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163 papers:

CASECASE-2015-YussofSMSO #development #social
ASKNAO apps targeting at social skills development for children with autism (HY, MHS, MAM, SS, ARO), pp. 973–978.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-MartinezGB #comparison #concept #framework #learning #multi #programming
A Comparison of Preschool and Elementary School Children Learning Computer Science Concepts through a Multilanguage Robot Programming Platform (MCM, MJG, LB), pp. 159–164.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-WangZQS #programming
A TUI-based Programming Tool for Children (DW, LZ, YQ, FS), pp. 219–224.
CHICHI-2015-AmmariKLS #how #online #what
Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online (TA, PK, CL, SYS), pp. 1895–1904.
CHICHI-2015-AmmariS15a #facebook
Networked Empowerment on Facebook Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs (TA, SYS), pp. 2805–2814.
CHICHI-2015-BreretonSVR #distance #prototype
The Messaging Kettle: Prototyping Connection over a Distance between Adult Children and Older Parents (MB, AS, KV, PR), pp. 713–716.
CHICHI-2015-DerbovenMS #analysis #case study #design #multimodal
Multimodal Analysis in Participatory Design with Children: A Primary School Case Study (JD, MVM, KS), pp. 2825–2828.
CHICHI-2015-HinikerSSSLK #how #mobile
Texting while Parenting: How Adults Use Mobile Phones while Caring for Children at the Playground (AH, KS, HS, YCS, CPL, JAK), pp. 727–736.
CHICHI-2015-KimY #3d #towards #visual notation
Toward 3D-Printed Movable Tactile Pictures for Children with Visual Impairments (JK, TY), pp. 2815–2824.
CSCWCSCW-2015-LiuIP #comprehension #how #maintenance #quote
“I’m Not Like My Friends”: Understanding How Children with a Chronic Illness Use Technology to Maintain Normalcy (LSL, KMI, WP), pp. 1527–1539.
Making “Safe”: Community-Centered Practices in a Virtual World Dedicated to Children with Autism (KER, CTW, LD, GRH), pp. 1788–1800.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-BellottiBL #interactive #navigation #visual notation
Navigation in Interactive Visual Narrative for Children’s Appbooks (AB, PB, WDL), pp. 579–589.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-BorumBB #design #learning #lessons learnt
Designing with Young Children: Lessons Learned from a Co-creation of a Technology-Enhanced Playful Learning Environment (NB, EPB, ALB), pp. 142–152.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-CaiLLH #case study #experience #research #speech #user interface
User Experience Research on the Rehabilitation System of Speech-Impaired Children — A Case Study on Speech Training Product (WC, JL, QL, TH), pp. 562–574.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-UgrasS #education #framework #online #usability
A Usability Study with Children on an Online Educational Platform (TU, OS), pp. 228–239.
Children’s Mental Model as a Tool to Provide Innovation in Digital Products (AC, MQ, CRM), pp. 23–33.
HCILCT-2015-Ludi #programming
A Tablet-Based Lego Mindstorms Programming Environment for Children (SL), pp. 106–114.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2015-CanteriGSI #design #education #game studies #guidelines #set #video
Video Games in Education of Deaf Children — A Set of Pratical Design Guidelines (RdPC, LSG, TAFdS, CEAI), pp. 122–129.
DRRDRR-2014-PuriSH #modelling #probability
Probabilistic modeling of children’s handwriting (MP, SNS, LH), pp. 902103–13.
CHICHI-2014-BentonVKJG #design #framework #process
Diversity for design: a framework for involving neurodiverse children in the technology design process (LB, AV, RK, HJ, DG), pp. 3747–3756.
CHICHI-2014-GossenHN #case study #comparative #web
A comparative study about children’s and adults’ perception of targeted web search engines (TG, JH, AN), pp. 1821–1824.
CHICHI-2014-HashishBY #approach #collaboration
Involving children in content control: a collaborative and education-oriented content filtering approach (YH, AB, JEY), pp. 1797–1806.
