAC-1997-MaciiPS #estimation #modelling #optimisation
- High-Level Power Modeling, Estimation, and Optimization (EM, MP, FS), pp. 504–511.
- DAC-1997-PantDC #energy #logic #network #optimisation #power management #random
- Device-Circuit Optimization for Minimal Energy and Power Consumption in CMOS Random Logic Networks (PP, VD, AC), pp. 403–408.
- DAC-1997-SentovichTB #optimisation #performance #set #using
- Efficient Latch Optimization Using Exclusive Sets (ES, HT, GB), pp. 8–11.
- DAC-1997-ShacklefordYOKTY #design #embedded #optimisation
- Memory-CPU Size Optimization for Embedded System Designs (BS, MY, EO, HK, HT, HY), pp. 246–251.
- EDTC-1997-BeniniMMPS #logic #network #optimisation #synthesis
- Symbolic synthesis of clock-gating logic for power optimization of control-oriented synchronous networks (LB, GDM, EM, MP, RS), pp. 514–520.
- EDTC-1997-Coudert #graph #optimisation #problem
- Solving graph optimization problems with ZBDDs (OC), pp. 224–228.
- EDTC-1997-MirandaKCM #architecture #generative #hardware #optimisation
- Architectural exploration and optimization for counter based hardware address generation (MM, MK, FC, HDM), pp. 293–298.
- EDTC-1997-OzimekVT #array #implementation #performance #scheduling
- Optimal scheduling for fast systolic array implementations (IO, RV, JFT), p. 620.
- EDTC-1997-PomeranzR #generative #on the #optimisation #search-based #testing
- On improving genetic optimization based test generation (IP, SMR), pp. 506–511.
- EDTC-1997-PrietoRQH #algorithm #optimisation
- A performance-driven placement algorithm with simultaneous Place&Route optimization for analog ICs (JAP, AR, JMQ, JLH), pp. 389–394.
- ICDAR-1997-Gorski #optimisation #recognition
- Optimizing Error-Reject Trade off in Recognition Systems (NG), pp. 1092–1096.
- ICDAR-1997-OlivierJA #markov #optimisation #order #recognition
- Markov Model Order Optimization for Text Recognition (CO, FJ, MA), pp. 548–551.
- PODS-1997-ScheufeleM #complexity #generative #on the
- On the Complexity of Generating Optimal Plans with Cross Products (WS, GM), pp. 238–248.
- VLDB-1997-ChristodoulakisTZ #library
- Principles of Optimally Placing Data in Tertiary Storage Libraries (SC, PT, FZ), pp. 236–245.
- VLDB-1997-ClaussenKMP #database #object-oriented #optimisation #quantifier #query
- Optimizing Queries with Universal Quantification in Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases (JC, AK, GM, KP), pp. 286–295.
- VLDB-1997-GarofalakisI #optimisation #parallel #query #scheduling
- Parallel Query Scheduling and Optimization with Time- and Space-Shared Resources (MNG, YEI), pp. 296–305.
- VLDB-1997-GoldmanW #database #named #optimisation #query #semistructured data
- DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases (RG, JW), pp. 436–445.
- VLDB-1997-HaasKWY #data flow #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Queries Across Diverse Data Sources (LMH, DK, ELW, JY), pp. 276–285.
- VLDB-1997-HuangJR #optimisation #traversal #using
- Spatial Joins Using R-trees: Breadth-First Traversal with Global Optimizations (YWH, NJ, EAR), pp. 396–405.
- TACAS-1997-Berry #hardware #optimisation #source code #synthesis #verification
- Hardware and Software Synthesis, Optimization, and Verification from Esterel Programs (GB), pp. 1–3.
- PEPM-1997-MullerVM #optimisation #partial evaluation #protocol #scalability
- Scaling up Partial Evaluation for Optimizing the Sun Commercial RPC Protocol (GM, ENV, RM), pp. 116–126.
- PLDI-1997-EichenbergerD #performance
- Efficient Formulation for Optimal Modulo Schedulers (AEE, ESD), pp. 194–205.
- PLDI-1997-EideFFLL #compilation #flexibility #named #optimisation
- Flick: A Flexible, Optimizing IDL Compiler (EE, KF, BF, JL, GL), pp. 44–56.
- PLDI-1997-Goodwin #analysis #data flow #execution #interprocedural
- Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis in an Executable Optimizer (DWG), pp. 122–133.
- PLDI-1997-YoungJKS #branch
- Near-optimal Intraprocedural Branch Alignment (CY, DSJ, DRK, MDS), pp. 183–193.
- SAS-1997-Scozzari #analysis #logic
- Logical Optimality of Groundness Analysis (FS), pp. 83–97.
- STOC-1997-DuhF #approximate #optimisation
- Approximation of k-Set Cover by Semi-Local Optimization (RcD, MF), pp. 256–264.
- STOC-1997-Hastad
- Some Optimal Inapproximability Results (JH), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-1997-PhillipsSTW #scheduling
- Optimal Time-Critical Scheduling via Resource Augmentation (Extended Abstract) (CAP, CS, ET, JW), pp. 140–149.
- DLT-1997-Zhiltsova #context-free grammar #probability
- An Optimal Coding for Stochastic Context-Free Languages with Unique Derivation (LPZ), pp. 539–550.
- WIA-1997-Watson #automaton #optimisation
- Practical Optimizations for Automata (BWW), pp. 232–240.
- FME-1997-DoldHPR #optimisation #verification
- Formal Verification of Transformations for Peephole Optimization (AD, FWvH, HP, HR), pp. 459–472.
- ICFP-1997-BlumeA #approach #higher-order #named #optimisation
- λ-Splitting: A Higher-Order Approach to Cross-Module Optimizations (MB, AWA), pp. 112–124.
- ICFP-1997-Lassila #code generation #confluence #context-sensitive grammar #functional #metaprogramming #optimisation
- A Functional Macro Expansion System for Optimizing Code Generation: Gaining Context-Sensitivity without Losing Confluence (EL), p. 315.
- ICFP-1997-LawallM #graph #on the #reduction
- On Global Dynamics of Optimal Graph Reduction (JLL, HGM), pp. 188–195.
- HCI-CC-1997-RogalinskiT #development
- Ergonomic Decision Optimalization in Production System Development (KLR, SRT), pp. 671–674.
- HCI-CC-1997-StahreJA #industrial #optimisation #people
- Joint Optimization of People and Technology-An Example from the Car Industry (JS, AJ, SA), pp. 265–268.
- HCI-CC-1997-VartiainenKPN #optimisation
- The Role of Information Support Systems in the Joint Optimization (MV, JJJK, AP, MN), pp. 269–272.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Ibrahim #editing #optimisation
- Optimizing Cut-and-Paste Operations in Directed-Graph Editing (BI), pp. 359–362.
- TRI-Ada-1997-OhB #optimisation
- Optimization of Ada-95 Tasking Constructs (DIO, TPB), pp. 79–88.
- TRI-Ada-1997-Tucker #ada #debugging
- Debugging Highly-Optimized Ada with Code Motion (DHACM) (KT), pp. 197–203.
- CIKM-1997-LiuU #framework #optimisation #query
- A Framework for Global Optimization of Aggregate Queries (CL, AU), pp. 262–269.
- ICML-1997-BalujaD #optimisation #using
- Using Optimal Dependency-Trees for Combinational Optimization (SB, SD), pp. 30–38.
- KDD-1997-YodaFMMT
- Computing Optimized Rectilinear Regions for Association Rules (KY, TF, YM, SM, TT), pp. 96–103.
- KDD-1997-ZighedRF #learning #multi
- Optimal Multiple Intervals Discretization of Continuous Attributes for Supervised Learning (DAZ, RR, FF), pp. 295–298.
- SIGIR-1997-Aaronson #hypermedia
- Optimal Demand-oriented Topology for Hypertext Systems (SA), pp. 168–177.
- ECOOP-1997-KrallVH #encoding
- Near Optimal Hierarchical Encoding of Types (AK, JV, RNH), pp. 128–145.
- ECOOP-1997-OnoderaN #optimisation #smalltalk
- Optimizing Smalltalk by Selector Code INdexing Can Be Practical (TO, HN), pp. 302–323.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-NayaNYHOA #development #execution #morphism #object-oriented #optimisation #polymorphism
- Object-Oriented Development Based on Polymorphism Patterns and Optimization to Reduce Executable Code Size (HN, FN, TY, LH, KO, MA), pp. 68–79.
- ALP-1997-Antoy #functional #logic #nondeterminism
- Optimal Non-deterministic Functional Logic Computations (SA), pp. 16–30.
- ALP-1997-NedjahWE #automaton #pattern matching
- Optimal Left-to-Right Pattern-Matching Automata (NN, CDW, SEE), pp. 273–286.
- SAC-1997-HuizingaK #algorithm #design #distributed #generative
- A tree generating algorithm for designing optimal hierarchical distributed systems (DMH, EK), pp. 345–353.
- HPDC-1997-HaydenR #communication #optimisation #protocol
- Optimizing Layered Communication Protocols (MH, RvR), pp. 169–177.
- PPoPP-1997-ChandraL #communication #distributed #memory management #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Communication in HPF programs for Fine-Grain Distributed Shared Memory (SC, JRL), pp. 100–111.
- PPoPP-1997-ZhangC #communication #optimisation #parallel #pointer
- Dynamic Pointer Alignment: Tiling and Communication Optimizations for Parallel Pointer-based Computations (XZ, AAC), pp. 37–47.
- SOSP-1997-ZhangWGCS #automation #optimisation #profiling
- System Support for Automated Profiling and Optimization (XZ, ZW, NCG, JBC, MDS), pp. 15–26.
- ICLP-1997-PueblaBMS #logic programming #optimisation #scheduling #source code
- Optimization of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (GP, MJGdlB, KM, PJS), pp. 93–107.
- ILPS-1997-GrecoS #datalog #optimisation #problem
- NP Optimization Problems in Datalog (SG, DS), pp. 181–195.
- ILPS-1997-SeidlF
- Disjuntive Completion Is Not “Optimal” (HS, CF), p. 408.
- DAC-1996-BamjiM #algorithm #network #optimisation
- Enhanced Network Flow Algorithm for Yield Optimization (CB, EM), pp. 746–751.
- DAC-1996-ChenCW #optimisation #performance
- Fast Performance-Driven Optimization for Buffered Clock Trees Based on Lagrangian Relaxation (CPC, YWC, DFW), pp. 405–408.
- DAC-1996-ChenCW96a
- Optimal Wire-Sizing Formular Under the Elmore Delay Model (CPC, YPC, DFW), pp. 487–490.
- DAC-1996-CongH #composition #design
- Structural Gate Decomposition for Depth-Optimal Technology Mapping in LUT-based FPGA Design (JC, YYH), pp. 726–729.
- DAC-1996-FerrandiFMPS #automaton #network #optimisation
- Symbolic Optimization of FSM Networks Based on Sequential ATPG Techniques (FF, FF, EM, MP, DS), pp. 467–470.
- DAC-1996-ImanP #named #optimisation #synthesis
- POSE: Power Optimization and Synthesis Environment (SI, MP), pp. 21–26.
- DAC-1996-LalgudiPP #effectiveness #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing Systems for Effective Block-Processing: The k-Delay Problem (KNL, MCP, MP), pp. 714–719.
- DAC-1996-LiG #optimisation #using
- HDL Optimization Using Timed Decision Tables (JL, RKG), pp. 51–54.
- DAC-1996-LokanathanBR #concurrent #library #optimisation #process
- A Methodology for Concurrent Fabrication Process/Cell Library Optimization (ANL, JBB, JER), pp. 825–830.
- DAC-1996-MehendaleVS #code generation #linear #multi
- Optimized Code Generation of Multiplication-free Linear Transforms (MM, GV, SDS), pp. 41–46.
- DAC-1996-MonahanB #analysis #concurrent #optimisation
- Concurrent Analysis Techniques for Data Path Timing Optimization (CM, FB), pp. 47–50.
- DAC-1996-NevesF #process #scheduling
- Optimal Clock Skew Scheduling Tolerant to Process Variations (JLN, EGF), pp. 623–628.
- DAC-1996-PanL
- Optimal Clock Period FPGA Technology Mapping for Sequential Circuits (PP, CLL), pp. 720–725.
- DAC-1996-SatoKEM #design #optimisation
- Post-Layout Optimization for Deep Submicron Design (KS, MK, HE, NM), pp. 740–745.
- DAC-1996-SrivastavaP #approach #implementation #linear #optimisation #programmable
- Power Optimization in Programmable Processors and ASIC Implementations of Linear Systems: Transformation-based Approach (MBS, MP), pp. 343–348.
- PODS-1996-FukudaMMT #mining
- Mining Optimized Association Rules for Numeric Attributes (TF, YM, SM, TT), pp. 182–191.
- PODS-1996-GangulyGS #cost analysis #modelling #optimisation #parallel #performance #query
- Efficient and Acurate Cost Models for Parallel Query Optimization (SG, AG, AS), pp. 172–181.
- SIGMOD-1996-AdaliCPS #distributed #optimisation #query
- Query Caching and Optimization in Distributed Mediator Systems (SA, KSC, YP, VSS), pp. 137–148.
- SIGMOD-1996-BunemanDHS #optimisation #query #semistructured data
- A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data (PB, SBD, GGH, DS), pp. 505–516.
- SIGMOD-1996-ChaudhuriG #multi #optimisation #query #repository
- Optimizing Queries over Multimedia Repositories (SC, LG), pp. 91–102.
- SIGMOD-1996-CherniackZ #algebra #rule-based
- Rule Languages and Internal Algebras for Rule-Based Optimizers (MC, SBZ), pp. 401–412.
- SIGMOD-1996-FukudaMMT #2d #algorithm #data mining #mining #using #visualisation
- Data Mining Using Two-Dimensional Optimized Accociation Rules: Scheme, Algorithms, and Visualization (TF, YM, SM, TT), pp. 13–23.
- SIGMOD-1996-FukudaMMT96a #named
- SONAR: System for Optimized Numeric AssociationRules (TF, YM, SM, TT), p. 553.
- SIGMOD-1996-GoelI #optimisation #order #query #sql
- SQL Query Optimization: Reordering for a General Class of Queries (PG, BRI), pp. 47–56.
- SIGMOD-1996-LibkinMW #array #design #implementation #multi #optimisation #query
- A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays: Design, Implementation, and Optimization Techniques (LL, RM, LW), pp. 228–239.
- SIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #algebra #cost analysis #implementation #optimisation
- Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
- SIGMOD-1996-SimmenSM #optimisation #order
- Fundamental Techniques for Order Optimization (DES, EJS, TM), pp. 57–67.
- SIGMOD-1996-VanceM #agile #optimisation
- Rapid Bushy Join-order Optimization with Cartesian Products (BV, DM), pp. 35–46.
- VLDB-1996-Celis #query #sql
- The Query Optimizer in Tandem’s new ServerWare SQL Product (PC), p. 592.
- VLDB-1996-ChaudhuriS #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Queries with User-defined Predicates (SC, KS), pp. 87–98.
- VLDB-1996-FukudaMMT #performance #using
- Constructing Efficient Decision Trees by Using Optimized Numeric Association Rules (TF, YM, SM, TT), pp. 146–155.
- VLDB-1996-GardarinST #cost analysis #database #object-oriented #query
- Calibrating the Query Optimizer Cost Model of IRO-DB, an Object-Oriented Federated Database System (GG, FS, ZHT), pp. 378–389.
- VLDB-1996-McKennaBHT #named #query #tool support
- EROC: A Toolkit for Building NEATO Query Optimizers (WJM, LB, CH, MT), pp. 111–121.
