Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Fukumoto T.Okazaki Y.S.Sagata N.Masui A.Akutsu K.Otsuji T.Sadakata
Talks about:
video (3) wearabl (2) wristwatch (1) wireless (1) keyboard (1) interfac (1) children (1) younger (1) whisper (1) handset (1)
Person: Yoshinobu Tonomura
DBLP: Tonomura:Yoshinobu
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-1999-FukumotoT #named #smarttech
- Whisper: A Wristwatch Style Wearable Handset (MF, YT), pp. 112–119.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-SagataOT
- Group work with younger children for making animated stories (YSS, TO, YT), pp. 362–366.
- HCI-EI-1999-MasuiOT #evaluation #user interface
- Proposal and Evaluation of User Interface for Personal Digital Assistants (NM, TO, YT), pp. 968–972.
- CHI-1997-FukumotoT #quote #smarttech
- “Body Coupled FingeRing”: Wireless Wearable Keyboard (MF, YT), pp. 147–154.
- INTERCHI-1993-TonomuraAOS #tool support #video
- VideoMAP and VideoSpaceIcon: tools for anatomizing video content (YT, AA, KO, TS), pp. 131–136.