CHICHI-2014-HuangYWZLMLZS #named #using
FOCUS: enhancing children’s engagement in reading by using contextual BCI training sessions (JH, CY, YW, YZ, SL, CM, JL, LZ, YS), pp. 1905–1908.
CHICHI-2014-HydeKHC #behaviour #elicitation #people #video
Conversing with children: cartoon and video people elicit similar conversational behaviors (JH, SBK, JKH, EJC), pp. 1787–1796.
CHICHI-2014-NguyenDCWD #game studies
DoDo game, a color vision deficiency screening test for young children (LCN, EYLD, AC, YW, HBLD), pp. 2289–2292.
CHICHI-2014-RyokaiSKR #energy #named #smarttech
EnergyBugs: energy harvesting wearables for children (KR, PS, EK, BR), pp. 1039–1048.
CHICHI-2014-SuhPHK #design #evaluation #twitter #using
@BabySteps: design and evaluation of a system for using twitter for tracking children’s developmental milestones (HS, JRP, AH, JAK), pp. 2279–2288.
CHICHI-2014-TewariC #game studies #what
What did spot hide?: a question-answering game for preschool children (AT, JC), pp. 1807–1816.
Co-constructing child personas for health-promoting services with vulnerable children (PW, PS, JN), pp. 3767–3776.
CHICHI-2014-WoodVB0SCMLCACW #library
The dept. of hidden stories: playful digital storytelling for children in a public library (GW, JV, MB, NT, TS, CC, JM, HL, JC, LA, AC, PCW), pp. 1885–1894.
CSCWCSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named
TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
CSCWCSCW-2014-Morris #network #social #women
Social networking site use by mothers of young children (MRM), pp. 1272–1282.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-EndrassHHTA #communication #interactive
A Pictorial Interaction Language for Children to Communicate with Cultural Virtual Characters (BE, LEH, CH, ST, EA), pp. 532–543.
HCILCT-NLE-2014-MansorAA #design #personalisation #profiling
Slow Learner Children Profiling for Designing Personalized eBook (MM, WAWA, NA), pp. 302–311.
HCILCT-TRE-2014-TzanavariMCP #experience #performance #user interface #using
User Experience Observations on Factors That Affect Performance in a Road-Crossing Training Application for Children Using the CAVE (AT, SM, CGC, CP), pp. 91–101.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaGS #case study #gesture #interactive #process
Gesture Vocabulary for Natural Interaction with Virtual Museums — Case Study: A Process Created and Tested Within a Bilingual Deaf Children School (LRdS, LSG, LS), pp. 5–13.
ICPRICPR-2014-SattaGB #gender #information management #recognition
Children Gender Recognition Under Unconstrained Conditions Based on Contextual Information (RS, JG, LB), pp. 357–362.
CHICHI-2013-CassidyAR #game studies #mobile #using
Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store (BC, DSA, JCR), pp. 2287–2290.
CHICHI-2013-DoornSG #design #experience #research #user interface #using
Design research by proxy: using children as researchers to gain contextual knowledge about user experience (FvD, PJS, MG), pp. 2883–2892.
CHICHI-2013-HernandezYGFS #design #game studies
Designing action-based exergames for children with cerebral palsy (HAH, ZY, TCNG, DF, LS), pp. 1261–1270.
CHICHI-2013-HourcadeWMHL #evaluation #interactive #social #tablet
Evaluation of tablet apps to encourage social interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders (JPH, SRW, EAM, KEH, LJL), pp. 3197–3206.