- ESOP-1996-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #composition #optimisation
- Compositional Optimization of Disjunctive Abstract Interpretations (RG, FR), pp. 141–155.
- PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiG #debugging
- Source-Level Debugging of Scalar Optimized Code (ARAT, TRG), pp. 33–43.
- PLDI-1996-ChakrabartiGC #analysis #communication #optimisation
- Global Communication Analysis and Optimization (SC, MG, JDC), pp. 68–78.
- PLDI-1996-LeeL #code generation #ml #optimisation #runtime
- Optimizing ML with Run-Time Code Generation (PL, ML), pp. 137–148.
- PLDI-1996-RuttenbergGLS #compilation #heuristic #pipes and filters
- Software Pipelining Showdown: Optimal vs. Heuristic Methods in a Production Compiler (JCR, GRG, WL, AS), pp. 1–11.
- PLDI-1996-TarditiMCSHL #compilation #ml #named #optimisation
- TIL: A Type-Directed Optimizing Compiler for ML (DT, JGM, PC, CAS, RH, PL), pp. 181–192.
- SAS-1996-PueblaH #algorithm #analysis #incremental #logic programming #source code
- Optimized Algorithms for Incremental Analysis of Logic Programs (GP, MVH), pp. 270–284.
- STOC-1996-DimitriouI #algorithm #analysis #optimisation #towards
- Towards an Analysis of Local Optimization Algorithms (TD, RI), pp. 304–313.
- STOC-1996-Zuckerman
- Randomness-Optimal Sampling, Extractors, and Constructive Leader Election (DZ), pp. 286–295.
- Best-of-PLDI-1996-LeeL96a #code generation #ml #optimisation #runtime
- Optimizing ML with run-time code generation (with retrospective) (PL, ML), pp. 540–553.
- Best-of-PLDI-1996-TarditiMCSHL96a #compilation #ml #named #optimisation
- TIL: a type-directed, optimizing compiler for ML (with retrospective) (DT, JGM, PC, CAS, RH, PL), pp. 554–567.
- ICALP-1996-FarachM #random
- Optimal Logarithmic Time Randomized Suffix Tree Construction (MF, SM), pp. 550–561.
- ICALP-1996-KoppenhagenM #algorithm
- Optimal Gröbner Base Algorithms for Binomial Ideals (UK, EWM), pp. 244–255.
- ICFP-1996-LawallM #cost analysis #question #what #λ-calculus
- Optimality and Inefficiency: What Isn’t a Cost Model of the λ Calculus? (JLL, HGM), pp. 92–101.
- AdaEurope-1996-BirusCS #interprocedural #optimisation
- Interprocedural Call Optimization (TB, CC, DS), pp. 319–329.
- AKDDM-1996-HsuK #induction #learning #optimisation #query #semantics #using
- Using Inductive Learning To Generate Rules for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 425–445.
- CIKM-1996-Greco #bound #set #unification
- Optimal Unification of Bounded Simple Set Terms (SG), pp. 326–336.
- CIKM-1996-JingHR #optimisation
- Hierarchical Optimization of Optimal Path Finding for Transportation Applications (NJ, YWH, EAR), pp. 261–268.
- CIKM-1996-OzcanNKED #distributed #framework #optimisation #query
- Dynamic Query Optimization on a Distributed Object Management Platform (FÖ, SN, PK, CE, AD), pp. 117–124.
- ICML-1996-DomingosP #classification #independence
- Beyond Independence: Conditions for the Optimality of the Simple Bayesian Classifier (PMD, MJP), pp. 105–112.
- ICML-1996-KollerS #feature model #towards
- Toward Optimal Feature Selection (DK, MS), pp. 284–292.
- ICML-1996-Mahadevan #learning
- Sensitive Discount Optimality: Unifying Discounted and Average Reward Reinforcement Learning (SM), pp. 328–336.
- ICPR-1996-Aladjem #distance #optimisation #recursion
- Two-class pattern discrimination via recursive optimization of Patrick-Fisher distance (MEA), pp. 60–64.
- ICPR-1996-BasuS #re-engineering
- Optimal non-uniform discretization for stereo reconstruction (AB, HS), pp. 755–759.
- ICPR-1996-Benois-PineauKB #graph #optimisation #problem
- Coding of structure in the region-based coder as a problem of optimization on graphs (JBP, AK, DB), pp. 651–655.
- ICPR-1996-DoeringW #classification #composition #cost analysis #network #set
- Feedforward neural networks for Bayes-optimal classification: investigations into the influence of the composition of the training set on the cost function (AD, HW), pp. 219–223.
- ICPR-1996-GofmanK #approach #detection #image #optimisation #symmetry
- Detecting symmetry in grey level images: the global optimization approach (YG, NK), pp. 889–894.
- ICPR-1996-HeidemannR #3d #architecture #recognition #using
- A neural 3-D object recognition architecture using optimized Gabor filters (GH, HJR), pp. 70–74.
- ICPR-1996-HuangLSSSLTH #approach #classification #nearest neighbour #prototype
- A simulated annealing approach to construct optimized prototypes for nearest-neighbor classification (YSH, KL, CYS, AJS, IIS, MCL, RYT, PKH), pp. 483–487.
- ICPR-1996-Jaeger #optimisation #recognition #using
- Recovering writing traces in off-line handwriting recognition: using a global optimization technique (SJ0), pp. 150–154.
- ICPR-1996-LaumyDL #approach #comparison #optimisation
- Segments matching: comparison between a neural approach and a classical optimization way (ML, MD, JTL), pp. 261–265.
- ICPR-1996-LeonardisB #adaptation #complexity #network #optimisation
- Complexity optimization of adaptive RBF networks (TL, HB), pp. 654–658.
- ICPR-1996-MollerGW #clustering #network #performance
- Fast vector quantizer on neural clustering networks providing globally optimal cluster solutions (UM, MG, HW), pp. 351–355.
- ICPR-1996-ScheundersHL #image #on the
- On the local optimality of image quantizers (PS, HVH, SL), pp. 664–668.
- ICPR-1996-SpinuGC #approach #detection #distributed #multi #optimisation #problem
- A multi-agent approach to edge detection as a distributed optimization problem (CS, CG, JMC), pp. 81–85.
- ICPR-1996-StoschekYH #2d #detection #invariant #multi #robust #using
- Rotation-invariant and robust multiple-2D-object detection using steerable pyramid denoising and optimized circular harmonic filters (AS, TPYY, RH), pp. 376–380.
- ICPR-1996-Vincze #visual notation
- Optimal window size for visual tracking for uniform CCDs (MV), pp. 786–790.
- KDD-1996-GrossmanBNP #data mining #mining #optimisation
- Data Mining and Tree-Based Optimization (RLG, HB, DN, HVP), pp. 323–326.
- SEKE-1996-YoonH #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query #semantics
- Finding Interesting Knowledge in Object-Oriented Frameworks for Semantic Query Optimization (SCY, LJH), pp. 108–115.
- OOPSLA-1996-Adl-TabatabaiGL #compilation #optimisation #reuse
- Code Reuse in an Optimizing Compiler (ARAT, TRG, GYL), pp. 51–68.
- OOPSLA-1996-DeanDGLC #compilation #named #object-oriented #optimisation
- Vortex: An Optimizing Compiler for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, GD, DG, VL, CC), pp. 83–100.
- PLILP-1996-PueblaH #automation #logic programming #optimisation #scheduling #source code
- Automatic Optimization of Dynamic Scheduling in Logic Programs (GP, MVH), pp. 475–476.
- POPL-1996-GovindarajanJM #constraints #logic #optimisation
- Optimization and Relaxation in Constraint Logic Languages (KG, BJ, SM), pp. 91–103.
- POPL-1996-HooverZ #compilation #generative #optimisation
- Generating Machine Specific Optimizing Compilers (RH, FKZ), pp. 219–229.
- SAC-1996-KuhnB #c++ #optimisation
- An enabling optimization for C++ virtual functions (BMK, DB), pp. 420–428.
- SAC-1996-Leopold #approach #automation #fuzzy #locality #optimisation
- A fuzzy approach to automatic data locality optimization (CL), pp. 515–518.
- ASPLOS-1996-GrunwaldN #optimisation #performance #thread
- Whole-Program Optimization for Time and Space Efficient Threads (DG, RN), pp. 50–59.
- CC-1996-DavidsonJ #compilation #optimisation
- Aggressive Loop Unrolling in a Retargetable Optimizing Compiler (JWD, SJ), pp. 59–73.
- CC-1996-ProebstingW #parsing
- One-Pass, Optimal Tree Parsing — With Or Without Trees (TAP, BRW), pp. 294–308.
- CADE-1996-Harrison #optimisation #proving
- Optimizing Proof Search in Model Elimination (JH), pp. 313–327.
- CADE-1996-Salzer #axiom #multi #quantifier
- Optimal Axiomatizations for Multiple-Valued Operators and Quantifiers Based on Semi-lattices (GS), pp. 688–702.
- CSL-1996-Malmstrom #approximate #optimisation #problem
- Optimization Problems with Approximation Schemes (AM), pp. 316–333.
- JICSLP-1996-FordanGN #constraints #optimisation #problem #using
- Optimizing Constraint-Intensive Problems Using Early Projection (Poster Abstract) (AF, UG, AN), p. 537.
- JICSLP-1996-KellyMMSY #compilation #effectiveness #optimisation
- Effectiveness of Optimizing Compilation for CLP(R) (ADK, ADM, KM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 37–51.
- DAC-1995-ChengL #approach #optimisation
- A Transformation-Based Approach for Storage Optimization (WKC, YLL), pp. 158–163.
- DAC-1995-DeCastelo-Vide-e-SouzaPP #algorithm #approach #architecture #optimisation #throughput #using
- Optimal ILP-Based Approach for Throughput Optimization Using Simultaneous Algorithm/Architecture Matching and Retiming (YGDVeS, MP, ACP), pp. 113–118.
- DAC-1995-DeokarS #fresh look #optimisation
- A Fresh Look at Retiming Via Clock Skew Optimization (RBD, SSS), pp. 310–315.
- DAC-1995-DevadasM #bibliography #optimisation #power management
- A Survey of Optimization Techniques Targeting Low Power VLSI Circuits (SD, SM), pp. 242–247.
- DAC-1995-LiaoDKTW #embedded #optimisation
- Code Optimization Techniques for Embedded DSP Microprocessors (SYL, SD, KK, SWKT, ARW), pp. 599–604.
- DAC-1995-LinJK #optimisation
- Hierarchical Optimization of Asynchronous Circuits (BL, GGdJ, TK), pp. 712–717.
- DAC-1995-MakW #logic #on the
- On Optimal Board-Level Routing for FPGA-Based Logic Emulation (WKM, DFW), pp. 552–556.
- DAC-1995-MartinK #behaviour #named #optimisation #power management
- Power-Profiler: Optimizing ASICs Power Consumption at the Behavioral Level (RSM, JPK), pp. 42–47.
- DAC-1995-MenezesPP #optimisation
- Simultaneous Gate and Interconnect Sizing for Circuit-Level Delay Optimization (NM, SP, LTP), pp. 690–695.
- DAC-1995-NakamuraY #clustering #logic #matrix #optimisation #scalability
- A Partitioning-Based Logic Optimization Method for Large Scale Circuits with Boolean Matrix (YN, TY), pp. 653–657.
- DAC-1995-RohfleischWA #analysis #logic #optimisation
- Logic Clause Analysis for Delay Optimization (BR, BW, KA), pp. 668–672.
- DAC-1995-VittalM #design
- Power Optimal Buffered Clock Tree Design (AV, MMS), pp. 497–502.
- DAC-1995-WuM #2d #approach #optimisation #orthogonal
- Orthogonal Greedy Coupling — A New Optimization Approach to 2-D FPGA Routing (YLW, MMS), pp. 568–573.
- KBSE-1995-EllmanKMS #design #interactive #optimisation
- A Transformation System for Interactive Reformulation of Design Optimization Strategies (TE, JEK, TM, MS), pp. 44–51.
- ICDAR-v1-1995-HoriuchiTYY #optimisation #probability #process
- Relaxation optimizing processes in extended probabilistic space (TH, KT, KY, HY), pp. 266–269.
- ICDAR-v1-1995-Yamada #recognition
- Optimal sampling intervals for Gabor features and printed Japanese character recognition (KY), pp. 150–153.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-HisamitsuMSFN #fault
- Optimal techniques in OCR error correction for Japanese texts (TH, KM, YS, HF, YN), pp. 1014–1017.
- PODS-1995-BrodskyLLM #constraints
- Separability of Polyhedra for Optimal Filtering of Spatial and Constraint Data (AB, CL, JLL, MJM), pp. 54–65.
- PODS-1995-ChekuriHM #optimisation #parallel #problem #query #scheduling
- Scheduling Problems in Parallel Query Optimization (CC, WH, RM), pp. 255–265.
- PODS-1995-LevyS #datalog #optimisation #query #semantics #source code
- Semantic Query Optimization in Datalog Programs (AYL, YS), pp. 163–173.
- PODS-1995-PagelSW #clustering
- Window Query-Optimal Clustering of Spatial Objects (BUP, HWS, MW), pp. 86–94.
- SIGMOD-1995-ChaudhuriDY #execution #optimisation #query
- Join Queries with External Text Sources: Execution and Optimization Techniques (SC, UD, TWY), pp. 410–422.
- SIGMOD-1995-IoannidisP #estimation #query
- Balancing Histogram Optimality and Practicality for Query Result Size Estimation (YEI, VP), pp. 233–244.
- VLDB-1995-HasanM #communication #optimisation #parallel #query
- Coloring Away Communication in Parallel Query Optimization (WH, RM), pp. 239–250.
- VLDB-1995-LuTD #adaptation #approach #optimisation #query
- The Fittest Survives: An Adaptive Approach to Query Optimization (HL, KLT, SD), pp. 251–262.
- PEPM-1995-Debray #abstract interpretation #low level #optimisation
- Abstract Interpretation and Low-Level Code Optimization (SKD), pp. 111–121.
- PLDI-1995-Fernandez #effectiveness #optimisation #source code
- Simple and Effective Link-Time Optimization of Modula-3 Programs (MFF), pp. 103–115.
- PLDI-1995-KrishnamurthyY #optimisation #parallel #source code
- Optimizing Parallel Programs with Explicit Synchronization (AK, KAY), pp. 196–204.
- PLDI-1995-LoE #compilation #optimisation #parallel #scheduling
- Improving Balanced Scheduling with Compiler Optimizations that Increase Instruction-Level Parallelism (JLL, SJE), pp. 151–162.
- PLDI-1995-PingaliB #data type #dependence #named
- APT: A Data Structure for Optimal Control Dependence Computation (KP, GB), pp. 32–46.
- SAS-1995-CleavelandIY #abstraction #model checking
- Optimality in Abstractions of Model Checking (RC, SPI, DY), pp. 51–63.
- SAS-1995-Faxen #functional #lazy evaluation #optimisation #source code #using
- Optimizing Lazy Functional Programs Using Flow Inference (KFF), pp. 136–153.
- SAS-1995-SerranoW #compilation #functional #named #optimisation #strict
- Bigloo: A Portable and Optimizing Compiler for Strict Functional Languages (MS, PW), pp. 366–381.
- STOC-1995-CzumajGGPP #algorithm #parallel #problem #string
- Work-time-optimal parallel algorithms for string problems (AC, ZG, LG, KP, WP), pp. 713–722.
- STOC-1995-EdmondsP #bound
- A nearly optimal time-space lower bound for directed st-connectivity on the NNJAG model (JE, CKP), pp. 147–156.
