Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
Collaborated with:
R.Jin X.He J.Gao L.Deng G.Mesnil J.Tang N.Liu J.Yan S.Guo B.Gao S.Yan M.Zhang
Talks about:
social (2) latent (2) model (2) learn (2) recommend (1) structur (1) convolut (1) behavior (1) retriev (1) display (1)
Person: Yelong Shen
DBLP: Shen:Yelong
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIKM-2014-ShenHGDM #information retrieval #semantics
- A Latent Semantic Model with Convolutional-Pooling Structure for Information Retrieval (YS, XH, JG, LD, GM), pp. 101–110.
- KDD-2012-ShenJ #learning #recommendation #social
- Learning personal + social latent factor model for social recommendation (YS, RJ), pp. 1303–1311.
- CIKM-2011-TangLYSGGYZ #behaviour #learning #rank
- Learning to rank audience for behavioral targeting in display ads (JT, NL, JY, YS, SG, BG, SY, MZ), pp. 605–610.