An exploration on long-distance communications between left-behind children and their parents in China (LP, FT, FL, X(Z, YL, WF, GD, HW), pp. 1147–1156.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-Lueder #how
How Could This Have Happened? Unintentional Injuries of Young Children at Home (RL), pp. 348–354.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-AlhafzyAMA #experience #novel
A Novel Reading Technique Application: Exploring Arabic Children Experience (MSA, EAA, HHM, MA), pp. 3–10.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-BamasakBAAAA #artificial reality #social #using
Improving Autistic Children’s Social Skills Using Virtual Reality (OB, RB, HAT, SAH, GAS, MAH), pp. 342–351.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-LourencoC #development #empirical
Legibility in Children’s Reading: The Methodological Development of an Experiment for Reading Printed and Digital Texts (DL, SC), pp. 219–228.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-ShalashBS #communication #interactive
Interactive System for Solving Children Communication Disorder (WMS, MBs, GS), pp. 462–469.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-TsueiCC #metric #mobile #usability
Measuring Usability of the Mobile Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement Application with Children (MT, HYC, BSC), pp. 304–310.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-ValenteM #education #game studies
Teachers and Children Playing with Factorization: Putting Prime Slaughter to the Test (AV, EM), pp. 311–320.
HCIHCI-III-2013-ItoON #biology #interactive
A Method for Promoting Interaction Awareness by Biological Rhythm in Elementary School Children (KI, KO, SN), pp. 421–430.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-TungC #towards
Exploring Children’s Attitudes towards Static and Moving Humanoid Robots (FWT, TYC), pp. 237–245.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-KinoeOS #communication #design #product line
Qualitative Study for Designing Peripheral Communication between Hospitalized Children and Their Family Members (YK, CO, YS), pp. 275–284.
ECIRECIR-2013-DowieA #exclamation #framework #information management
Re-leashed! The PuppyIR Framework for Developing Information Services for Children, Adults and Dogs (DD, LA), pp. 824–827.
HTHT-2012-KontopoulouPKG #graph #matrix #metric
Graph and matrix metrics to analyze ergodic literature for children (EMK, MP, TK, EG), pp. 133–142.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2012-AsadB #aspect-oriented #concept #image #learning
Are children capable of learning image processing concepts?: cognitive and affective aspects (KA, MB), pp. 227–231.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2012-Gibson #algorithm #education #graph
Teaching graph algorithms to children of all ages (JPG), pp. 34–39.
CHICHI-2012-BentonJABG #design
Developing IDEAS: supporting children with autism within a participatory design team (LB, HJ, EA, MB, BG), pp. 2599–2608.
CHICHI-2012-BonnerWM #design #interactive
Activity-based interaction: designing with child life specialists in a children’s hospital (MB, LW, EDM), pp. 2087–2096.
CHICHI-2012-EscobedoNBHRGTH #mobile #named #social
MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations (LE, DHN, LAB, SHH, AR, DGR, MT, GRH), pp. 2589–2598.
CHICHI-2012-FrauenbergerGKP #approach
Interpreting input from children: a designerly approach (CF, JG, WKB, HP), pp. 2377–2386.
CHICHI-2012-HernandezGFSYBHSS #design #game studies
Design of an exergaming station for children with cerebral palsy (HAH, TCNG, DF, LS, ZY, QB, MAH, CS, TS), pp. 2619–2628.
CHICHI-2012-HourcadeDH #communication #multi
Supporting face-to-face communication between clinicians and children with chronic headaches through a zoomable multi-touch app (JPH, MD, KEH), pp. 2609–2618.
CHICHI-2012-KanoR #experience
Interchangeability of computer and paper based questionnaires in gathering computer experience data from young children (AK, JCR), pp. 2397–2400.
CHICHI-2012-ToscosCR #health #monitoring
Best intentions: health monitoring technology and children (TT, KC, YR), pp. 1431–1440.
CIKMCIKM-2012-TorresHWS #query #recommendation
Query recommendation for children (SDT, DH, IW, PS), pp. 2010–2014.
EmSe: Supporting Children’s Information Needs within a Hospital Environment (LA, DD, SDT, CE, RG, KG, DH, FdJ, FK, KAM, SM, TP, FvdS, APdV), pp. 578–580.
ECIRECIR-2012-PolajnarGA #detection
Detection of News Feeds Items Appropriate for Children (TP, RG, LA), pp. 63–72.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDM #named #video
YooSee: a video browsing application for young children (LA, DD, KAM), p. 1017.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-AzzopardiPG #game studies #named #retrieval
PageFetch: a retrieval game for children (and adults) (LA, JP, RG), p. 1010.