- STOC-1995-Eppstein #bound #geometry #optimisation #parametricity
- Geometric lower bounds for parametric matroid optimization (DE), pp. 662–671.
- STOC-1995-HartI #performance
- Fast protein folding in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic model within three-eights of optimal (Extended Abstract) (WEH, SI), pp. 157–168.
- STOC-1995-KargerP #combinator #constraints #multi #optimisation #problem
- Adding multiple cost constraints to combinatorial optimization problems, with applications to multicommodity flows (DRK, SAP), pp. 18–25.
- STOC-1995-Pan #algorithm #approximate #parallel #polynomial
- Optimal (up to polylog factors) sequential and parallel algorithms for approximating complex polynomial zeros (VYP), pp. 741–750.
- ICALP-1995-Ambos-Spies #approximate #on the #polynomial
- On Optimal Polynomial Time Approximations: P-Levelability vs. Delta-Levelability (Extended Abstract) (KAS), pp. 384–392.
- ICALP-1995-BauernoppelKKMNSU
- Optimal Shooting: Characterizations and Applications (FB, EK, DK, AM, MN, JRS, JU), pp. 220–231.
- ICALP-1995-BodlaenderH #algorithm #bound #parallel
- Parallel Algorithms with Optimal Speedup for Bounded Treewidth (HLB, TH), pp. 268–279.
- ICALP-1995-GolinR #algorithm #programming
- A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Constructing Optimal Refix-Free Codes for Unequal Letter Costs (MJG, GR), pp. 256–267.
- ICALP-1995-GrecoSZ #automaton #logic programming #source code
- The PushDown Method to Optimize Chain Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 523–534.
- ICALP-1995-Le #game studies #on the
- On Determining Optimal Strategies in Pursiut Games in the Plane (NML), pp. 499–510.
- CIKM-1995-OzsuMS #query
- An Extensible Query Optimizer for an Objectbase Management System (MTÖ, AM, DS), pp. 188–196.
- KDD-1995-Fisher #clustering #optimisation
- Optimization and Simplification of Hierarchical Clusterings (DF), pp. 118–123.
- SEKE-1995-Miur #optimisation #query #visual notation
- Optimizing Complex Objects Queries in A Visual Data Manipulation Language (TM), pp. 153–157.
- SIGIR-1995-BuckleyS #feedback #optimisation
- Optimization of Relevance Feedback Weights (CB, GS), pp. 351–357.
- SIGIR-1995-Lewis #classification #optimisation
- Evaluating and Optimizing Autonomous Text Classification Systems (DDL), pp. 246–254.
- SIGIR-1995-RaghavanS #on the #query #reuse
- On the Reuse of Past Optimal Queries (VVR, HS), pp. 344–350.
- ECOOP-1995-DeanGC #analysis #object-oriented #optimisation #source code #using
- Optimization of Object-Oriented Programs Using Static Class Hierarchy Analysis (JD, DG, CC), pp. 77–101.
- OOPSLA-1995-AgesenH #comparison #feedback #object-oriented #optimisation #type inference
- Type Feedback vs. Concrete Type Inference: A Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages (OA, UH), pp. 91–107.
- POPL-1995-FlanaganF #optimisation #semantics
- The Semantics of Future and Its Use in Program Optimizations (CF, MF), pp. 209–220.
- POPL-1995-Proebsting #c #interpreter #optimisation
- Optimizing an ANSI C Interpreter with Superoperators (TAP), pp. 322–332.
- SAC-1995-FiedlerLDL #using
- Optimal initialization of mixed-layer model using the adjoint technique (RF, SL, SKD, JML), pp. 91–95.
- SAC-1995-Gibson #algorithm #data type #multi #optimisation #problem #search-based
- A genetic algorithm for optimizing problems with multiple disparate data types (GMG), pp. 300–304.
- SAC-1995-JengL #algorithm
- Optimal hypercube algorithms for robot configuration space computation (JFFJ, WNL), pp. 182–186.
- SAC-1995-Li #algorithm #optimisation #performance #set
- An efficient algorithm for computing a minimum node cutset from a vertex-disjoint path set for timing optimization (WNL), pp. 56–60.
- SAC-1995-ParkC #combinator #effectiveness #on the #optimisation #search-based
- On the effectiveness of genetic search in combinatorial optimization (KP, BC), pp. 329–336.
- HPCA-1995-TorrellasXD #operating system #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing Instruction Cache Performance for Operating System Intensive Workloads (JT, CX, RLD), pp. 360–369.
- PPoPP-1995-Brewer #automation #modelling #optimisation #statistics
- High-Level Optimization via Automated Statistical Modeling (EAB), pp. 80–91.
- PPoPP-1995-HwangLJ #array #fortran #source code #synthesis
- An Array Operation Synthesis Scheme to Optimize Fortran 90 Programs (GHH, JKL, RDCJ), pp. 112–122.
- PPoPP-1995-SubhlokV #parallel #sequence
- Optimal Mapping of Sequences of Data Parallel Tasks (JS, GV), pp. 134–143.
- PPoPP-1995-Tseng #compilation #optimisation
- Compiler Optimizations for Eliminating Barrier Synchronization (CWT), pp. 144–155.
- SOSP-1995-FordHL #interface #using
- Using Annotated Interface Definitions to Optimize RPC (BF, MH, JL), p. 232.
- ICLP-1995-PontelliGT #implementation #optimisation #prolog
- Determinacy Driven Optimizations of And-Parallel Prolog Implementations (EP, GG, DT), pp. 615–629.
- ILPS-1995-DawsonRRS #optimisation #unification
- Optimizing Clause Resolution: Beyond Unification Factoring (SD, CRR, IVR, TS), pp. 194–208.
- RTA-1995-Asperti #exclamation #implementation #optimisation #λ-calculus
- deltao!Epsilon = 1 — Optimizing Optimal λ-Calculus Implementations (AA), pp. 102–116.
- TLCA-1995-BerardiB #optimisation #type system #using
- Using Subtyping in Program Optimization (SB, LB), pp. 63–77.
- DAC-1994-BhattacharyaDB #optimisation #resource management
- Clock Period Optimization During Resource Sharing and Assignment (SB, SD, FB), pp. 195–200.
- DAC-1994-BhattacharyaDB94a #analysis #optimisation #performance #specification
- Performance Analysis and Optimization of Schedules for Conditional and Loop-Intensive Specifications (SB, SD, FB), pp. 491–496.
- DAC-1994-CharbonMPS #optimisation
- Simultaneous Placement and Module Optimization of Analog IC’s (EC, EM, DP, ALSV), pp. 31–35.
- DAC-1994-GuptaP #named #termination
- OTTER: Optimal Termination of Transmission Lines Excluding Radiation (RG, LTP), pp. 640–645.
- DAC-1994-HaradaK #optimisation #performance
- A Global Router Optimizing Timing and Area for High-Speed Bipolar LSI’s (IH, HK), pp. 177–181.
- DAC-1994-IwamaH #generative #logic #random
- Random Generation of Test Instances for Logic Optimizers (KI, KH), pp. 430–434.
- DAC-1994-KannanSF #algorithm #optimisation
- A Methodology and Algorithms for Post-Placement Delay Optimization (LNK, PS, HGF), pp. 327–332.
- DAC-1994-MehrotraFL #approach #optimisation #probability
- Stochastic Optimization Approach to Transistor Sizing for CMOS VLSI Circuits (SM, PDF, WL), pp. 36–40.
- DAC-1994-PotkonjakD #optimisation #resource management #testing #using
- Optimizing Resource Utilization and Testability Using Hot Potato Techniques (MP, SD), pp. 201–205.
- DAC-1994-SaldanhaHMBS #optimisation #performance #using
- Performance Optimization Using Exact Sensitization (AS, HH, PCM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 425–429.
- DAC-1994-Sapatnekar #optimisation
- RC Interconnect Optimization Under the Elmore Delay Model (SSS), pp. 387–391.
- EDAC-1994-DalkilicP #bound #scheduling #using
- Optimal Operation Scheduling Using Resource Lower Bound Estimations (MED, VP), pp. 319–324.
- EDAC-1994-DepuydtGGM #graph #optimisation #pipes and filters #scheduling
- Optimal Scheduling and Software Pipelining of Repetitive Signal Flow Graphs with Delay Line Optimization (FD, WG, GG, HDM), pp. 490–494.
- EDAC-1994-FranssenNSCM #control flow #optimisation #performance #simulation
- Control flow optimization for fast system simulation and storage minimization (FHMF, LN, HS, FC, HDM), pp. 20–24.
- EDAC-1994-GrantML #generative #hardware #optimisation
- Optimization of Address Generator Hardware (DMG, JLvM, PERL), pp. 325–329.
- EDAC-1994-Koudakou #component #implementation #optimisation #statistics
- Software Implementation and Statistical Optimization of Some Electronic Component’s Lifetime (KCK), p. 663.
- EDAC-1994-RohfleischB #logic #optimisation
- Introduction of Permissible Bridges with Application to Logic Optimization after Technology Mapping (BR, FB), pp. 87–93.
- EDAC-1994-SrivastavaP #latency #linear #optimisation
- Transforming Linear Systems for Joint Latency and Throughout Optimization (MBS, MP), pp. 267–271.
- EDAC-1994-WangD #approximate #linear #optimisation #performance #using
- An Efficient Yield Optimization Method Using A Two Step Linear Approximation of Circuit Performance (ZW, SWD), pp. 567–571.
- EDAC-1994-WittmannH #identification #optimisation #performance #testing
- Efficient Path Identification for Delay Testing — Time and Space Optimization (HCW, MH), pp. 513–517.
- EDAC-1994-WurthW #logic #multi #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Calculation of Boolean Relations for Multi-Level Logic Optimization (BW, NW), pp. 630–634.
- PODS-1994-ChenR #retrieval
- Optimal Response Time Retrieval of Replicated Data (LTC, DR), pp. 36–44.
- PODS-1994-RamaswamyS
- Path Caching: A Technique for Optimal External Searching (SR, SS), pp. 25–35.
- SIGMOD-1994-ColeG #evaluation #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Dynamic Query Evaluation Plans (RLC, GG), pp. 150–160.
- SIGMOD-1994-ConsensM #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Queries on Files (MPC, TM), pp. 301–312.
- SIGMOD-1994-KemperMPS #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Disjunctive Queries with Expensive Predicates (AK, GM, KP, MS), pp. 336–347.
- VLDB-1994-ChaudhuriS #optimisation #query
- Including Group-By in Query Optimization (SC, KS), pp. 354–366.
- VLDB-1994-HasanM #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #pipes and filters #trade-off
- Optimization Algorithms for Exploiting the Parallelism-Communication Tradeoff in Pipelined Parallelism (WH, RM), pp. 36–47.
- VLDB-1994-LevyMS #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization by Predicate Move-Around (AYL, ISM, YS), pp. 96–107.
- PLDI-1994-HolzleU #feedback #optimisation #runtime
- Optimizing Dynamically-Dispatched Calls with Run-Time Type Feedback (UH, DU), pp. 326–336.
- PLDI-1994-NetzerW #debugging #incremental #source code
- Optimal Tracing and Incremental Reexecution for Debugging Long-Running Programs (RHBN, MHW), pp. 313–325.
- PLDI-1994-SrivastavaW #architecture #optimisation
- Link-Time Optimization of Address Calculation on a 64-bit Architecture (AS, DWW), pp. 49–60.
- PLDI-1994-WagnerMGH #optimisation
- Accurate Static Estimators for Program Optimization (TAW, VM, SLG, MAH), pp. 85–96.
- PLDI-1994-Wismuller #analysis #data flow #debugging #source code #using
- Debugging of Globally Optimized Programs Using Data Flow Analysis (RW), pp. 278–289.
- SAS-1994-Getzinger #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #optimisation #prolog
- The Costs and Benefits of Abstract Interpretation-driven Prolog Optimization (TWG), pp. 1–25.
- STOC-1994-ChungY #algorithm
- A near optimal algorithm for edge separators (preliminary version) (FRKC, STY), pp. 1–8.
- STOC-1994-FortnowW #bound #game studies
- Optimality and domination in repeated games with bounded players (LF, DW), pp. 741–749.
- STOC-1994-Hagerup #algorithm #parallel #sorting #string
- Optimal parallel string algorithms: sorting, merging and computing the minimum (TH), pp. 382–391.
- STOC-1994-Hariharan #parallel
- Optimal parallel suffix tree construction (RH), pp. 290–299.
- ICALP-1994-AmirBF #2d
- Optimal Two-Dimensional Compressed Matching (AA, GB, MF), pp. 215–226.
- ICALP-1994-HariharanM #algorithm #parallel
- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Prefix Matching (RH, SM), pp. 203–214.
- ICALP-1994-PrzytyckaL #problem #revisited
- The Optimal Alphabetic Tree Problem Revisited (TMP, LLL), pp. 251–262.
- LFP-1994-ClingerH #compilation #optimisation
- λ, the Ultimate Label or a Simple Optimizing Compiler for Scheme (WDC, LTH), pp. 128–139.
- CIKM-1994-ChenH #algorithm #graph #linear #source code #traversal
- An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary-Chain Programs (YC, TH), pp. 34–41.
- CIKM-1994-ChenT #implementation #pattern matching #programming
- An Optimized Implementation for VML Based on Pattern Matching and Dynamic Programming (WC, VT), pp. 88–96.
- ICML-1994-HsuK #optimisation #query #semantics
- Rule Introduction for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 112–120.
- KDD-1994-AnandBH #architecture #database #mining #optimisation #preprocessor #query #semantics
- Database Mining in the Architecture of a Semantic Preprocessor for State Aware Query Optimization (SSA, DAB, JGH), pp. 287–298.
- KDD-1994-HsuK #induction #optimisation #query #semantics
- Rule Induction for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 311–322.
- KR-1994-Selman
- Near-Optimal Plans, Tractability, and Reactivity (BS), pp. 521–529.
- SEKE-1994-GuoSRD #database #optimisation #query #reduction #semantics
- Semantic query optimization by class reference reduction in object- oriented databases (SG, WS, NR, YD), pp. 306–313.
- OOPSLA-1994-AmielGS #multi #optimisation #using
- Optimizing Multi-Method Dispatch Using Compressed Dispatch Tables (EA, OG, ES), pp. 244–258.
- PLILP-1994-FagesFS #constraints #logic programming #optimisation #relational
- Handling Preferences in Constraint Logic Programming with Relational Optimization (FF, JF, TS), pp. 261–276.
- PLILP-1994-HundehegeLX #hybrid #memory management #optimisation #program transformation #runtime #semantics
- Semantic-Based Static Program Transformations for Memory Space and Run Time Optimization in Hybrid Languages (JBH, WML, UX), pp. 453–454.
- POPL-1994-BosschereDGK #interprocedural #optimisation
- Call Forwarding: A Simple Interprocedural Optimization Technique for Dynamically Typed Languages (KDB, SKD, DG, SK), pp. 409–420.
- POPL-1994-HengleinJ
- Formally Optimal Boxing (FH, JJ), pp. 213–226.
- SAC-1994-AfshariG #fuzzy #modelling
- A fuzzy model-based optimal control strategy (AA, CG), pp. 120–125.
- SAC-1994-GordonMW #algorithm #locality #search-based
- Cellular genetic algorithms as function optimizers: locality effects (VSG, KEM, DW), pp. 237–241.
- SAC-1994-PalmS #fuzzy #logic #optimisation #using
- Torque optimization for a locomotive using fuzzy logic (RP, KS), pp. 105–109.
- ASPLOS-1994-CarrMT #compilation #locality #optimisation
- Compiler Optimizations for Improving Data Locality (SC, KSM, CWT), pp. 252–262.