CHICHI-2011-BekkerA #design
Developmentally situated design (DSD): making theoretical knowledge accessible to designers of children’s technology (TB, ANA), pp. 2531–2540.
CHICHI-2011-GiustiZGW #collaboration #interface
Dimensions of collaboration on a tabletop interface for children with autism spectrum disorder (LG, MZ, EG, PL(W), pp. 3295–3304.
CHICHI-2011-PatelF #named #visualisation
Read-N-Karaoke: visualizing prosody in children’s books for expressive oral reading (RP, WF), pp. 3203–3206.
CHICHI-2011-ZarinF #design #interactive
Through the troll forest: exploring tabletop interaction design for children with special cognitive needs (RZ, DF), pp. 3319–3322.
CHICHI-2011-ZhouPWWZ #collaboration #education #evaluation #mobile #music #named
MOGCLASS: evaluation of a collaborative system of mobile devices for classroom music education of young children (YZ, GP, XW, YW, SZ), pp. 523–532.
HCIDHM-2011-RanZCL #metric
Anthropometric Measurement of the Feet of Chinese Children (LR, XZ, CC, TL), pp. 30–36.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-BilalE #query #web
Evaluating Leading Web Search Engines on Children’s Queries (DB, RE), pp. 549–558.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-GuhaDF #design #how
How Children Can Design the Future (MLG, AD, JAF), pp. 559–569.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-HymelLBSB #concept #interactive
The Interaction of Children’s Concepts about Agents and Their Ability to Use an Agent-Based Tutoring System (AMH, DTL, JB, MMS, GB), pp. 580–589.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-LargeB #comparison #interface #retrieval #using #visualisation
A Comparison of Children’s and Adults’ Retrieval Performances and Affective Reactions When Using a Conventional Interface and an Information Visualization Interface (AL, JB), pp. 590–598.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-Nesset #evaluation #visual notation
Following the Signs: Children’s Use of Visual Cues to Facilitate Website Evaluation (VN), pp. 599–606.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-SuzukiWKO #3d #comparison #standard
Comparison of a 3-D Expression System and a Standardized IQ Test for Children (AS, MW, TK, TO), pp. 617–626.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-Tung #gender #towards
Influence of Gender and Age on the Attitudes of Children towards Humanoid Robots (FWT), pp. 637–646.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-WookS #design #requirements
Exploring Children’s Requirements for the Graphic Design of WebOPAC (TSMTW, SSS), pp. 627–636.
CIKMCIKM-2011-TorresW #how #web #what
What and how children search on the web (SDT, IW), pp. 393–402.
ECIRECIR-2011-GyllstromM #query #topic
Clash of the Typings — Finding Controversies and Children’s Topics Within Queries (KG, MFM), pp. 80–91.
ECIRECIR-2011-SluisTHDK #health #visual notation
Visual Exploration of Health Information for Children (FvdS, SDT, DH, BvD, FK), pp. 788–792.
ECIRECIR-2011-TrieschniggH #question
Classic Children’s Literature — Difficult to Read? (DT, CH), pp. 691–694.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-GossenLN #difference #web #what
What are the real differences of children’s and adults’ web search (TG, TL, AN), pp. 1115–1116.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-PolajnarGA #named #query #taxonomy
JuSe: a picture dictionary query system for children (TP, RG, LA), pp. 1281–1282.
POPLPOPL-2011-MacLaurin #design #programming language #visual notation
The design of kodu: a tiny visual programming language for children on the Xbox 360 (MM), pp. 241–246.
SACSAC-2011-SharminRARF #education #game studies #interactive #speech
Teaching intelligible speech to the autistic children by interactive computer games (MAS, MMR, SIA, MMR, SMF), pp. 1208–1209.
CHICHI-2010-DruinFHGH #interface #keyword #using
Children’s roles using keyword search interfaces at home (AD, EF, HH, EG, LH), pp. 413–422.
CHICHI-2010-HiranoYMNBH #evaluation #named #process
vSked: evaluation of a system to support classroom activities for children with autism (SHH, MTY, GM, DHN, LAB, GRH), pp. 1633–1642.