- CC-1994-GeorgeGR #compilation #optimisation
- A Portable and Optimizing Back End for the SML/NJ Compiler (LG, FG, JHR), pp. 83–97.
- CC-1994-Hanus #functional #logic programming #optimisation #source code #towards
- Towards the Global Optimization of Functional Logic Programs (MH), pp. 68–82.
- CC-1994-JustianiH #array #c #compilation #dependence #optimisation #testing
- Supporting Array Dependence Testing for an Optimizing/Parallelizing C Compiler (J, LJH), pp. 309–323.
- CC-1994-MendlsonPS #optimisation
- Compile Time Instruction Cache Optimizations (AM, SSP, RS), pp. 404–418.
- CC-1994-Orbaek #compilation #generative #named #optimisation
- OASIS: An Optimizing Action-Based Compiler Generator (PØ), pp. 1–15.
- CADE-1994-Anderson #optimisation #proving #representation
- Representing Proof Transformations for Program Optimizations (PA), pp. 575–589.
- ILPS-1994-DebrayGB #detection #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Detection and Optimization of Suspension-free Logic Programs (SKD, DG, PAB), pp. 487–501.
- ILPS-1994-MichaylovP #compilation #constraints #linear #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Compilation of Linear Arithmetic in a Class of Constraint Logic Programs (SM, BP), pp. 586–600.
- ILPS-1994-TangPGC #backtracking #logic programming #optimisation #parallel #performance
- Last Parallel Call Optimization and Fast Backtracking in And-parallel Logic Programming Systems (DT, EP, GG, MC), pp. 683–684.
- ISSTA-1994-PollockBS #debugging
- Debugging Optimized Code Via Tailoring (Abstract) (LLP, MPB, MLS), p. 201.
- DAC-1993-ChakradharDPR #optimisation #using
- Sequential Circuit Delay optimization Using Global Path Delays (STC, SD, MP, SGR), pp. 483–489.
- DAC-1993-ChatterjeeR #architecture #composition #multi #optimisation
- An Architectural Transformation Program for Optimization of Digital Systems by Multi-Level Decomposition (AC, RKR), pp. 343–348.
- DAC-1993-DamianiYM #logic #optimisation
- Optimization of Combinational Logic Circuits Based on Compatible Gates (MD, JCYY, GDM), pp. 631–636.
- DAC-1993-Edahiro #algorithm #clustering #optimisation
- A Clustering-Based Optimization Algorithm in Zero-Skew Routings (ME), pp. 612–616.
- DAC-1993-EvekingH #optimisation
- Optimization and Resynthesis of Complex Data-Paths (HE, SH), pp. 637–641.
- DAC-1993-GraebWA #analysis #optimisation #worst-case
- Improved Methods for Worst-Case Analysis and Optimization Incorporating Operating Tolerances (HEG, CUW, KA), pp. 142–147.
- DAC-1993-HaworthB #design #towards
- Towards Optimal System-Level Design (MSH, WPB), pp. 434–438.
- DAC-1993-JoneF #identification #optimisation
- Timing Optimization By Gate Resizing And Critical Path Identification (WBJ, CLF), pp. 135–140.
- DAC-1993-Leveugle #fault tolerance
- Optimized State Assignment of single fault Tolerant FSMs Based on SEC Codes (RL), pp. 14–18.
- DAC-1993-Nagaraj #optimisation #performance
- A New Optimizer for Performance Optimization of Analog Integrated Circuits (NSN), pp. 148–153.
- DAC-1993-PanDL #constraints #graph #layout #reduction
- Optimal Graph Constraint Reduction for Symbolic Layout Compaction (PP, SkD, CLL), pp. 401–406.
- DAC-1993-PullelaMP #optimisation #reliability #using
- Reliable Non-Zero Skew Clock Trees Using Wire Width Optimization (SP, NM, LTP), pp. 165–170.
- DAC-1993-RajaramanW #clustering
- Optimal Clustering for Delay Minimization (RR, DFW), pp. 309–314.
- DAC-1993-VaishnavP #optimisation
- Routability-Driven Fanout Optimization (HV, MP), pp. 230–235.
- ICDAR-1993-Breul #bound #fault #recognition #using
- Recognition of handprinted digits using optimal bounded error matching (TMB), pp. 493–496.
- ICDAR-1993-HoriuchiTYYI #optimisation #problem
- Generalized interpretation of optimization methods for labeling problems (TH, KT, HY, KY, TI), pp. 6–9.
- ICDAR-1993-LeeS #design #modelling #using
- Optimal design of reference models using simulated annealing combined with an improved LVQ3 (SWL, HHS), pp. 244–249.
- ICDAR-1993-Yan #classification #design #implementation #nearest neighbour #recognition
- Design and implementation of optimized nearest neighbor classifiers for handwritten digit recognition (HY), pp. 10–13.
- ICDAR-1993-Yan93a #classification #image #nearest neighbour #segmentation #using
- Color map image segmentation using optimized nearest neighbor classifiers (HY), pp. 111–114.
- PODS-1993-ChaudhuriV #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Real Conjunctive Queries (SC, MYV), pp. 59–70.
- SIGMOD-1993-BlakeleyMG #case study #experience #query
- Experiences Building the Open OODB Query Optimizer (JAB, WJM, GG), pp. 287–296.
- SIGMOD-1993-Guting #higher-order #modelling #optimisation #query #specification
- Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization (RHG), pp. 277–286.
- SIGMOD-1993-HellersteinS #migration #optimisation #query
- Predicate Migration: Optimizing Queries with Expensive Predicates (JMH, MS), pp. 267–276.
- SIGMOD-1993-LoCRY #on the #pipes and filters
- On Optimal Processor Allocation to Support Pipelined Hash Joins (MLL, MSC, CVR, PSY), pp. 69–78.
- VLDB-1993-ChaudhuriS #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization in the Presence of Foreign Functions (SC, KS), pp. 529–542.
- VLDB-1993-KemperMP #architecture #optimisation #query
- A Blackboard Architecture for Query Optimization in Object Bases (AK, GM, KP), pp. 543–554.
- VLDB-1993-LampsonL #commit #optimisation
- A New Presumed Commit Optimization for Two Phase Commit (BWL, DBL), pp. 630–640.
- VLDB-1993-LanzelotteVZ #effectiveness #execution #on the #optimisation #parallel
- On the Effectiveness of Optimization Search Strategies for Parallel Execution Spaces (RSGL, PV, MZ), pp. 493–504.
- VLDB-1993-MitchellDZ #approach #query
- Control of an Extensible Query Optimizer: A Planning-Based Approach (GM, UD, SBZ), pp. 517–528.
- VLDB-1993-ShekitaYT #multi #optimisation #symmetry
- Multi-Join Optimization for Symmetric Multiprocessors (EJS, HCY, KLT), pp. 479–492.
- VLDB-1993-WolniewiczG #algebra #database #optimisation
- Algebraic Optimization of Computations over Scientific Databases (RHW, GG), pp. 13–24.
- PEPM-1993-Lange #code generation #correctness
- The Correctness of an Optimized Code Generation (TPL), pp. 167–178.
- PLDI-1993-AmarasingheL #code generation #communication #distributed #memory management #optimisation
- Communication Optimization and Code Generation for Distributed Memory Machines (SPA, MSL), pp. 126–138.
- PLDI-1993-AndersonL #locality #optimisation #parallel #scalability
- Global Optimizations for Parallelism and Locality on Scalable Parallel Machines (JAMA, MSL), pp. 112–125.
- PLDI-1993-BoydW #analysis #fault #optimisation
- Isolation and Analysis of Optimization Errors (MRB, DBW), pp. 26–35.
- PLDI-1993-DuesterwaldGS #analysis #array #data flow #framework #optimisation
- A Practical Data Flow Framework for Array Reference Analysis and its Use in Optimizations (ED, RG, MLS), pp. 68–77.
- STOC-1993-AwerbuchKMPV #self
- Time optimal self-stabilizing synchronization (BA, SK, YM, BPS, GV), pp. 652–661.
- STOC-1993-CanettiR #performance
- Fast asynchronous Byzantine agreement with optimal resilience (RC, TR), pp. 42–51.
- STOC-1993-ChariRS #problem
- Randomness-optimal unique element isolation, with applications to perfect matching and related problems (SC, PR, AS), pp. 458–467.
- STOC-1993-CohenBKT #data type #query
- Reinventing the wheel: an optimal data structure for connectivity queries (RFC, GDB, AK, RT), pp. 194–200.
- STOC-1993-FarachKW #robust
- A robust model for finding optimal evolutionary trees (MF, SK, TW), pp. 137–145.
- STOC-1993-FeldmannKST #dependence #online #parallel #scheduling
- Optimal online scheduling of parallel jobs with dependencies (AF, MYK, JS, SHT), pp. 642–651.
- WSA-1993-CharlierDMH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #fixpoint #optimisation #performance #prolog
- Optimization Techniques for General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms — Practical Efficiency for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, OD, LM, PVH), pp. 15–26.
- WSA-1993-Hudak #optimisation
- Reflections on Program Optimization (PH), p. 193.
- ICALP-1993-HagerupMM #maintenance #probability
- Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally (TH, KM, JIM), pp. 253–264.
- ICALP-1993-KozenZ #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for the Change-Making Problem (DK, SZ), pp. 150–161.
- FPCA-1993-Yoshida #reduction #λ-calculus
- Optimal Reduction in Weak-λ-calculus with Shared Environments (NY), pp. 243–254.
- HCI-ACS-1993-SonntagS #fault #maintenance #optimisation #process
- Strategies and Training for Maintenance Personnel: Optimizing Fault Diagnosis Activities (KS, NS), pp. 90–95.
- HCI-SHI-1993-ChaoS #development #elicitation #optimisation
- Development of a Methodology for Optimizing the Elicited Knowledge (CJC, GS), pp. 879–884.
- HCI-SHI-1993-RenM
- The Minimal Sizes and the Quasi-Optimal Sizes for the Input Square During Pen-Input of Characters (XR, SM), pp. 1028–1033.
- CIKM-1993-BarlosF #database #development #distributed #on the #parallel
- On the Development of a site Selection Optimizer for Distributed and Parallel Database Systems (FB, OF), pp. 684–693.
- CIKM-1993-CosarLS #bound #multi #optimisation #query
- Multiple Query Optimization with Depth-First Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Query Ordering (AC, EPL, JS), pp. 433–438.
- CIKM-1993-Derr #adaptation #database #deduction #optimisation #query
- Adaptive Query Optimization in a Deductive Database System (MAD), pp. 206–215.
- CIKM-1993-LimS #database #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization and Processing in Federated Database Systems (EPL, JS), pp. 720–722.
- CIKM-1993-Xie #encapsulation #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Object Queries Containing Encapsulated Methods (ZX), pp. 451–460.
- CIKM-1993-ZhangOCF #data type #optimisation #query #using
- A Method of Using Semijoins to Optimizing Queries with ADT Functions (XZ, NO, HC, YF), pp. 723–725.
- ICML-1993-Mladenic #combinator #concept #induction #learning #optimisation
- Combinatorial Optimization in Inductive Concept Learning (DM), pp. 205–211.
- ICML-1993-Schlimmer #algorithm
- Efficiently Inducing Determinations: A Complete and Systematic Search Algorithm that Uses Optimal Pruning (JCS), pp. 284–290.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-CaseauSK #object-oriented #optimisation #problem #programming
- Extending Object-Oriented Programming to Address Hard Optimization Problems (YC, GS, PK), pp. 351–361.
- PLILP-1993-AlpuenteFRV #approximate #equation #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Narrowing Approximations as an Optimization for Equational Logic Programs (MA, MF, MJR, GV), pp. 391–409.
- PLILP-1993-BurnM #analysis #compilation #correctness #optimisation #proving #strict
- Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimizations Based on Strictness Analysis (GLB, DLM), pp. 346–364.
- POPL-1993-MarriottS #constraints #logic programming #optimisation #order #refinement #source code
- The 3 R’s of Optimizing Constraint Logic Programs: Refinement, Removal and Reordering (KM, PJS), pp. 334–344.
- SAC-1993-MinZ #algorithm
- Time-Space Optimal Convex Hull Algorithms (HM, SQZ), pp. 687–693.
- SAC-1993-RamakrishnanDN #policy
- An Integrated Optimal Task Assignment Policy (SR, LAD, TN), pp. 789–795.
- PPoPP-1993-BalaFC #optimisation #representation
- Explicit Data Placement (XDP): A Methodology for Explicit Compile-Time Representation and Optimization (VB, JF, LC), pp. 139–148.
- PPoPP-1993-KontothanassisW #performance #using
- Using Scheduler Information to Achieve Optimal Barrier Synchronization Performance (LIK, RWW), pp. 64–72.
- CSL-1993-GradelM #problem #random
- Approximable Minimization Problems and Optimal Solutions on Random Inputs (EG, AM), pp. 139–149.
- ICLP-1993-KempS #analysis #constraints #optimisation #query
- Analysis Based Constraint Query Optimization (DBK, PJS), pp. 666–682.
- ILPS-1993-GrecoSZ #logic #optimisation #programming #query
- Dynamic Programming Optimization for Logic Queries with Aggregates (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 575–589.
- ILPS-1993-Sidebottom #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing Constraint Processing in CLP(FD) (GS), p. 660.
- ILPS-1993-SudarshanR #bottom-up #evaluation #optimisation
- Optimizations of Bottom-Up Evaluation with Non-Ground Terms (SS, RR), pp. 557–574.
- RTA-1993-Khasidashvili #normalisation #orthogonal #term rewriting
- Optimal Normalization in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems (ZK), pp. 243–258.
- DAC-1992-BergamaschiLK #behaviour #optimisation #synthesis #using
- Control Optimization in High-Level Synthesis Using Behavioral Don’t Cares (RAB, DAL, AK), pp. 657–661.
- DAC-1992-ChaudharyP #algorithm #constraints
- A Near Optimal Algorithm for Technology Mapping Minimizing Area under Delay Constraints (KC, MP), pp. 492–498.
- DAC-1992-ChenF #algorithm #logic #optimisation #performance #set
- Efficient Sum-to-One Subsets Algorithm for Logic Optimization (KCC, MF), pp. 443–448.
- DAC-1992-ChengCDL #optimisation #performance
- The Role of Long and Short Paths in Circuit Performance Optimization (SWC, HCC, DHCD, AL), pp. 543–548.
- DAC-1992-DamianiM #equation #logic #optimisation
- Recurrence Equations and the Optimization of Synchronous Logic Circuits (MD, GDM), pp. 556–561.
- DAC-1992-DharchoudhuryK #approach #design #optimisation #worst-case
- An Integrated Approach to Realistic Worst-Case Design Optimization of MOS Analog Circuits (AD, SMK), pp. 704–709.
- DAC-1992-Gebotys #embedded #scheduling
- Optimal Scheduling and Allocation of Embedded VLSI Chips (CHG), pp. 116–119.
- DAC-1992-Malik #multi #network #optimisation #using
- Optimization of Primitive Gate Networks Using Multiple Output Two-Level Minimization (AAM), pp. 449–453.
- DAC-1992-MitsuhashiK #network #optimisation
- Power and Ground Network Topology Optimization for Cell Based VLSIs (TM, ESK), pp. 524–529.
- DAC-1992-RimJL #synthesis
- Optimal Allocation and Binding in High-Level Synthesis (MR, RJ, RDL), pp. 120–123.
- DAC-1992-RundensteinerG #functional #optimisation #synthesis #using
- Functional Synthesis Using Area and Delay Optimization (EAR, DG), pp. 291–296.