CHICHI-2010-NgaiCNCCLT #framework #scalability #smarttech
i*CATch: a scalable plug-n-play wearable computing framework for novices and children (GN, SCFC, VTYN, JCYC, SSSC, WWYL, JTPT), pp. 443–452.
CHICHI-2010-RaffleBRHFGRMKS #distance #game studies #product line
Family story play: reading with young children (and elmo) over a distance (HR, RB, GR, HH, SF, JG, ER, KM, JK, MS), pp. 1583–1592.
CHICHI-2010-TarkanSDGBWA #design #named #programming language
Toque: designing a cooking-based programming language for and with children (ST, VS, AD, EG, EMB, GW, ZA), pp. 2417–2426.
CHICHI-2010-WalshDGFGHBF #co-evolution #design
Layered elaboration: a new technique for co-design with children (GW, AD, MLG, EF, EG, LH, EMB, SF), pp. 1237–1240.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2010-LeiteGPSCBS #education #interface
A User-interface Environment as a Support in Maths Teaching for Deaf Children (MDL, LSG, ARP, MSS, MAC, LCEB, FS), pp. 79–85.
CIKMCIKM-2010-GyllstromM #algorithm #towards #web
Wisdom of the ages: toward delivering the children’s web with the link-based agerank algorithm (KG, MFM), pp. 159–168.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZafrullaBYPSH #education #game studies #verification
American Sign Language Phrase Verification in an Educational Game for Deaf Children (ZZ, HB, PY, PP, TS, HH), pp. 3846–3849.
Finding and filtering information for children (DE, RG, TP, LA), p. 702.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-TorresHS #analysis #information retrieval #query
Query log analysis in the context of information retrieval for children (SDT, DH, PS), pp. 847–848.
CHICHI-2009-HailpernKH #feedback #visual notation
Creating a spoken impact: encouraging vocalization through audio visual feedback in children with ASD (JMH, KK, JH), pp. 453–462.
CHICHI-2009-Hornof #design
Designing with children with severe motor impairments (AJH), pp. 2177–2180.
CHICHI-2009-KamMKC #case study #design #game studies
Designing digital games for rural children: a study of traditional village games in India (MK, AM, AK, JFC), pp. 31–40.
CHICHI-2009-KientzAA #evaluation
Baby steps: evaluation of a system to support record-keeping for parents of young children (JAK, RIA, GDA), pp. 1713–1722.
CHICHI-2009-MagielseM #game studies #named #pervasive
HeartBeat: an outdoor pervasive game for children (RM, PM), pp. 2181–2184.
CHICHI-2009-MarshallFHRHRYD #interactive #physics #using
Fighting for control: children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations (PM, RF, AH, JR, EH, YR, NY, NSD), pp. 2149–2152.
CHICHI-2009-MoravejiICB #performance
A mischief of mice: examining children’s performance in single display groupware systems with 1 to 32 mice (NM, KI, EC, RB), pp. 2157–2166.
HCIDHM-2009-RanZCLD #metric
Anthropometric Measurement of the Hands of Chinese Children (LR, XZ, CC, TL, TD), pp. 46–54.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-TaslimAB #design #user interface
Investigating Children Preferences of a User Interface Design (JT, WAWA, NAAB), pp. 510–513.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-AlsumaitAA #online
Arab Children’s Reading Preference for Different Online Fonts (AA, AAO, HA), pp. 3–11.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-FerreAIM #game studies #testing
Playability Testing of Web-Based Sport Games with Older Children and Teenagers (XF, AdA, RI, NM), pp. 315–324.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-KharraziFD #behaviour #design #game studies #modelling
Healthcare Game Design: Behavioral Modeling of Serious Gaming Design for Children with Chronic Diseases (HK, AF, JD), pp. 335–344.
Improving Children’s Writing Ability (JP, LC, CD), pp. 186–195.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-WangYXWD #education #evaluation #usability
A Pen-Based Teaching System for Children and Its Usability Evaluation (DW, TY, JX, HW, GD), pp. 256–265.
HCIOCSC-2009-FalsteinR #multi
The First Two W’s: Fostering Multicultural Awareness in Children (NF, NR), pp. 462–470.
SACSAC-2009-GonzalesLL #community #online #requirements #using
Requirements engineering using appreciative inquiry for an online community of caregivers of children with autism (CHG, GL, GDL), pp. 142–146.
CHICHI-2008-Akiyama #music #named
PlaceAndPlay: a digital tool for children to create and record music (YA, SO), pp. 735–738.
CHICHI-2008-ChangLHHCWCH #education
Playful toothbrush: ubicomp technology for teaching tooth brushing to kindergarten children (YCC, JLL, CJH, NYH, HHC, HYW, PYC, YLH), pp. 363–372.
Children attribute moral standing to a personified agent (NGF), pp. 343–352.
CHICHI-2007-KientzACHRPA #comprehension #development
Grow and know: understanding record-keeping needs for tracking the development of young children (JAK, RIA, MC, GRH, JR, SNP, GDA), pp. 1351–1360.
CHICHI-2007-MoravejiLDOW #design #named #using
Comicboarding: using comics as proxies for participatory design with children (NM, JL, JD, PO, SW), pp. 1371–1374.
HCIDHM-2007-GeorgeG #modelling #using
Facilitating Pronunciation Skills for Children with Phonological Disorders Using Human Modelling (JG, PG), pp. 595–605.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-KimJCHH #learning
The Effect of Tangible Pedagogical Agents on Children’s Interest and Learning (JhK, DhJ, HSC, JYH, KHH), pp. 270–277.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-XuRMMB #challenge #evaluation #user interface
Evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) for and with Children — Methods and Challenges (DYX, JCR, EM, SM, MB), pp. 1008–1017.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-LeeP07a #behaviour #generative #speech #synthesis
Customized Message Generation and Speech Synthesis in Response to Characteristic Behavioral Patterns of Children (HJL, JCP), pp. 114–123.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-MitsumotoW #email #people #visual notation
Exchanging Graphical Emails Among Elderly People and Kindergarten Children (MM, SHW), pp. 74–83.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-WookS #concept #design #interface
A Conceptual Design for Children’s WebOPAC Interface: Graphic Design Issues (TSMTW, SSS), pp. 785–791.
HTHT-2006-GarzottoF #2d #3d #interactive #social
Hyperstories and social interaction in 2D and 3D edutainment spaces for children (FG, MF), pp. 57–68.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-Godejord #education #social #using
Exploring teacher methodology: using the example of sexual abuse of children as a way of teaching social informatics (PAG), p. 340.
CHICHI-2006-Wyeth #case study #experience #game studies
Ethnography in the kindergarten: examining children’s play experiences (PW), pp. 1225–1228.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-MaierHNNHRS #evaluation #recognition #speech
Intelligibility of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: Evaluation by Speech Recognition Techniques (AKM, CH, EN, EN, TH, FR, MS), pp. 274–277.
SACSAC-2006-BreedenM #internet
Investigating “Internet Crimes Against Children” (ICAC) cases in the state of Florida (BB, JM), pp. 288–292.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-BiancoT #process #question #why
Why are children left out of the CS rethinking process? (GMB, ST), p. 352.
CHICHI-2005-ChiassonG #equation #testing
Testing the media equation with children (SC, CG), pp. 829–838.
CHICHI-2005-HornofC #named
EyeDraw: enabling children with severe motor impairments to draw with their eyes (AJH, AC), pp. 161–170.
Children and emerging wireless technologies: investigating the potential for spatial practice (MW, OJ, CF, LW), pp. 819–828.
CHICHI-2002-MontemayorDFSCD #design #interactive #physics #programming #tool support
Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments (JM, AD, AF, SS, WC, AD), pp. 299–306.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-FrelicotRC #recognition
School Level Recognition from Children’s Drawings and Writings (CF, CR, PC), pp. 493–496.