- DAC-1992-Szymanski
- Computing Optimal Clock Schedules (TGS), pp. 399–404.
- DAC-1992-WangW #graph #optimisation
- A Graph Theoretic Technique to Speed up Floorplan Area Optimization (TCW, DFW), pp. 62–68.
- SIGMOD-1992-CluetD #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query
- A General Framework for the Optimization of Object-Oriented Queries (SC, CD), pp. 383–392.
- SIGMOD-1992-GangulyHK #execution #optimisation #parallel #query
- Query Optimization for Parallel Execution (SG, WH, RK), pp. 9–18.
- SIGMOD-1992-LanzelotteVZ #object-oriented #optimisation #query #recursion #using
- Optimization of Object-Oriented Recursive Queries using Cost-Controlled Strategies (RSGL, PV, MZ), pp. 256–265.
- SIGMOD-1992-LieuwenD #approach #database #optimisation #programming language
- A Transformation-Based Approach to Optimizing Loops in Database Programming Languages (DFL, DJD), pp. 91–100.
- SIGMOD-1992-PiraheshHH #optimisation #query #rule-based
- Extensible/Rule Based Query Rewrite Optimization in Starburst (HP, JMH, WH), pp. 39–48.
- SIGMOD-1992-Wang #experience #query
- Experience from a Real Life Query Optimizer (YW), p. 286.
- VLDB-1992-DuKS #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization in a Heterogeneous DBMS (WD, RK, MCS), pp. 277–291.
- VLDB-1992-IoannidisNSS #optimisation #parametricity #query
- Parametric Query Optimization (YEI, RTN, KS, TKS), pp. 103–114.
- VLDB-1992-KemperMS #optimisation
- Optimizing Boolean Expressions in Object-Bases (AK, GM, MS), pp. 79–90.
- VLDB-1992-LeungM #database #multi #optimisation #query
- Temporal Query Processing and Optimization in Multiprocessor Database Machines (TYCL, RRM), pp. 383–394.
- PEPM-1992-CheathamS #abstract interpretation
- A Suite of Optimizers Based on Abstract Interpretation (TC, DCS), pp. 75–81.
- PLDI-1992-BrooksHS #approach #debugging
- A New Approach to Debugging Optimized Code (GB, GJH, SS), pp. 1–11.
- PLDI-1992-HolzleCU #debugging
- Debugging Optimized Code with Dynamic Deoptimization (UH, CC, DU), pp. 32–43.
- PLDI-1992-TjiangH #named
- Sharlit — A Tool for Building Optimizers (SWKT, JLH), pp. 82–93.
- STOC-1992-Galil #algorithm #parallel #string
- A Constant-Time Optimal Parallel String-Matching Algorithm (ZG), pp. 69–76.
- WSA-1992-ParrainDL #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
- Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 295–303.
- ICALP-1992-ApostolicoBG #algorithm #parallel
- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Periods, Palindromes and Squares (Extended Abstract) (AA, DB, ZG), pp. 296–307.
- LFP-1992-Henglein #optimisation #type inference
- Global Tagging Optimization by Type Inference (FH), pp. 205–215.
- KR-1992-BaaderHNPF #analysis #empirical #optimisation #representation
- An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for Terminological Representation Systems, or Making KRIS Get a Move On (FB, BH, BN, HJP, EF), pp. 270–281.
- ML-1992-KononenkoK #generative #learning #multi #optimisation #probability
- Learning as Optimization: Stochastic Generation of Multiple Knowledge (IK, MK), pp. 257–262.
- ML-1992-Laird #optimisation
- Dynamic Optimization (PL), pp. 263–272.
- ML-1992-RubyK #learning #optimisation
- Learning Episodes for Optimization (DR, DFK), pp. 379–384.
- SIGIR-1992-BartellCB #multi #scalability #semantics
- Latent Semantic Indexing is an Optimal Special Case of Multidimensional Scaling (BTB, GWC, RKB), pp. 161–167.
- OOPSLA-1992-AndreR #incremental #optimisation
- Optimizing Method Search with Lookup Caches and Incremental Coloring (PA, JCR), pp. 110–126.
- LOPSTR-1992-ParrainDL #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
- Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs Guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 228–241.
- PLILP-1992-EnglebertCRH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #evaluation #optimisation #prolog
- Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithms For Prolog: Tow Optimization Techniques and Their Experimental Evaluation (VE, BLC, DR, PVH), pp. 310–325.
- POPL-1992-BallL #profiling #source code
- Optimally Profiling and Tracing Programs (TB, JRL), pp. 59–70.
- POPL-1992-GonthierAL #geometry #reduction
- The Geometry of Optimal λ Reduction (GG, MA, JJL), pp. 15–26.
- ASPLOS-1992-VeenstraF #evaluation #hybrid #performance #protocol
- A Performance Evaluation of Optimal Hybrid Cache Coherency Protocols (JEV, RJF), pp. 149–160.
- CADE-1992-Madden #automation #optimisation #proving
- Automatic Program Optimization Through Proof Transformation (PM), pp. 446–460.
- CSL-1992-BehrendtCG #approximate #optimisation #problem
- Optimization Problems: Expressibility, Approximation Properties and Expected Asymptotic Growth of Optimal Solutions (TB, KJC, EG), pp. 43–60.
- CSL-1992-Lautemann #logic #monad #problem
- Logical Definability of NP-Optimization Problems with Monadic Auxiliary Predicates (CL), pp. 327–339.
- IWPTS-1992-LidongJL #consistency #multi #optimisation #sequence #testing
- A Further Optimization Technique for Conformance Testing Based on Multiple UIO Sequences (ZL, LJ, HL), pp. 229–235.
- DAC-1991-ChenDL #optimisation #performance
- Critical Path Selection for Performance Optimization (HCC, DHCD, LRL), pp. 547–550.
- DAC-1991-ChenMMF #approach #network #optimisation
- A Resynthesis Approach for Network Optimization (KCC, YM, SM, MF), pp. 458–463.
- DAC-1991-GebotysE #architecture #scheduling #synthesis
- Simultaneous Scheduling and Allocation for Cost Constrained Optimal Architectural Synthesis (CHG, MIE), pp. 2–7.
- DAC-1991-HussG #testing
- Optimal Ordering of Analog Integrated Circuit Tests to Minimize Test Time (SDH, RSG), pp. 494–499.
- DAC-1991-KuFM #optimisation
- Control Optimization Based on Resynchronization of Operations (DCK, DF, GDM), pp. 366–371.
- DAC-1991-LimquecoM #logic #network #optimisation
- Logic Optimization of MOS Networks (JCL, SM), pp. 464–469.
- DAC-1991-LoboP #optimisation #scheduling
- Redundant Operator Creation: A Scheduling Optimization Technique (DAL, BMP), pp. 775–778.
- DAC-1991-ParkK #automation #performance #scheduling
- Fast and Near Optimal Scheduling in Automatic Data Path Aynthesis (ICP, CMK), pp. 680–685.
- DAC-1991-TsayK #approach #optimisation #performance
- An Analytic Net Weighting Approach for Performance Optimization in Circuit Placement (RST, JK), pp. 620–625.
- DAC-1991-WilliamsUM #network #testing
- The Interdependence Between Delay-Optimization of Synthesized Networks and Testing (TWW, BU, MRM), pp. 87–92.
- DAC-1991-WuYYL #design #multi #named #optimisation #process
- GOALSERVER: A Multiobjective Design Optimization Tool for IC Fabrication Process (LW, ZY, ZY, ZL), pp. 585–590.
- DAC-1991-YoshikawaITSNK #optimisation
- Timing Optimization on Mapped Circuits (KY, HI, HT, SS, NN, AK), pp. 112–117.
- PODS-1991-HelmMO #constraints #database #optimisation #query
- Constraint-Based Query Optimization for Spatial Databases (RH, KM, MO), pp. 181–191.
- PODS-1991-LakshmananH #database #deduction #framework #optimisation #query #semantics
- Structural Query Optimization — A uniform Framework for Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases (LVSL, HJH), pp. 102–114.
- SIGMOD-1991-IoannidisK #analysis #optimisation #query
- Left-Deep vs. Bushy Trees: An Analysis of Strategy Spaces and its Implications for Query Optimization (YEI, YCK), pp. 168–177.
- SIGMOD-1991-Neugebauer #database #embedded #evaluation #optimisation #query
- Optimization and Evaluation of Database Queries Including Embedded Interpolation Procedures (LN), pp. 118–127.
- SIGMOD-1991-SudarshanSRN #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Space Optimization in the Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs (SS, DS, RR, JFN), pp. 68–77.
- VLDB-1991-ArefS #optimisation #query
- Optimization for Spatial Query Processing (WGA, HS), pp. 81–90.
- PEPM-1991-ParkG #analysis #optimisation
- Reference Escape Analysis: Optimizing Reference Counting based on the Lifetime of References (YGP, BG), pp. 178–189.
- PEPM-1991-ShermanSD #equation #optimisation #partial evaluation #source code #using
- Optimization of Equational Programs Using Partial Evaluation (DS, RS, ID), pp. 72–82.
- PLDI-1991-ProebstingF #architecture #linear #scheduling
- Linear-Time, Optimal Code Scheduling for Delayed-Load Architectures (TAP, CNF), pp. 256–267.
- PLDI-1991-WhitfieldS #automation #generative
- Automatic Generation of Global Optimizers (DW, MLS), pp. 120–129.
- PLDI-1991-WolfL #algorithm #locality #optimisation
- A Data Locality Optimizing Algorithm (MEW, MSL), pp. 30–44.
- STOC-1991-Matousek #approximate #divide and conquer #geometry
- Approximations and Optimal Geometric Divide-And-Conquer (JM), pp. 505–511.
- Best-of-PLDI-1991-LamW #algorithm #locality #optimisation
- A data locality optimizing algorithm (with retrospective) (MSL, MEW), pp. 442–459.
- KDD-1991-SiegelSS #optimisation #query
- Rule Discovery for Query Optimization (MS, ES, SCS), pp. 411–430.
- KR-1991-GreinerO #approximate
- Probably Approximately Optimal Derivation Strategies (RG, PO), pp. 277–288.
- ML-1991-CerboneD #compilation #optimisation
- Knowledge Compilation to Speed Up Numerical Optimization (GC, TGD), pp. 600–604.
- ML-1991-MaW #consistency #knowledge base #optimisation #performance
- Improving the Performance of Inconsistent Knowledge Bases via Combined Optimization Method (YM, DCW), pp. 23–27.
- SIGIR-1991-ZhangRD #modelling #object-oriented
- An Object-Oriented Modelling of the History of Optimal Retrievals (YZ, VVR, JSD), pp. 241–250.
- ECOOP-1991-BergsteinL #incremental #learning #optimisation #taxonomy
- Incremental Class Dictionary Learning and Optimization (PLB, KJL), pp. 377–396.
- ECOOP-1991-HolzleCU #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #polymorphism
- Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches (UH, CC, DU), pp. 21–38.
- LOPSTR-1991-JiaoG #database #object-oriented #optimisation #prolog #query #using
- Query Optimization in an Object-Oriented Database using Prolog (Extende Abstract) (ZJ, PMDG), pp. 332–334.
- PLILP-1991-ErtlK #constraints #logic programming #scheduling #using
- Optimal Instruction Scheduling using Constraint Logic Programming (MAE, AK), pp. 75–86.
- POPL-1991-Maranget #orthogonal #term rewriting #λ-calculus
- Optimal Derivations in Weak λ-calculi and in Orthogonal Terms Rewriting Systems (LM), pp. 255–269.
- POPL-1991-PinterP #optimisation #parallel #using
- Program Optimization and Parallelization Using Idioms (SSP, RYP), pp. 79–92.
- ASPLOS-1991-LamRW #algorithm #optimisation #performance
- The Cache Performance and Optimizations of Blocked Algorithms (MSL, EER, MEW), pp. 63–74.
- PPoPP-1991-NicolauW #bound #parallel
- Optimal Schedules for Parallel Prefix Computation with Bounded Resources (AN, HW), pp. 1–10.
- ISLP-1991-JorgensenMM #optimisation
- Some Global Compile-Time Optimizations for CLP(R) (NJ, KM, SM), pp. 420–434.
- RTA-1991-DenneheuvelKLS #optimisation #query #using
- Query Optimization Using Rewrite Rules (SvD, KLK, GRRdL, ES), pp. 252–263.
- TAV-1991-Harrold #data flow #optimisation #testing
- The Effects of Optimizing Transformations on Data-Flow Adequate Test Sets (MJH), pp. 130–138.
- DAC-1990-BrasenB #algorithm #named #optimisation
- MHERTZ: A New Optimization Algorithm for Floorplanning and Global Routing (DRB, MLB), pp. 107–110.
- DAC-1990-ChenM #multi #network #optimisation
- Timing Optimization for Multi-Level Combinational Networks (KCC, SM), pp. 339–344.
- DAC-1990-DevadasK #logic #optimisation #robust #synthesis
- Synthesis and Optimization Procedures for Robustly Delay-Fault Testable Combinational Logic Circuits (SD, KK), pp. 221–227.
- DAC-1990-Hojati #layout #optimisation
- Layout Optimization by Pattern Modification (RH), pp. 632–637.
- DAC-1990-KageyamaMS #algorithm #approach #linear #logic #optimisation #programming
- Logic Optimization Algorithm by Linear Programming Approach (NK, CM, TS), pp. 345–348.
- DAC-1990-KlingB #evolution #optimisation #standard
- Optimization by Simulated Evolution with Applications to Standard Cell Placement (RMK, PB), pp. 20–25.
- DAC-1990-LinMK #design #optimisation #standard
- Delay and Area Optimization in Standard-Cell Design (SL, MMS, ESK), pp. 349–352.
- DAC-1990-PapachristouK #algorithm #linear #optimisation #scheduling
- A Linear Program Driven Scheduling and Allocation Method Followed by an Interconnect Optimization Algorithm (CAP, HK), pp. 77–83.
- DAC-1990-SutanthavibulSR #approach #design #optimisation
- An Analytical Approach to Floorplan Design and Optimization (SS, ES, JBR), pp. 187–192.
- DAC-1990-WangW #algorithm #optimisation
- An Optimal Algorithm for Floorplan Area Optimization (TCW, DFW), pp. 180–186.
- PODS-1990-Abdel-GhaffarA #on the
- On the Optimality of Disk Allocation for Cartesian Product Files (KASAG, AEA), pp. 258–264.
- PODS-1990-Plambeck #optimisation #query #recursion
- Semigroup Techniques in Recursive Query Optimization (TEP), pp. 145–153.
- PODS-1990-Tay #multi #on the
- On the Optimality of Strategies for Multiple Joins (YCT), pp. 124–131.
- SIGMOD-1990-IoannidisK #algorithm #optimisation #query #random #scalability
- Randomized Algorithms for Optimizing Large Join Queries (YEI, YCK), pp. 312–321.
- VLDB-1990-OnoL #complexity #optimisation #query
- Measuring the Complexity of Join Enumeration in Query Optimization (KO, GML), pp. 314–325.
- VLDB-1990-SeltzerS #file system #transaction
- Transaction Support in Read Optimizied and Write Optimized File Systems (MIS, MS), pp. 174–185.
- ESOP-1990-GoldbergP #analysis #functional #higher-order #implementation #optimisation #stack
- Higher Order Escape Analysis: Optimizing Stack Allocation in Functional Program Implementations (BG, YGP), pp. 152–160.
- ESOP-1990-SteffenKR #graph #program transformation #representation
- The Value Flow Graph: A Program Representation for Optimal Program Transformations (BS, JK, OR), pp. 389–405.
- PLDI-1990-ChambersU #analysis #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #source code
- Iterative Type Analysis and Extended Message Splitting: Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programs (CC, DU), pp. 150–164.
- PLDI-1990-Gupta #array #bound #fresh look #optimisation
- A Fresh Look at Optimizing Array Bound Checking (RG), pp. 272–282.
- PLDI-1990-LeeB #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Programs over the Constructive Reals (VALJ, HJB), pp. 102–111.
- STOC-1990-Cleve #bound #simulation #source code #towards
- Towards Optimal Simulations of Formulas by Bounded-Width Programs (RC), pp. 271–277.
- STOC-1990-GoddardKS #algorithm #random #sorting
- Optimal Randomized Algorithms for Local Sorting and Set-Maxima (WG, VK, LJS), pp. 45–53.
- STOC-1990-KarpVV #algorithm #online
- An Optimal Algorithm for On-line Bipartite Matching (RMK, UVV, VVV), pp. 352–358.
- STOC-1990-VitterS #parallel
- Optimal Disk I/O with Parallel Block Transfer (Extended Abstract) (JSV, EAMS), pp. 159–169.
- ICALP-1990-Johnson #optimisation #problem
- Local Optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem (DSJ), pp. 446–461.
- GG-1990-Chen #equivalence #optimisation
- Graphic Equivalence and Computer Optimization (TCC), pp. 207–220.
- SIGIR-1990-BooksteinK #graph
- Construction of Optimal Graphs for Bit-Vector Compression (AB, STK), pp. 327–342.
- SIGIR-1990-CuttingP #maintenance #optimisation
- Optimizations for Dynamic Inverted Index Maintenance (DRC, JOP), pp. 405–411.
- ALP-1990-Li #complexity #optimisation
- Optimization of Rewriting and Complexity of Rewriting (KL), pp. 359–371.
- POPL-1990-Field #analysis #lazy evaluation #on the #specification #tool support
- On Laziness and Optimality in λ Interpreters: Tools for Specification and Analysis (JF), pp. 1–15.
- POPL-1990-Lamping #algorithm #reduction #λ-calculus
- An Algorithm for Optimal λ Calculus Reduction (JL), pp. 16–30.
- WAGA-1990-JulieP #attribute grammar #optimisation
- Space Optimization in the FNC-2 Attribute Grammar System (CJ, DP), pp. 29–45.
- CC-1990-Pfahler #execution #lr #optimisation #parsing
- Optimizing Directly Executable LR Parsers (PP), pp. 179–192.
- PPoPP-1990-WhitfieldS #approach #optimisation
- An Approach to Ordering Optimizing Transformations (DW, MLS), pp. 137–146.
- CAV-1990-JanickiK #graph #reachability #simulation #using
- Using Optimal Simulations to Reduce Reachability Graphs (RJ, MK), pp. 166–175.
- CLP-1990-GiacobazziR90 #logic programming #optimisation #pipes and filters #source code
- Pipeline Optimizations in AND-Parallel Logic Programs (RG, LR), pp. 291–305.
- CLP-1990-Malhotra90 #algorithm #prolog
- An Algorithm for Optimal Back-Striding in Prolog (VMM), pp. 147–158.
- CLP-1990-Vardi90 #database #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Global Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (MYV), pp. 767–771.
- NACLP-1990-GuptaJ #implementation #optimisation #parallel
- Optimizing And-Or Parallel Implementations (GG, BJ), pp. 605–623.
- NACLP-1990-RoyD #analysis #compilation #data flow #optimisation #prolog
- The Benefits of Global Dataflow Analysis for an Optimizing Prolog Compiler (PVR, AMD), pp. 501–515.
- DAC-1989-Al-KhaliliZA #generative
- A Module Generator for Optimized CMOS Buffers (AJAK, YZ, DAK), pp. 245–250.
- DAC-1989-FujiharaSIY #automation #named #optimisation #performance
- DYNAJUST: An Efficient Automatic Routing Technique Optimizing Delay Conditions (YF, YS, YI, MY), pp. 791–794.
- DAC-1989-GoossensVM #optimisation #scheduling
- Loop Optimization in Register-Transfer Scheduling for DSP-Systems (GG, JV, HDM), pp. 826–831.
- DAC-1989-HerrigelF #optimisation
- An Analytic Optimization Technique for Placement of Macro-Cells (AH, WF), pp. 376–381.
- DAC-1989-Knapp #interactive #optimisation
- An Interactive Tool for Register-level Structure Optimization (DK), pp. 598–601.
- DAC-1989-LokanathanK #graph #performance
- Performance optimized floor planning by graph planarization (BL, EK), pp. 116–121.
- DAC-1989-LukD #layout #multi #optimisation
- Multi-Stack Optimization for Data-Path Chip (Microprocessor) Layout (WKL, AAD), pp. 110–115.
- DAC-1989-Marple #layout #optimisation
- Transistor Size Optimization in the Tailor Layout System (DM), pp. 43–48.
- DAC-1989-VillaS #finite #implementation #logic #named #state machine
- NOVA: State Assignment of Finite State Machines for Optimal Two-level Logic Implementations (TV, ALSV), pp. 327–332.
- DAC-1989-WongS #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Floorplan Area Optimization (DFW, PSS), pp. 586–589.
- SIGMOD-1989-Colby #algebra #optimisation #query #recursion
- A Recursive Algebra and Query Optimization for Nested Relations (LSC), pp. 273–283.
- SIGMOD-1989-Swami #combinator #heuristic #optimisation #query #scalability
- Optimization of Large Join Queries: Combining Heuristic and Combinatorial Techniques (ANS), pp. 367–376.
- VLDB-1989-CasanovaTFB #dependence #optimisation #relational
- Optimization of Relational Schemas Containing Inclusion Dependencies (MAC, LT, ALF, APB), pp. 317–325.
- VLDB-1989-CornellY #database #integration #optimisation #query #relational
- Integration of Buffer Management and Query Optimization in Relational Database Environment (DWC, PSY), pp. 247–255.
- VLDB-1989-Muralikrishna #algorithm #data flow #optimisation #query
- Optimization and Dataflow Algorithms for Nested Tree Queries (MM), pp. 77–85.
- VLDB-1989-SegevG #database #optimisation #relational
- Event-Join Optimization in Temporal Relational Databases (AS, HG), pp. 205–215.
- PLDI-1989-BernsteinGGKMNP #compilation #optimisation
- Spill Code Minimization Techniques for Optimizing Compilers (DB, DQG, MCG, HK, YM, IN, RYP), pp. 258–263.
- PLDI-1989-ChambersU #compilation #dynamic typing #named #object-oriented #optimisation #programming language
- Customization: Optimizing Compiler Technology for SELF, A Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language (CC, DU), pp. 146–160.
- STOC-1989-Boppana #parallel
- Optimal Separations Between Concurrent-Write Parallel Machines (RBB), pp. 320–326.
- STOC-1989-ReifT #integer
- Optimal Size Integer Division Circuits (JHR, SRT), pp. 264–273.
- Best-of-PLDI-1989-ChambersU89a #compilation #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #programming language
- A retrospective on: “customization: optimizing compiler technology for self, a dynamically-typed object-oriented programming language” (with retrospective) (CC, DU), pp. 295–312.
- ICALP-1989-BermanG #distributed
- Asymptotically Optimal Distributed Consensus (Extended Abstract) (PB, JAG), pp. 80–94.
- ICALP-1989-FeldmanM #algorithm #probability
- An Optimal Probabilistic Algorithm For Synchronous Byzantine Agreement (PF, SM), pp. 341–378.
- ICALP-1989-HochbaumS #complexity #optimisation
- The Complexity of Nonlinear Separable Optimization (DSH, JGS), pp. 461–472.
- FPCA-1989-Peterson
- Untagged Data in Tagged Environments: Choosing Optimal Representations at Compile Time (JP), pp. 89–99.
- ML-1989-MostowP #heuristic #optimisation
- Discovering Admissible Search Heuristics by Abstracting and Optimizing (JM, AP), p. 240.
- SEKE-1989-ChenTY #optimisation #prolog #query #semantics
- Semantic Query Optimization and Prolog (JTC, CRT, WPY), pp. 146–151.
- ASPLOS-1989-Dally #float
- Micro-Optimization of Floating Point Operations (WJD), pp. 283–289.
- ASPLOS-1989-Karger #performance #using
- Using Registers to Optimize Cross-Domain Call Performance (PAK), pp. 194–204.
- ASPLOS-1989-McFarling #optimisation
- Program Optimization for Instruction Caches (SM), pp. 183–191.
- NACLP-1989-InamuraIRN #evaluation #multi #optimisation #using
- Optimizing Techniques Using the MRB and Their Evaluation on the Multi-PSI/V2 (YI, NI, KR, KN), pp. 907–921.
- RTA-1989-BertlingG #optimisation
- Completion-Time Optimization of Rewrite-Time Goal Solving (HB, HG), pp. 45–58.
- RTA-1989-Narain #lazy evaluation #nondeterminism #optimisation
- Optimization by Non-Deterministic, Lazy Rewriting (SN), pp. 326–342.
- DAC-1988-BaltusA #generative #named #performance
- SOLO: A Generator of Efficient Layouts from Optimized MOS Circuit Schematics (DGB, JA), pp. 445–452.
- DAC-1988-KuoCS #algorithm #performance
- Fast Algorithm for Optimal Layer Assignment (YSK, TCC, WKS), pp. 554–559.
- DAC-1988-ObermeierK #layout #physics
- An Electrical Optimizer that Considers Physical Layout (FWO, RHK), pp. 453–459.
- DAC-1988-WimerKC
- Optimal Aspect Ratios of Building Blocks in VLSI (SW, IK, IC), pp. 66–72.
- DAC-1988-ZandenG #architecture #logic #named
- MILO: A Microarchitecture and Logic Optimizer (NVZ, DG), pp. 403–408.
- PODS-1988-HuangL #multi #set
- Stable Set and Multiset Operations in Optimal Time and Space (BCH, MAL), pp. 288–293.
- PODS-1988-MuralikrishnaD #multi #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Multiple-Relation Multiple-Disjunct Queries (MM, DJD), pp. 263–275.
- PODS-1988-RamakrishnanBK #datalog #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Existential Datalog Queries (RR, CB, RK), pp. 89–102.
- SIGMOD-1988-HutfleszSW #grid #optimisation
- Twin Grid Files: Space Optimizing Access Schemes (AH, HWS, PW), pp. 183–190.
- SIGMOD-1988-KimP #retrieval
- Optimal File Distribution For Partial Match Retrieval (MHK, SP), pp. 173–182.
- SIGMOD-1988-Lohman #functional #optimisation #query #representation
- Grammar-like Functional Rules for Representing Query Optimization Alternatives (GML), pp. 18–27.
- SIGMOD-1988-SwamiG #optimisation #query #scalability
- Optimization of Large Join Queries (ANS, AG), pp. 8–17.
- VLDB-1988-Jhingran #algorithm #database #optimisation #performance #query
- A Performance Study of Query Optimization Algorithms on a Database System Supporting Procedures (AJ), pp. 88–99.
- VLDB-1988-LeeFL #functional #implementation #interpreter #query
- Implementing an Interpreter for Functional Rules in a Query Optimizer (MKL, JCF, GML), pp. 218–229.
- VLDB-1988-Lynch #database #estimation #optimisation #query #scalability
- Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distribution of Column Values (CAL), pp. 240–251.
- VLDB-1988-RosenthalC #multi #query
- Anatomy of a Mudular Multiple Query Optimizer (AR, USC), pp. 230–239.
- VLDB-1988-ShekarSD #execution #formal method #optimisation #query #semantics #trade-off
- A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization (SS, JS, SD), pp. 457–467.
- PLDI-1988-AikenN #parallel
- Optimal Loop Parallelization (AA, AN), pp. 308–317.
- PLDI-1988-BenitezD
- A Portable Global Optimizer and Linker (MEB, JWD), pp. 329–338.
- PLDI-1988-Chase #optimisation #safety
- Safety Considerations for Storage Allocation Optimizations (DRC), pp. 1–10.
- PLDI-1988-CoutantMR #approach #debugging #named
- DOC: A Practical Approach to Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code (DSC, SM, MR), pp. 125–134.
- PLDI-1988-Debray #logic programming #optimisation #source code
- Unfold/Fold Transformations and Loop Optimization of Logic Programs (SKD), pp. 297–307.
- PLDI-1988-FraserW #automation #code generation #generative #optimisation #performance
- Automatic Generation of Fast Optimizing Code Generators (CWF, ALW), pp. 79–84.
- PLDI-1988-JainT #analysis #approach #data flow #multi #performance
- An Efficient Approach to Data Flow Analysis in a Multi Pass Global Optimizer (SJ, CLT), pp. 154–163.
- PLDI-1988-SchwarzKL #ada #case study #design #experience
- An Optimizer for Ada — Design, Experiences and Results (BS, WK, RL), pp. 175–184.
- STOC-1988-BhattCHLR #network #simulation
- Optimal Simulations by Butterfly Networks (Preliminary Version) (SNB, FRKC, JWH, FTL, ALR), pp. 192–204.
- STOC-1988-CosmadakisGKV #database #decidability #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Decidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (Preliminary Report) (SSC, HG, PCK, MYV), pp. 477–490.
- STOC-1988-FederG #algorithm #approximate #clustering
- Optimal Algorithms for Approximate Clustering (TF, DHG), pp. 434–444.
- STOC-1988-FeldmanM #algorithm
- Optimal Algorithms for Byzantine Agreement (PF, SM), pp. 148–161.
- STOC-1988-PapadimitriouY88a #approximate #complexity #optimisation
- Optimization, Approximation, and Complexity Classes (Extended Abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 229–234.
- STOC-1988-Yannakakis #combinator #linear #optimisation #problem #source code
- Expressing Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Linear Programs (Extended Abstract) (MY), pp. 223–228.
- ICALP-1988-ColeSSS
- Optimal Slope Selection (RC, JSS, WLS, ES), pp. 133–146.
- ICALP-1988-RudichB #morphism #transitive
- Optimal Circuits and Transitive Automorphism Groups (SR, LB), pp. 516–524.
- OOPSLA-1988-JohnsonGZ #compilation #named #optimisation #smalltalk
- TS: An Optimizing Compiler for Smalltalk (REJ, JOG, LWZ), pp. 18–26.
- POPL-1988-Lam #array #compilation #optimisation #source code
- Compiler Optimizations for Asynchronous Systolic Array Programs (MSL), pp. 309–318.
- POPL-1988-Pelegri-LlopartG #code generation
- Optimal Code Generation for Expression Trees: An Application of BURS Theory (EPL, SLG), pp. 294–308.
- CCHSC-1988-Poetzsch-Heffter #compilation #implementation #optimisation #specification
- Optimizing Implementation of Aggregates in the Compiler Specification System MAGIC (APH), pp. 190–203.
- CADE-1988-VermaR #bound #parallel
- Optimal Time Bounds for Parallel Term Matching (RMV, IVR), pp. 694–703.
- DAC-1987-FriedmanS #diagrams
- Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams (SJF, KJS), pp. 358–356.
- DAC-1987-HofmannK #logic #optimisation
- Delay Optimization of Combinational Static CMOS Logic (MH, JKK), pp. 125–132.
- DAC-1987-Keutzer #graph #named #optimisation
- DAGON: Technology Binding and Local Optimization by DAG Matching (KK), pp. 341–347.
- DAC-1987-Koeppe #fault #layout
- Optimal Layout to Avoid CMOS Stuck-Open Faults (SK), pp. 829–835.