CHICHI-2000-BenfordBABDHHINOSSST #collaboration #design
Designing storytelling technologies to encouraging collaboration between young children (SB, BBB, KPÅ, VB, AD, PH, JPH, RI, HN, CO, KTS, DS, YS, GT), pp. 556–563.
CHICHI-2000-MakelaGTS #communication #how #image #network #social
Joking, storytelling, artsharing, expressing affection: a field trial of how children and their social network communicate with digital images in leisure time (AM, VG, MT, RS), pp. 548–555.
CSCWCSCW-2000-DruinBBIO #challenge #collaboration #distributed
The children’s challenge: new technologies to support co-located and distributed collaboration (AD, SB, AB, KI, SO), p. 363.
Cooperative Inquiry: Developing new Technologies for Children with Children (AD), pp. 592–599.
CHICHI-1999-LumbrerasS #3d #interactive
Interactive 3D Sound Hyperstories for Blind Children (ML, JS), pp. 318–325.
CHICHI-1999-StrommenA #design #interactive #interface #social
Emotional Interfaces for Interactive Aardvarks: Designing Affect into Social Interfaces for Children (ES, KA), pp. 528–535.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-InmanL #education #using
Teaching orientation and mobility skills to blind children using simulated acoustical environments (DPI, KL), pp. 1090–1094.
Group work with younger children for making animated stories (YSS, TO, YT), pp. 362–366.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-Sik-LanyiKV #development #multi
Multimedia program for the development of the vision of partially sighted children (CSL, PK, ZV), pp. 1014–1017.
CHICHI-1998-BersACDGDSLBK #interactive
Interactive Storytelling Environments: Coping with Cardiac Illness at Boston’s Children’s Hospital (MUB, EA, JC, BD, JGH, DRD, CS, SL, DB, JK), pp. 603–610.
REICRE-1998-MillardLT #elicitation #game studies #requirements #using
Child’s Play: Using Techniques Developed to Elicit Requirements from Children with Adults (NM, PL, KT), pp. 66–73.
SACSAC-1998-HashemiTTSP #approach #development #network
The development of profiles for children with attention deficit disorder and monkeys: a neural network approach (RRH, MST, AAT, WS, MGP), pp. 55–59.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1997-WolzDM #interactive #multi
Multi-media integrated into CS 2: an interactive children’s story as a unifying class project (UW, DD, MM), pp. 103–110.
CHICHI-1997-DruinSPBH #collaboration #design #named
KidPad: A Design Collaboration Between Children, Technologists, and Educators (AD, JS, DP, BBB, JDH), pp. 463–470.
CHICHI-1997-RaderBL #comprehension #programming #visual notation
Degrees of Comprehension: Children’s Understanding of a Visual Programming Environment (CR, CB, CHL), pp. 351–358.
CHICHI-1996-OosterholtKV #design #development #interactive
Interaction Design and Human Factors Support in the Development of a Personal Communicator for Children (RO, MK, GdV), pp. 450–457.
CAiSECAiSE-1996-SiauWB #bias #modelling
When Parents Need Not Have Children — Cognitive Biases in Information Modeling (KS, YW, IB), pp. 402–420.
CHICHI-1995-PiernotFSMY #design #hardware #interface
Designing the PenPal: Blending Hardware and Software in a User-Interface for Children (PP, RMF, RS, JM, MPY), pp. 511–518.
ECOOPECOOP-1995-SteyaertM #inheritance
A Marriage of Class- and Object-Based inheritance Without Unwanted Children (PS, WDM), pp. 127–144.
CHICHI-1994-Strommen94a #interface
Children’s use of mouse-based interfaces to control virtual travel (ES), pp. 405–410.
A Computational Model of Acquisition for Children’s Addtion Strategies (RMJ, KV), pp. 65–69.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1989-FentonB #named #object-oriented #simulation
Playground: An Object-Oriented Simulation System With Agent Rules for Children of All Ages (JF, KB), pp. 123–137.
CSCWCSCW-1988-SingerBR #collaboration
Children’s Collaborative Use of a Computer Microworld (JS, SDB, JR), pp. 271–281.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.