- DAC-1987-MaiaszH #functional #layout #optimisation
- Layout Optimization of CMOS Functional Cells (RLM, JPH), pp. 544–551.
- DAC-1987-WongL #array #optimisation #synthesis
- Array Optimization for VLSI Synthesis (DFW, CLL), pp. 537–543.
- DAC-1987-Wunderlich #on the #random testing #testing
- On Computing Optimized Input Probabilities for Random Tests (HJW), pp. 392–398.
- DAC-1987-YuKL #adaptation #optimisation #testing #using
- VLSI Circuit Testing Using an Adaptive Optimization Model (PSY, CMK, YHL), pp. 399–406.
- PODS-1987-Sagiv #datalog #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Datalog Programs (YS), pp. 349–362.
- SIGMOD-1987-Freytag #optimisation #query #rule-based
- A Rule-Based View of Query Optimization (JCF), pp. 173–180.
- SIGMOD-1987-GanskiW #optimisation #query #revisited #sql
- Optimization of Nested SQL Queries Revisited (RAG, HKTW), pp. 23–33.
- SIGMOD-1987-GraefeD #generative
- The EXODUS Optimizer Generator (GG, DJD), pp. 160–172.
- SIGMOD-1987-Hardwick #database #design #optimisation #performance #why
- Why Rose is Fast: Five Optimizations in the Design of an Experimental Database System for CAD/CAM Applications (MH), pp. 292–298.
- SIGMOD-1987-Ioannidis #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing (YEI, EW), pp. 9–22.
- SIGMOD-1987-ShenoyO #optimisation #query #semantics
- A System for Semantic Query Optimization (STS, ZMÖ), pp. 181–195.
- VLDB-1987-Bultzingsloewen #optimisation #query #sql
- Translating and Optimizing SQL Queries Having Aggregates (GvB), pp. 235–243.
- VLDB-1987-CeriT #algebra #datalog #equation #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Systems of Algebraic Equations for Evaluating Datalog Queries (SC, LT), pp. 31–41.
- VLDB-1987-Gardarin #datalog #recursion #source code
- Magic Functions: A Technique to Optimize Extended Datalog Recursive Programs (GG), pp. 21–30.
- VLDB-1987-SubietaR #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization by Stored Queries (KS, WR), pp. 369–380.
- VLDB-1987-WhangN #approach #logic #normalisation #optimisation #query #recursion
- An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Optimizing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments (KYW, SBN), pp. 275–287.
- STOC-1987-Awerbuch #algorithm #distributed #problem #summary
- Optimal Distributed Algorithms for Minimum Weight Spanning Tree, Counting, Leader Election and Related Problems (Detailed Summary) (BA), pp. 230–240.
- STOC-1987-BeameH #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for Decision Problems on the CRCW PRAM (PB, JH), pp. 83–93.
- STOC-1987-BorodinLS #algorithm #online
- An Optimal Online Algorithm for Metrical Task Systems (AB, NL, MES), pp. 373–382.
- ICALP-1987-EdelsbrunnerRW #testing
- Testing the Necklace Condition for Shortest Tours and Optimal Factors in the Plane (HE, GR, EW), pp. 364–375.
- ICALP-1987-LevcopoulosLS #geometry #heuristic
- Nearly Optimal Heuristics for Binary Search Trees with Geometric Generalizations (Extended Abstract) (CL, AL, JRS), pp. 376–385.
- SIGIR-1987-KantorBDS #clustering #concept #retrieval
- Clustering of Concepts for Optimal Retrieval (PBK, AB, MD, TS), p. 316.
- SIGIR-1987-Kwok #approximate #query
- Some Considerations for Approximate Optimal Queries (KLK), pp. 19–23.
- SIGIR-1987-RaghavanD #clustering
- Optimal Determination of User-Oriented Clusters (VVR, JSD), pp. 140–146.
- CSL-1987-Lowen #aspect-oriented #logic #optimisation
- Optimization Aspects of Logical Formulas (UL), pp. 173–187.
- LICS-1987-GaifmanMSV #database #decidability #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (HG, HGM, YS, MYV), pp. 106–115.
- RTA-1987-RameshR #parallel #pattern matching
- Optimal Speedups for Parallel Pattern Matching in Trees (RR, IVR), pp. 274–285.
- RTA-1987-Strandh #equation #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Equational Programs (RS), pp. 13–24.
- SLP-1987-BruynoogheJCD87 #abstract interpretation #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
- Abstract Interpretation: Towards the Global Optimization of Prolog Programs (MB, GJ, AC, BD), pp. 192–204.
- DAC-1986-DevadasN #array #named #synthesis
- GENIE: a generalized array optimizer for VLSI synthesis (SD, ARN), pp. 631–637.
- DAC-1986-EnbodyD
- Near-optimal n-layer channel routing (RJE, DHCD), pp. 708–714.
- DAC-1986-Geus #automation #benchmark #design #logic #metric #optimisation #synthesis
- Logic synthesis and optimization benchmarks for the 1986 Design Automation Conference (AJdG), p. 78.
- DAC-1986-GregoryBGH #automation #logic #named #optimisation
- SOCRATES: a system for automatically synthesizing and optimizing combinational logic (DG, KAB, AJdG, GDH), pp. 79–85.
- DAC-1986-Maly #order #sequence #testing
- Optimal order of the VLSI IC testing sequence (WM), pp. 560–566.
- DAC-1986-NaharSS #combinator #optimisation
- Simulated annealing and combinatorial optimization (SN, SS, ES), pp. 293–299.
- DAC-1986-OgawaISTKYC #algorithm #optimisation #performance
- Efficient placement algorithms optimizing delay for high-speed ECL masterslice LSIs (YO, TI, YS, HT, TK, KY, KC), pp. 404–410.
- DAC-1986-WatanabeMNH #generative #knowledge-based #logic
- Knowledge-based optimal IIL generator from conventional logic circuit descriptions (TW, TM, TN, NH), pp. 608–614.
- SIGMOD-1986-MackertL #evaluation #performance #query #validation
- R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries (LFM, GML), pp. 84–95.
- SIGMOD-1986-Sellis #optimisation #query
- Global Query Optimization (TKS), pp. 191–205.
- VLDB-1986-CeriGL #algebra #approach #logic #optimisation #query
- Translation and Optimization of Logic Queries: The Algebraic Approach (SC, GG, LL), pp. 395–402.
- VLDB-1986-KelloggOT #interface #optimisation
- Optimizing the Rule-Data Interface in a KMS (CK, ABO, LT), pp. 42–51.
- VLDB-1986-KrishnamurthyBZ #optimisation #query #recursion
- Optimization of Nonrecursive Queries (RK, HB, CZ), pp. 128–137.
- VLDB-1986-MackertL #distributed #evaluation #performance #query #validation
- R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries (LFM, GML), pp. 149–159.
- ESOP-1986-FelgentreuL #approach #optimisation
- A General Approach to the Optimization of Function Calls (KUF, WML), pp. 41–52.
- STOC-1986-Hastad #bound
- Almost Optimal Lower Bounds for Small Depth Circuits (JH), pp. 6–20.
- STOC-1986-KosarajuA #array #simulation
- Optimal Simulations between Mesh-Connected Arrays of Processors (Preliminary Version) (SRK, MJA), pp. 264–272.
- STOC-1986-Krentel #complexity #optimisation #problem
- The Complexity of Optimization Problems (MWK), pp. 69–76.
- STOC-1986-SchnorrS #algorithm #sorting
- An Optimal Sorting Algorithm for Mesh Connected Computers (CPS, AS), pp. 255–263.
- Best-of-PLDI-1986-KranzKRHPA #compilation #named #optimisation
- Orbit: an optimizing compiler for scheme (with retrospective) (DAK, RK, JR, PH, JP, NA), pp. 175–191.
- LFP-1986-BrooksPMWBG #compilation #design #lisp #optimisation
- Design of an Optimizing, Dynamically Retargetable Compiler for Common Lisp (RAB, DBP, JLM, JLW, EB, RPG), pp. 67–87.
- OOPSLA-1986-Atkinson #compilation #named #optimisation #smalltalk
- Hurricane: An Optimizing Compiler for Smalltalk (RGA), pp. 151–158.
- POPL-1986-LengauerH #concurrent #network #sorting #theorem
- A Mechanically Certified Theorem about Optimal Concurrency of Sorting Networks (CL, CHH), pp. 307–317.
- ICLP-1986-Turk86 #compilation #optimisation
- Compiler Optimizations for the WAM (AKT), pp. 657–662.
- ICLP-1986-WarrenD86 #detection #functional #optimisation #prolog
- Detection and Optimization of Functional Computations in Prolog (DSW, SKD), pp. 490–504.
- DAC-1985-Abraham #optimisation
- Custom microcomputers for CAD optimization software (RA), pp. 102–110.
- DAC-1985-Blanks #polynomial #using
- Near-optimal placement using a quadratic objective function (JPB), pp. 609–615.
- DAC-1985-Hedlund #optimisation
- Electrical optimization of PLAs (KSH), pp. 681–687.
- DAC-1985-ParkP #synthesis
- Synthesis of optimal clocking schemes (NP, ACP), pp. 489–495.
- DAC-1985-SaucierT #layout
- Systematic and optimized layout of MOS cells (GS, GT), pp. 53–61.
- PODS-1985-OzsoyogluM #on the #optimisation #query
- On Optimizing Summary-Table-by-Example Queries (GÖ, VM), pp. 38–50.
- SIGMOD-1985-SellisS #database #optimisation #query
- Optimization of Extended Database Query Languages (TKS, LDS), pp. 424–436.
- VLDB-1985-SatohTNO #database #optimisation #query #relational
- Local and Global Query Optimization Mechanisms for Relational Databases (KS, MT, FN, KO), pp. 405–417.
- STOC-1985-HalpernMM #nondeterminism #precise
- Optimal Precision in the Presence of Uncertainty (Preliminary Version) (JYH, NM, AAM), pp. 346–355.
- ICALP-1985-ChazelleE #problem #retrieval
- Optimal Solutions for a Class of Point Retrieval Problems (BC, HE), pp. 80–89.
- ICALP-1985-Vishkin #parallel #pattern matching #string #summary
- Optimal Parallel Pattern Matching in Strings (Extended Summary) (UV), pp. 497–508.
- FPCA-1985-Debray85 #optimisation #prolog #recursion #source code
- Optimizing Almost-Tail-Recursive Prolog Programs (SKD), pp. 204–219.
- FPCA-1985-HudakG85 #combinator #parallel
- Serial Combinators: “Optimal” Grains of Parallelism (PH, BG), pp. 382–399.
- FPCA-1985-SkedzielewskiW85 #data flow #graph #optimisation
- Data Flow Graph Optimization in IF1 (SKS, MLW), pp. 17–34.
- SIGIR-1985-BuckleyL #optimisation
- Optimization of Inverted Vector Searches (CB, AFL), pp. 97–110.
- SIGIR-1985-ItoY #optimisation
- Optimization of a Hierarchical File Organization for Spelling Correction (TI, CTY), pp. 131–137.
- POPL-1985-BernsteinPR #memory management #parallel #scheduling
- Optimal Scheduling of Arithmetic Operations in Parallel with Memory Accesses (DB, RYP, MR), pp. 325–333.
- POPL-1985-PollockS #compilation #incremental
- Incremental Compilation of Locally Optimized Code (LLP, MLS), pp. 152–164.
- SLP-1985-SawamuraT85 #optimisation #prolog #recursion
- Recursive Unsolvability of Determinacy, Solvable Cases of Determinancy and their Applications to Prolog Optimization (HS, TT), pp. 200–207.
- DAC-1984-DunlopADJKW #layout #optimisation #using
- Chip layout optimization using critical path weighting (AED, VDA, DND, MFJ, PK, MW), pp. 133–136.
- DAC-1984-GlasserH #optimisation
- Delay and power optimization in VLSI circuits (LAG, LH), pp. 529–535.
- DAC-1984-LewandowskiL #algorithm #bound #branch
- A branch and bound algorithm for optimal pla folding (JLL, CLL), pp. 426–433.
- DAC-1984-MarkovFB #2d #optimisation
- Optimization techniques for two-dimensional placement (LAM, JRF, JHB), pp. 652–654.
- DAC-1984-WieclawskiP #compilation #layout #network #optimisation
- Optimization of negative gate networks realized in weinberger-LIKF layout in a boolean level silicon compiler (AW, MAP), pp. 703–704.
- SIGMOD-1984-Chan
- Optimal Computation of Total Projections with Unions of Simple Chase Join Expressions (EPFC), pp. 149–163.
- SIGMOD-1984-JarkeCV #optimisation #prolog #query #relational
- An Optimizing Prolog Front-End to a Relational Query System (MJ, JC, YV), pp. 296–306.
- VLDB-1984-ChenL #database #distributed #optimisation #query
- Optimizing Star Queries in a Distributed Database System (ALPC, VOKL), pp. 429–438.
- VLDB-1984-LohmanDHKS #database #distributed #optimisation #query #relational
- Optimization of Nested Queries in a Distributed Relational Database (GML, DD, LMH, RK, PGS), pp. 403–415.
- VLDB-1984-PrabhakarS #towards
- Towards an Optimal Data-Structure: CB-trees (TVP, HVS), pp. 235–244.
- SCC-1984-ChristopherHK #code generation #programming #using
- Using dynamic programming to generate optimized code in a Graham-Glanville style code generator (TWC, PJH, RCK), pp. 25–36.
- SCC-1984-DavidsonF #automation #generative #optimisation
- Automatic generation of peephole optimizations (JWD, CWF), pp. 111–116.
- SCC-1984-Kessler #architecture #named
- Peep: an architectural description driven peephole optimizer (RRK), pp. 106–110.
- SCC-1984-Powell #compilation #optimisation
- A portable optimizing compiler for Modula-2 (MLP), pp. 310–319.
- STOC-1984-Galil #algorithm #parallel #string
- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for String Matching (ZG), pp. 240–248.
- Best-of-PLDI-1984-DavidsonF #automation #generative #optimisation
- Automatic generation of peephole optimizations (with retrospective) (JWD, CWF), pp. 104–111.
- ICALP-1984-Mannila #algorithm #metric #sorting
- Measures of Presortedness and Optimal Sorting Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (HM), pp. 324–336.
- ICALP-1984-MehlhornP #integer #multi
- Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time (KM, FPP), pp. 347–357.
- ICALP-1984-ReifS #distributed #probability #resource management
- Probabilistic Bidding Gives Optimal Distributed Resource Allocation (JHR, PGS), pp. 391–402.
- ILPC-1984-Nilsson84 #optimisation #prolog
- Prolog as a Tool for Optimizing Prolog Unifiers (MN), pp. 13–21.
- DAC-1983-Chuquillanqui #problem #scalability
- Internal connection problem in large optimized PLAs (SC), pp. 795–802.
- DAC-1983-KedemW #layout
- Graph-optimization techniques for IC layout and compaction (GK, HW), pp. 113–120.
- DAC-1983-WimerS #optimisation #synthesis
- HOPLA-PLA optimization and synthesis (SW, NS), pp. 790–794.
- PODS-1983-ChinR #clustering #network #termination
- Optimal Termination Prococols for Network Partitioning (FYLC, KVSR), pp. 25–35.
- VLDB-1983-TorenvlietB #optimisation #re-engineering
- The Reconstruction and Optimization of Trie Hashing Functions (LT, PvEB), pp. 142–156.
- DAC-1982-ChuquillanquiS #named #optimisation #scalability
- PAOLA: A tool for topological optimization of large PLAS (SC, TPS), pp. 300–306.
- DAC-1982-EganL
- Optimal bipartite folding of PLA (JRE, CLL), pp. 141–146.
- DAC-1982-Grass #algorithm #bound
- A depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal PLA folding (WG), pp. 133–140.
- DAC-1982-MalingMH #on the
- On finding most optimal rectangular package plans (KM, SHM, WRH), pp. 663–670.
- DAC-1982-RaghavanS
- Optimal single row router (RR, SS), pp. 38–45.
- PODS-1982-Soisalon-SoininenW #algorithm #detection #safety #testing #transaction
- An Optimal Algorithm for Testing for Safety and Detecting Deadlocks in Locked Transaction Systems (ESS, DW), pp. 108–116.
- SIGMOD-1982-DayalG #database #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization for CODASYL Database Systems (UD, NG), pp. 138–150.
- SIGMOD-1982-RosenthalR #architecture #optimisation #query
- An Architecture for Query Optimization (AR, DSR), pp. 246–255.
- SCC-1982-BrooksGS #compilation #lisp #optimisation
- An Optimizing Compiler for Lexically Scoped LISP (RAB, RPG, GLSJ), pp. 261–275.
- SCC-1982-MarksteinCM #optimisation
- Optimization of Range Checking (VM, JC, PWM), pp. 114–119.
- Best-of-PLDI-1982-MarksteinMC #optimisation
- Optimization of range checking (with retrospective) (VM, PWM, JC), pp. 58–65.
- SIGIR-1982-Knorz #approach #automation
- A Decision Theory Approach to Optimal Automatic Indexing (GK), pp. 174–193.
- POPL-1982-Giegerich #automation #generative
- Automatic Generation of Machine Specific Code Optimizers (RG), pp. 75–81.
- POPL-1982-RamanathS
- Optimal Code for Control Structures (MVSR, MHS), pp. 82–94.
- POPL-1982-Reps #analysis #editing #incremental #semantics
- Optimal-Time Incremental Semantic Analysis for Syntax-Directed Editors (TWR), pp. 169–176.
- ASPLOS-1982-Harbison #architecture #compilation #optimisation
- An Architectural Alternative to Optimizing Compilers (SPH), pp. 57–65.
- DAC-1981-BradyS #layout #optimisation #verification
- Verification and optimization for LSI & PCB layout (HNB, RJSI), pp. 365–371.
- DAC-1981-McFarland #automation #correctness #design #on the #optimisation #proving
- On proving the correctness of optimizing transformations in a digital design automation system (MCM), pp. 90–97.
- DAC-1981-Paillotin #optimisation
- Optimization of the PLA area (JFP), pp. 406–410.
- DAC-1981-Wada
- A dogleg “optimal” channel router with completion enhancements (MMW), pp. 762–768.
- SIGMOD-1981-GoudaD #database #distributed #query
- Optimal Semijoin Schedules For Query Processing in Local Distributed Database Systems (MGG, UD), pp. 164–175.
- VLDB-1981-King #database #named #optimisation #query #relational #semantics
- QUIST: A System for Semantic Query Optimization in Relational Databases (JJK), pp. 510–517.
- VLDB-1981-MakinouchiTKA #evaluation #optimisation #query
- The Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation in RDB/V1 (AM, MT, HK, SA), pp. 518–529.
- STOC-1981-DolevKSSU
- Optimal Wiring between Rectangles (DD, KK, AS, AS, JDU), pp. 312–317.
- STOC-1981-GalilS #string
- Time-Space-Optimal String Matching (ZG, JIS), pp. 106–113.
- STOC-1981-Orlin #complexity #optimisation #problem
- The Complexity of Dynamic Languages and Dynamic Optimization Problems (JBO), pp. 218–227.
- ICALP-1981-PreparataV #fourier #integer #multi #network
- Area-Time Optimal VLSI Networks for Computing Integer Multiplications and Discrete Fourier Transform (FPP, JV), pp. 29–40.
- POPL-1981-Harrison #compilation #optimisation
- Position Paper on Optimizing Compilers (WHH), pp. 88–89.
- POPL-1981-Hennessy #exception #optimisation
- Program Optimization and Exception Handling (JLH), pp. 200–206.
- POPL-1981-Johnson #compilation #optimisation
- Position Paper on Optimizing Compilers (SCJ), pp. 90–91.
- POPL-1981-KuckKPLW #compilation #dependence #graph #optimisation
- Dependence Graphs and Compiler Optimizations (DJK, RHK, DAP, BL, MW), pp. 207–218.
- DAC-1980-BiehlGH #optimisation #problem
- Optimization of the influence of problem modifications on given microprogrammed controllers (GB, WG, PSH), pp. 309–317.
- DAC-1980-Mourad
- An optimized ATPG (SM), pp. 381–385.
- SIGMOD-1980-ChiuH #query
- A Methodology for Interpreting Tree Queries Into Optimal Semi-Join Expressions (DMC, YCH), pp. 169–178.
- STOC-1980-FischerP #layout
- Optimal Tree Layout (Preliminary Version) (MJF, MP), pp. 177–189.
- STOC-1980-Tompa #problem
- An Optimal Solution to a Wire-Routing Problem (Preliminary Version) (MT), pp. 161–176.
- ICALP-1980-Bini #approximate #rank
- Border Rank of a p×q×2 Tensor and the Optimal Approximation of a Pair of Bilinear Forms (DB), pp. 98–108.
- ICALP-1980-RaihaU #multi #on the
- On the Optimal Assignment of Attributes to Passes in Multi-Pass Attribute Evaluators (KJR, EU), pp. 500–511.
- ICALP-1980-RaoultV #bound #semiparsing
- Optimal Unbounded Search Strategies (JCR, JV), pp. 512–530.
- ICALP-1980-Turchin #optimisation #proving #theorem proving
- The Use of Metasystem Transition in Theorem Proving and Program Optimization (VFT), pp. 645–657.
- LISP-1980-MasinterD #compilation #lisp #optimisation
- Local Optimization in a Compiler for Stack-based LISP Machines (LM, LPD), pp. 223–230.
- DAC-1979-UeharaC #array #functional #layout
- Optimal layout of CMOS functional arrays (TU, WMvC), pp. 287–289.
- SIGMOD-1979-KungP #concurrent #database
- An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases (HTK, CHP), pp. 116–126.
- VLDB-1979-Arditi
- An Optimized Backout Mechanism for Sequential Updates (JA), pp. 147–154.
- SCC-1979-Ball #optimisation #predict
- Predicting the effects of optimization on a procedure body (JEB), pp. 214–220.
- SCC-1979-Fabri #automation #optimisation
- Automatic storage optimization (JF), pp. 83–91.
- SCC-1979-Frailey #independence #optimisation
- An intermediate language for source and target independent code optimization (DJF), pp. 188–200.
- SCC-1979-MintzFS #design
- The design of a global optimizer (RJM, GAF, MS), pp. 226–234.
- SCC-1979-PerkinsS #independence #optimisation #pascal
- Machine-independent PASCAL code optimization (DRP, RLS), pp. 201–207.
- SCC-1979-RudmikL #code generation #compilation #design #optimisation #performance
- Compiler design for efficient code generation and program optimization (AR, ESL), pp. 127–138.
- STOC-1979-Fredman #data type #problem #query
- A Near Optimal Data Structure for a Type of Range Query Problem (MLF), pp. 62–66.
- Best-of-PLDI-1979-FabriA #automation #optimisation
- Automatic storage optimization (with retrospective) (JF, FEA), pp. 28–37.
- ICALP-1979-Janko
- Hierarchic Index Sequential Search with Optimal Variable Block Size and Its Minimal Expected Number of Comparisons (WJ), pp. 304–315.
- ICALP-1979-Ury #automaton #composition #linear
- Optimal Decomposition of Linear Automata (LÚ), pp. 659–667.
- POPL-1979-CohenH #attribute grammar #automation #generative
- Automatic Generation of Near-Optimal Translators for Noncircular Attribute Grammars (RSC, EH), pp. 121–134.
- POPL-1979-Fraser #independence
- A Compact, Machine-Independent Peephole Optimizer (CWF), pp. 1–6.
- POPL-1979-JonesM #analysis #optimisation
- Flow Analysis and Optimization of Lisp-Like Structures (NDJ, SSM), pp. 244–256.
- SIGMOD-1978-AhoSU #optimisation #performance #relational
- Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions (Abstract) (AVA, YS, JDU), p. 39.
- STOC-1978-JaJa #evaluation
- Optimal Evaluation of Pairs of Bilinear Forms (JJ), pp. 173–183.
- STOC-1978-Megiddo #combinator #optimisation
- Combinatorial Optimization with Rational Objective Functions (NM), pp. 1–12.
- GG-1978-Staples #reduction #λ-calculus
- A Graph-Like λ Calculus for Which Leftmost-Overmost Reduction is Optimal (JS), pp. 440–455.
- DAC-1977-AguleLRS #optimisation
- An experimental system for power/timing optimization of LSI chips (BJA, JDL, AER, PKWS), pp. 147–152.
- DAC-1977-Dudnik #design #nondeterminism #optimisation
- Uncertainty and optimization in the design of building subsystems (EED), pp. 239–243.
- DAC-1977-RuehliSG #optimisation
- Analytical power/timing optimization technique for digital system (AER, PKWS, GG), pp. 142–146.
- SIGMOD-1977-LohmanM #policy
- Optimal Policy for Batch Operations: Backup, Checkpointing, Reorganization, and Updating (Abstract) (GML, JAM), p. 157.
- VLDB-1977-BerelianI #evaluation #optimisation
- Evaluation and Optimization (EB, KBI), pp. 545–555.
- STOC-1977-ChandraM #database #implementation #query #relational
- Optimal Implementation of Conjunctive Queries in Relational Data Bases (AKC, PMM), pp. 77–90.
- STOC-1977-Rosenthal #programming
- Nonserial Dynamic Programming Is Optimal (AR), pp. 98–105.
- ICALP-1977-PazM #approximate #nondeterminism #optimisation #polynomial #problem
- Non-Deterministic Polynomial Optimization Problems and Their Approximation (AP, SM), pp. 370–379.
- POPL-1977-BerryL #recursion #source code
- Minimal and Optimal Computations of Recursive Programs (GB, JJL), pp. 215–226.
- POPL-1977-Harrison #code generation #compilation #optimisation
- A New Strategy for Code Generation — The General Purpose Optimizing Compiler (WHH), pp. 29–37.
- DAC-1976-GoldsteinL #optimisation
- Common feature techniques for discrete optimization (AJG, ABL), pp. 232–244.
- VLDB-J-1975-MahmoudR76 #distributed #network
- Optimal Allocation of Resources in Distributed Information Networks (SAM, JSR), pp. 66–78.
- ICALP-1976-Schnorr #algorithm #problem #self
- Optimal Algorithms for Self-Reducible Problems (CPS), pp. 322–337.
- DIPL-1976-Goodenough #optimisation #standard
- The need for optimization standards (JBG), pp. 335–344.
- POPL-1976-JonesM #design #optimisation #programming language #towards
- Binding Time Optimization in Programming Languages: Some Thoughts Toward the Design of an Ideal Language (NDJ, SSM), pp. 77–94.
- SOSP-J-1975-PrieveF76 #algorithm #named
- VMIN — An Optimal Variable-Space Page Replacement Algorithm (BGP, RSF), pp. 295–297.
- SIGMOD-1975-Schkolnick #optimisation
- Secondary Index Optimization (MS), pp. 186–192.
- SIGMOD-1975-SmithC #algebra #database #interface #optimisation #performance #relational
- Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Data Base Interface (Abstract) (JMS, PYTC), p. 64.
- VLDB-1975-MahmoudR #distributed #network
- Optimal Allocation of Resources in Distributed Information Networks (SAM, JSR), p. i.
- VLDB-1975-Manacher #database #implementation #on the #performance #relational #scalability
- On the Feasibility of Implementing a Large Relational Data Base with Optimal Performance on a Mini-Computer (GKM), pp. 175–201.
- VLDB-1975-MitomaI #automation #database #design #optimisation
- Automatic Data Base Schema Design and Optimization (MFM, KBI), pp. 286–321.
- VLDB-1975-WinslowL
- Optimal Choice of Data Restructuring Points (LEW, JCL), pp. 353–363.
- STOC-1975-AhoJ #code generation
- Optimal Code Generation for Expression Trees (AVA, SCJ), pp. 207–217.
- STOC-1975-MannaS #recursion #source code
- The Optimal Fixedpoint of Recursive Programs (ZM, AS), pp. 194–206.
- STOC-1975-Pratt #analysis #modelling #optimisation
- Four Models for the Analysis of Optimization of Program Control Structures (TWP), pp. 167–176.
- POPL-1975-FongKU #algebra #optimisation
- Application of Lattice Algebra to Loop Optimization (ACF, JBK, JDU), pp. 1–9.
- DAC-1974-Los #approach #combinator #optimisation #programming
- A combinatorial programming approach to the joint optimization of land use and transportation (ML), pp. 220–228.
- STOC-1974-HyafilPV #algorithm #performance
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal Desk Merge Patterns (Extended Abstract) (LH, FP, JV), pp. 216–229.
- STOC-1973-BrockettD #evaluation #on the #set
- On the Optimal Evaluation of a Set of Bilinear Forms (RWB, DPD), pp. 88–95.
- STOC-1973-Vuillemin #implementation #programming language #recursion
- Correct and Optimal Implementations of Recursion in a Simple Programming Language (JV), pp. 224–239.
- STOC-1973-WeinerSB #algorithm
- Neighborhood Search Algorithms for Finding Optimal Traveling Salesman Tours Must Be Inefficient (PW, SLS, AB), pp. 207–213.
- POPL-1973-Kildall #approach #optimisation
- A Unified Approach to Global Program Optimization (GAK), pp. 194–206.
- POPL-1973-Maggiolo-SchettiniRS #optimisation
- Procedure Linkage Optimization (AMS, BKR, HRS), pp. 183–193.
- SOSP-1973-Scheffler #memory management
- Optimal Folding of a Paging Drum in a Three Level Memory System (LJS), pp. 58–65.
- DAC-1972-Dudnik #architecture #nondeterminism #optimisation
- Optimization of planning and architectural decisions under conditions of uncertain demand (EED), pp. 213–219.
- DAC-1972-IraniM #design
- Optimal design of central processor data paths (KBI, GAM), pp. 341–349.
- DAC-1972-ReynoldsA #adaptation #design #optimisation
- Design optimization by adaptive control (EJR, JJAI), pp. 368–375.
- DAC-1971-HashimotoS #optimisation #scalability
- Wire routing by optimizing channel assignment within large apertures (AH, JGS), pp. 155–169.
- SIGFIDET-1971-MaineR #optimisation
- Storage Optimization of Tree Structured Files (TRJ, PADdM), pp. 207–217.
- STOC-1971-Munro #algorithm #performance
- Some Results Concerning Efficient and Optimal Algorithms (JIM), pp. 40–44.
- SIGIR-1971-Jackson #classification
- Optimal Classification and Its Consequences (DMJ), pp. 217–224.
- DAC-1970-LewisAG #design
- Optimal design of welded girders (ADML, NA, JEG), pp. 203–207.
- DAC-1969-DoutyC #design #generative
- A discipline for generating practical optimal structural designs (RTD, JWC), pp. 155–168.
- SOSP-1969-Kernighan #segmentation #source code
- Optimal segmentation points for programs (BWK), pp. 47–53.
- DAC-1968-Murray-LassoK #analysis #online #optimisation
- On-line circuit analysis and optimization with commercially available time-shared computer systems (MAML, FJK).
- SHARE-1966-Feigin #design #optimisation
- Use of design optimization techniques at Norden (LF).